Chapter 22 Zero: These guys are too loyal...

It would be most outrageous if a huge galactic empire did not have the ability to independently manufacture weapons.

What's more important is that every time a unit is summoned, the corresponding manufacturing method will actually appear in Carlos's mind.

When I have time in the future, I have to go to the universe to find a powerful and loyal scientist.

When the time comes, just hand over these technologies to him and let him lead people to manufacture them.

In this way, the new Galactic Empire is on the right track.

Elsewhere in the Galactic Empire, Parker and Buck were standing together at the moment, directing their men to collect materials and build infrastructure.

"I didn't expect that in another force, I would actually work with a guy like you."

Buck said coldly, his tone full of disgust.

The other party was so disgusted, and Parker's tone was also full of disgust.

"You think I want to do things with you?"

"If His Majesty Carlos hadn't been short of manpower now, I promise to stay far away from you."

"But the only thing that makes me happy is being able to see you beaten like this."

Of course what Parker said was that there are only a few hundred thousand Baltans left.

Compared with the previous billions, it can be said to be too miserable.

This was the scene Buck had always wanted to see.

With the previous firepower, Parker was completely unable to do such a thing.

When Buck heard this, his expression changed. No, the other person's face was originally dark.

A ball of anger arose in his heart and he wanted to explode, but he quickly suppressed it.

Buck understood that he was no longer in the Alliance of Spacemen, but in the newly born Galactic Empire.

We can no longer be as lax as before.

If anything happens, his compatriots will probably be wiped out by Carlos.

"I don't believe you have nothing to lose."

"According to your personality, you shouldn't be someone who gives in to others very easily."

Buck turned to look at Parker.

Parker was stunned for a moment, and he had to say that his losses were also tragic.

Who made him the first person to be stubborn?

"Although my losses were heavy, it made me understand who the master I will follow in the future is."

"It can only be His Majesty Carlos. In this way, this transaction is completely worthwhile!"

After hearing this, Buck's eyes were full of emotion.

"This is the first time I've seen you flatter me like this."

Just when the two of them were still planning to say something, they discovered that a golden meteor gradually appeared in the sky.

And this meteor is still approaching the Galactic Empire at a rapid speed.

"that is……"

Buck and Parker began to frown at the same time. They could both see that this was not just an ordinary meteor, but someone using this disguise to get closer to the Galactic Empire!

And from this golden meteor, the two of them also felt a very familiar energy aura.

After the golden meteor flew for a certain distance, a silver figure stood directly in front of the golden meteor.

The golden meteor stopped flying and revealed its true appearance.

Buck and Parker were stunned when they looked at this figure.

"Isn't that Zero from the Kingdom of Light? How come he came to the Galactic Empire!?"

"Is it possible that the Kingdom of Light is eyeing the Galactic Empire and sent Zero to find out the situation first?"

The two of them immediately became serious.

It is actually quite difficult to rely on the current Galactic Empire to fight against the Kingdom of Light.

Just like the Baltans, there are also a population of 18 billion in the Kingdom of Light, and those are 18 billion Ultra warriors.

Although these Ultra Warriors have different racial talents and have different responsibilities in the Kingdom of Light, they are still Ultraman.

Even if the light skill released is weak, it will still be quite powerful if it hits other people.

It's just that the presence of powerful beings like the Ultra Brothers prevented the Kingdom of Light from becoming a military force for women and children.

But if they really take action, no force in the universe can sustain their offensive.

"Let's take a closer look at what's going on..."

Buck and Parker looked at each other and sighed deeply.

"The Galactic Empire's defense line ahead is closed to all traffic!"

Shadow Moon raised her hand to stop Zero.

Zero said nothing and began to look at the shadow moon in front of him. He was indeed stronger than he thought.

Facing this kind of counterfeit machine of his own, Sero must have felt very unhappy, but when he thought that he was in enemy territory.

If they take the initiative to attack, it is very likely that the two forces will start fighting.

And Zero's character is not very calm to begin with.

However, in order to carry out the mission given to him by his father, Zero could only work hard to become calm. With a wave of his arm, the ultimate armor on his body turned into a bracelet again.

"I don't mean any harm, I just want to meet the emperor of your new galactic empire, Carlos."

Shadow Moon immediately fell into silence and reported the situation to Carlos.

"That guy Zero actually wants to see me?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Carlos's eyes. In the original timeline, Cero and Beria were also considered old enemies.

Every time Beria appears, Zero will also appear.

And every time Beria was defeated, it was basically at the hands of Cero.

Although it was Ged who really defeated Beria.

But the biggest MVP in that battle was Zero.

If Zero had not injected the decomposing enzyme into the body of the Evil Belial, even if the King of Ultra appeared from behind, Geed would not have been able to defeat him.

"But since I'm here alone, there should be no hostility."

Carlos also asked Jinri to use radar to scan the entire Galactic Empire to see if Zero's other teammates were hiding elsewhere.

After scanning for a while, I found that there was indeed only Zero.

"Let Zero come in."

Carlos then gave Shadow Moon an order.

After receiving the order, Shadow Moon spoke to Zero.

"With permission, let's go see His Majesty Carlos."

"If you dare to go against His Majesty Carlos, our entire empire will attack you."

Seeing how loyal Shadow Moon was, a hint of surprise flashed in Zero's eyes.

These guys are really loyal.

Recalling that the last time he dealt with Beria, a spaceman suddenly jumped out and used his body to bear Zero's beam beam.

The spaceman valued Beria's life more important than his own.

"Should I say he is worthy of being Beria's son?"

Zero complained silently in his heart, and under the leadership of other Dark Lops, Zero finally came to Carlos.

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