Just when I was thinking about where to throw her.

Yumei pulled him into the room with an excited look on his face.

"Hey, Lufa, you said before that you have the ability to swap people's personalities, right?"

Lufa had told Yuehua about the power of the surgical fruit before.

Nodding subconsciously.


He realized something.

He looked at Yuhua with a shocked expression.

Yuhua raised her head proudly.

"This guy is not a good person anyway, so just give her a small punishment!"


Lufa simply thought it made sense and had no other ideas.

"Chaotic space!"

Use the skill of replacing the personality with the surgical fruit.

Yuuka lowered her head.

Looking at "myself" who has passed out.

Extremely excited.

"It's so amazing 530, I really take over his body!"

He lowered his head and looked at the new body he occupied.

I want to test whether I can use dark power.

But as expected.


He lowered his head with some regret.

what a pity.

She originally thought that she could use Carmilla's dark power to win back a hand from Ultraman Lufa!


His mind was filled with Lufa's Yuuka, and even if he obtained the dark power, he planned to use it in this regard.

"But I feel like my physique is much stronger than mine!"

"Ultraman Lufa, take the move!!!"

"I am the Queen of Darkness!"

Yuhua picked up the light whip condensed by Lufa from the ground, imitated Carmilla's voice, and said with a smile.

Don't say it.

Quite similar.


After all, she is just a novice playing the role of a full-level boss.

Easily suppressed by the righteous Ultraman Lufa!

Three hours later.

Ultraman Rufa wins!

Of course, being a righteous man, he didn't really do anything outrageous.

As for the rest...

That's hard to say.

Carmila wakes up.

I found myself on an unmanned rooftop.

Looked around.

Holding his aching head.

"Why am I here..."

"I remembered!"

"That bastard Lufa knocked me out!"

"Did you just leave me here casually???"

Carmila's face was full of disbelief.

Damn it!

Is she so unattractive? !

What did she do when she fainted? ? ?


What am I thinking!

"Speaking of which, my cheeks hurt!"

Carmilla rubbed her cheeks.

And I feel my mouth hurts a little.


She realized something!

Damn it!

If she couldn't guess what happened.

Then she is a pure fool!

Ultraman Rufa...

Beat her up while she was unconscious! ! ! !

"This despicable man!!!"

Carmila's face was so gloomy that it seemed as if she could drip water.


Why is her heart beating so fast!

Doesn't this make it seem like she's expecting Lufa to hit her? !

"Lufa must have done something to me!"

"I want revenge!"



The ground was shaken.

A monster that looks like an upright dinosaur with a horn on only one side of its head appears!

Death Drago!

Black-red mist emerged from Carmilla's body.

Turn around.

Suddenly it became the main body posture of human height.

Watch this monster.

The enchanting purple lips curled up.

"Just let me cause trouble for you, Ultraman Lufa!!!"

(Thanks to 13159.. and readers who are used to your existence for their huge monthly votes!).

Chapter 91 Lugaset Monster Girl! ? Summon Truth Teliga and the whole place explodes!

"Is this Death Drago!?"

Inside the armory.

Seeing the appearance of this monster, Shizuma Mitsukuni, Yumei and others were immediately shocked.

Shouta Snakekura asked: "Do you know each other?"

Shizama and Guangguo didn't answer, their eyes fell on Sheng Zhangren next to them.

they know.

Six years ago, the first monster to appear in their universe was Death Drago.

That was the day.

The lives of Akira's parents were harvested by this monster.

"Jingu Qiao arrives at the scene!"

Yoko drove the Jingu Bridge to the city, and there was a loud boom the moment it landed on the ground.

Pendanim-induced bombs were suddenly released from the back!

The impact on and around Death Drago caused countless fires to burst out all around him, and the flames swallowed Death Drago like a dragon.

Let its group +7[6|-.3]%_4]{8!0"}-1)5*{7#.group#!8|^#5.|0[*[2)*9({ 6(5][0}!1 screamed repeatedly!


Death Drago burst out of the flames, covered in burnt wounds.

at this time.

Boom, boom!

Two streams of light appeared, it was Zeta and Teliga!

"Are you ready? Teliga!"

"Get ready Captain, ah no, Zeta-senpai!"

"Let's go!!!"

Trigga and Zeta immediately began a righteous siege against Death Drago.

The former transforms into a powerful form.

Easily hugged Death Drago from behind.

Zeta changed into Beta form.

He started punching Death Drago fiercely.

“Ora Ora Ora Ora!!!”

Death Drago was beaten so hard that his whole body was dented and he kept howling in pain.

It was so cool!!!

He had been on Earth for so many days, but he had never fought a monster properly!

Fortunately, this monster was not strong, and Master Lufa was not interested in taking action!

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