This gave him a chance to show off!

Taking advantage of this time, he was determined to reverse the reputation of Ultraman!

He punched Death Drago in the face.


He broke more than half of the latter's teeth!

"Senior Zeta, it's my turn, it's my turn!"

Triga said hurriedly.

The two exchanged positions.

Zeta hugged Death Drago, and Triga was in front.

"Ultra Punch!!"

Triga punched Death Drago in the face.

Concentrated energy on his right hand.

Made a hand knife shape.

Wanted to chop off Death Drago's horn!

Little did he know.

In the eyes of the people in the city.

If Lufa's battle was a brutal boss.

Triga and Zeta were just little hooligans beating up innocent people.

Is there no normal person in this fucking Ultraman? ? ?

On a rooftop.

Carmilla looked at this scene.

Smiled disdainfully.

"It takes two people to deal with a monster of this level?"

"How shameless!"

Looking at Triga who was enjoying it.

An idea unconsciously came to Carmilla's mind.

How did she like this thing in the first place? ?

Lufa's figure suddenly appeared in her mind.

With such a comparison.

The more Carmilla looked at Triga, the more she felt disgusted and even disgusted!


How could I have such an idea! ?

The purpose of my resurrection was to take revenge on Triga!

Carmilla shook her head and wanted to throw someone's figure away.

But what she didn't know was.

Once some things emerge, they will grow wildly with an unstoppable momentum!

"Let me make the game more interesting!"

Carmilla stretched out her hands.

The dark spell suddenly shot out, and dark words appeared around Death Drago out of thin air.

"What is this?!"

In the surprised eyes of Zeta Triga.

The dark words merged into Death Drago's body.

In an instant.


Death Drago seemed to have eaten something, his eyes turned blood red, and the dark energy aura surged several times!

Two slaps landed on Triga and Zeta.

They flew backwards, their bodies like two red light bullets, smashing several reinforced concrete buildings in succession until they stopped at the mountains in the suburbs.

In the original book.

After Death Drago was strengthened by Carmilla.

It could easily crush Triga's composite and aerial types.

In the end, Triga suddenly exploded to solve it.

Now that Carmilla is stronger, the strengthened Death Drago will naturally benefit from it.

"I don't believe it." !"

"Watch me! "

Zeta transformed into the future gamma form.

Released a gamma energy bomb that could instantly paralyze the opponent!

Originally thought it could paralyze Death Drago.

But the latter slapped his right hand.

The light ball was slapped away directly!

Death Drago then ran towards the two of them. Every step he took was as terrifying as an 8-magnitude earthquake, and the momentum was huge.

The moment he came between the two of them.

Death Drago's head suddenly burst out with blue-red lightning mixed with Carmilla's dark energy.

It hit Zeta and Triga, causing them to burst into electric sparks all over their bodies and their chests to become charred. They fell heavily backwards, making a big hole in the ground!

"Damn monster! "

Zeta half-knelt on the ground and shot out a Zestim ray with both hands!

The ray was extremely powerful, and it washed out wounds one after another on Death Drago's body!

Tiliga also turned into a composite form and released a simplified version of the Zaperion ray!

Under the impact of the two rays.

The wounds on Death Drago's body gradually became shocking.


Countless dark words appeared in the space.

Zeta was shocked: "Again? ! "

With the integration of dark text, the dark energy of Death Drago surged several times again!

It fell directly into a state of out of control!

Yoko drove the King Bridge and quickly released a Pedanium particle cannon!

Just as Death Drago roared, pure red lightning was released from his horns. This super-powerful penetrating beam was instantly shattered into light particles, splashing in all directions, exploding countless flames!

Zeta switched to Delta Sky Claw form.

Holding Belia Dusk, he chopped at Death Drago continuously!

He made Death Drago retreat again and again.

However, the next second, Zeta understood the intention of this monster.

Just when Triga wanted to sneak attack from behind.

Death Drago's horns suddenly burst out with red lightning, instantly knocking the two of them out, and countless buildings were electrocuted into powder!

On the rooftop.

"Death Drago? Although this monster is strong, it doesn't want to do it. "

Lufa muttered.

After all, even if he didn't take action, Zeta and Triga could deal with each other.

But, using the opportunity to tame the monster girl here, wouldn't it be killing two birds with one stone?

Immediately, the thought moved.

The voice of Mother Earth suddenly sounded in my mind.

[You successfully used the opportunity to tame the monster girl. The monster girl you can tame is: Rugoset!]

It's Rugset? !

Lufa was a little surprised.

You know, Rugset is a monster with terrifying power, enough to bring disaster to the entire universe. Planets are just food in its eyes.

Known as the white blood cell of the universe.

It will eat all substances that are harmful to the universe, including but not limited to monsters, aliens, planets...


This guy is also very miserable.

Obviously, he is closer to Ultraman, who protects the universe, in terms of his stance.

But either his genes were modified by Tregear, causing him to run away and attack the earth.

Or he was pulled by Tartarus as a parallel universe isotope to be used as a combat force.

A good foodie was reused and turned into a weapon.

"I didn't expect it to be it."

"Remember that in the official monster girl comics, this guy seems to be a three-no loli of the same type as Kanna?"

"Then, let's start!"

As soon as Lufa finished speaking.

A time and space gate suddenly tore open above!

"Did Master Lufa summon something again??"

"At this time!?"

Zeta looked up at the space-time gate above in confusion.

He almost cursed in his heart!

Not Master!

We haven't dealt with Death Drago yet!

What are you going to summon again! ?

It's okay to summon Dark Ray Orb before it was summoned, it can help them.

But if it summons an enemy.

Then don't play!


Suddenly, Zeta changed his mind.

Master Lufa didn't show up, but he suddenly summoned.

Either he was going to help them deal with Death Drago.

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