[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +101, defense +101, and spiritual power +101! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have an epiphany of dark vision! 】

[You have suddenly realized the swordsmanship of Absolut Titan! 】

[You have received a 10,000-fold investment rebate card! 】

【You have gained the light of evolution! 】

[You have obtained a permanent summoning card for violent characters in the Ultraman world, and because of the blessing of Mother Earth, the characters you summon will unconditionally obey your orders while retaining their original consciousness, and will never betray! 】

"Let's go quickly!"

Astra helped Julian and Regulus up and thought.

Then he used his hands to tear an exit out of Narak.

Everyone walked outside.

"Is this a place where you can come and leave whenever you want!?"

Tartarus leads the Titans in pursuit.

Chase all the way to the front of Eldura Tower.

Lufa suddenly turned around.

He smiled and said, "Who said that I plan to leave?"

Open a space channel.

Tartarus and others clearly saw the scene inside.

That's Planet Brizard!

Zero, the Six Ultra Brothers, Mebius, and even Zeta and Blaze are waiting for Lufa to return!

See the space channel open.

They were all stunned!

"Didn't you say we would gather here? How could Lufa open a passage directly to his hometown??"

Zero and the others were stunned.

This is different from the script!

"But this is just right!"

“Every time our Kingdom of Light’s home is stolen, now it’s finally our turn!!!”

Sero twisted his neck, extremely excited.

When Taylor and others heard this, their eyes suddenly lit up!


They haven't tried to work directly in other people's hometowns!

Immediately passed through the space passage and came to Lufa and others in the Kingdom of Absolut!

In addition to Astra, Hikali, Seven 21, Melos, Justice, Julian, Regulus, and Victory who were originally present.

Zero, the Six Ultra Brothers, and Mebius are also here!

Seventeen Ultramen stand here.

The scene was extremely spectacular.

Don't wait for them to say more.

Lufa suddenly thought silently: "Use two summoning cards!"

[You have successfully used the permanent summoning card for violent characters in the Ultraman world: Red Superman and Hanuman will appear in the real world! 】

The voice in my head stopped.

Two space-time gates immediately opened in the sky!

One head looks like a red spittoon and looks somewhat similar to Zeta Beta.

Just a slimmer figure.

The other one is a bit outrageous.

Not human at all.

It looks like a monkey.

Fierce and evil.

Red Superman and Hanuman!

"Master Lufa summoned a new character again!?"

"And what is this?? Ultraman???"

"I can still accept this red guy saying he's Ultraman, but what is this other guy...? And why do I think I've seen him somewhere?"

Zeta and the Ultra brothers looked at this scene in surprise.


Red Superman roared and rushed forward.

Holding a javelin.

Throwing it directly, a whistling sound broke through the air, directly piercing the heads of a dozen little golden soldiers!

? ? ?

Zero and others were stunned for a moment.


Hanuman danced on the spot.

He took out an iron rod from somewhere.

He kicked a little golden soldier in front of him to the ground.

Then he hit him hard on the head.

Flowers come directly~!

Liquid Absolute particles flow out.

The whole audience watched this scene in silence.

Who is it that Lufa summoned? ! ! !

Why are these cats more violent than the other? ? ?

"Although it's very violent, I don't know why..."

"I feel like the anger I felt from Tartarus during this time has calmed down a lot!"

“And it feels so good!!”

Zero murmured.

He couldn't help but take out the AK47 of Light that Lufa gave him!

"Brothers, Lufa is here now. The situation is not urgent at all, but I just want to kill Tartarus!"

"Kill kill kill!!!"

"ctnnd, if the King of Ultra hadn't said that he wanted the Kingdom of Light and the Absolut clan to live in peace, I would have wanted to kill these disgusting things!"

"Tiantian introduces himself and always acts like an advanced life form. It's really annoying!"

The Six Ultra Brothers, Hikari, Astra and others carried AK47 and Gatling.

Julianne, Regulus:? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Damn it! ! ! !

Julianne is completely messy!

During her absence, what happened in the Kingdom of Light to make the Ultramans become like this!

Not to mention that he was here to save her.

She felt that Lufa and the others were here to silence her as well!

Tartarus:? ? ? ? ? ?

Tartarus also had a question mark on his face at this time.


This is Lufa's clone, and then he turned into Hikari and the Ultra Brothers, right? ? ?

Otherwise, how to explain their appearance like a gang? ?

He has the ability to travel through various timelines in parallel universes.

But I have never seen any Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light in any universe look like this! ! ! !

Da da da da da——! ! ! ! !

Zero and a dozen others pulled the trigger together...

Countless small miniature Seiga plasmas shot out, sweeping in all directions on a large scale. Countless flames rose into the sky accompanied by the screams of countless Absolut soldiers. In just a blink of an eye, hundreds of little golden soldiers were wiped out!

The thick smoke rolled like clouds, boiling and surging like a tsunami!

Zero held the AK47, and the recoil shook his body muscles, but it still couldn't slow him down!

He looked at Lufa with excitement.

"Lufa, this is much better than light!!!"

"That's great, Absolut people, I'm here to help you, this evil clan, to transcend!"

Ace was very excited.

He felt that he had found a second destination besides the guillotine!

His apprentice is really better than his master!!!

This is not better than some Ultra Bracelet???

"When Lufa gave me this weapon before, I thought it was not very suitable, after all, it was too barbaric. Now I just want to say it's really good!!!!" Taro said excitedly.

Seven looked at the dozens of little golden soldiers rushing towards him, shook his head helplessly and said:

"I'm just a civil servant, why are you all looking for me?"

After the words fell.

He held the Light Gatling gun and fired a burst, directly destroying them!

"Clang clang clang!!!"

Blazer held the AK47 upside down, grabbed a little golden soldier and smashed his head directly!

"I, I'd better go back!"

Regulus held his head.

What the hell is going on!!!

He has an energy ball containing the energy of the three kinds of Fantasy Beast Fists of his fellow disciples.

Combined with his Red Dragon and White Tiger Fist, he can release the Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist.

He has always been protecting it with great care.

But now.

He feels that his Fantasy Beast Overlord Fist is too weak in front of this pile of weapons!!!

And the only feeling in his heart.

It is so scary!!!

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