He can't even tell who is the good guy and who is the villain!

I can't wait to run back to Narak!

"Stop it!!!"

Tartarus lost his cool and rushed towards Lufa in a frantic manner.

A hundred meters of absolute destruction rushed out. He didn't even care that the ground of his favorite kingdom was overturned by the energy aftermath, which was enough to show his current anger!


It was absorbed by the aurora power from Lufa's raised hand.

He took out the Hammer of the King in his hand.

He knocked on Tartarus from a distance.

Tartarus's pupils shrank instantly!

An urgent will to survive surged through his body, prompting him to hide to the side.

But this time hiding.

The dozens of Absolute soldiers behind him suddenly turned into short shapes of more than one meter!

Then Lufa Saka came to them at super speed.

Use a hammer to smash them into powder like a gopher!

Then he raised his hand and fired Noah's Hellfire, burning the dozens of little golden soldiers rushing next to him!

Julian looked at Lufa who was slaughtering among the Absolut crowd.

My heart felt as exaggerated as a ten-thousand-meter wave, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. My expression could be said to be extremely unbelievable!

Is this still the Lufa she knows? ? 1.8?

Are the four mysterious skills used as level A? ? ?

Even the mysterious Siao himself wouldn’t dare to be so extravagant! ?

Her entire worldview was shattered, and she even wondered if she had been locked in Narak for too long and was hallucinating!

Tartarus' heart seemed to be trembling as he watched his people die one after another.

He needs more help now! ! !

Immediately take out Diavolo's heart and activate the energy.

Resurrection of Diavolo!

Diavolo was stunned for a moment, and after he recovered, his expression suddenly became distorted.

That's too much!

That's too much! ! !

How dare that bastard Lufa do that to him! ?

"Die to me!!!"

Diablo rushed towards Lufa angrily.

Lufa instantly appeared behind Tartarus.

"Fantasy Demon Emperor Fist!"

Punch Tartarus on the head.

Then he came to Astra and the others.


Diavolo stood in front of Tartarus and looked at him.

He looked at Lufa with a sneer on his face.


"Are you exhausted? Huh??"

"Don't say you injured Tartarus! You didn't even leave a trace on his head!"

"If that doesn't work, don't come out and embarrass yourself. You..."

Phew——! ! !

The words have not yet been spoken!

Diavolo's abdomen was suddenly penetrated by a hand with a red gem!

It's Tartarus!

! ! ! !

In an instant.

The whole audience looked at this scene blankly.

In the end what happened? ? ? ?

Tartarus actually...

Attack Diavolo? ! ! !

(Thanks to 18535.. for the big 100 VIP points reward!).

Chapter 105: Summon Saka to appear? !

"He, what is he doing..."

Zero looked ahead in horror.

Although Tartarus had not fought against him a few times, he had a rough idea of ​​his character.

In order to protect his people, he would do anything to protect his people, even daring to make enemies of the mysterious Four.

How could such a person take action against his companions?

Although Diavolo is stupid, stupid, useless and has two arms, he is also a partner, right?


Zero and the others are really confused!

"Tartarus, what are you doing!?" Diablo turned his head in disbelief and anger: "Are you crazy???"

"There seems to be something wrong with Tartarus's expression!"

Titan found the key.

"Stop barking."

Lufa's leisurely voice sounded.

"He can't hear you now!"

"Tartarus, start slaughtering your own people!"

Lufa smiled fiercely.

! ! ! ! !

A moment!

The expressions of everyone in the audience became unbelievable when they heard what Lufa said.

They are fools if they don't know what's going on! !

Tartarus will become like this, it's all Lufa! ! !

When exactly is it! ?

Is it an illusion?

"Speaking of which, Lufa seemed to have punched Tartarus just now!" Zero remembered and said.


He couldn't believe this sentence himself!

How can this be! ! !

Tartarus is the ultimate life form, the strongest of the Absolut clan!

How could someone in this universe be able to control him with just one punch? ? ?

But then.

He thought that it was Lufa who did this.

That’s not impossible! ! !

"Phantom Demon Emperor Fist?!"

Regulus's heart was as shocked as if a storm had set off!

No one knows the horrors of Tartarus better than he does!

It was he who attacked him at the last moment.

But even it was a sneak attack.

At that time, he had just obtained the Red Dragon White Tiger Fist and two phantom beast fists!

Tartarus can instantly render himself incompetent.

It is enough to prove the terror of his strength!

However, this Ultraman named Lufa actually controlled Tartarus with one punch on the head, and made him attack his partner!

What kind of Cosmic Beast Fist is this? ! !

Regulus felt that the so-called Cosmic Beast Fist is the strongest, which is nonsense!

No matter how strong you are, you can't control the ultimate life form at once, right? ? ?

"Tartarus, what's wrong with you, bastard?"

Diablo didn't know what happened to Tartarus.

"Did you betray the kingdom?"

"Don't blame me if that's the case!"

"Stupid, he was controlled!" Titan frowned.

But how could Diablo, a fool, listen to him.

Immediately launched an attack.

"Strong Bull Punch!"

Diablo fired a red bull emblem.

It hit Tartarus' body and burst into flames.

Diablo said proudly.

But then.

A monstrous killing intent pressed down on him, causing Diablo's expression to change!

Tartarus' eyes turned red.

He rushed towards him.

"Absolute Destruction!"

A beam of light 100 meters long blasted out, submerging Diablo's body, leaving one thrilling wound after another on his body!

"How boring this is."

"Here you go!"

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