Countless fireballs sprayed out from below Mebius, containing a golden light inside, which impacted Mebius' body, and the bursting flames instantly submerged his body.

Mebius cried out in pain.

Falling towards an asteroid below!

He stood up despite the pain.

The moment he saw four figures walking slowly and unhurriedly in front of him with evil smiles.

Mebius's face was filled with disbelief: "You are..."

in front of him.

It is the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness!

Yabo people, Desreim, Mephilas and Grozam!

"How could you..."

Mebius was about to ask why they were resurrected.

But as the bodies of the four of them erupted with golden light.

Membius sensed the energy fluctuations of the Absolut clan and was immediately horrified: "Were you pulled from the parallel universe by Tartarus?!"

"Guessed it right!"

"But~ there is no reward."

The Mephilas star waved his hand.

Grozam and Desirem immediately rushed towards Mebius.

The former breathed out the ultimate cold air!

Membius fired a plasma electric shock beam from his left fist!

Lightning strikes!

In the Mebius TV timeline 10,000 years ago, Mebius's attack could severely damage the moth super beast Doragli!

However, as the two attacks collided.

Grozam suddenly increased his power.

The air-conditioning actually froze Mebius' light into an icicle!

Then it invaded Mebius' body.

Mebius released a Membius defense ring to resist, then threw the shield away and immediately transformed into the burning hero form!

He crossed his hands in front of his chest and condensed a huge fireball!

Dream Bim explodes!

The fireball was blasted out by his two punches!

It hit Grozam's body, causing him to fly backwards with a howl of pain.

"Hot, hot, hot, so hot!!!"

When Desrem saw this, veins popped up on his forehead.

According to the original situation, they would be killed by the brat Mebius!

But now that they have gained the power of the Absolutes, is it possible that they still cannot defeat a mere Mebius? ? ?

He doesn't believe it! ! !

"Desrem Hellfire——!!"

Terrifying heat burst out throughout his body,

Countless fireballs flashed towards and around Membius from all directions like red meteor showers, causing countless fires to rise into the sky, causing thick smoke to billow like clouds, boiling and boiling like a tsunami.

The momentum created can be said to be terrifying!

Mebius was knocked back repeatedly, black smoke rising from his body.

Before he could recover.

"Beast, I'll kill you!!!"

Grozam, who had just been repulsed, rushed towards Mebius in anger!

Golden cold air came out of his mouth!

That's right!

It's gold!

Tartarus was in a good mood and gave them the unimaginable Absolute Particles.

It also makes their strength turn upside down compared to before!

Membius quickly blasted a Membius Explosion!

It's just that the fireball that easily defeated Grozam was instantly frozen into a huge ice ball!

As Grozam punched out with his right fist.

The ice ball was immediately hit towards Mebius, hitting him hard and breaking into pieces!

Disrem also came to join in the fun.

The left hand, which was even more exaggerated than the Kirin Arm, slapped Mebius hard on the body.

Golden energy ripples appeared, causing Mebius to twist his waist unconsciously.

He cried out in pain.

Just like this, Disrem slapped her fiercely one after another.

Mebius's colored timer soon starts flashing!

"Hey hey hey~ You guys should be careful. If one of you is accidentally killed, we won't be able to negotiate with the Kingdom of Light." The Mephilas star chuckled.

"I know, I know!"

"One last blow and then we're leaving!"

Grozam nodded perfunctorily.

Jumping up with a wicked smile.

Seeing Grozam rushing toward him!

Mebius stood up hastily.

Stimulate energy throughout the body.

The whole body burned with raging fire.

He rushed towards Grozam, and the space around him was even slightly distorted by the ultra-high temperature.

Every step he took was as terrifying as triggering the earthquake of the century, and he crashed into Grozam in the blink of an eye.

Burning dream bomb!

In an instant, a mushroom cloud-shaped flame burst out,

Grozam's howl echoed throughout the planet.

Mebius also disintegrated from the Burning Hero form, panting heavily, and looked solemnly at the three remaining Awa people.

But he suddenly discovered that there were not many expressions of surprise on their faces, and they even had some comfortable smiles.

When he wondered why.

The shattered body fragments of Grozam suddenly rushed towards one place, first condensing his legs, and then the entire body centered on the legs reappeared in the blink of an eye!


Membius looked at this scene in disbelief.

You must know that his current Burning Hero form has improved several times compared to 10,000 years ago.

Just like when Atalga appeared, facing the Ampera puppet he created, he used this move to crush him!

If it was Grozam in the past, he would have been completely defeated by this blow!

Mefilas said lightly: "Okay, don't play anymore, hurry up and get it back!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Grozam's mouth suddenly ejected golden cold air, and the moment it touched Mebius, his body was instantly frozen.

Consciousness gradually blurred.

As Desrem slapped him on the head, Mebius completely lost consciousness.

"Hehehe, use this method to lure out that Ultraman Lufa. When the time comes, there will be no need for His Majesty the Emperor to come out, and the four of us can get rid of him!"

The Yabo people said excitedly.

This time, even Grozam and Desrem, who always disliked him, did not say anything.

Obviously agreed with his words.

Yabo rubbed his hands excitedly: "I can't wait. After killing Ultraman Rufa, I will transform him and Mebius into Ultra Beasts!"

"You really have a bad taste." Mephilas couldn't help but say.

He knew it very well.

The process of Yabo's transformation of Ultra Beasts was so perverted that even he would call it cruel when he saw it!

It seems that the kid named Rufa will suffer a lot.

"Let's go."

Mephilas took out a golden sphere!

This was given to him by Tartarus!

It is a one-time Narak.

It allows him to travel through the universe timeline.

Travel between the main universe of the Kingdom of Light and the parallel universe timeline of the Mebius TV period.

Just when he was about to go back.


A space channel suddenly appeared in front of them.



More than a dozen voices sounded at the same time.

The four Yabo people stared at the other side of the space channel in amazement!

Isn't this the Kingdom of Light? ? ? ?

Ultra Father, Ultra Mother, and a group of unknown Ultramen are all here!

What the hell is going on? ? ?

Ultra Father and the others are also confused!

Gliza suddenly opened a space channel, and they don’t know why.

Before they could react.

They saw the Yabo people at the other end of the space channel!

“Quick, run!!!”

The Mefilas hurriedly threw out the golden light ball, and a Nalak suddenly unfolded!

“Don’t even think about it!”

Lufa decisively caught up.

“Master Lufa, I want to help you too!”

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