Grigio hurriedly said.

Then he followed.


When the Rob brothers saw their sister leaving, they also hurried over.


Ace stopped them:

"Leave it to Lufa, you can rest assured with Lufa here!"

The Rob brothers' faces immediately turned into the shape of bitter gourds!

Is it possible!

They are so panicked because of Lufa's presence! ! ! !

Others don't know.

But they know it very well.

Whether in the Kingdom of Light or when they returned to Earth.

Their sister kept muttering Lufa's name!

That expression.

Just like those girls who went to the concert in wedding dresses and saw their idols!

If no one was watching.

Their sister might really become a jockey who destroyed her ancestors!

But before they could say anything else.

Grigio had already flown into Narak with Lufa!


At the same time.

Parallel universe.

Mebius TV timeline!

In the guys team.

Hibino Mirai, Shingo Sakomizu, Aihara Ryu, Teppei the 9th, George Ikaruga, Marina Kazama, Kiyumi Amaya, Assistant Officer Toriyama, and Secretary Madoka are all here!

They are talking and laughing.

They look relaxed.

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

Just then.

Teppei's face changed and he looked at the screen.

"Above the city center, a huge fluctuation of space-time energy has appeared!"


Everyone present immediately became alert!

His eyes fell on the surveillance screen.

Nalak suddenly opened!

The Four Dark Lords ran out with Mebius.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the guys team was in disbelief.

"No way, that's Mebius!?"

"Why was Mebius captured?"

"Did the evil aliens attack Mebius while we were away?"

"Hey, Teppei, what kind of aliens are these!"

"Don't rush!" Teppei's fingers quickly pressed the keyboard: "Found it! According to the database, the leading black alien is called Mephilas. When he came to Earth, he said that he didn't want to dominate the Earth by force, so he used his own strategy to let the Earthlings personally offer the Earth!"

"He left the Earth after failing!"

"But, I feel that he is not the same individual as the one who appears now!"

"The other one who looks like a steamed crayfish is the Yabo from another dimension!"

"The nemesis of Ultraman Ace!"

"As for the other two, there is no record in the database!"

Listening to what Teppei said, the faces of everyone present became not so good!

Each of them sounds very strong!

And each one looks different from the previous monsters.

But the most shocking one.

It's still Hibino Mirai and Sakamizu Shingo!

The latter knew about Mebius' transformation into Hibino Mirai when he first came to Earth!

..... .... 0

The former is Mebius himself.

Needless to say.

He is still here!

Who is this Mebius? ? ?

The energy fluctuations emitted are exactly the same as his, which is outrageous!

"Guys, go!"

Although they were shocked, protecting the city was the first priority.

Sakamizu Shingo gave an order.

Hibino Mirai, Aihara Ryu and others immediately set out!

Drive the Phoenix and the Thrust to attack!

At the same time.

All over the city.

Four figures stood on the street, looking at the Four Dark Lords and Mebius in astonishment!

Communicating using Ultra Telekinesis.

"Why did the Four Dark Lords go out together??? Do they want to start a war right now?"

"I can feel that this Mebius is not the Mebius of our time and space!"

"Does that mean he is from another universe?"

"No matter which universe he is from, he is our partner and we must help him!"

"We have lost our ability to transform now, don't be impulsive, Ace!"

That's right.

They are Jack, Seven, Ace and the first generation who have transformed into Go Hideki, Moroboshi Dan, Hokuto Seiji and Hayata Susumu!

At this moment.

Two figures appeared again in Narak above!

"Who is that?!"

The guys team and Hayata Susumu and others were immediately surprised.

Until they saw the figures of Lufa and Grigio clearly.

Their expressions suddenly became more surprised.

"Another Ultraman appeared?"

"I don't know why, Ultraman should look similar, but I think this male Ultraman is so handsome!!!"

"Is he from the Kingdom of Light?"

Aihara Ryu and others talked about it.

Hokuto Seiji stared at Lufa, and felt as if he had seen him somewhere before!


Lufa fell to the ground.

Boom--! ! ! !

The earth shook violently in an instant, making a sound ten thousand times more terrifying than an earthquake. Buildings within a few miles tilted, glass shattered, and the ground cracked.

Guys Team: ???

Ultra Brothers: ???

Grigio looked at Lufa with admiration.

Ever since he learned the cosmic miracle ray.

In her eyes, Lufa is the omniscient and omnipotent God!

No matter what she does, she won't question it!

Not an exaggeration.

It was Lufa who forcibly fused his own light with Grigio's light to create a little Ultraman.

Even Grigio would think that he was a god-given child!

"Master Lufa is so handsome!!"

"I'm coming too!"

She couldn't wait to follow him!


Landed on a ruined building and smashed it to pieces!

Aihara Ryu:? ? ? ? ?

Hibino Mirai, who was with him on the Phoenix, looked at Ryuu Aihara who rolled his eyes and fainted:

"Long Sang? Long Sang, wake up!! Wake up quickly!!!!"

Gricho glared at Desrem.

"You bad guys!"

"I'm going to get rid of you for Master Lufa!"

"Cosmic Miracle Ray!!!"

! ! ! !

A moment!

The Ultra brothers on the Mebius TV timeline were all shocked! Son.

Chapter 109: The whole audience was confused: Does this Gliza know the skills of Ultraman and Ampera? ?

! ! ! ! !


quiet--! ! !

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