barrier? ? ? ?


How can you still use a barrier to teach people how to behave? ? ?

Even if Lufa wanted to attack the Ampera planet, it would not be lethal!

When he was thinking this.

Lufa put the barrier aside and used ultra telekinesis to float into the air.

The right fist fired a Noah's Hellfire.

Suddenly a raging fire began to burn underneath the barrier!

Let the blue barrier begin to turn red!

Taylor and the others were breathing rapidly and their eyes widened.

A bold idea appeared in my mind.

When Lufa talks about teaching people how to behave, does he mean...

Really a human being? ? ? ?

No no no! ! !

No matter how you think about it, it’s impossible to use the barrier as a pot! ?

But then I thought about it.

I blanch!

This is the way to go!

It’s really possible!

Lufa looked at the Ampera star with a teasing smile.

"The teaching of life begins now."

"Saiga Barrier!!!"

A gorgeous phantom then appeared behind Lufa.

The moment Membius and Grigio saw the true face of this phantom, their pupils began to expand rapidly, and their hearts felt as if they were being squeezed tightly by the Ampera aliens to release the energy fluctuations!

Nani? ! ! ! !

Lufa (Master) summoned Saka? ! ! ! ! .

Chapter 113 God comes back! The reunion of Mebius and the Guys team, Lufa's evil form! ?

Mebius's breathing was rapid, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, and his expression was extremely horrified, as if he could use a real Ultra Bomb without using Mebius' breath!

Lufa actually...

Summoned Saka? ! ! ! !

Damn it! ! ! !

How the hell is this possible! ?

No one in the entire multiverse can do this kind of thing, right? ? ?

Saka is a warrior in miracles. Even if Sero, Gauss and Dyna are together now, they may not be able to change into this posture as they wish!

Although Membius really wanted to say this.

However, the facts were right in front of him!

He had heard before that Lufa summoned the phantom of the Ultra King and asked him to release a barrier to help him defend himself!

He still had a little doubt in his heart.

I just feel like that’s some kind of deceit!

After all, who is the Ultra King?

That is the god of their Kingdom of Light!

Can it be summoned at will? ? ?

but now!

He believed it! ! !

I once again had a new understanding of Lufa in my heart!

"Master Lufa!!"

Grigio's two big eyes seemed to be bursting with golden light!

Staring at Lufa.

I just feel my heartbeat speeding up!

She has been in the Kingdom of Light for such a long time, so she must have heard of Saka's story!

In her heart, Saka is as mysterious as King Ultra and Noah!

But what? ? ?

Her Lufa master summoned such a being so easily! ! !

How does that make her not worship?

How to keep her from being shocked? ? ?

Moreover, Master Lufa said this is the Saka barrier, right? ? ?

Isn't this a replica of the new-generation barrier created by his brother after he fused into Ultraman Rob? ?

But even so.

Grigio also felt that she might not be like a sister when she said this.

But the new generation barrier used by his brother is just a little caterpillar in front of Master Lufa! ! !

The most shocking thing to say.

Or Tartarus.

He stayed inside Narak and watched!

When he saw Lufa actually using the barrier as a pot, he still sneered in his heart!

Who do you think you are facing? ?

The strength of the Ampera star in normal state is already at the same level as the father of Ultra!

With the blessing of dark armor.

The strength is even close to that of Super Taro!

Coupled with a large number of Absolute particles, the strength exploded more than ten times than before!

Lufa actually dared to use such a joke-like fighting method? ? ?

Ridiculous! !

But when he saw Lufa summoned Saka.

His heart was beating wildly, his pupils began to expand and contract crazily, and a galaxy of Absolut particles was set off in his heart!

Is this Lufa’s trump card? ? ?

Not only is he the King of Ultra, but he can also summon the phantom of Saka? ?

The Ampera people stared closely at the Saka phantom.

There was a sense of crisis in my heart!

An Ultraman I’ve never seen before...

While he was thinking.

The illusion of Saka has already thrown the light wheel!

Traveling through time and space, the whistling sound that broke through the sky seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and crack stones. The space trembled, as terrifying as if it was about to collapse and create a crack. The speed was also very fast. In the blink of an eye, it was in front of the Ampera planet!

He held his arms in front of him.

The light wheel rubbed against the dark armor, and the indestructible armor actually had dents visible to the naked eye!

When the people of Ampera were surprised.

Lufa's figure appeared next to him.

"Saiga Barrier!"

The phantom of Saka appeared behind him again.

A Saga cut and thrown out.

Saka's light wheel flashed, and a dark left arm suddenly threw a beautiful arc in the sky.

Phew——! ! ! !

Light particles like a waterfall burst out from the broken arm of the Anperla stare, making him howl miserably.

He half-knelt on the ground.

His face was full of disbelief!

How could this be possible? ! !

His dark armor was so easily shredded, and his entire arm was cut off? ? ? ?

Anperla stared at Lufa with bloodshot eyes.

"A mere junior Ultraman actually has the guts to do such a disrespectful act to the Dark Emperor!"

"You're looking for death!!!"

He stretched out his right hand, and a thundercloud containing terrifying dark energy instantly condensed above him. As his right hand rushed, black and red light instantly shot out, and it was also wrapped with golden lightning, and it swept in front of Lufa in a flash!

"Don't worry, I still have to teach my apprentice how to behave!"

"Lightning Zagi--!!"

Lufa let out a battle cry exactly like Dark Zagi, and black and red light instantly shot out!

The light hit Anperla stare.

It just left a burnt mark on his armor, and did not cause any damage.

Well, Lufa had no intention of attacking the Ampera star, he just simply rushed him away for several thousand meters, so that he would not get in the way for the time being!

Lufa picked up the broken arm on the ground.

Then he raised his hand, and a vast golden energy burst out, and the legend of sparks suddenly appeared, and then was compressed into a sawtooth shape by Lufa, rotating like an eight-point light wheel!

"The dark armor is so hard, you must be more serious."

Lufa smiled jokingly.

He waved his right hand, and golden light flickered in the air.

Ampera star saw his broken arm being cut into pieces with his own eyes!

Then Lufa put the meat on the barrier.

Sizzle! ! ! !

The sound of grilling meat sounded!

White smoke came out!

Lufa looked at a cumin factory not far away, and used Ultraman's telekinesis to bring the cumin over. He bent his arm, and the cumin slid down the lower side of Lufa's arm and sprinkled on the meat!

Really being a human? ! ! !!!

Instantly, the expressions of the six Taro brothers, the two Mebius, and the Gusy team were like they were wearing masks of pain!

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