Damn it!!!

Although they had guessed it vaguely!

But it was different from seeing it with their own eyes!

They really didn't expect that Lufa would really use the meat of the Anperla people to grill it! ! ! !

Even the barrier was used as a pot!

They never thought in their lives that the barrier could have this function!

This is definitely not an Ultraman from the Land of Light, right? ? ?

It must be an Ultraman accidentally evolved from a person on a planet full of primitive people!

Mebius covered his face and thought about it and decided not to say that Lufa was from the Land of Light!

Otherwise, he was afraid that his brothers and his parallel space-time isotopes would not be able to bear it!

"You are looking for death!!!"

The Anperla people angrily released a heavy energy wave at Lufa!

"Don't think you are the only one who knows gravity!"

Lufa blasted out two black and red rays of light with both hands!


Dark Zaki's gravity skill!

At the moment of collision with the heavy energy fluctuations of the Amperla star, after a stalemate of several seconds, he suppressed and blasted it apart!

Blast Amperla star away!

Lufa condensed an eight-point light wheel and slashed at Amperla star fiercely!

Sparks burst out.

Amperla star snorted coldly,

"Hmph, it's useless. My dark armor has unparalleled defensive power. You..."

The next second.

The light wheel in Lufa's hand became three hundred meters in size!

Amperla stared with eyes wide open!

Although the dark armor has not been shattered, the powerful vibration force still caused him to feel severe pain in his body!

"Don't be presumptuous in front of me!"

Amperla stared at Lufa with an angry punch.

But he couldn't make him retreat half a step.

Lufa sneered: "Anyone can really call himself an emperor."

"Is darkness such a cheap thing?"

"Also, watch out for Grigio. Before making a human, you have to clean your internal organs like any other food!!!"

He stretched out his right hand;

Blue lightning flashed on his palm.

"King's Spark · Chidori!"

Accompanied by the sound of thousands of birds, Lufa's palm pierced through the heart of the Anpera star like a spear!

The Anpera star screamed in pain with a dull voice!

Chidori? ? ?

Isn't that the skill that the king used to break the Ultra Key? ? ?

Taro and others were stunned!

The kind that was messy in the wind!

Lufa inserted his hand into the broken arm of the Anpera star.

"Noah Hellfire!!!"

A trillion-degree flame beam instantly penetrated the body of the Anpera star!

It made his armor turn red!

The extremely high temperature made Anperla so painful that he wanted to get out of the armor right now!

The part of his chest that Lufa had taken out.

It burst into flames!

Anperla felt like he had fallen into the eighteenth level of the Extreme Flame Hell, with countless ghosts with magma all over their bodies clinging to his body!

Devouring him and biting him!

"Seiga Barrier!"

"King's Silence!"

The phantoms of Seiga and King of Ultra appeared behind Lufa again!

!!! !!!

In an instant.

The expressions of Taro and the guys team and others became extremely unbelievable!

·· ······Please give me flowers· ········

It was outrageous enough to summon an unknown but very strong Ultraman (Seiga)!

Now he actually summoned the King of Ultra? ? ?

What kind of power is this! ?

Who is Lufa? ? ?

God of Ultra? ? ?

The King of Ultra's phantom condensed a golden circular barrier and threw it out like a light wheel!

At the same time, the Seiga phantom also threw out Seiga Cut!

Two "light wheels" danced wildly in the void.

Brilliant light burst out from the cracks of the Anpera star's skin and flesh.


"How could I lose to the Giant of Light???"

Anpera star left a last unwilling roar!

His body exploded in an instant!

It turned into countless fragments and splashed around.


Lufa said lightly.

Grigio was stunned, and then immediately raised his thumb.

"Leave it to me!"

He flew over and carefully collected the meat of Anpera star.

He placed them one by one on the barrier.

The sizzling sound of roasting meat sounded again.

Grigio imitated Lufa, grabbed a handful of cumin from the cumin factory, and poured it on these pieces of meat.

Primitive man!!!

This is definitely a primitive man! ! !

Taro and his brothers, the guys team, and even the people in the whole city were stunned!

Damn it! ! !

How can Ultraman be like this? ? ? ?

I have never heard of it!

..... ..... 0

When Lufa said to be a human being, he really meant to be a human being? ? ?

"The Anpera star is called 'human', so I said it's okay to be a human being, right?" Lufa said with a puzzled look.

Is this the problem, brother! ! !


Taro and his mentality is completely collapsed! ! !

Who is Anpera star?

That was the dark emperor who almost destroyed the Kingdom of Light and made countless Ultramen unable to sleep peacefully day and night!

In the minds of every Ultraman, including them, this is like a demon.

They were solved by Lufa in no time? ? ?

Doesn't this make them look like a joke? ? ?

Under the setting sun.

The six Taro brothers stood in the distance.

Lufa and Grigio were suspended in the air.

Grigio was holding Lufa's arm.

Like a clingy kitten.

Team Guys.

Two Hibino Mirai stood facing each other.


There was no one around Hibino Mirai from the main universe.

And the parallel universe.

There was Team Guys around.

From the look in the eyes of Hibino Mirai from the main universe, Shingo Sakamizu, Marina and others seemed to understand something.

There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

But he forced himself to suppress this emotion!

Shingo Sakamizu put his hand on the body of Hibino Mirai from the main universe.

"Whether you are our future or the future of other universes."

"But I can feel that your hearts are the same!"

"No matter what happens, we are always in your heart."


Aihara Ryu stood up and smiled carelessly: "Hey, the future of other universes, you didn't destroy the buildings when you were fighting, right?"

Hibino Mirai looked at each of them.

Two lines of hot tears burst out of her eyes at some point, leaving two traces on her face.

But it was different.

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