He is smiling.

The kind of smile that comes from the bottom of my heart, without any emotion, just sincere laughter.

Hibino Mirai held her head high.


"Ever since you said that, Long Sang, I haven't destroyed any buildings during battle!"

Shingo and others smiled unconsciously.

"Hibino Mirai".

Of course, this "Hibino Mirai" is in a parallel universe.

He looked complicated.

There is a sense of sadness inside.

Lufa also looked at this scene with emotion.

The Little Golden Man has done a good thing in disguise, right?

Let Membius see his family members from the guys team again.

Well, just leave him a whole body next time we meet.

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +110, speed +115, strength +120, and spiritual power +199! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have suddenly realized the extremely evil form and contain all the power of Planet Ampera and Luciel! 】Son.

Chapter 114 The legendary Hyperjetton is obtained! ? So cool! ! !

Lufa listened to the voice in his head.

Suddenly he was startled.

Talk about it.

Recently, energy purity and the like, when critical strikes are not triggered, the numbers are increasing more and more!

Could it be that with the passage of time and the increase in his own strength, Blessing has evolved?

He shrugged and thought no more.

He took Gricho and Mebius into the Narak where the Mephilas and the others came from!

Back to the real universe.

Say goodbye to the reluctant Grigio.

And agreed to go to the Kingdom of Light to see her often.

Luffa also returned to the Armory Universe.

open the door.

Carmila and Sai'er immediately came forward to greet him!


Sai'er immediately hugged Lufa like a koala.

And smelled it greedily.


Although this guy was summoned by Lufa just now to fight.

But when returning to the real universe.

She was sent back to the Armory Universe by Lufa in advance.

It didn't take more than five minutes to see Lufa's effort.

That's it for her.

"What are you doing?" Lufa asked with a twitch in his mouth.

"Replenishing Master's energy."

Sai'er said.

Carmilla looked at her bold interaction, a look of amusement and envy flashed across her beautiful eyes.


Just imagining the scene of calling Lufa Master, an uncontrollable heat surged in her chest!

Carmila's current daily life is completely devoid of Teliga and any eternal core.

I remember Lufa’s whipping technique every day.

"Where's Yuhua?" Lufa looked at the chair and asked.

Usually when "580" has flowers and nothing to do, he will stay there.

But not sitting.

Instead, smell the lingering scent of him on it.

Yuhua thought he didn't know.

Little did he know that Lufa could see clearly.

All I can say is that this girl knows how to play better than anyone thinks.

His chair was almost soaked with saliva.

"She was sorting information in the command room next door. She said she had to work overtime and couldn't have dinner with us tonight."

Sai'er said expressionlessly: "So Master, I'm hungry, let's go have Chinese food today?"


The words just fell.

The door was pushed open.

"Lu, Lufa is back!"

Yuehua stared at Lufa with a hint of excitement hidden in her eyes.

Breathing became rapid.

"Aren't you going to sort out the information?" Lufa's eyes faintly turned to a certain monster girl.

Sai'er calmly moved his eyes away.

As if nothing happened.

Yuhua, who knew what had happened, suddenly had a cold look in her eyes, and purple resentment seemed to float all over her body.

She stared at Saier.

"Hoar? Is that so?"

“I didn’t even know I had to sort out the information!”


"It hurts, it hurts, I'm going to die."

Looking at the fight, well... it would be better to say that Yuka was unilaterally ravaging the two of them.

Lufa couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's go out to eat together."

Yuehua and Saier immediately stopped obediently.


A geek who only likes to study monsters.

And a monster girl.

To actually listen to a man like that.

Lufa led them out of the office.

When passing by the command room.

Through the glass, Shouta Shekura and others also saw Lufa and his party.

Say hello right away.

Looking at these beauties, even Shizuma Mitsukuni felt a little envious.

Yoko looked at this scene, and her heart moved slightly.

Yuka doesn't mind this kind of thing anymore.

Can she also...

A few people didn't notice. Jie Ming looked at Carmilla thoughtfully.

"Have I seen her somewhere?"

The ring that Shizama Guangguo gave her on her chest shone with a white light.

It seemed like he was vaguely responding to her.

"Hey, look, that handsome guy is so handsome!"

"Really!!! She's more beautiful than the stars in the entertainment industry! Are you from a noble family?"

"Even nobles can't have such temperament, right? He feels like an emperor, and makes people want to kneel down and surrender to him!"

"Haha! I don't think it's because of the temperament, but because you are a womanizer?"

"What did you say!?"

Along the way, there were no blind men like in novels who came up to chat up.

Because they all recognized the military on Lufa and Jiehua!

This is like chatting up a servant.

Isn't this just courting death? ? ?

No matter how perverted the Japanese are, they still have some rationality.

It's Lufa.

He almost attracted the attention of all the women on the road.

Carmilla frowned slightly.

She stood slightly beside Lufa.

The possessiveness was fully displayed at this moment.

When Lufa found her and stared at her with a playful look, she would blush and unconsciously turn her head to the side.

There was no sign of the Queen of Darkness.


"Yes, someone is robbing!"

An old lady with white hair in her seventies, her weather-beaten face was full of panic shouts.

A bad boy with dyed yellow hair and tattoos ran towards Lufa with a black bag.

Seeing Lufa blocking his way, he immediately roared impatiently:

"Little white face, get out of the way!!!"

He didn't even have time to see Carmilla and the others beside him.

He ran away.

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