Haven't spoken yet.

Another fighter jet suddenly hit him from the side!

Just now, due to the difference in viewing angle caused by the obstruction of the building, Dahewang could not see this one!

The pupils shrank.

Two fighter planes collided.

Explode powerful flames!

"Did that guy sacrifice himself to protect the child?"

........... 0

A blue-red figure hung in the sky.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but be moved.

Fly over immediately.

Turn into light and wrap around the flame.

"Xiao Wu!"

At this time, Anna and the others also saw Xiao Wu.

He ran over in a hurry.

That's when.

Dahewang descended from the flames, his whole body wrapped in light.

Anna and the others were shocked and wanted to speak.

But they gathered together.

It also made it much more convenient for Guvira to attack them directly!

Dahewang's pupils shrank.



A war cry sounded in the sky.

Guvira flew away with a slap.

But it was obvious that he had withdrawn his strength.

No harm was done to Guvira.

How to treat monsters like this.

Who else could it be besides Ultraman Gauss?

"It'll be fine soon."

Gauss smiled softly.

When he was about to release the Lunar Light Wave to calm down Guvira.

A human figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

This change.

To everyone's surprise.

Dahewang subconsciously wanted to shout.


In everyone's shocked eyes.

Lufa stepped out.

The body shot out like a cannonball and punched Guvira's body.

Bang bang——

A sound no less than a sonic boom sounded.

Guvira's body suddenly turned into pieces of meat with sticky blood splashing everywhere!

Gauss watched this scene with his body trembling.

He stared at Lufa with wide eyes.

"what have you done!?"

(Thanks to readers dan.. and 15053.. for their generous monthly votes!) Er.

Chapter 129: The whole audience was shocked: Summoning Gauss Justis in front of Gauss! ?

Inside a huge disk-shaped spaceship that is invisible in the sky.

In the cockpit, there was another spaceman who looked like he was wearing red armor, his whole body seemed to be made of steel, and his face looked like an evil smile. He was looking at the big screen in front of him in astonishment.

This is where he monitors the remaining humans on Earth.

"He actually destroyed Guvira with one punch??? It's impossible for humans to have such a physique, right??"

"Is he a cosmic person?"

"No, no, even among space people, there are very few people who can do such a thing, right!?"

"Even the Ultramans from the Kingdom of Light Guard cannot defeat Guvira so easily!"

"Not to mention there is no way this guy is Ultraman!"

The Baxter murmured to himself.

He didn't even think about Lufa being Ultraman.

After all, he has been in the "Fifty-Nine Zero" universe for tens of thousands of years, and no one understands Ultraman better than him.

Except for the old gangsters of the Ultra Brothers, those guys are famous for their kindness. Even when facing monsters, they may not be able to use such brutal fighting methods!

But he only panicked for a moment.

When I think about my own Hyperjetton being born soon.

Not to mention a complete body.

Even if it is a larvae, it can easily crush this guy with a pair of pliers! ! !

It can be said.

The Baite people didn't take Lu Fa seriously at all!

Anna and others have no concept of cosmic beings and Ultraman.

After seeing Lufa knocking out a big monster like Guvira with one punch, their hearts suddenly felt like waves, and they couldn't calm down for a long time!

"Okay, great!"

"No, this is no longer powerful, right? It's beyond the scope of human beings! It can destroy a monster with one punch. Dyna can't do such a thing, right?"

"Is he the Superman in the comics??"

"No matter what, I'm going to be obsessed with him!!!"

Several of Anna's team members said excitedly.

Zero, who was in Dahewang's body, stared at Lufa.

It always looks familiar.

I seem to have seen it somewhere?

Everyone is happy.

Except for one person.

That's Gaussian.

Obviously, as long as Guvira calms down, he will leave on his own!

Why must we take his life? !


Gauss looked at Lufa with an unfriendly look.

"Why do this?!"

Lufa turned his head.

Although he knew that Gauss did not like to take the lives of monsters.

But I really didn't expect that he would question himself about this matter.

"You have your fighting methods, and I have mine."

"Don't impose your ideas on others."

There is a saying that a Gaussian is good.

But sometimes my brain just can’t turn around.

For example, in The Shame of the Ultra Series - The Beginning of Origin...

"You can indeed make Guvira calm down."

"But have you ever thought about how many people this monster has hurt before that?"

"And your Lunar Light Wave is not permanent. Sooner or later, it will appear again and cause damage to the city again."

Lufa's words were deeply engraved in Anna's heart.

Even their faces couldn't help but show emotion!


Although Baxter was the mastermind behind the disappearance of humans on Earth, these monsters often roamed the Earth after humans disappeared, destroying countless buildings.

Even some surviving humans were killed by it!

Could it be that by making him calm and docile, he would not have to pay any price for his previous mistakes?

Isn't this unfair to the children whose families have been destroyed? !

"It seems like it won't work if I don't wake you up."

Lufa's body was suddenly enveloped in white light.

Then it turned into a silver-red figure and rose from the ground!

"He, is he Ultraman too???"

"Same as Dyna?!"

After Anna and others were surprised, their expressions couldn't help but become a little weird.

Didn't Dana say that the giants of light are all kind and friendly beings? ?

Why did this guy just beat the monster into pieces as soon as he came up?

Zero looked at Lufa in confusion.


All he could say was that it was too familiar!

But under this time limit, he is not familiar with Lu Fa yet!

Zero only met Lufa after defeating Beria...

Before that, Zero was a solitary, withdrawn and troubled child.

The kind that doesn't look good on anyone.

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