And Gauss saw that Lufa was going to attack.

He didn't say much.

He just took a fighting stance.

"I won't show mercy!"

"You have to promise me that if I win this battle, you can't have a preconceived impression of monsters in the future!"

"Okay." Lufa nodded slightly, "Only if you can beat me."

"Then come and see."

Gauss said lightly.

Lufa looked like he had just reached adulthood.

Although he and Gauss had not been fused for a long time, it was enough for Gauss to exert all his strength!

It was more than enough to deal with a child!

Just when Gauss was about to attack.


Gauss suddenly widened his eyes, and his two round light bulb eyes looked even rounder at this time!

Lufa held two guillotines in his hands.

He rushed towards him!

His figure flashed.

A terrifying wave of air was raised under his feet, and he came to Gauss in an instant as if he had teleported.

The knife fell.

But he did not use the blade.

Just using the blade, he slapped Cosmos's face hard.

Cosmos's body was like a huge blue cannonball flying backwards at 1.8 meters, smashing several high-rise buildings, grinding a stunning road on the ground, and overturning the soil before barely stopping!

"Isn't that Ultraman Ace's guillotine? Can it be used like this?"

Cero held his head in Taiga Wang's body and exclaimed.

Damn it.

Even Ace couldn't think of such a wicked way to use the guillotine! ?

"I haven't lost yet!"

Cosmos stood up with his face covered.

He stared at Lufa and said.

Just when he was about to rush at Lufa again.

Lufa snapped his fingers.

"Ultraman Cosmos, Ultraman Justice, Gamma Illusion!!!"


Two figures suddenly appeared in front of him.

In an instant.

The whole audience was stunned~~! ! ! ! .

Chapter 130: Zero was stunned! It is Gauss who is kind, what does it have to do with my illusion?

Boom boom boom——!!! !!! !!!

Gauss’ heart was beating wildly, and his heart was instantly shaken. He looked at the two figures in front of him in disbelief.

This is... him and Justice? !!! !!!

How is this possible?

How could someone in this universe summon two Ultramen with a snap of fingers! ?

In an instant.

In Gauss’s eyes, Lufa is no longer just a younger Ultraman.

But a mysterious existence that cannot be seen through and understood!

This is no exaggeration!

After all, let alone the future form of Gamma, there is no such thing as borrowing power!

It can be seen how shocking what Lufa is doing now is to these "primitives".

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has refreshed their worldview!

Not to mention that Lufa summoned Gauss and Justice!

Anna and others below were even more incredible.

The fact that Lufa is Ultraman has already brought them a great shock. What they didn't expect was that Lufa summoned two Ultramen with just a snap of his fingers!

Is he a god? ? ?


While Gao Si was stunned.

Gao Si's illusion and Justice's illusion resolutely rushed towards him!

Because they are two giants, their combined weight is close to 100,000 tons.

The injuries caused are so terrible.

Every step he took was like triggering a magnitude 10 earthquake, causing landslides and cracks.

Justice's illusion punched Gao Si with energy and hit him hard.

Gao Si is still in the Moon God mode now.

How could he withstand Justice's punch?

He was immediately knocked out.

He smashed a tall building behind him and his body was deeply embedded in it!

He cried out in pain.

Before he could stand up.

Gao Si's illusion came in front of him.

A barrier condensed in his hand.

Moonlight barrier!

Gao Si and others were stunned. They didn't understand why Gao Si's illusion suddenly propped up a barrier.

The next second, they understood.

Their expressions became unbelievable.

Gao Si's illusion directly grabbed both sides of the barrier.

And smashed it hard on Gao Si's head.

Crack! ! ! !

The barrier shattered instantly, and Gao Si felt as if his head was about to bloom!

His eyes seemed to have turned into the shape of mosquito coils, and the whole world was spinning!

Damn! ! ! ! ! !

The Zero in Taiga's body widened his eyes in astonishment.

What kind of weird way of using the barrier is this! ?

Shouldn't the barrier be used for defense? ? ?

It was the first time he saw a barrier used as a door panel! ! !

"But didn't Gao Si say that he was a kind warrior? He called this kindness? ? ? "

Luffy turned his head slightly when he heard what he said: "It's Gao Si who is kind, what does Gao Si's illusion have to do with it?"

I'm so angry!

When Zero heard this, he thought it made sense!

For a moment, he was powerless to refute!

On the other side, Gauss was hit by the combined force of the two illusions.

He was soon unable to resist.


He stopped paddling.

His form changed to Corona Mode!

A punch hit the body of the Cosmic Illusion, and red energy ripples burst out. This form is a manifestation of power, and the power that bursts out is also very terrifying.

Let the Cosmic Illusion be immediately repelled hundreds of meters!

Justice Sister Justice Illusion switched to crushing mode!

The arm twisted in a weird way.

Then it began to spin rapidly like a windmill, but at a faster speed, so fast that even Cosmic and Zero couldn't see the shadow!


Countless light bullets burst out from the hands of Justice Illusion!

Justice shattered!

It was used in the movie "Ultraman Cosmic VS Ultraman Justice THE FINAL BATTLE", and it directly shattered the barrier of Cosmic Eclipse Mode. The second use directly injured Cosmic!

At this moment, so many shots were released in a row.

Continuously hitting Cosmic's body, his body and surroundings suddenly burst into a strong and majestic flame, forming a high wall of flames!

Let Cosmic howl in pain and be forced to disintegrate in the corona mode!

[Your Gauss Illusion fights in a brutal way, and you get a blessing: Energy Purity +66! ]

[Your Justice Illusion fights in a brutal way, and you get a blessing: Mental Power +99, Vitality +101! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining Energy Purity +233, Speed ​​+233, Strength +233, Defense +233, Mental Power +233! ]

Lufa was a little embarrassed when he saw this scene.

Was he a little too cruel?


He would definitely not let the two illusions use their full strength.

Finally, just clean up a little bit, and it will be over~

Lufa thought so in his heart.

The Gauss Illusion also changed to the future mode at this time!

Gauss was suddenly startled.

It seemed that he guessed what they wanted to do.

He quickly said: "Wait..."

But it was too late.

The figures of Gauss Illusion and Justice Illusion had disappeared from their original places as if they had teleported!

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