Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 196: Spirit of Contract

Chapter 196 Contract Spirit

In the early morning of Longyan City, a two-wheeled carriage drove on a messy street and shuttled skillfully.

As the carriage progressed, the outrageous shouts outside the window gradually became less.

In the carriage, Marquis Slydes turned his head and looked at the singer.

The Marquis shook his head in silence.

after all……

"Are you alright, Your Highness?" asked the Marquis of Commas, tentatively.

Tyres raised his head in a conscious manner and glanced at Slys.

The little slick on the side felt the wrong atmosphere and secretly took a breath.

Under the subtle gaze of Marquis, Thales sighed for a while:


"It's just a little tired."

Slys held his cane and his face was dignified.

"What are your plans, Your Highness?"

Tyles closed his eyes and took a deep breath, expelling his inner fears and shakes.

I have to cheer up.

The more it is at this time...

The prince clenched his fists and felt the wounds drawn by the dagger in his hand.

It hurts.


"I seem to understand something," he opened his eyes and his eyes firm: "Why did Lumbard dare to take the risk of assassination and bring the army to the Dragon City? We must rush to the Palace of Heroes as soon as possible."

"It’s another war, is it?" Marquis Slyes sighed.

He turned his gaze to the street outside the window, first hesitating, and then worried about the truth:

"Is there any other circumstantial evidence about the assassination of His Majesty the King?"

In front of the eyes, Thales emerged from the white-guard squad, remembering that they used the flesh and blood to block the two arrows for the two children.

I remembered the last white-edged guard's face twisted, struggling to turn the picture of the enemy.

Dragon's Guard.

Tyres turned back and shook his head: "Maybe it is gone, Elba's character will probably be handled very cleanly - is there any news from Nilai or others? People in the shield?"

"As far as I know, there is no," Marquis Slythe pulled the cuffs gently and sighed slightly: "It seems that things are a little troublesome."

"Yeah," said Tyres, his voice was low, and he quickly thought about the situation in front of his eyes: "No one thought that Lombard would use such a rapid and intense and extremely effective means... King Exeter was killed by the lord. I am afraid there are not many examples."

"not even one."

A young female voice rang in the carriage.

Tyres and Slyszizi glimpsed and turned to look at the little slicker.

"Recently about two hundred years ago, the Tann family led by Weilan tried to assassinate the then-communist kings, and the conspiracy was revealed. King Kossa brought together the other great men's troops and drove under the castle of the Tann family. From the Lecco family's 'silver chain' banner."

The little slicker finished this sentence, rubbed his eyes and touched his head, seemingly remembering carefully:

"On the seventh day, Amos Tan, who violated the co-administration vows, was tied to the city by his subordinates and the grievances of the people." The girl raised her head and said, "In all In the face of the people, King Kosa personally pierced the traitor’s chest with a scorpion gun."

"Jacob Aurelius was the first person to succumb to the death of the Grand Duke, and later he became the first Grand Duke of Aussie.

Thales and Slyce frowned, listening to the little slicker and talking.

The little slippery noticed the expressions of the other two, and his face was red, and he quickly lowered his head.

They look at each other.

"You said, she is your maid?" Marquis de Sleece had some doubts.

"Yeah, I just took a fancy to her," Tyres touched his head, a little embarrassed, secretly licking his head and letting the latter's head lower: "Hey."

"Yes," said Slyce, looking at the little slick with a deep look, showing a sly smile: "It turns out."

Tyres quickly turned to the topic: "So, no matter whether you are rebellious or not, it seems to be a sin in the North."

Slyless nodded and sighed: "How does Lombard have such courage? Even if he pushes the blame on you..."

Tyres put his hand down and his face was heavy.

He remembered the Viscount of Camby, the one who was one of the five wars.

"I'm afraid, we all looked down on Rumba," he said quietly.

Taylor suddenly raised his head.

"But Lenba has a layer that can't be circumvented," the prince narrowed his eyes. "If his intentions are indeed as I thought."

Sly's eyes rested on his cane: "For example?"

"Too many things are still in the fog, it is necessary to re-list the clues," Tyres shook his head, his face became more and more dignified, his brain running wildly: "When did Lumbara start planning, and how he implemented it all." ""

The carriage turned a corner.

“Is this important? The situation is already bad.” The Marquis of Slyles pulled out a delicate pocket watch with a copper chain: “Excuse me, in addition to clarifying the facts, maybe you should consider how to escape, I can provide some Road..."

"This is very important," Tyres nodded slowly, step by step and straightened his mind: "The reason why it is so bad is because we had a small rumor before."

"I will ask you again," Slyce said with a serious look: "Now I can send you quietly out of the city, and even return to the stars - are you sure you want to go back to the Palace of the Spirits?"

"Go back to that unpredictable vortex?"

Tyres didn’t hear him, he said to himself: “We don’t know the whole picture of the Lombard plan, so let’s go back to the beginning of his plan...”

Slysmer observed the young prince, and his evaluation of him rose slightly.

In this case, how many people can restrain the fear and calmly think?

It’s a pity.

The Marquis silently sighed in the bottom of his heart.

The prince’s eyes suddenly burst into a meal.

"The Marquis," What Taylors thought of, he asked subconsciously: "Why did Nunn find Perfit and find this Lombard collaborator?"

"Ah?" The eye of the Marquis of the Good City was picked.

Why did Nunn want to... find Pefitte?

This question still needs to be asked?

"Because, Peifu Tegong happened to have killed his son?" Sly's eyeball turned, and it seemed that he didn't quite understand the prince's question. He saw his expression eccentric, and he replied with a temptation: "And Nun's squatting happens to happen. Found this?"

Tyres shook his head.

"Because King Nunn has acquired the investigation information of Rumba - the sword of disaster, remember?" The eyes of Thales are getting clearer and clearer. "This information has assassinated Prince Morar and I was in front of the Broken Dragon Fortress." The assassination is linked."

"So you decided that there is a collaborator in Lombard, and King Nunn would want revenge."

There was a snow and ice in front of Taylors.

It was the few nights before the arrival of Longyan, the words that Nilailai and Slythe said to him.

Slyes didn't answer immediately, he made a slight meal, thoughtfully: "What do you mean..."

Tyres slowly exhaled, and his eyes were unprecedentedly dignified: "I am afraid, when I started from the black sand collar, Nicholas received the news of the sword of disaster. When King Nunn decided to take revenge, we all It fell into the calculation of Rumba."

He bowed slightly, his face was ugly, and the little slick on the side saw his expression, and the atmosphere did not dare to take a sip.

Do not.

not enough.

There are still some clues and some key clues.

"I can carry out such a large, long-term plan," Tyres muttered. "From planning to execution, from Black Sand to Longyan City, from assassination to transport, from operation to confidentiality. A remote public can be done alone, and Rumba must be a helper."

"On this point, I agree with you," Marquis Slythe nodded solemnly. "To make such a big thing, I think Lombard really has a helping hand."

"You have a broad communication, what clues?" Taylors shines:

"In your opinion, who is the most suspect?"

Just at this time.

The little slick suddenly raised his head and looked out the window.

Her face was white and she licked Tyres.

Taylors noticed that their carriage had stopped unconsciously.

The Marquis of Syres took his half-day pocket watch into his pocket and sighed: "His Royal Highness, we are here."

Tyres’s heart moved: “So fast? I remember the Palace of the Spirit...”

"The Palace of the Spirit is still a little worse," Schles interrupted him, blinking his eyes: "The next route will be escorted by another adult."

Taylors glimpsed.


The next moment, their doors were opened.

A rough sound that makes Taylors discolored, passed into a small compartment:

"The Marquis, thank you very much for your help."

A middle-aged aristocrat who is familiar with Taylors, with his hand on the door, pressed his sword in one hand, and boarded their narrow carriage under the guard of dense soldiers.

"Otherwise, we have to spend a lot of time to find this guest."

The people came to sit down, and the sharp eyes of the sword swept through the tales and the little slick:

When Tyres was struck by lightning, a heart fell into an ice cave.

The little slicker was so scared that his eyes were full of horror.

I saw the ruler of the black sand collar, the Grand Duke of Chaman Rumba, sitting securely beside the smiling Marquis of Stiles, so that he could close the door.

In the face of the Grand Duke of Lombard, the Marquis of Slys bloomed with the most friendly smile, just like seeing Tells for the first time.

The Marquis’s body leaned forward slightly, and the tone was respectful: “My honor.”

Rumba snorted, and he turned his head, and a pair of cold eyes swept to Tyres: "You can really run, under the small hall."

The little slicker remembered the **** scene that had just been scared.

The prince just stared blankly at the black sand dagong in front of him, motionless.

Fear and panic suddenly climbed into his heart, and he was forced to press down.

Do not.

Chaman Rumba.

Slyles Bermuda.

this means……

A few seconds later, Taylors reacted from the shocking scene in front of him.

"Sleece Bermuda, you!" He turned his head and looked incredulously at the Marquis of Charity: "You betrayed us!"

Rumba didn't say a word, his face was as cold and serious as ever.

"Don't be so surprised, Your Royal Highness," Marquis Slythe sighed with a sigh of relief and shook his head slowly: "This doesn't fit your genius image, and I don't sell you."

"I haven't betrayed me?" Tyres gasped. "You can't tell me, you started from the beginning..."

Tyres’s words changed and his face changed.

No way.

At that moment, he realized that he might be right.

"You are the helper," said Tyres, looking at the smiling Marquis de Sole, with incredulous face: "Have you been a group with Rumba from the beginning?"

"It’s so fast to wake up, under the small hall." Lombard satirized.

A second later, Thales stunned and angrily and shouted: "Sley, you betrayed the king of Nunn!"

The little slipper shook slightly.

Rumba grinned disdainfully.

The Marquis of Sleeth frowned.

Tyres held his trembling fists and looked at the black sand collar soldiers wearing patrol costumes out of the window.

They fell into the hands of Lombard again.

More desperate than last time, even worse.

"Oh," the Marquis of Commas shook his head. It seemed that some of the words of Tyres were disgusting: "Don't say that, I hate the betrayers and the repeated villains. I have never betrayed Nunn." ”

Tyres’s desperation suppressed his impulses and anger: “I thought you had an agreement with King Noon and was doing something for him!”

"Of course, he needs to avenge the black hand that sold out Morar," Slyley shrugged, seemingly not careing: "To do this, I need a person like me to be able to move between the big brothers without causing doubt. Third-party candidates."

The Marquis blinked: "It’s fair to exchange revenge with a litch mine contract."

Taylors gasped and glanced at the unspeakable Rumba: "But you deceived him."

"No, no, my Highness," Slys sighed, raising a finger and shaking gently: "You misunderstood."

Slys opened his eyes, his eyes were savvy, but with a trace of sincerity that he could not argue with: "I am a person who is honest and committed, and the spirit of the contract is the first creed of the Bermuda family."

"Contractual spirit?" Tyres squeezed his fist and gritted his teeth in anger.

"Yes," Slyless nodded and spread his left hand: "I faithfully fulfilled the agreement with Nun, helping him find and hand over the enemy. He is very satisfied and I am very happy."

Sceley raised a finger and raised his eyebrows and shook his head. It seemed that he was accusing Taylor of not being suspicious of him: "The spirit of the contract."

The Marquis' eyes are very clear.

A sigh of apology and awkwardness are also owed.

As if this is his true color.

Taylors took a deep breath.

The sin of the prison river flooded his head in time.

Finally, Taylor slowly eased his breathing and the brain began to calm down.

Marquis Slythe continued his friendly smile and blinked: "As of now, I am only fulfilling another contract with Lord Lombard."

"And as always, I keep my promises - hey, it's still the spirit of the contract."

Tyres loosened his fists and watched Rumba's hand on the sabre, giving up his intention to touch the dagger.

"How many things did you do for Lombard?" Tyres said coldly: "Help him prepare supplies? Or directly to Jun?"

Slys breathed out a sigh of relief and looked at Lenba with a cold look.

"I think, there are not many," Lord Marquis took out his cane and smiled a little: "Provide to the Grand Duke some news in the Palace of the Spirit, about the whereabouts of the king and the progress of the plan..."

"Start some Commas business groups, use regular channels to deliver messages and items, and cover up some news..."

"With a privileged **** order, prepare some weapons and transport some people into the city..."

"Of course, as for disguising and replacing it with a patrol, that is the task of Mr. Urad..."

Listening to Sile's chilling news, Tyres raised his head.

"When did you start?"

"When Nie Lai came to me? When I entered Longyan City?" The prince said uncomfortably: "Or from the very beginning, you are the inside of Lombard?"

The Marquis of Slyce laughed and said nothing.

"Enough," said Lombard, who was on the side, and his words were indifferent. He took a sigh of mercy and gave Slys a look: "We have a tight time."

But Tyres did not care about his enemies.

"What did he give you, in order to make you risk the biggest taboo, and cooperate with a monarch?" The prince said in angrily: "Contract? Money? Power? Deducting the price you paid, you can give it to you than Noon." More?"

Slys shook his head.

"No, the problem is not what the Lord Lombard gave me," the Marquis smiled apologetically at the Lombard Gazette, turning his head to Tyres. "Doing business can't just look at profits and numbers. Sometimes you have to make some word of mouth and connections. ”

"Nun is a good collaborator, but even if it is the most tense business, you must leave behind."

Tyres heard a glimpse and then sneered:

"So the Rumba and the black sand collar are the backhands you prepared outside the Nunn and Dragon City?"

Marquis Slyes turned his head and he pushed the door open and the cane was on the pedal.

"You are wrong again. The back hand is not a 'prepared' person or thing, it is a concept," Slys turned back and smiled, palms pointing to Lombard: "The Grand Duke proves his value and potential. So when he appeared in front of me, even if we didn't say it well in advance, he would naturally become my back hand."

Taylor smirked disdainfully.

"Sleece Bermuda," his eyes circled back and forth between Rumba and Slyless, gnashing his teeth: "After Nalamba, are you ready for him?"

Rumba gently looked up and cast a chilling look at Tyres.

Seems to be watching a dead person.

Tyres was in a tight heart.

"If I were you, Your Highness," Slyley did not return to the carriage. He smiled and said: "There will be a way of thinking about getting out of the way, rather than trying to provoke distraction."

Rumba snorted: "It makes sense."

Tyres clenched his fists and stopped talking.

His gaze swept past the densely packed soldiers outside the window.

Do not.

They have no chance.

In his heart, in that second is full of despair.

The small slick behind him hugged his arm.

"The next thing will be handed over to you," said the Marquis of Shrez, turning to the ground and facing the singer of Lombard, and smiling at Thales: "Please rest assured, Your Highness, as I promised. The Grand Duke will send you to the Palace of the Spirit."

“Thank you,” Tyres snorted disdainfully: “Thank you for the spirit of the contract.”

Marquis de Slais smiled and did not mean to be offended.

Rumba reached out and slowly grasped the handle of the door.

"After the incident, I will send someone to send the carriage back," Lombard exhaled a chill, his face indifferently decapitating to Sile: "I will remember the friendship of the city."

Slys breathed out a sigh of relief, watching his leader walk down the driver's seat, and another black sand collar soldier topped up.

"No, no," Marquis shook his head, his eyes darting over Lombard and the two children. The tone was a pity: "I think, I should no longer need this carriage."

Several people were silent for a few seconds.

"Don't go any longer, Lord Dagong," Marquis de Silees sorted out the gorgeous costumes that were wrinkled by the carriage, and was dressed in a top hat. The words were respectful: "I wish you all the best, and you want to make things happen."

The door that Rumba was about to close suddenly stopped, and he saw a slight slap in the dark sand. He turned his head and looked at Slys with a stunned look.

"I want to make things happen?"

"Do you think I will succeed?" Lombard was faint.

Taylor's heart moved.


What do they want to do?

"Of course, you have a unique vision and temperament," Marquis de Sleece exclaimed with a deep sigh: "I can witness such an important and crucial, magnificent and magnificent history. I am proud of it."

The heart of Tyres is getting tighter and tighter.

Important and critical.

Magnificent and magnificent...


Rumba sneered.

"For your future," Slythes held his cane in both hands and slowly nodded. The smile on his face was as humble and respectful as ever: "I have a lot of confidence and no doubt."

Black Sand Dagong had a complicated look and looked at the Marquis with a subtle expression. He nodded in response after a few seconds.

"Good day, His Royal Highness," Slys turned his head and looked at the ugly taylor, and also kindly sent a blessing: "I wish you and your maid..."

But his words made Taylors feel extremely ironic:

"Everything goes well, I want to make things happen."

The door is closed and the carriage is moving.

Only this time, in the carriage, staring at the people of Taylors, replaced with a cold face of Chaman Rumba.

Tyres took a deep breath and tried to turn to the black sand in the most calm and excellent state.

"Little prince, I don't know yet, from when," in the eyes of Tyre's murderous eyes and the fear of a small slicker, the Grandpa of Lombard seemed to be absent-minded, gently taking out his old sword. His scary eyes immediately turned to the prince and the girl around him:

"Do you have a maid?"

In the face of the cold of the blade, the little slick shook slightly.

At that moment, Taylors only felt the scalp numb.

(End of this chapter)

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