Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 197: Behind the scenes (on)

Chapter 197 behind the scenes (on)

Thales looked at Lombard's half-edged sword.

This is not the first time he is in danger.

According to Tyres' understanding of the world, I am afraid it will not be the last time.

But he really didn't know what to do with the murderous Rumba Grand Duke in a compartment with countless soldiers outside the car.

Use a so-called magic energy again?

Taylor stood out and clenched his hand with a small slippery head.

"You are the granddaughter of Nunn, little girl." Lombard turned his blade over and faintly said.

The two were slightly stiff.

Taylor's palms are cold, and I don't know how to react.

He found out.

The black sand big man fixedly looked at the old sword in his hand, his eyes filled with strange feelings.

"When Nuen went to the disaster, he and her - the two most important chips were brought around, this move is really beyond my expectation." Rumba is self-sufficient.

The little slicker was too scared to say anything.

Tyres took a deep breath.

What should he do?

Do not.

Since it is already the last.

He must at least figure out some things.

Tyres slowly raised his head and looked straight at Lombard's eyes: "I think your move is probably beyond Nun's expectations."



A crisp metal friction.

The little slicker shook slightly and Tyres was shocked.

Rumba turned his head and the blade in his hand had returned to the scabbard.

"Do you still don't understand? Whether it is the death of Nunn or the chaos of the present," the eyes of the Grandpa of Lombard are very complicated, but Tyres has not been able to read much emotions from it, only to listen to justice: "All this is you." Brought."

"I?" Taylors raised his eyes.

Rumba’s expression was on the bumpy carriage, and as the light changed, the light and shade were uncertain.

"If everything is safe and sound, according to the plan of me and Arende," Dagong said faintly: "Whether the stars or the dragons, they will usher in a new life."

"Until you ruin everything."

Rumba's eyes became sharp and cold, pointing to Tyres.

"In the stars, you will be the king of Aaron, who will become a prisoner. In the Broken Dragon Fortress, you blocked my last retreat. At Exeter, you used the anger of Nunn to force the black sand collar to destruction. On the edge, "The words of the black sand Dagong became extraordinarily cold, and Taylors shuddered: "It is you, forcing me to choose the most intense means."

Tyres bites his teeth

"The coward's excuse," the prince tried not to look at the old scabbard that was polished and bare, and did not retreat in one step: "Why don't you ask yourself, why do you want to assassinate the Prince of Morar? What?"

"Even after the failure of the plan, you don't have no other way out, but you have chosen the most extreme one."

Tyres returned to Lombard with a cold look:

"Yu Jun's Grand Duke."

Rumba looked at him motionlessly, and then seldom sneered.

"When I am as big as you are," Lombard’s lips turned slightly to one side and looked at each other: "Mother brought Harold and me back to Longyan City. At the gate, I saw a prisoner being punished. ""

"At the moment before the execution, the grandfather’s warrant came: he would pardon the prisoner."

Tyres frowned, and he glanced at the carriage with Yu Guang.

Do not.

Still no chance.

"The result," Lombard's words continued: "The executioner rushed to the prisoner's head when the king's order was not yet in force before the warrant was pronounced."

The little slicker is still very scared, but she listens to the story of Lombard and unconsciously reveals the look of listening.

"The executioner is a tough warrior. The technique is simple and neat, and there is no delay. I still remember the high-spirited head and the blood of the man, and he used the **** hands to carelessly take over the king’s warrant. ""

Dagong paused for a moment. He lowered his head and lowered his gaze to the sword in his hand.

"In the carriage, Harold kept comforting me who was scared and crying." Rumba seemed to be somewhat ecstatic. He only listened to him silently: "That was the first time I understood what was death and what was killing."

He looked up and turned to Tyres.

However, this time, Rumba's eyes did not go to Tells.

Instead, he is behind him.

Cast to the little girl.

Tyre’s heart was tight, and he couldn’t help but squeeze the little slipper’s hand.

"Later, my mother told us that the executioner is her brother, our sister, Prince Nuen Walton."

Lenba’s faceless expression, a pair of sharp eyes staring at the little slick:

"Nun Walton VII, your grandfather, my twins are a killer, ruthless, stubborn and stubborn, unable to endure weakness and hesitation, especially after his coronation."

The little slicker just stared at Lombard, and the atmosphere didn't dare to take a sip.

"He has always liked to solve his enemies in a simple, violent and resolute manner." Lombard faintly said.

Tyres looked at him.

King Nunn did not hesitate to kill Peipet in the Hall of Heroes, poisoned Alex, and exiled the scene of Myrk, vividly in sight.

But what impressed him the most was when the old king took out the triumph and put it in the hands of the little slipper.

"He is like this to the glacier orcs, to the White Mountain, to the Freedom League, to the Star Kingdom, and now," Lombard re-opened his eyes to the window, and he could feel the heavyness in his tone: "Black The same is true for the sand collar."

"Face to him, the only solution," Rumba's fingers on the scabbard were slightly forced, and the words suddenly turned cold: "It is faster than him, and destroys him before he destroys me."

At the same time, Tyres sighed.

"I understand," the prince suddenly spoke, and the words were exhausted and empty: "Starting from the fortress."

Rumba looked at him, his eyebrows slightly pick: "What?"

"Your conspiracy," Tyres leaned into the carriage, feeling a little low: "From the time I was assassinated before the fortress, and then entered your military camp, it started, right?"

"You knew very well at that time, if you can't take the Broken Dragon Fortress, waiting for you will be a terrible revenge of King Noon's storm."

Taylors looked up and opposite the four eyes of Lombard, and surely said: "From then on, you made up your mind to completely destroy Nunn - before he destroyed you."

Rumba's eyes narrowed slightly.

It seems to be a little unexpected.

"Tell me about your plan," said Teres, raising his eyebrows and exhaling a breath from his nose. "I have done an unprecedented feat, but no one can talk, it must be boring."

"Tell me, how did you accomplish this?"

Rumba’s gaze remained on him, motionless.

The carriage turned a corner, and the inertia made the prince and the little slick slightly tilted.

Taylors decided to take the initiative and he led the conversation.

Like the memories of previous lives, countless field surveys and interviews.

"So you proposed to be in alliance with me in the camp," the prince said faintly: "In fact, it is not good? Maybe it is to arrange something through me?"

For example, it is more convenient to push the death of King Nunn to him - as Rumba does now.

Taylors remembered the days in the black sand military camp.

The cold thorn behind the allies is always more effective than the enemy's face to face.

He remembered Selena Corleone.

Teach him to be alert to the vicious beauty of his allies.

Finally, Rumba snorted.

"No, I really wanted to reconcile with you at that time, and even thought about sharing my plan with you." Dagong shook his head and his tone turned cold: "It's a pity."

The brain of Taylors began to turn.

He has already determined the beginning of this conspiracy.

and so……

"Peffert," Tyres said: "When you are investigating your magic guns and investigating my assassination, you claim to have found the sword of disaster, but this news has been known to King Nunn."

"Now it seems that this is the information you deliberately leaked to King Nunn, right? You know that King Nunn will solve this enemies that are close at hand," Taylors remembered the thrilling duel in the Palace of the Spirit: "Pefett It was actually sold to Long Yucheng by you."

Rumba snorted.

"Caslan," he said in a whisper of the horse's wheel. "My uncle used to be at the Tower of the End. He was very interested in the sword of the disaster, and he also had a good relationship with Nunn." - So I revealed the news to him, and Nunn would naturally know from him."

At the same time, I can do something else.

"Casslan doesn't know what you want to do, but yes."

Tyres looked at him quietly, trying to find something out of Lombard's eyes: "I heard that his relationship with you is very poor."

Lombard gave him a sneak peek.

Taylors had to regain his gaze.

I saw Rumba slowly shaking his head: "I knew when you were assassinated. This is that Pfeiffer is framed me, the selfish and awkward guy, and naively thought that we are only playing a game that can be recovered at any time. , the game of exit stop loss."

Tyres sighed: "He paid the price - betrayed his allies, and finally died in the betrayal of his allies."

"As you said, investigating this matter is just to leak this news to Nunn, and of course, to fill the loopholes in my army - in fact, this investigation gave me an unexpected discovery." The finger gently licked his sword.

Taylors looked up: "What did you find?"

Rumba glanced at him mysteriously and shook his head.

Tyres looked at him quietly, but the other party had no intention to explain it.

The prince can only sigh in his heart.

"So, you used the abandonment of Pfeiffer to attract the attention of King Nunn," according to the interview experience, Taylors chose to skip this point and continue the topic, "and you are preparing for your plot, such as By the excuse of my assassination, the army sent troops to the north to escort, and even contacted the alliance of Slythes, right?"

Rumba looked at his sabre and his eyes were cold.

"This is the last thing that the coward who can take care of the city can play," Dagong said slowly. "Take some attention, delay some time - meet, banquet, duel, I heard that Nuen is playing in the Palace of the Spirit." Very enjoyable."

The tone of Tyres is low: "At the same time, I have lost my vigilance."

"In the half-day that Pfeiffer's death gave me," Lombard nodded, his eyes filled with stabbing sharpness: "I must seal the victory."

"To sell allies, to lead the enemy, to seek alliances, to take the opportunity to send troops, to prepare for the plan, and finally the Thunder strike," Taylors sighed: "There was a chaos caused by the disaster overnight - you are a madman ""

He looked up and looked at the unbelievable emotions in Rumba's eyes: "You know, no matter which part of the link is wrong, will you be ruined?"

Lombard a little bit.

The carriage passed over an uneven ground and the carriage slammed!

This is a nervous little slick, can not help but scream.

Rumba suddenly looked up!

"Are you going to die?"

The sound of the black sand Dagong is high, and a pair of Rumba's sharp eyes are chilling: "Children, you don't know anything."

"do not know anything."

Tyres frowned.

I saw that Lombard locked him with an unswerving and serious look like never before: the tone was suppressed by the unidentified emotions:

"In order to complete this grand plan with Aaron, we have been preparing for many years, from the communication of intelligence to the mobilization of the territory, from the acquisition of contacts to the training of talents."

"In order to win the fortress, I enacted a mobilization order that is rare in the history of Exeter. I have exhausted almost every copper plate in the territory, every drop of blood, every person, and the sun is coming, I have no reserve, I didn’t open up the wasteland, I didn’t have any food, I’m betting everything on this plan!”

Taylors glimpsed.

The words of Lombard are still going on, and the tone is getting more and more urgent:

"For this plan, regardless of food or money, the black sand collar has long been unable to make ends meet. The money I borrowed from the Kangmasi businessman is simply not worth it. The finance is about to collapse, and the coming year will only become more and more bitter. ”

"There are not many credible standing soldiers in my hand, two thousand is the limit, and I am willing to fight against Longyan City." After the dragon appeared last night, secretly executed a group of shakers. Even so, I also Can't directly order them to kill the king, only use vague orders to let them fight against 'Exter's enemies'."

"And Long Yucheng, the counties in the suburbs can be recruited several times our army, as for Walton's own recruits... Once they are discovered, we will at any time destroy the encirclement of Longyan City. A little spray will not splash."

"In order to last night, I braved the impending cold weather, carrying dry food and bringing meticulously trained troops all the way. They looked at my eyes full of exhaustion, lowness and incomprehension, but only by the practice of the past. The instinct maintains the most basic strength."

"My people, from Levan to Campida, from Tulleha to Bitz, will be betting on their lives and heads, and constraining the army to follow me to this bottomless abyss."

"And we didn't even consider the supply and warmth of the return trip."

Lombard squeezed the scabbard on his hand, his expression horrible and stern: "Because I know, we are very likely that there will be no return!"

"This is an expedition without a retreat."

Taylor looked at Lombard.

The unsmiling man, eating venison in the camp, his face brightened with the fire, and launched a wine glass to him, but he was ridiculed and refused the black sand grandfather, began to become stereoscopic in front of his eyes.

"Do you understand, the little prince, sitting in the Fuxing Palace comfortably, accepting the royal name, when your father helps you clean up enemies such as Arend," said the black sand lord: "I And the black sand collar has been - never lost."

"What I did was to steal the last glimmer of life in a desperate situation."

"I racked my brain to mobilize the situation and atmosphere, launched all possible and impossible manpower and connections, and made countless promises, from the Marquis of the Good City to the head of the gang, from the business group of Commas to the district. The intelligence dealer, from Shadow Shield to Sariton, even let Slythes urge and intensify the conflict between you and Pefitt, and..."

Rumba stopped his speech. He took a deep breath and adjusted his emotions: "Only to catch up, and to make a final, thunderous fatal blow before Noon noticed it."

In the eyes of Lord Dagong, there is a flash of glory: "I have been able to sit here after I have experienced this."

"Keep the future of you and my country firmly in your hands."

Tyres stared at Lombard.

It seems as if I knew him for the first time.

The carriage drove through a street, and the soldiers in the black sand collar opened the way for them in a low-key and effective way.

Taylors suddenly noticed that compared with the last time, Lombard had a lot of white hair, and it was even more embarrassing. His lips were pale and his eyes were deep.

Before the battle with Giza, the words of the Black Sword reappeared in my mind.

[They seek hope in desperate circumstances, retreat in the loss, and sublimate the good fortune, and will turn into unexpected help and turn into their own help...]

Tyres breathed a deep breath.

"I understand," the prince closed his eyes. "Strong, it turns out."

Rumba narrowed his eyes: "What?"

Tyres opened his eyes and, under the curious eyes of the little slicker, said faintly: "In your game, in the confrontation between Longyan City and the Black Sands, you are undoubtedly a weak party, taking advantage of the disadvantages and being at stake. ""

The prince gently sneered: "Do you know that after Nunn killed Confit, he even threatened to send a black sand collar to the black sand squad to make him satisfied."

Rumba bowed his head and whispered: "As I expected - my dear."

"You know your embarrassment, your king, your opponent."

"But he doesn't know you, he doesn't know his nephew," Taylor said with a sigh: "You have gambled on everything, and you haven't even left behind. The authorities counted every step of the way and tried their best to gather chips. In order to survive, I will die."

Rumba did not speak.

Tyres chuckled and his voice was sad:

"In contrast, Nunn Walton is a king of the king, sitting in the city of Longyan, holding the supreme power and tremendous power. Even if you kill his son, you still regard you as a weak prince. ""

Taylor sighed softly:

"He is self-confident because of his own strength, and regards you as the item of Pefett's stream, as a small existence that can be talked about with laughter."

"In this game of life and death between Nunn Walton and Chaman Rumba, you are the real powerhouse," the second prince looked up and calmly stared at Lombard: "And the defeat of King Nunn dead……"

"It has already been doomed."

At that moment, Taylors noticed that Rumba looked at his eyes differently.


The conversation has been opened.

Taylors took a deep breath.

"So, there is still one last question, and I still can't think of it." Under the eyes of the Lombard complex, Taylors slowly and literally:

"Beyond the Assassin - why are you going to visit Longyan City?"

"and also……"

"How are you going to end?"

Note: The next chapter enters the corner acceleration state, please seal your seat belts.

This week, I would like to thank the readers for the 2000 starting point of the Du Erhu three, the 1100 of the Qingyi ancient dream, the 1000 that can be eaten with relief, the 500 rewards of the royal south wind, the goalkeeper of the first district, the 300 of the Jinghong, the desire to smash, the 丶Don't abandon the 200 rewards of the Lord, God Ogawa, and Miyuki, duhaitao, inferior quality, and go to the prostitution to do a hundred rewards for the card (the ID of the ID).

As well as the readers of the Genesis Station, the 999-book coin of the established destiny is rewarded, and the 100-book coin that overlooks life is on the top of the world!

(End of this chapter)

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