Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 203: Luck is really bad (on)

Chapter 203 is really bad luck (on)

Edda, waving your knife.

Fight like a holy elf.

We are the strongest race, and even the dragon can win.

Edda blinked and his face was cold.

Numerous moves, entering her mind in a breath.

From the quiet to the extreme, she learned a handsome figure in memory, and instantly bullied Kaslan into the front three steps.

The wind whistled, and the scimitar was scraped like a gust of wind.

This second, she relied on the advantage of the other soul gun is too long to recover, throwing a Thunder like a knife!

Kaslan, who has no expression and only kills in his heart, will subconsciously start the attack as before.

But he felt a chill from the neck.


He was instinctive and responded instinctively.

I saw the tavern owner’s left hand pumping, and the soul gun quickly slipped back!

For a moment, his right hand had already held the gun head one foot behind, and the rifle was turned into a short gun.

Kaslan completed the defense in an instant, and the black lacquered gun edged the machete.

Ada’s heart glimpsed.

She left a force in the recent Thunder assault and was able to break out at any time.

If the opponent is still the same as before, use the attack to resolve the offensive...

She can fight for the head of Kaslan before being stabbed in the soul.

what a pity.

Forget it.

The elf finds a ghostly figure from the vast memory of the sea and finds out the unique offensive.

Edda's eyes lit up and her knife turned halfway.

"Hey! Hey!" The blade made three rings in the air!

The blade has three consecutive folds, bringing out three attacks.

Kaslan felt three chills from the lower abdomen, left arm and chest.

But what Edda expected was that in the face of a dazzling offensive, Kaslan stood still in the same place, with red eyes and long guns in the same place.

Every knife can be turned into a killer in an instant, but is he so calm?

Or is it because he abandoned consciousness and used instinct to fight?

Edda gently gritted his teeth, and the last sniper attack was instantly turned into a killer.

The blade finally singularly slid to the right shoulder of Kaslan, seeing it from top to bottom, cutting off the opponent's right arm!

At this moment, Kaslan suddenly jumped up in surprise.

His footsteps and his hands moved quickly, and the position of the gun head changed to the front of the blade.

The blade again meets the machete!

Edda frowned and scooped the knife.

The jealousy of the scorpion gun made her have to avoid the gun.

Edda sighed in his heart.

This round of offensive has been completely cracked by him, and he can only find another opportunity.

This old man, actually sharply and accurately grasped her offensive.

The earliest raids did not work, and the three attacks of hidden killings did not work.

Instead, he was forced to rely on his position and gun blade to resolve her offense.

the fourth time.

This is the fourth time her killing has been cracked.

She has seen countless battles in her long life and has seen countless extreme warriors. Although most of the battles at the extreme level end in an instant, in the memory of Edda, there are still a few extreme experts left behind. The silhouette that impressed her:

The terrible gas field and the pressure of the elder sister’s battle can simply drive the opponent crazy; the eternal Sarah is a magical existence with a fine movement that can be carved with a big axe; the silent Mideil is with him. Not afraid of the terrible killings of sacrifice.

The old donkey likes to use the lurking trails to plague the enemy's spirit; the swaying Keira is best at the moment of life and death, completely twisting the outcome.

The sturdy Stoke is always in a steady rhythm and defensive iron wall defense; the unscrupulous Knight of Lausanne is longer than that, but the action is like the explosive assault of the Thunder; the vampire Parile is used to it. It is difficult to distinguish between imaginary and real, erratic and inconspicuous, hidden and infinitely attacking.

The double sword in the heart of the rain can launch a speedy attack that transcends the sound among the electric light and flint; the lazy ghost Sakuel is an all-powerful genius knight who is good at grasping every flaw of the enemy in temptation and observation.

At the moment, this "squatting" Kaslan, however, cracked off her offensive every time at the last moment, every time like a miracle of escape from the Jedi.

Her offenses that perfectly mimicked the legendary masters above, whether it was Lausanne's Thunder raid or Pareley's infinite attack, seemed to be instantly seen in front of this old man.

And this is still the case when he closed his own consciousness and used the battlefield instinct.

Unbeaten battlefield legend - Edda, who has failed to attack, has a deep breath: How did Saccar face this monster?

But the battle is not over yet.

Edda, who is preparing to continue to attack by the flexible edge of the blade, was surprised to find that the enemy’s counterattack came earlier than expected!

"Hey!" The gun head turned sharply.

Kaslan's eyes were red, and the scorpion gun was sent again in his hand, and he was twisted and twisted in a strange way, bypassing Eda's previous block and stabbing the other's chest.

In the mind of Edda, Stoker’s defensive wall defense emerged.

The next second, in the face of a deadly spur, Eda, who is longer than the dexterity, does not evade, but instead screams with a knife!

The Elf Machete cuts the rifle of the scorpion gun.


The harsh metal came.

For the first time after the war, Edda's delicate scimitar slammed into Kaslan's long shots, and the strength of the hedging was no big deal.

Kaslan is almost instinctively sweeping!

Edda trembled slightly, and the boundless force surged from the gun.

At that moment, the bones of her whole body were trembled, her arms and joints even groaned, and there was numbness and severe pain.

The elf was shocked.

This kind of power...

Is he really in his 60s?

Her feet swayed and she was about to be swept away.

At the extreme level of battle, the outcome is often a momentary decision, and falling to the ground in this battle means death.

Edda has a pair of eyes.

That's it.

When I was young, my sister’s teachings reappeared.

Yes, those long-lost memories are back.

Those fighting skills that were accumulated with sweat and hardship before awakening the "recognition" abilities.

Those days that have been beautiful and carefree.

She has learned how to fight against the armed dwarves who are different in the table and the tyrannical giants. I have learned how to clean up the wild orcs who are hypocritical and misbehaving. I have learned how to deal with the elves from the squat kingdom, who are equally dexterous but sinister and narrow. Responding to the feast, the vampires who are pretentious and rude, have learned how to confront the stupid and ridiculous human beings who have the power to end. The above adjectives come from her long sister who is respectful, fearful and admired.

And the enemy in front of you...

A flawless warrior - I really saw it.

At this time, her boy’s image suddenly appeared in her mind.

It is him.

That kid.

Edda showed a bitter smile. She still remembered how she was. She watched him grow up to be a handsome boy every year. He watched him become a handsome and handsome young man, watching him be tempered as the most terrible warrior. He left at all that he could reach.

And his unique fighting posture.

and many more.

His fight!

However, at zero o'clock, Edda's gaze refocused.

The next second, the moment to fall to the ground, I saw that Edda’s wrist suddenly turned.

Edda's knife cleverly sticks to the gun of the scorpion gun. She does not force her to resist. Instead, her legs are off the ground, letting the force push itself and rebalance the posture in midair.

She floated down the gun.

In the next second, her legs alternated, but each time it was like a slap in the water, the figure was rushing toward Kaslan!

Kaslan, who was immersed in the battle instinct, shook his rifle with a blank expression and wanted to shake Eda away.

But the elf is like a spider that doesn't take off, sticking to the gun and approaching Kaslan at high speed.

Kaslan once again felt the danger from instinct.


Edda's gaze was firm, her blade rubbed against the gun, and as she rushed, she slammed her hand at Kaslan.

Her knife on the gun firmly controls the direction of the scorpion gun, and does not allow the enemy to have any chance to block or counterattack.

Everything happens between the electric and the flint.

At the moment when the blade was about to touch his hands, Kaslan did not hesitate to let go of the soul gun!

Kaslan's left leg instantly retreated, the waist turned, the left shoulder pulled back, the right shoulder arched out, and the right hand had already pinched the fist.

Edda's scimitar cut to his chest.

But Kaslan is faster than Eda.

His right fist blasted like a thunder!


Shocking and muffled.

Kaslan’s heavy fist hit Eda’s right shoulder.

"Kara -"

The chilling bone cracks came from the shoulders of Edda.

Edda’s face was instantly distorted by severe pain. She bit her teeth and was awkward.

At that moment, the elf lost all balance, not falling to the ground, and the scimitar left his hand.

But the sense of crisis in Kaslan’s heart has increased. He looked up like a frightened beast and looked for threats.

Just the next second, Kaslan felt a cold heart.

Kaslan subconsciously bowed his head and his left hand slammed to the left chest!


It is also a crisp metal sound.

I don't know when Edda should have appeared on the chest of Kaslan with the scimitar that the master fell together.

The blade plunged into the left chest of the tavern owner.

Blood is coming out.

Edda fell weakly on the ground.

"When it is!"

At this moment, the soul gun fell to the ground and creaked.

Edda also fell heavily, and his right hand was soft on the ground.

Her left hand was still shaking and carried in the air, maintaining the position of the knife.

The blade trembled on Kaslan's chest.

Kaslan finally returned to God and quit from the instinct that only knew the battle.

The wind has blown.

The battle between the extremes has ended without warning.

Edda lay down on the ground, his right shoulder bones were broken, his face was twisted, and he could not shake.

Kaslan gasped in pain, but his tall body still stood still.

The outcome has been divided:

I saw the legendary "squatting land", Kaslan Rumba's left hand, was **** in front of the chest, pinching Eda's machete.

Don't let it go another inch.

Edda, who suffered a serious shoulder injury, was stunned.

Cold and sweaty, she looked at her knife in front of her chest with a shocked look, and looked at Kaslan holding the blade.

"how come?"

She muttered, seemingly unable to believe everything in front of her.

Just before, when Kaslan attacked a punch, Edda shook his right hand and released the machete in the air. The handle changed to the left hand.

At the moment when Kaslan broke a boxer on her right shoulder and innocent defense, Edda sent a knife to his left hand.

Go straight to the heart of Kaslan.

That is to win the game, but also the final blow to death.

The horrified expression stayed on Edda's face: she was supposed to pierce the heart of Kaslan at the last minute.


Edda looked at the enemy's chest and couldn't move the blade. He shook his head incredulously.



I clearly, obviously...

Kaslan saw the situation in front of him and took a painful breath.

He reluctantly pulled out the scimitar that was inserted into the chest and left it on his side.

Blood flowed out of his chest.

The scimitar fell and made a metal-specific squeaky sound.

But Kaslan’s heart was translucent: he did not pinch the knife that aimed at his heart in time.

The reason why he is still alive is that there is no reason.

In the pain of the right shoulder and the numbness of the right arm, Edda fell to the ground and trembled, then slammed the already weak left hand.

She lost.

"Impossible..." The elf, who was unable to resist again, muttered in shock.

"You have no armor and no resistance."

Edda’s face was dark, and she lay weakly on the ground, enduring the pain of her right shoulder:

"I should have stabbed your heart before you reach out... but..."

Caslan's eyes were slightly condensed, and under the contempt of Edda, he slowly sighed.

"Why," Eda was cold and sweaty, unable to watch the gasping Kaslan, struggling to sing:

"Why can't I kill you?"

Kaslan sat down on the floor.

He panted, but revealed a liberated smile.

The sun shone on the street, and the north wind whistled, scraping two opponents lying and sitting.

"Eda instructor... cough... you..." I saw Kaslan violently coughing, hard to bite:

"The luck is really bad."

(End of this chapter)

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