Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Luck is really bad (below)

Chapter 204 is really bad luck (below)

Edda shook his head and stared at Kaslan with a pair of eyes, as if to find the answer.

She does not understand.

Kaslan did not let her wait too long.

"A few years ago, I killed Zillah Thunder at the 38th whistle..." The old man was slowly opening his mouth and answered Edda's doubts.

"He gave me an axe on his chest before he died," Kaslan stroked his left chest, his eyes looking at the scimitar on the side of his body, and looking at the gun, sighing: "I don't know." How many ribs were broken... I was waiting to die at the time."

Edda's face changed.

"On that day, a mad medic named Ramon, with a short craftsman with a special name..."

"With a little luck, some means and some ideas that don't know whether they are geniuses or madmen, they took me back from the prisoner's hands." Kaslan smiled and knocked on his chest.

clang! clang!

The strange voice came from his chest and sounded like a human body.

This voice...

Edda stunned and her eyes slowly widened.

Kaslan sighed and said the truth: "The two guys, replaced and repaired my poor ribs with special metal... God, the pain, tortured me for a whole year."

The two were silent for a while.

Until Edda was shocked, he recovered the long-forgotten breath.

I saw the elf's horror on the face, her pupils slowly shrinking: "Metal... ribs? How?"


The fragile body of human beings, whether it is controlling bleeding or dealing with broken bones, simply cannot withstand it...

Kaslan took a painful breath, his lungs like a broken bellows, making a terrible wind.

"I don't know... cough..." Kaslan coughed violently and spit out a blood: "Listen to the mad doctor, they used some taboos that were not allowed..."

"After that, they were taken away by the people in the darkroom and disappeared."

Edda closed his eyes and frowned.

"So," she shook her head in remorse in cold sweat: "My knife is clearly cut into your chest, but it is stuck in those metals."

"So I just can't kill you."

Kaslan made a bleak laugh:


"If you change a narrow dagger or dagger, you only need to break the blood vessels, and I will die."

"But you are using a scimitar that is so exaggerated in the arc." The old man shook his head, his eyes filled with subtle emotions.

Edda didn't talk, she was unable to move on the ground, but she spit out a helpless breath.

"Because of that 'accident', my lungs have been seriously injured, and I still torture my breath - I don't know how long I can live," Kaslan painfully breathed, coughing and bleeding: "Try again." In a few minutes, I can't hold it anymore."

Edda's face was another move, and his mouth was "O" shaped.

"What?" She endured a terrible pain, straightened up in desperation, and squinted exaggeratedly. "I knew..."

Kaslan showed her a bitter smile and nodded.

Edda seems to be unaware of the defeated, and she sighs with regret and sighs back to the ground.




I knew that I would continue to drag on.

Why are you desperate?

"And your abilities really opened my eyes," Kaslan patted the chest, and after a cough, he snorted: "Fortunately, when I first met, I didn't think about this in my mind, otherwise you must Be prepared..."

Edda looked at his unrequited expression and shook his head unconsciously.

"You are also very smart, little boy," she said ruthlessly: "Leave only the thoughts of 'live' and 'kill him' in your head, and then give everything to your own instinct... let me 'Men' can't read anything."

Kaslan’s smile froze.

He lowered his head and his white hair fluttered behind his head.

"That's not smart." He was faint, his eyes were bleak and his tone was low.

"On the most brutal battlefield," Kaslan closed his eyes and said slowly: "You only have these two thoughts."

Edda raised an eyebrow.

"Yes," the elf seemed to be looking for something to ignore the pain in her shoulders. She saw her gang up and vomited a sigh of relief from the corner of her mouth, then silently said: "Despite the age, it is only six. Ten years old, but... it seems that you have a lot of battlefield experience."


This time, Kaslan’s voice was very firm: “That’s hell.”

"It is the boundless **** that turns normal people into monsters."

"There are only two people there."

"Dead, there are people who are dying."

Edda on the ground rolled his eyes.

"Thank you, although I don't remember very well," Kaslan seemed to have improved a lot. He only listened to his low voice: "But, just that feeling... just like going back to those hells, facing four or five different moments. And terrible opponents."

"Take all my potential out again."

Edda snorted.

Four or five opponents?

He even felt it all.

Eda looked at the sky and asked weakly: "The sea is so angry, isn't it?"

Kaslan’s eyebrows seemed to be a little surprised.

"You found out," a few seconds later, the old man smiled slightly: "I always thought that my end of power was hidden. When serving, everyone thought it was a melting glacier."

Edda nodded in no interest: "The sea of ​​anger, the rare end of the power, the increase in strength and speed is very small, but it can give you an instinct to respond, and respond to all the changes in an instant."

"It's like the sea," Kaslan sighed with affirmation: "No matter how terrible the waves are, the sea is always the same, and it won't shake for years."

Edda shrugged, but this action led to a heavy injury to the right shoulder, which made her a bit of a grin.

"Although it's a little different, Keira's kid has the same end," Eda gasped and bit his teeth. "I just remembered when you swept that shot."

Kaslan’s expression was another move.

"Prince Keira?" Kaslan's tone brought a hint of excitement and excitement: "It's a great honor to be able to compare with the legendary 'wolf enemy'."

But Edda just pulled his face, like a child who refused to admit defeat, lying on the ground and dying.

"Oh, if I don't recognize it, I won't decide to take the risk of cutting it." She stopped her **** and said with a pitiful expression: "Injury to death, to death - - This is the best way to face Keira, facing the sea of ​​anger."

Kaslan smiled and nodded slowly.

"Sure enough, the holy elf who started the war by killing the war is not the same as the old white elf. Even if you give up the ability, you are still a terrible warrior," Kaslan looked at Eda and sighed: " After all, you are not the guy who only knows archery."

"Your praise, I will accept it, little boy." Edda exhaled boringly.

The two were silent for a few seconds.

"And you actually know the 'wolf enemy' a hundred years ago... The so-called eternal life, hundreds of thousands of years of experience is really not a joke," Kaslan said slowly: "Eda instructors, can you take the liberty to ask your age? ?"

"Age?" Edda's eyes widened, and the eyes turned and turned: "Wait, I convert it..."

At that moment, Edda’s eyes suddenly became deep.

"Age." She is faint.

"I was born in the ninth century after the Dragon Slayer War, the fourth century after the War of Survival, the eve of the eternal life of the eternal tree." Edda's tone became very low, but he had a steady weight.

"The same age as the Empire."

There was something more in her gaze that settled quietly.

Kaslan glimpsed, the elf gave him the feeling at that moment, like a pure child, suddenly became a mature adult.

"The Dragon Slayer War?" Kaslan asked tentatively.

"The last large-scale war between the elves and the dragon," Edda said faintly: "Humans have also fought as servants of the elves."

"And at the end of the war, you are defending yourself against the ancient orcs, and you are called the Battle of the Holy Spirit."

Kaslan was shocked.

It’s not like...

But in the next second, Edda smashed his head.

"But I am very late in my adulthood," her tone softened and she replied to the previous insult: "It took a full 180 years to become adult on the eve of the third continental war."

Edda mourned in her heart and sighed:

Unlike the long sister, the adult metamorphosis that was born three hours later.

Well, this belly can not let her know.

Forget about forgetting and forget about it.

Caslan frowned.

The same age as the ancient empire?

So, the elf of more than two thousand years old?

Even from the beginning of adulthood, there are more than three hundred years old.

Kaslan quietly stared at the elf lying on the ground and sighed: "The polar environment in the elves, the monsters that have been piled up with time and experience."

"If you lose, you lose." Edda snorted indifferently. "Moreover, in those who have insufficient experience and can only make up for the disadvantages by reaction and tact, you are also very good."

"It’s just that you are in bad luck." Kaslan smiled and slammed his chest.

"Yeah, luck is really bad,"

"First, I met a warrior who could close my consciousness and thoughts, and restrained my greatest advantage." Edda spread his hand and looked helplessly: "Then he actually has a pair of steel ribs."

Kaslan laughed, and the laughter drove his old lungs, and the old man coughed fiercely.

"Fighting with you... Keke... It’s my privilege in my old age," Kaslan’s face was so painful. He grabbed his own soul gun in the heartbreaking cough, and said: “After retirement, It’s a battle with Sacir’s instructor... I just can’t even think about it.”

Edda pulled the corner of his mouth.

The next second, her face changed.

I saw Kaslan reaching out and picking up the soul gun.

Edda’s heart glimpsed.

The old man sighed and turned his legendary anti-magic arm.

The gun head slowly pointed at the elf on the ground.

Looking at the dark gun blade, Edda snorted.

The elf showed eight beautiful teeth and gave off an ugly smile.

"I said, can we talk about it..."

I don't know if it is pain or sorrow. I saw Edda crying and sullen, whispering to the owner of the scorpion gun: "The legendary anti-magic arm can not abuse it..."

But the next moment, Kaslan’s move made her stunned.

I saw the old man smile a little, put the gun on the ground, and slowly stood up.

Kaslan turned and walked over Edda's side with the support of a long gun.

"I am gone, Edda instructor."

He limped away and smiled back and said: "You have to take care."

Edda’s expression froze.

"Hey?" Edda glared at his right shoulder and revealed doubts in his painful expression: "You are not going to kill me?"

"Not ready to capture me?"

Kaslan exhaled and smiled and shook his head.

“I have achieved my goal, ‘solve the master of the extremes,’” the pub owner said with emotion: “And you have lost the fighting power and can’t influence the situation. That’s enough.”

Edda's eyes widened and he breathed a sigh of relief.

She licked her lips and turned her eyes.

The next moment, I saw this elf open his mouth:

"This way... does your old assembly agree?"

Kaslan heard the words, could not help but glimpse.


He immediately smiled, but helplessly said: "Also, since you have said so, after all, it is not good to cross..."

Kaslan pulled out the soul gun that was lying on the ground: "Then I will follow you..."

Edda instantly changed color.

"Hey, I just said it..." Edda's face changed back to the crying mode in a second: "You see that I look like this..."

Kaslan laughed.

But after a few seconds, Kaslan smiled.

His expression slowly gloomy, his eyebrows twisted and he looked a little bit painful.

"What I am doing is not what I am doing."

Kaslan lowered his head and looked at the scimitar on the ground. His eyes were full of complex and deep emotions, his tone was heavy and his words were desolate.

Edda’s eyes condensed slightly.

"But I can't look back," I saw Kaslan's gaze, subconsciously whispering: "At least, do some trivial things at the last moment, to make up for it, comfort yourself."

Edda looked at him slyly.

I saw Kaslan looking up and slamming the guns and leaving the messy street.

A few seconds later, Edda struggled to sit up, because of the pain in his right shoulder, his face was pale and cold and sweaty.

"Hey, little boy," looked at Kaslan's back, Eda hesitated, or gasped and spit out a few words:

"There will be a period later."

Kaslan’s back was a little bit.

Back to Edda, he suddenly laughed.

The laughter is long and the meaning is desolate.

"Do not."

Kaslan did not return, and was faint.

"Eda instructor, I have a hunch," the old man looked up at the Royal Palace in the distance, his white hair fluttering in the wind, messy: "We are afraid..."

Kaslan sighed and shook his head:

"...there will be no future."

(End of this chapter)

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