Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 241: Centennial chess game (below)

Chapter 241 Centennial Chess (below)

Rumba sighed long.

"And more than a hundred years ago, the first humble merchant who borrowed money from King Didis," the black sand lord silently said: "His descendants are one of the thirteen generations of today's Star Kingdom, the rich 'sunrise flower', The Xiu Kadell family of the Earl of Qingdao.

It was another silence.

But the air seems to be much colder than it was just cold.

Even the flames in the brazier are weak.

After a long while, Oleux Dagong was able to speak hard.

"Xingchen people are better at the drill camp under the countertop - just like the ancient empire in the past, this can't explain anything," the big man of this pot-headed head shook his head, seemingly trying to convince himself:

"Twelve years ago, we are still the winners."

Other big men looked at him, Tluedida looked hesitant, and Lecco was silent.

"Drilling camp under the countertop?" Lenba eyes condensed and chewed this sentence.

He immediately snorted: "I bet you even if you return to the most powerful period of the ancient empire more than a thousand years ago, you can't see the current situation of the stars."

"And, the winner of twelve years ago?" Lombard straight up and his eyes sharp: "Really?"

He said coldly: "Twelve years ago, the Star Kingdom was in chaos, and it was hard to protect itself."

"We are equal to the power of the whole country, the attack is dying, and the stars will be on the wood." Lombard's hand exposed the blue veins, almost breaking his scabbard.

The faces of several Dagongs have become ugly.

Rumba’s expression seems to be back to the battlefield of the year: “At the time, no one doubted that the Exeter army, known as the invincible Westland, would clear their futile resistance in just a few months. ""

“As in the past hundreds of years.”

"Our cavalry's iron hooves will break through every of their battles, throwing stone opportunities to break each of their gates, and heavy infantry will tear up every southern scorpion that tries to resist."

"We will attack the northern border without any difficulty, attack the cliffs, and then enter the city of Yongxing."

"At least like the 'Grandfather' of 400 years ago, Kahn Tluedida, like him, drove the army down to the city of Yongxing, robbed every village, searched every wealth, and reddish the black Longqi was inserted in front of Yongxing City before he left!"

Rumba jerked his head up as if he had come back.

"The results of it?"

The face of the black sand Dagong is extremely painful, and the next words are like a word, a bite from the teeth:

"We spent a few months under the fortress, and the casualties were heavy. Even the poor supply line was riddled with the star butcher until the traitor sold the Horace comet and died. At the cost, we took the fortress by the power."

Oller looked down and seemed to think of something.

Lombard took a deep breath and seemed to be trying to suppress his emotions: "In the spring, we are going north and north. Fortunately, in the face of these neighbors in the North, Exter's absolute superiority is the guarantee of invincibility. In addition to a slight increase in casualties, from Cold Fort to Glacier, we are all smooth."

Tluedida sighed.

"Then," Rumba said openly: "It is the Stars."

Lecco snorted softly and his complex look.

"Although the entire war situation is generally advancing, as we leave the North, the more we go south, the more things get worse."

"The battle line is getting longer and longer, the supply is more unfavorable, the troops are more and more dispersed, we are dragged by the group of dolls, and it is difficult to advance and retreat - this makes the words of Yongxing City within one year, it looks like a joke."

"Soon, we have to dispel the multi-line war, the idea of ​​a full-scale invasion, and instead concentrate on the forces, go straight to the Central Collar and Yongxing City, and try to strike the enemy," Lombard took a deep breath and said seriously: "We have not success."

"So we have to turn into the cliffs and try to find another battlefield."

Rumba clasped his hands and his hands were blue and convex: "We have not succeeded."

"At the same time, our casualties are increasing, the pressure on logistics is increasing, and the Stars and Legion are more difficult each time than the last time."

“Not only that,” he said at this time, Leko’s voice hoarsely added: “They are still recruiting locally, adding and fighting while adding and fighting.”

Rumba nodded and looked dignified.

"What's worse," Black Sands sighed: "Only a few months later, our supply is not enough."

Tluedida frowned. "We have always planned to make supplies on the spot, aren't we?"

Rumba roared.

"Get it, the stars are already in ruins, and the local supplies can't catch up," he said coldly. "The sowing and grazing in the spring have been delayed. The domestic grievances, the vassals are contradictory, and our bad transportation - - The expedition of 100,000 people, which is a terrible logistics for Exeter, is more terrible than the disaster."

Oller Xiugong clenched his fist.

"When the heavy transport to the Broken Dragon Fortress is a problem, when the soldiers can no longer grab enough food, even the most powerful troops no longer have a complete system, when our invincible army is stuck in the city and the castle. Between, nowhere to force, a whole month of battle is not good..." Lombard's face is extremely gloomy:

"Yes, the first thing that the stars proposed peace talks is that they are asking for help everywhere, using foreign intervention, begging for peace, admitting defeat, and asking us to let them go."

Tlueda of the rebuilding tower narrowed his eyes: "Mr. Nun once said that the joint threat of the countries has made him doubtful. After worrying about the annexation of the stars, we will become the target of the emptiness..."

"The diplomatic mediation of the countries?" Rumba punched his fist and squatted on his scabbard: "What are the flies-like forces that count for us?"

"Commas? We have taught them countless times in the Golden Corridor! John Burr? The defeat of the three continents of the war! Staying up late? Their army will cross the ocean for several months!"

"As for the kingdom of the sacred tree, the city of steel, and even the stars of the negotiations, 狡 哼? 哼!" Rumba clenched his teeth.

"You think that with the temper of my king, when did he retreat because of diplomatic means outside the battlefield!"

Tluedida no longer speaks.

"Admit it, we are willing to talk," Lombard breathed out, painfully saying: "Because in that war, we have already done the cards, and we are exhausted, even if we have enough strength to fight, Also not sure."

"It’s a little bit better than the opposite of the star kingdom that is on the verge of collapse."

Ronnie, who listened to all of this, closed his eyes.

"King Nunn is a wise man," Rumba shook his head weakly: "He has played more than anyone else, knowing when to take the hand is the most sensible, and by stepping back, it will not end up in the end. Too ugly."

Oller looked up and looked at the dragon gun pattern in the clouds overhead.

"So I had the Fortress and the Covenant," said Leko, who had received the words of Rumba sadly: "With the humiliation that we cursed for twelve years."

Lombard nodded heavily.

"But there are only a few people, only a few people know," Rumba trembled, lowering his head, and in the darkness of the fire, he screamed hard: "Real humiliation..."

"It is our strong and proud Kingdom of Exeter..."

Tluedida turned his head and stopped looking at them.

"In the face of the robbery of the royal family, the new king is unstable, and the last drop of blood is exhausted by internal and external troubles, and the starry kingdom shivering in the trepidation..."

Oller's expression was stunned and motionless.

"In the face of that weakness, it is unprecedented, even a complete army can not get out, can only rely on a group of baby soldiers fighting the kingdom kingdom..."

Ronnie’s grandson looked at Lombard in disbelief and looked at Lecco.

I only listened to the expression of Rumba: "Our seven grand princes, 100,000 troops, and the power of the country, led the Exeter soldiers who were invincible, but even separated from the North and the Central Army."

"I can't beat it."

Everyone has been saying for a long time.

Only the fire flashed.

After a long time, Lombard sighed:

"I believe that the wars of that year have been felt more or less, but your pride, your honor, your arrogance, have made you afraid, unable, and even more reluctant to admit it."

Do not.

There are people, some people feel earlier than all of you.


Rumba glanced at the subject on the rectangular table and squeezed his fist.

"And the other party?" He seems to be speaking subconsciously.

"Star Kingdom, after the tragedy of the **** year," Lombard frowned: "The population is emptiness, and it is hard to recover, but..."

Ronnie’s grandfather raised his head and his eyes flashed.

"But five years ago, Kaiser V was defeated by the sick kingdom, and the desert war was swayed." The arms of the great city of the great city shook slightly: "The information we sent back from the desert - - His strength is not enough, his combat power is not good, and even the main force is almost destroyed in the desert, we are laughing at him not to be self-sufficient."

Rumba shook his head and his voice was exhausted: "He is reminding us."

The black sand Dagong turned to Ronnie.

"Curi Kun Ronnie, when you face the big desert," he said faintly: "I can carry the army deep into the center of the desert, in the harsh deserts, maintain supplies all the way, ensure logistics, with the orcs and the desert After the **** battle, will you return safely?"

Ronnie was silent.

But everyone knows the answer.

"Don't say it is you," Lombard's words sounded painful and powerless: "That is the powerful ancient empire that has been suffering for thousands of years, and the tens of thousands of troops are also helpless."

"But the Star Kingdom, they did it," said Dagong, who was very scornful: "No matter what the outcome, they did it: they went in, and then carried the skulls of countless orcs and savage people."

"Remember one of the titles of King Kaiser?" Lombard looked down and said: "The conqueror of the Dragon Throne and the Altar of the Altar" - does not understand?"

The four great men exchanged their eyes in silence.

"Wake up, everyone." Rumba whispered, as if in the ear:

"Whether you admit it or not."

"Star Kingdom."

"It's different."

In the complex and subtle gaze of everyone, Rumba looked awkward and leaned back on the back of the chair, as if unable to get up:

"In the days of Judith III, few people understood his actions and even blatantly opposed him - even now."

"The nobles looked down on the king's self-destructive behavior and self-deprecating behavior, and the civilians regarded him as a benevolent and benevolent monarch, scrambling to take advantage of it."

Danny Ron and Oleux Duke looked at each other with a complex mood.

"The ridicule behind the nobles, and the gratitude of the people, the death of Judith III in obscurity."

"Good kindness to mediate the kindness of the ‘Yinjun?” Lombard looked up and looked at the four Dagongs with a serious look and a cold tone: "This title is half ridiculous and half sincere."

"Except for a few artists who appreciate his kindness and make paintings for him, no one cares about the good-hearted sage who was scorned by the nationals but who was secretly dismissed by the nobles, and his small in history. episode."

Rumba narrowed his eyes and clung to his sabre: "However, now, more than a hundred years later?"

No one is talking.

The scene is very dignified.

A few seconds have passed.

"This is Yin Jun, Di Di Si III," Rumba gathered his emotions, faintly said: "His things, the more I know, the more shocking, creepy."

Lecco’s grandfather looked at the brazier in the distance and his eyes remained untouched for a long time.

Ronnie clasped his arms and almost broke his teeth.

Tluedida frowned, and the slick head was so sad.

As for Olsius, he just stared at Lombard as if he wanted to see more things from his face.

"For more than a hundred years, although his people died, his bureaucrats have turned the stars into a steel chariot with good parts and good quality - we only noticed it 12 years ago."

Rumba closed his eyes tightly, and his shoulders seemed to tremble slightly.

"闵迪思·星星三, for me, he is a terrible chess player rare in the world," he said with difficulty and pain: "After more than a hundred years ago, he unexpectedly started the game, but the royal power, the vassal, People, the country, history, everything is in his humble game."

"He used the long-term game that even his grandson couldn't see, letting the star kingdom that originally fell on our downturn, reborn, unconsciously, the Exeter kingdom that we have proud of is far away. Behind me."

"It is hard to compare Comora Carlos I, who had conquered the world more than a thousand years ago."

Rumba sighed deeply, his eyes fascinated: "The hundred-year game that was made with 闵迪思 for the Kingdom of Stars is compared with the delicate combination of his step-by-step chain..."

"Tomund's resurrection is rough and ugly, and Nakaru's victory is so superficial."

"As for the endless power and destruction of the disasters, it’s just as ridiculous as the mighty babies are wielding hammers."

"There is no one in the world, the success or failure of the moment." Lombard is lonely and lonely, and the mood is somewhat desperate: "It is not a family, the success of one city and one collar,"

"He used the country as a chess piece, the world as a chessboard, a bet with hundreds of millions of creatures, and a world-class career."

The brazier creaked.

The Grand Dukes are silent.

Finally, Lombard closed his eyes and sighed slightly:

"A dynasty, a hundred years of chess."

The hall was in a dead silence.

For a while, Rumba "lived" from the atmosphere of almost pause, began to breathe again, and began to speak.

"So, after more than a hundred years of death, ‘Yinjun’.”

Rumba left his seat - or, is the seat of Grand Duke Cameron.

"I, the black sand collar Dagong, Chaman Solon Holt Rumba." He step by step to the four Grand Dukes.

"The relatives, and the monarchs." Rumba's face sank, the first time the face trembled to say these words.

Several Dagong are slightly moving.

"As a Northlander, an Exeter," Lombard clenched his teeth. He swept through every hand and held a heavy arm. He was in the hands of the grandfather of Exeter: "I am standing here and begging you, please ask Eck." The great men of Ster, please pluck the future destiny of the Dragon Kingdom into the hands of the lords."

His voice is as thick as ever, hoarse, and vicissitudes.

"Stop your meaningless infighting and suspicion, let go of the intractable family grievances and contradictions, and stop falling into the trap of co-governing the vows to maintain unity and encourage division. Don't immerse yourself in blood and like King Noon. The family is faint and deaf, and it is difficult to extricate themselves."

"Let us stand up again and face the horrible chess player 100 years ago, facing the terrible stars of this hundred years."

Several big men were serious and serious, and at that moment, even the most savage Trundida felt heavy.

"Because in our relationship with the Kingdom of Stars, between the people of the North and the Empire, in this unrelenting duel, the noble home is also humble, and the powerful army is incomparably thin, and the powerful monarch is weak. The vast land is also empty and poor."

Rumba slowly spit out a breath.

"And, I have a hunch," under the dignified eyes of several big men, the black sand sergeant squinted: "For more than six hundred years, we are facing now..."

"I am afraid it is in this duel..."

Rumba clenched his fists and his voice was down:

"The last round."

I haven't seen Taylors in several chapters. It is estimated that someone will say that I have a water word count.

But I feel from the bottom of my heart that this is not water.

At the end of the month, um, I don't ask for a monthly pass (expecting face), really (full of rolling), really (painful mourning), I really don't ask for a monthly ticket (T_T)!

So, what about the monthly pass? (expecting face X2)

(End of this chapter)

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