Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 242: Genuine patrol

Chapter 242 Truthful Patrol

Cohen stretched out and made a big yawn.

On the street, a little girl holding a cloth passed through and couldn't help but look at Cowan, who was tall.

"The action is smaller, the attendant should have the appearance of a waiter," Raphael walked beside Cohen, frowning: "There are people around the North - it is inevitable that there is no detective without Lombard."

Cohen snorted dissatisfiedly, but he was obediently bowed his head and pressed his own northland linen cloak.

He touched a squat and sighed.

The dark oil on the face...not airy, a little stuffy.

The alert officer looked at the carriage behind him and frowned. "Is this really useful?"

Raphael ignored him, but he also looked at the carriage behind him and continued on.

Soon, Rafael saw their destination.

He is dreaming.

he knows.

This time, Tells knows very well: This is a dream.

A dream of deja vu.

In his dreams, he still sits leisurely and happily in the classroom, listening to what others are telling:

"Poggi's book mentions that from the feudal system to the development of absolutism, the hierarchical state - this is a German word, st?ndestaat, do not use the English-Chinese dictionary to check - is an important part that cannot be ignored. springboard."

“Emerging urban groups are demanding a stable and secure political and economic environment. Obviously, this is incompatible with the traditional lord-dependence model with personal relationships, so these city groups began a short-term cooperation with the rulers for the benefit. They began to participate in the rule through hierarchical meetings, etc. Their appearance actually weakened the feudal factors and turned the dual feudal system of the monarch-princes, lords and vassals into a complex triangular relationship.

"But this is far from being the centralization of our impressions. It is only the process of achieving this result: these third forces recognize and support the special status of the ruler, instead of treating the ruler as a peer only like the feudal princes; The taxation promoted many of the taxes, and the rulers strengthened themselves and strengthened their domain governance."

“And the rulers also used the privilege of the civilians to recruit servants – in the process, a large, professional, prudent, institutionalized public administration gradually revealed its embryonic form and laid the foundation for the subsequent absolutist rule. ""

“Corporate system, Bureaucracy, or bureaucracy – although I don’t like this translation very much, it’s easy to give you some subjective bad impressions – this is the basic concept you should have touched from textbooks when you were in college. A professional-born classmate may wish to make up for Weber's original work. Although it is difficult to read, it is much more interesting than the second-hand summary you read from the textbook..."


A slight shock came and awakened Taylor from his sleep.

"what happened?"

In the Commas's carriage, Thales opened his sleepy eyes, smeared his mouth and mouth, and looked at the other people in the car: "I, I slept?"

In addition to the carriage, the residents of the Northland who come and go are all worried. The White-Blade Guard has already replaced the costumes and dressed as ordinary Northland servants. The stars next to the team – including Cohen and Miranda On the clothes of the Commas, they matched the two Commas carriages with the logo of the rice stalks.

"Slightly, don't worry, Your Highness," Ptelle, who was around him, turned his head calmly, politely not looking at the prince's embarrassment, while observing the situation outside the car: "It looks like we are approaching the first gate." It is."

Sure enough, at the end of the road outside the car, the outlines of the gates and the Palace of the Spirit have appeared in the field of vision – many curious civilians want to get close, but they are driven away by patrols under the gates.

When Tyres first came to Longyan City, the first gate that had stepped in had arrived.

But it is now in the hands of the enemy.

The Palace of the Spirit is just behind it.

Tersson breathed a sigh of relief, pacifying the heart of his heart and jumping out of his dreams.

His eyes turned to the serious Nilai Lai.

"It's time," the comet raised his head. "We're going to part ways here. I'm going to another carriage, we have to leave with Miss Walton..."

"As for you," Nie Lai squinted. "Good luck."

Taylor shouted out of his nose.

"Thank you and your brothers, thank you for taking us here," the prince looked out of the window, looking at the carriage behind them, frowning: "take care of her - become a Walton, in this The situation is not a good thing."

"The rest is done by us."

Niely's face was a glimpse.

But he immediately looked up and looked at the captives around him - Marquis Slyes, hate to say: "Let smart, old friends, otherwise... I promise you, you don't want to get a white blade hidden in the dark. The former commander of the Guard."

Slys, who was blocked with his mouth and tied his hands, nodded and tried his best to reveal a calm and polite smile.

Unfortunately, his smile looked awkward because his mouth was blocked.

Just at this time.

The carriage stopped.

Everyone in the car looked out of the window subconsciously.

Outside the car, more than a dozen soldiers dressed in patrol costumes waved to the team and walked towards them.

Behind them, there are at least several hundred colleagues, going back and forth in all directions, seemingly around the gate and pulling up a line of defense.

"The patrol?" Taylors was shocked: "Is it a Lombard?"

"Well, not only closed the gate, but unexpectedly, the warning line was laid out at such a long distance," Putile narrowed his eyes. "It seems that they are very strict - although they know it is fake." Goods, but it’s really quite like that."

"Get ready, you have to mix this."

Tyres’s heart was shocked. He looked at the first gate in the distance, imagined the Yingling Palace behind it, and the figures in the palace. He couldn’t help but clench his fists and his eyes became firm.


My fight.

Opposite him, Niely's face was tight.

The comet cuts the rope from Sly's body and then pulls out the strip of cloth in his mouth.

Puttier smiled at Shrez: "It’s time for you to show your ability to negotiate, Marquis."

"Do you know what to do?"

Slys was relieved, and the whole person leaned on the carriage: "The harvest lady is on, of course, but I want to say..."

The next moment, the hands of the comet were instantly pinched on the shoulders of Marquis.

The latter, like an electric shock, immediately bounced off the carriage.

"To be honest," Nie Lai’s voice contained a faint threat: "If I find you dare to play tricks..."

Slys had a cold sweat.

"Relax, relax, Lord Lord," the Kangmasians shook their heads as they sweated. "Let me negotiate, always guarantee my safety?"

"I can't guarantee your safety," Nie Lai said coldly. "But if something goes wrong, I promise you will die before us."

In this regard, the understanding of Slyth can only smile and express "understanding."

Tyres took a deep breath and showed a peace of mind to Putility.

More than a dozen patrolmen walked into the two carriages with the Commas logo, looking badly at the northerners and foreigners who were surrounded by the car.

The window is open.

"Good day, diligent gentleman."

"I am from Sile Baila from Shanliucheng." The blonde ponytail, the graceful Marquis of Syles, has a relaxed expression and a slight tone of nod to the aristocrat who looks like an officer in the car:

"Sorry, I have a very urgent matter. I have to go to the Palace of the Spirit. Can you get through?"

The order officer gave a slight glimpse: "Commas?"

In the carriage, everyone was silent and waiting for the negotiations of Sly.

If he suddenly repents or...

Tyres sighed.

Niely gently touched his handle and stared at Sly's back.

"If you can't make a decision, I think your boss should know me - I mean ‘head boss.'” Slys smiled and nodded.

The order leader of the leader looked wrinkled, and he turned and patted the shoulder of a soldier next to him, whispering a few words to him.

The latter seems to have received an order and turned away.

"Of course, I have heard your name, adult, you are one of your guests," the order officer raised his head and nodded respectfully to Slyiss: "But I am also sorry: every attempt to enter the Palace of the Spirit In the carriage, every noble who tries to enter the Yingling Palace must be inspected."

"This is an order from the Prime Minister."

The voice just fell, everyone in the carriage was in shock!

Thales and Puttier looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

prime minister?

Not Lombard?

This means...

Sly's expression was especially shocking.

"Wait, you mean," Slys unconsciously opened his mouth and looked at the patrols around him, nervously asking: "Is this the order of the Prime Minister?"

In response to the Marquis, the order officer seemed to be a little surprised. He first looked at his colleagues and his subordinates, then nodded to Slyless.

The Marquis in the car frowned at suspiciously: "You mean, Count of Brisbane, Prime Minister of Brisbane?"

"Yes, the patrols in the city are now directly under the command of the prime minister." The order officer replied solemnly: "Is there any problem?"

Slys looked at him slyly: "The Prime Minister? Where is the other person? In the palace?"

The order officer shook his head.

"No, he is here," the order officer pointed to on the side of his street, a house guarded by soldiers: "I am working in a temporary position behind us. I have sent someone to ask him. If you have any questions, you can ask him or directly."

Sly's look looked up intricately.

"City Gate, the first city gate," Marquis looked at the first gate in the distance, looked at the vague figure above, and said with a swallow: "It is time now - why not open?"

"Is it... what happened to the Palace of the Spirit?"

The order officer changed his mind.

"Of course not," the order officer reacted very quickly and his face was solemn. It seemed unquestionable: "You know, the disaster has just arrived last night. We will be more cautious in the extraordinary period, but please rest assured that everything is under control."

Slyley narrowed his eyes.

He took a deep breath and looked at the house where the Prime Minister was.

The Marquis asked sharply: "Why didn't the Prime Minister go to the palace to sit in the town? Instead, he was temporarily stationed in a house?"

"The patrol on the gate, between the warning lines you have laid - is too far away?"

"Do you say... don't you dare to get close to the gate?"

The brow of the order officer was wrinkled with invisibility.

"You misunderstood, we deliberately made the line of defense farther away from the gate. This is for safety," he replied very seriously. It seemed to be trying to cut off all unnecessary associations of the alien aristocracy: "We have to make sure Before security, stop all possible threats outside the Palace of the Spirit. Of course, even the gates cannot be taken lightly."

Slys brows a pick.

During the conversation, the soldier who passed the order returned to the order officer and whispered a few words to him.

"Please come with us in your carriage," the order officer turned his head and nodded to the Marquis: "The Prime Minister wants to meet you."

Sly's expression changed.

"Oh," he nodded gently, covering his heart with the smile. "Okay, let's come."

Slyce first gestured to the leader, and then looked at himself, and the action slid smoothly closed the window.

The carriage moved back and the people following the patrol slowly advanced.

He looked back at the people in the carriage.

When Slyce turned back, his expression had become tense and dignified.

Everyone in the carriage looked back at him pale.

"These people, these soldiers," Slys tried to restrain his emotions, but Taylors heard an unexpected panic from his tone: "They are not the people of Lombard, not the people of the black sand collar!"

Sly's speed of speech is getting more and more urgent. Even Nie Lai's top handles behind him are not concerned. They are desperately ruined: "They are the real Longyan City patrols, the army! Directly under the Order Hall and the garrison , not fake!"

"Good value!"

Tyres moved in his heart and looked at the patrols on both sides.

Real goods?

In other words, are these people loyal to Longyan City and loyal to Walton?

“What happened?” Putilit asked calmly: “The Prime Minister of Brisbane appeared and took control of the situation?”

"It shouldn't be there yet," Slys shook his head, apparently trying to think about the current situation: "I asked: the gate is still in the hands of Lombard - obviously, they are negotiating and even negotiating."

Two carriages, along with the Northlanders and the Stars, are moving forward, the gates are in front of them, and the house where Brisbane is located is in the left front.

Putilit shook hands and narrowed his eyes: "It seems that this head is a bit more powerful than we thought - this posture, he has already detected the wrong in the gates and even the Yingling Palace, and led the troops." ”

Tyres sighed softly. He looked at Nilailai and his eyes were firm: "Now is a good opportunity. You can take Walton with you... With Miss Walton evacuating, go to your Prime Minister of Brisbane - seek If you are assisting, just leave and you can do it."

In front of his eyes, there was another little **** the carriage, the fearful little girl.

I have to be separated here.

Small slippery head.

Nie Lai’s look

"Northern people are of course convenient, but the question is, what about us?" Slyce biting his teeth and frowning: "When I see Brisbane, what should we say?" We are going to save your country, please Let us go '?"

Tyres took a deep breath and thought about it.

In the original plan, it was necessary to rely on Schles to deceive the black sand-collecting soldiers in the gate, and then they would be sent to the Palace of the Spirit by Sly.

But now, just before the gate...

Earl of Brisbane.

prime minister?

How to do?

How to face him?

Or, simply don't face him?

Thinking of this, Taylors looked up and thought: "If we suddenly rush to the gate, let Slyce take us in, will it succeed?"

"Can Brisbane and his patrol intercept and even attack us?"

The carriage drove past the soldiers of another team of patrols: they seemed to be more nervous than the other soldiers, surrounded by a nobleman and pointing at the gate.

Putila frowned: "But that..."

He did not say anything.

Nie Lai’s look changed and he looked at Tyres.

"You know, in fact, you can go with me to see the Prime Minister, we explain everything, combine his strength, and act together," Nie Lai faintly said: "With his cooperation, we will be more convenient."

The comet said that he glanced at Slyless and his eyes were cold: "In any case, we have a ‘enthusiasm' certificate from Commas in the point of trying to stab the Nunn.”

The Marquis of Commas, suddenly changed his face!

Taylor's heart moved.

The prince nodded and asked in a dignified manner to Nie Lai: "If we go to Brisbane... is he credible?"

Nie Layton had a look.

"Country of Brisbane, he is the prime minister of the kingdom. He is the right arm of his Majesty for many years." The comet lowered his head and whispered: "And it is the direct vassal of Longyan City..."

Tyres frowned and felt that Nilai was not right.

(End of this chapter)

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