Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 245: Chail Urad

Chapter 245 Chail Urad

Longyan City, in the doorway behind the first gate.

Countless black sand collar soldiers were fully armed, and the two carriages and their entourage were surrounded by solid, unblemished, and looked at the uninvited guests who dared to crash into the gate.

Tyres sat in the carriage, through the window, his scalp numbly looked at the dense enemies in front of him.

Really bad.

This is the risk that they risked being attacked on both sides, rushing past the arrow rain that passed over the scalp, and then slamming into the gate after desperately, facing the scene on the other side of the gate.

Tyres squeezed his fists, clenched his teeth, and endured the panic of his heart.


Calm, Taylors.

Not so bad.

The black sword in front of his eyes was suppressed by Eichda, and he was still in a hurry, looking for a scene of vitality and a way out.

I also remembered that Nuon Wang was step by step in the duel, and the relevant strategies and strategies.

Tyres took a deep breath and forced himself to start thinking.

The accident in front of the gate, whether it was the emergence of Brisbane or the Red Witch, disrupted their plans - it was supposed to be taken by Slyus and entered the Palace of the Spirit in the name of the Lombard allies, instead of the chaos Look like that.

The accidents came too fast, they didn't even have time to discuss how to go next.

Taylors can only think of a way out.

The people inside and outside the car were still breathing sharply, and even the horse pulling the car was snoring, and the carriage that Teres took even broke a tether.

"We, we rushed over... but..." Outside the carriage, Cohen held the wheel in one hand, pressed his abdomen with one hand, and gasped with a big mouth.

He looked ugly at the soldiers who were full of hostility, and Miranda said that he was more serious than him. "The sunset, the goddess is on... How do I feel that our choices are somewhat impulsive..."

"At least they didn't get outside and nailed us into hedgehogs," Miranda calmed down on his own breath, staring at the situation around him, and then looked at the door and the Yingling Palace, which is close to the cave. : "Hurry and pack yourself up."

Cohen gasped his head in pain.

In the carriage, Tyres looked to Putile.

"It seems that the way we come in is still too high-profile, plus so many people," the prince looked worriedly at the scene outside the car: "They really doubted."

Whether it is the White Blade Guard or other people in the Stars, it is not in the original plan of Tells.

"We have done this, even though the rest of us are in danger," Niely checked his disguise for the last time, and said with a heavy face: "At least, we don't have to face the red witch."

“There is no choice,” Putile shook his head. “Once the Red Witch is aware of our movements, even if there are more than one hundred alternative plans, there is a great chance of failure.”

“It’s better to think about what to do next – how to deal with these people outside.”

Tyres sighed and felt that his head was as big as a bucket.

He turned his face and looked at their "good friends" from Commas.

Their original plan was...

"Oh, I guess," Marquis Slythes also saw the scene outside the carriage, but he was more and more calm, slowly sorting out the collar that was skewed because of the carriage, as if the arrow that had just wiped the head was just a noble horse. Ball: "I suddenly became important at this time, isn't it?"

Taylors raised his brow.

Since entering the gate, Sly's has become a good-looking way, making Tyres quite uneasy.

Niely snorted: "Is I going to put the chips on this guy again?"

Putila reluctantly spit out a breath: "You can't be hard---the number of guards in this gate is at least one hundred times ours."

Sly's innocently spread his hand to him, but his expression was far from the outside of the gate, and he was a "what price you are going to pay for".

Just like the dealer in the casino, who just got back the chips from the players.

Taylors took a deep breath.

The accident just caused the people of the Northland to be in danger, which made the previous threat to Niles to be a little pale.

And now, they probably can only rely on Sly.

But first...

"I know, the way we ask you to come is somewhat unpleasant, Mr. Marquis," the prince said faintly: "But in street gambling, 'winning a winner' often means squeezing away other players - Black Sands is no exception. ”

Sly's eyes flashed.

"Handing us out will not consolidate your weak alliance with Lombard," Taylors calmly stood at the Marquis's point of view, thinking about it all, thinking about how to minimize the possibility of Sile's betrayal of them again. Sex: "But send me to Rumba and a few big men..."

"Except for the so-called 'friendship' that Rumba has formed with your interests, you won't lose anything," Thales narrowed his eyes. "On the contrary, you may have unexpected gains."

Sly's eyes lit up: "Is this a promise from the heirs of the King of Kings?"

"In my experience, the promise is very fragile - even if it is a lord, a king," Tells shook his head firmly: "But as you said, business can't just look at numbers and profits. Still have to do word of mouth and contacts."

Putilai raised an eyebrow.

Slyley narrowed his eyes and looked at Tyres.

Outside the carriage, there was a scream from the black sand collar, and their doors had been ringed.

"Please be outside of Lombard," the prince nodded, and there was an unquestionable meaning in his tone: "Let us be your backhand."

Slys looked at the prince with interest, his mouth curled up, his eyes changing constantly.

Finally, he was slightly beheaded.

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"I will miss today, an amazing drama," the Marquis of Commas sorted out the collar on the carriage, lifted the hat slightly, smiled politely at them, and gave Taylor a look. I am very impressed in my eyes. "Whether it is Lombard or you, it is worth the price."

Tyres’s tone is very serious: “Remember, all you need to do is send me to Rumba and the Grand Dukes.”

But the Marquis of Shanliu City just smiled at him and pushed the door open and went on.

Tyres took a deep breath and exchanged a look with Putilai, and also jumped off the carriage.

Only Nilailai and Putila are left.

"He is a shameless bastard," Nie Lai, who was still in the car, snorted and looked at the back of Sly's: "He won't work with us."

"Because of this," Mr. Xingchen’s deputy ambassador shook his head: "He will not cooperate with Rumba."

Nie Lai took a look at him.

"You don't seem to worry about your prince at all." The comet was cold and cold.

Puttier laughed softly.

"When I first met him, Teres was just a little smart and early-child," said Mr. Deputy, with a thoughtful expression: "Sensitive, hesitant, timid, sloppy and self-confident, with him from the country. The reputation that was uploaded by the meeting was very different."

Niely frowned.

Looking at the little back of Tyres, Putilie sighed.

"But as I get along with each other, I have a feeling," he said with emotion: "The more encounters along the way, the more powerful he becomes - Tyres is constantly learning, adjusting, adapting."

"Whether it is a vampire, a disaster, a flower of a fortress, a wrath of the kingdom, or even King Nunn or Chaman Rumba, whether it is his friend or enemy..."

In the eyes of Putilai, there is a different kind of light: "I am afraid that they have not realized what their actions have brought to the child."

The comet is a little bit.

He turned his head and grabbed his scabbard and pouted in disapproval.

"There is so much nonsense."

Outside the train, Tyres followed Beas, and he was slightly beheaded after the disguise of Wyatt.

Tyres was not very adaptable to the sudden increase of light, blinking slightly, looking at the gate of the gate.

This is the third time that Tells visited the first gate in two days.

He still remembers the scene of his first entry into the first gate. He was surrounded by the mission, with sorrow, tension and embarrassment, watching the gate separating the Yingling Palace and the outer city of Longyan.

But this time, they are coming...

Taylors soon saw the "familiar" scene: the rough and magnificent Palace of the Spirit was less than a hundred meters in front of them, and the ten giant colonnades and eight large furnaces still stood in the middle.

However, the court guards and the White Blade Guards, which were originally seen everywhere, have disappeared.

Instead, it is a black sand soldier with hundreds of people.

They are full of vigilance and twilight, and still wear the patrol costumes. However, the patrol standard sabre dedicated to small-scale conflicts has long been replaced by large battlefields such as mace, fighting axe and straight blade saber. Anti-personnel weapons, and even bows, seem to have just looted the arsenal in the gates.

In the formation of the black sand collar, striding out of a nobleman in a plate armor, his face wide and his nose protruding.

"Lord of the Marquis," the chief vassal of the Lombard, Earl Lewan, staring badly at the Marquis of the City of Good Flow, standing in front of the crowd: "About your behavior of arranging the gate."

"I need an explanation."

The soldiers of the black sand collar were surrounded by a group of people, showing fierce light.

Almost all of Tyres’s people held their breath.

Slys bowed his head and sighed slightly.

Everyone, including Tyres, was nervously waiting for his reaction.

When Slythes looked up again, the Marquis had re-attached the polite smile.

"Dear Count," Slyless nodded slightly, smiling and subtle: "I have brought you a surprise."

Earl Lewan squinted and looked at Slys and his "followers" carefully.

“It’s happening at the wrong time,” Levan said thoughtfully: “You can’t be called a surprise – especially if you bring in... these people?”

Even with the cover of disguise, Earl Lewan noticed the strong shape and neat movements of the White Blades, and they could not help but show their faces.

The heart of Tyres suddenly snorted.

But the Marquis of Slyce smiled slightly and raised his hands with confidence.

"I have heard that your prisoners in the gates have made some small mistakes?" He said softly to Levant, a look of good looks.

Lewan’s face changed, and some cramped: “Looking? You misunderstood...”

Sly's face looked like "I know". He raised his index finger and looked at Levan. He shook his head and shook his head: "Hey, look at this, Dagong, you still don't know your mistakes?"

Levanton is a word.

Slys looked at Lewan's appearance, laughing and letting the boy after the birth: "Let me introduce it."

"This is the 'guest' who has disappeared from your grandfather. It is also the prince of the distinguished Prince of Stars, the only heir to the throne of the Star Kingdom."

"Under my escort, I have returned."

The face of Earl Lewan was stiff on his face.

Tyres took a deep breath and walked slowly, looking awkward.

Slys sighed with a sigh of relief and couldn't help but show off the happy appearance, walked slowly to the Earl of Lewan and patted him on the shoulder.

"Looking at it, this is the ‘surprise’ that I have tried every means to get in from the eyes of the prime minister.”

Slyley raised his eyebrows and waved at the first Meerk: "Look, if it weren't for the strong mercenary I hired from the desert, I wouldn't be able to catch him."

Lewan’s expression changed, and in the eyes of the White Blade Guard and the Stars, the hostility dispelled a lot: “The mercenary?”

Melk's nose was soaring, his face was dark, his exaggerated smile, and nodded to Count Lewan.

“Some of us are from the city of Qiyuan, who are from the North, others from other places, lord,” said Melk, savagely: “Looking for food in the desert, if you have any needs – we kill Only need six gold coins."

The Whiteblade Guards neatly showed a thick smirk and shocked Earl Lewan.

Really play.

Taylors rolled his eyes in the bottom of his heart.

Sure enough, it is the ‘all-powerful’ white-blade guard.

Lewan looked at these people and looked at the tares that were surrounded by them in the center, frowning.

Sly's still looks like a smile.

Everyone is waiting for the decision of Count Lewan.

Finally, after Lewan thought for a while, he released his brow and waved at the soldiers behind him: "Here are the guards! Heilson, Jason, you two teams left."

With his orders, the dense black sand soldiers turned their backs and walked back to the gates along the steps on both sides. The people in the field suddenly dissipated.

Tyres was relieved.

"I will thank you for your help on behalf of the Grand Duke."

"Lord Tulleha has gone to sin to the Grand Duke. If he sees your 'surprise', he will be very pleased," Count Lewan coughed unnaturally, glaring at Taylor and then facing Shrez. He nodded. "I will tell you the goodwill of Dagong. Let me take over now."

"You and your people can rest here..."

Slyce smiled and shook his head. He raised his right palm and pressed the count to say.

"Oh, no," Marquis said, "The prince just told me a very important new information. I think I need to take him to see the Grand Duke as soon as possible."

Levan made a slight meal.

"The Lord Dagong is busy," the count of the black sand collar frowned. "Not allowed to disturb."

Slys threw away his smile and his expression became serious.

"Please believe me, the intelligence of this prince is related to the things that the Grand Duke wants to do," the sudden tone of Slythes made the Earl Lewan nervously nervous: "You can't imagine."

Earl Lewan looked at Slys seriously.

The latter also looked back at him solemnly.

A second later, Earl Lewan sighed: "Well, I can send someone to take you to see the Grand Duke..."

"I must take him," Slys shook his head, facing Tersnunu's mouth: "Some things can only be said from his mouth."

Lewan is a bit strange: "Is it urgent?"

Slyce shook his head first, then nodded, his face mysterious: "It's terrible."

Lewan looked at him for a few seconds.

"I understand," the count nodded. "You can start now, big justice in the Palace of the Spirit, near the Hall of Heroes."

Slyley showed a smile: "Thank you."

Taylors felt that a big stone in his heart had finally landed.

As long as you can see the Grand Duke, there will at least be a chance.

"Wait, your people will stay here," Lewan, while commanding his team, nodded and nodded to Slyus. "We are escorting your past."

Slysley raised his eyebrows and pretended to inadvertently stunned the crowd next to the team.

"Of course." Marquis did not care to nod.

The heart of Tyres sinks.

He watched the people around the two carriages being taken away by the soldiers of the black sand collar, and watched a group of soldiers coming towards themselves and Slys, nodding their heads politely.


The prince took a deep breath.

Starting now, there is only himself.

But at this time, a thick male voice was uploaded from behind them to the gate of the gate:

"Please wait a moment!"

Everyone returned to the head.

I saw a weird middle-aged man with a gorgeous dress and a normal face, but with eight scorpions in his head, slowly descending from the steps.

Earl Lewan frowned and asked without hesitation: "What is it, my dear civilian order officer?"

He seems very unhappy with this new middle-aged man.

In the crowd, Melk and Nie Lazizi frowned, both lowering their heads.

They recognized the coming people.

I saw this middle-aged man shook his head and did not care about Lewan’s tone to him.

"The mercenary, right?" The middle-aged man walked over to the two carriages and looked at the pedestrian, revealing a subtle smile, and his eyes stopped on Miranda: "I don't know, there are maids among you. Soldier?"

Cohen and Raphael looked at each other and their hearts were upset.

But Miranda was expressionless, holding a dark face that was rough with paint and looked up.

"I came from the thorny land, Grand Master," I saw the female swordsman straight out his tongue and replied in a rustic voice. "We are full of maids everywhere."

Cohen narrowed his eyes: good acting.

The middle-aged man raised his eyebrows slightly.

"It turns out," he nodded gently, and the eight scorpions shook slightly: "Can I see your sword?"

"I am very curious about the number of swords of female mercenaries."

Miranda has a slight glimpse.

"Enough, Urad," Earl Lewan said uncomfortably: "Maybe Dagong can tolerate your innocence, but here is..."

"Please wait a moment, Lord Count," said the man named Urad, turning his head and interrupting him loudly. "You don't want to make any big mistakes again."

Levanton was a glimpse.

Tyres can't help but wonder: What happened?

This middle-aged person... If you remember correctly, it should be one of Cohen’s what they said, one of the underground forces of Longyan City.

Urad turned his head and smiled again at Miranda: "Can you?"

Miranda took off the sabre at the waist and handed it to the man in front of him.

"Call," Urad tried the weight of the test, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's not light."

Miranda smiled: "I think too."

Urad sighed and pulled out a blade.

"By the way, I also introduce myself. My name is Chail Urad." The middle-aged man shook his head and looked down at the sword from all angles. "Twelve years ago, twelve in the suburb of Hanbao." The small village is responsible for collecting taxes."

Miranda frowned slightly.

"Oh, Cold Castle, I know," she grinned gruffly. "You are the star kingdom?"

Urad smiled.

The count of Lewan was shaking his head in disdain.

"Yeah, in theory, we are employed by the Tax Office of the Cold Fort," Urad’s sword on his hand turned over and stroked the sword belt wrapped around the hilt, calmly saying: "The reason they hired us is Because we need to go to the next level, that is, the tax collectors from the central government have a reasonable basis, so that they can pay less taxes to the king."

Miranda and Raphael, who listened to the conversation, were slightly stunned.


Why do you say this?

"However, we have never seen the great masters of the Cold Fort once."

Urad sighed: "They will only send their vassals, the idiots of the Sangles family to check the accounts. The idiots only know how to take the banner of the lord's family and take a large amount of oil from the tax items. We come to bear the fame, whether it is for the higher tax collectors or for the villagers below - they are all hands-on, and they are the in-laws of the lord family. We ask for nowhere, and we can only swallow the sounds every year."

"So you came to Exeter," Miranda shrugged and snorted without hesitation: "I understand."

"Do not!"

Urad suddenly looked up, raised the volume, and looked blank.

He shocked everyone.

"You do not understand."

Urad’s sword on his hand was inserted back into the scabbard, his face stunned: “Finally, there was a year when the cold castle sent a young master to collect taxes. He was noble, young and promising, fair and daring, and he was famous. At that time, we all thought things. There has been a change - no more abuse and bullying."

I saw the tax sigh of the former Star Kingdom slightly sighing, and the look of the memory was revealed: "I remember very clearly, the name of the noble aristocrat - Nolanur."

Miranda's expression has not changed.

But my heart has already set off a huge wave!


That is……

In the distant memories of Miranda, there was a tall, unshaven young man.

He laughed at the girl who was not up to the height of the wheel, picked her up and tied her face with a beard.

The female swordsman clenched his fist unconsciously.

Rafael and Cohen looked at each other with a sense of uneasiness.

Taylor looked around and only felt that the situation was getting worse.

What happened?

He mentioned his past to Miranda...

Did you find anything?

"Nolanur told us that the cold castle finally found the abnormality of the tax." Urad whispered.

"He also said..."

At that moment, Urad’s eyes were suffering.

"He said, we, our small tax collectors, have been deducting the tax amount all the year round, and have been reported by the Sangles family," Urad sarcastically hated: "We, these victims were sue! The tax deduction , full of private pockets!"

The count of Lewan was frowning: he felt wrong.

Urad may be born with a mean, malicious mind.

But he is not a fool, nor a madman.

Instead, he is very smart.

On the one hand, the Marquis of Slythe wanted to say something, but was pressed by Count Lewan.

"No matter how we plead," Urad shook his head in a difficult way, as if: "In that year, 'the fair Nolanur', he personally chopped off my eight peers, including me, in the cheers of the villagers. Teacher."

"The eight innocent people."

Urad stunned, and the expression immediately turned into hatred.

"I will never forget the stupid aristocratic young master. I can't forget the feeling of being in front of the execution desk. I can't forget all of them looking at our contemptuous eyes." His eyes showed grievances and hatred, and eight scorpions shook slightly: " Go to the **** Nolanur Arend."


I heard this famous surname, and many people’s faces have changed.

At that moment, Tyre’s heart bells!


He cast his eyes on Syracuse for help, but the latter was just frowning and not screaming.

Urad clenched his teeth and made a beast-like low number.

Miranda took a deep breath and looked up.

"I still remember that before the kid was executed, he looked like a disgusting look." Urad’s eyes were cold and he learned the tone of the man in that year. His tone was painful: "'The Lord of the Cold Fort, Dylan Allen In the name of the Duke of Duke, you will die under the blade of 'Yingxiang', redeem the sin, and use justice. He will say it again, and then cut off a human head."

Urad hated: "I am the ninth person. He listened to repeating this sentence eight times and watched him wave this sword eight times!"

"Until the cold castle came to command, I was called to go back - keep my life for the next day."

Miranda only felt that there was an endless chill behind her.

She grabbed her sabre and her face was pale and her brows shook.

Urad did not stop her, but showed a sneer.

"Of course," Urad looked horribly at the sword in her hand:

"I can't forget the style of this sword when I die."

"Even if you wrap up the sword belt, stick to the sword, or even change the scabbard, I will recognize it - he is a cold sword."

He is cold and cold:

"The eagle xiang belonging to Nolanur Arend."

"Is right?" Urad faintly said, with deep hatred and anger in his eyes:

"This ... a lady who has an inexplicable relationship with the Aaron family?"

Everyone on the side of the Teres, trembled in the heart.

What they are most worried about is still happening.

Slyce looked palely at the principal here, Earl Lewan.

I saw the count sighed and looked at the stiff Urad with a complex look.

"It seems that you are not telling the truth, Lord Marquis," Earl Lewan looked at the people in the team and said coldly: "It is a Commas."

Marquis Slyes sighed and looked at Taylors helplessly.

Taylors only felt cold in his hand.

"They are not people on our side."

Earl Lewan turned to Slys and Tyres, screaming in disrepair: "but a guy who doesn't have a picture!"

I saw the count waved and ruthlessly ordered his soldiers:

"Get them."


(End of this chapter)

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