Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 246: A knife to break the soul!

Chapter 246 is a knife!

At the moment he heard the count of Earl Lewan shouting orders, Taylors subconsciously shocked.

Do not.

It’s already here...

The tremor came from behind the prince, rushing to the top of his head and spreading all over the body.


This is the sound of the weapon's scabbard, front and rear, noisy and chaotic, but it is chilling.

Taylors only felt that his breathing was stagnating, and his eyes were slowly widening.

Do not.

The sin of the prison river does not have to be called by the user, and it is generated again in the body and floods his brain.


Tells said to himself.

From the chaotic words of both sides, to the tense and neat pull of the soldiers, Taylors looked at everything in front of him and slowed down.

The noisy scene is like the water that has been poured into a lake, and most of the sound is removed in time.

Tyres tried to grit his teeth and slowly turned back in the feeling of slowing down the time.

In his vision, Earl Lewan looked fierce and slowly waved his left hand and glared at something.

Beside the count of Lewan, Slyth had a subtlety in the horror of his face. He slowly turned his head and looked at Taylor's complex eyes, which was difficult to interpret.

Urad’s haze expression was lurking with sorrow and pain, staring at Miranda, and slowly retreating into his own line in the chaos.

On the ground, the black sand-collar soldiers of the two squads were decisive and embarrassed, with weapons in their hands, stepping on the snow, and pushing them step by step.

We are exposed.

It was only exposed in the gate, and even the gates of the Yingling Palace could not be touched.

Even Lenba’s... didn’t even see the shadow of the guards around him, let alone the four grandfathers.

Tyres gasped.

Behind him, Cohen, who is in the middle of his sword, is anxiously talking to what is still unbelievable Miranda.

Raphael’s expression was never so serious and dignified, and the youngsters of the Peruvian decisively pulled out the long sword at the waist.

More than a dozen white-bladed guards issued a neat and shocking roar, showing their weapons, and they were on the front line without shrinking.

How to do.

Thales trembled and almost broke his teeth.

In the 闵迪思厅, the vampire raid was caught off guard, and the horror of the assassination was unexpectedly involved in the revival of the palace, the sudden attack of the night queen and the holy blood corps in the birch grove, and the uneasiness of the broken dragon fortress.

Taylors reminisced about these sudden coming battles, recalling every means of his escape.


All the methods I have used...

Compared with the situation in front of you...

In the timeline that has been extended several times in his mind, Taylors nervously looked at the wide steps leading to the top of the gate. The black sand soldiers who were preparing to return to the post turned and walked down, making them slow and powerful. In the footsteps, pulling the inexhaustible team, rushing toward the team of more than 20 people.

It is chilling.

Just at this time.


A rushing, harsh and flustered whistle sounded from the top of the head!

Tyres was slightly shocked.

The alarm-like whistle broke the slow state of Taylors, and everything in front of him recovered the normal time flow.


The whistle went straight into everyone's ears.

All the people who heard this whistle, whether it is the black sand collar, or the stars and the white blade guards, are discolored!

Count Lewan, Nie Lai, Urad, and Myrk, they looked up and looked at the gate at the top of the head, and even the movements on their hands could not help but slow down.

The scene at that moment, like a thunderous explosion, disturbed everyone’s morning dreams.


The whistle is still going on, far and wide.

In the horror, Tyres raised his head and looked at the top of the gate along the eyes of everyone.

what happened?

He no longer has to wonder.

As the whistle paused, a loud male voice was passed down from the sky, breaking the noisy crowd and blasting in the doorway:


"The enemies - those patrols are gathering!" The master of the voice, with an almost unstoppable anxiety and temper, almost shouted the scorpion, but still screamed desperately:

"They want to attack the city!"

The news was too sudden. At that moment, the face of Earl Lewan became very pale, and Urad’s haze expression was stiff.

Tyres was also scared by this news.

this is……

"Everyone!" The roaring voice rang again from the top of the head:

"Back to the battle post!"

As soon as the voice fell, the gates at the top of the head rang the footsteps of hundreds of people rushing up, chaotic and shocking.

Whether on the steps or on the ground, the soldiers in the black sand collar suddenly became amazed.

But after only a few tenths of a second, as the commander, the experienced Earl Lewan bit his teeth and turned to Teres, they turned their heads and said:

"First put these people -"

But before he shouted a complete sentence...


An astonishing and terrible thick and blunt sound, ringing out of the air!

Attracted everyone's attention.

Taylors turned his head subconsciously and looked at the sound source.

It is a comet.

In the eyes of Thales, I saw Nimule’s face as never before, and slashed it into an enemy shield blocked in the doorway.

Without any pause, the comet screamed and slammed forward and pulled out his left leg!


It is a blunt horror.

The enemy squirted blood and flew two meters away.

"Breakout!" The comet released the scorpion.

Nicholas was like a humanoid weapon that could not be burned. The soul was broken in his hand, and the next enemy was again cut.

The comet is roaring, and the broken soul blade pulls a blood line in the other's abdomen, and screams with blood on his face: "After leaving the horse, suddenly!"

In the next second, almost all the White Blades were moving at the same time.

A dozen fierce Northland men roared, rushing toward the direction of the Palace of the Spirit, and lining up with Nicholas, rushing to the subconscious reaction, or the enemy who had prepared, waving the blade. !



Blood and metal shine, temperature and collision coexist.

In spite of all the impact of the White Blade Guard, a face-to-face cut over many people.

The soldiers of the black sand collar reacted.

The soldiers on the ladder speeded down, and the two squads on the ground roared as well, rushing toward the breakouts with fanaticism and anger.


"kill them!"

Taylors just wanted to understand the current situation, he was stopped by the coward behind his face, Cohen, picked up!

What to do -

At that moment, Taylors had only had time to look at the marvellous Marquis of Slydes in the crowd and his subconsciously stepping back.

The young alert officer is like the most alert antelope, his figure is up, and he rushes out!

He bit his teeth, the blue veins burst, and the left hand hugged the tays, following Nie Lai's footsteps and rushing outside the door.

This feeling - Cohen's heart seems to be burning a fire - like returning to the blade camp, back to the western front, back to the nightmare desert battlefield.

Break through, or be killed.

Cohen roared and a sword was unsheathed.


He cut the chest of an enemy first, but found that the other side has a chain armor, the effect is limited.

The fierce Cohen, regardless of his body shape, he clenched his teeth, his footsteps, his right shoulder forward!

The next second, the police officer slammed into the other's arms and knocked the enemy.

Tyles was shackled in his left arm, only to feel the scene in front of him swaying, the ground he saw was constantly retreating, his brain was chaotic and dizzy.

Even thinking has been interrupted.

A single-edged sword stretched out from the side and cut open the enemy's throat. Wyah's figure appeared beside Cohen.

Wyatt and Rolf came to them, Rafael and Miranda, who was nervous, then arrived.

"Rush!" Raphael's face was cold, his words were simple and powerful.

Cohen did not talk nonsense, and fished Taylors again!

Everyone on their side moved, followed the footsteps of the White Blade Guard, trying to rush out of the door and rushing in the direction of the Palace of the Spirit!

Fortunately, most of the black sand collar soldiers are walking on the ladder. There are only two remaining teams on the ground, and the thin line of defense, actually can not stop the brave assault headed by the White Blade Guard.

"Helerson, Jason, bite them!" This is the roar of Count Lewan.

Earl Lewan looked at the soldiers who were still chasing down the stairs. The rushing voice rang out loudly: "Run up! Bastards!"

"Encircle them!"

On the side of Tyres, Melk slashed his knife in his hand, and remembered that the carriage of the carriage that Tyres was riding was cut off and then slashed on the horse's butt!

In the painful humming, the poor Northland horse rushed to Count Lewan, madly, and the soldiers were rushing to protect the commander, and the ravages of Earl Lewan’s heartbreaking The strength of the black sand collar prevented the soldiers who had just stepped down the ladder from joining the battle.

Another white-bladed guard did not hesitate to pick up the whip and rushed the other carriage out of the doorway to catch up with Nilailai.

"The shooter, shoot at their front path!"

Urad’s voice rang in the chaos. It seems that the order officer still maintains a considerable degree of calmness. “Target the prince and stop them!”

Taylor was shocked. He raised his head on Cohen's arm and saw a few bows on the steps aligning with the bow and aiming at them.


His heart is cold.


Putila’s voice rang anxiously in the back.

His voice just fell, and another carriage drove past Cohen's side, knocking a black sand collar axe in front of him.

In the next second, Cohen screamed, and Tyres felt that he had a flower in front of him, and his body was vacated, and he was thrown up by the police officer!


Tyres slammed into the window and fell into the compartment, rolling for several laps until it hit the wall.

When he got up and fainted, the first thing I saw was a little slick with a look of confusion and horror.

"What's wrong with the outside?" The girl held her green eyes and lifted him up.

Breathing, but Taylors has not had time to return, the carriage in the car will immediately turn sharply!

The two of them screamed and screamed and fell in the car by surprise.

A few loud arrows came.

"Hey! Hey!"

The arrows ran into the carriage.

Tyres raised his head and felt the scalp numb:

A long arrow was nailed into a thin carriage, a few feet above them, revealing a sinuous arrow.

"Beautiful car skills!" In the chaos outside the car, Puttier also had the energy to praise the white-bladed guards driving.

"Re-winding!" Urad's calm voice rang again, even overshadowing the count of Earl Lewan:

"Others, go back to the side without enemies! First catch up, form a line of defense and intercept!"

With a small slick, Tyres squatted on the ground and didn't dare to get up.

"Is there something wrong?" The little slicker said terrifiedly: "Where are we going now?"

"The Palace of the Spirit," Tyres bit his teeth and felt the pain in his legs: "If you didn't guess wrong."

Outside the carriage, a white-bladed guard overturned an enemy, but he was then nailed to the hind leg by a soldier behind him, then roared down under the numerous blades behind him.

But the rest of the White Blades have already rushed out of a thin encirclement. They have only eight left, protecting the carriage and rushing to the ten pillars of the Seal Palace.

In the ranks of the stars, the veterans brought out from the fortress also fell four.

At the same time, Nilailai has fallen from the front of the front edge position to the position after the break.

The eyes of the comet are flashing, and the power of the end is rising in the body.

I saw him suddenly rushing in the running, followed by an elbow!

I was hitting a face of a pursuer who was caught off guard.

"Hey!" Scary muffled and cracked bones.

The chase is like a rotating rudder. Under the heavy blow, with the waist as the axis, it turns over instantly—from standing and running, to the back of the brain, spitting out the mouthful of teeth, no longer moving.

"Grass, still want to mix the gates?"

"I will know," Niely snarled and cursed, sending out a knife, leaning over the shield of the second enemy, pulling a blood spring in the other's neck: "It's still a way to use it!"

He turned his head in battle and watched his companions follow the carriage, and he had already highlighted the door and he became the last person.

The comet also looked at the growing number of black sand soldiers in the doorway that were coming down the stairs and lining up in rows.

Niely frowned.

His arm suddenly tightened.

"What's wrong!" Putility pulled the arm of the comet and his face was not hesitant: "Do you still want someone to break?"

Nie Lai did not appreciate Patti's hand and turned back.

"You continue to run!" The comet is dissatisfied with the earth: "Take them at least ten meters away!"

Niely followed Putilai and ran another way as the last two.

"Pull away? Then?" Puttier anxiously slammed back: "They will catch up sooner or later, the number is too great!"

"Less nonsense! Run it right!" Nie Lai's face screamed, angered:

"There is me behind!"

Putility in the run is a little glimpse.

Nie Lai's palm pressed Ptolet's back and pushed him to the front.

In the next second, Nie Lai's footsteps were swung, his right foot was the axis, his left foot was braked, and he turned instantly, facing the chasing soldiers behind him.

"Look well," the comet gnashed his teeth:

“How do the Northland people solve the problem!”

Putilla frowned, but he only hesitated for a fraction of a second and continued to move forward decisively.

Nie Lai looked at the chasing soldiers who were getting closer and closer, and spit out a deep breath - the two who chased the front were only five meters away from him.

Seen from above, the chasing army of the black sand collar is like an endless ant colony, pressing from the horizon to the lonely little point of Nilailai.

Behind this little spot is the carriage.

Oh shit.

These are the imperial people who dragged the water.

You deserve to be unlucky.

He groaned.

"The shooter!"

In the pursuit of the soldiers, again, Urad’s order was sent: "The second round of shooting!"

The sound of the bow and string is coming from the crowd.

The chasing of the black sand collar is getting closer and closer, and Nilai can even see the pores on their faces.

The comet is still one step back.

He faced these people alone, taking a deep breath and clenching his teeth.

No plans to look back.

The next second, this man with a strong face and a fierce look, gently lifted the blade of the soul of the hand.

The hand of the comet is razed to the blade.


A crisp metal flashed.

Niely took a blade from his weapon and unscrupulously thrown it forward.

"Bound," Nie Lai sighed and muttered: "Complete."

His eyes looked coldly at the chasing soldiers, and his pale face was sneer.

The carriage was finally smoothed down.

The terrified Tyres climbed up in the carriage, stood in the seat and pushed the window open.

The little slippery head was also on his side, and the two small heads looked at the scene behind the car in panic.

Nie Lai was alone, blocking hundreds of pursuers.

Only leave a back.

In the enemy's army, the sound of bow and string was heard.

The arrow shot at Nilailai, leaving a shadow in the air.

Tyres’ eyes were wide and his heart was shocked.

However, the comet is just a light face, gently slashing in the air.

The next second, a dazzling yellow mang, suddenly lit up from Nie Lai's blade!

Even in the sun, it is inconspicuous.

"Hey! Hey!"

A crisp metal crash sounds.

Tyres widened his eyes: I saw only a dozen long arrows, and the volley stopped in front of Nilailai.

Just like being stopped by the invisible hand.

The singular yellow awns are scattered at the arrow - in line with the Blade of Broken Soul.

After a few seconds, the long arrows fell.

Tyres opened his mouth.

But the long arrow is not the only one that is different.

Rows of black sand-collar soldiers roared fiercely, like a black wave, rushing to Nilailai.

They rushed into the front of Nimule three meters.

In the next second, the air flashed yellow.

The first row of black sand soldiers are all together!

They are like bumping into a transparent wall, and they are "squatting" in the air!


The soldiers in the second row ran into the soldiers in the first row, and the yellow mans in the air flashed.

But the soldiers of the black sand collar still stopped in the air and looked at each other with horror.

The invisible barrier is still in force.

The third row, the fourth row... More and more soldiers ran into the front row.

Shouting, screaming, humming back and forth.

Some soldiers took the blade and slammed into the air. There were also a few people who joined forces to collide with the shield. Even the squadron put the string up to the tightest and shot an arrow.

In addition to the yellow and white swells in the air, there is almost no utility.

There were also soldiers trying to circumvent this inexplicable barrier, but until they touched the palace wall, they were horrified to discover that the strange barrier still existed.

They were still blocked in front of Nilailai and stopped three meters away.

You can't move forward.

Watching the carriage go further and further.

The comet looked at it all coldly and snorted.

The figures of Earl Lewan and Urad appeared in the crowd, and they looked at the barrier of the shadow, both shocked.

"What happened?" Urad frowned, wondering.

Earl Lewan even reached out and touched the barrier.

The next moment, Count Lewan looked at the knife in Nie Lai's hand, remembered something, and his face was white: "This is-"

Nie Lai, holding the blade of the Broken Soul, sneered, showing a thumbs at them, then gestured slowly, and the thumb fell to the ground.

And the carriage of Tells has stopped unconsciously.

Except for the indifferent White Blade Guards, almost everyone, Cohen, Miranda, Putier, and Raphael, were watching the scene behind them with surprise.

"No," Putile was shocked and stunned: "Don't you say..."

They were like that, or surprised, or stunned, or confused, staring at Nilailai.

Watching him alone, he sealed countless black sand collar soldiers behind him.

"That is..." Taylor looked at Niely's feat of turning things around and widened his eyes: "What?"

Is it the air wall of Ahidah?

The little slipper answered him.

"The Blade of Broken Soul," the little slicker whispered beside him, his face full of horror: "The original legend is true..."

Taylors stunned.


I saw the little slick turned his head, and the excitement on his face was hard to suppress: "Three hundred years ago, the night wing king was unstoppable, and he captured the Longyan City in one fell swoop, but met the defending city in front of the Yingling Palace and the first city gate." The broken army 'Most. The latter should have done the best, and he was unable to return to the sky, but miraculously tried to protect the gate of the palace gate and guard the last Walton blood!"

The little slicker took a deep breath: "So, the broken army is a single-knife town, and it is a true rejection of the army... it is true!"

Tyres was shocked.

His eyebrows are picking: "Single knife town... What?"

The little slicker looked at Nie Lai's back, his expression slowly turned from a shackle into a memory, and he became amazed: "In the legend, at the most dangerous moment, the shattered military awakened the strategic-level legendary anti-magic armor - the soul Blade!"

Taylors glimpsed: "Strategic level?"

"Broken soul," the little slicker nodded excitedly. At that moment, her face could no longer be panicked, as if she found the most beautiful dessert: "It can obey the user's mind and block everything!"

Thales blinked.



The words of the little slick excited are still going on: "It is said that as long as the Blade of Broken Soul has a strong resonance with the user..."

"It is said that as long as the user of the Broken Blade is at all costs, he is desperate..."

"It is said that as long as his life is strong enough, his will is strong enough and his strength is strong enough..."

"It is said that as long as this is done..."

The girl turned her head and excited her eyes to shine: "Even if the endless border between Exeter and the Star Kingdom - the Blade of Broken Soul can be one inch without a leak, all blocked!"

"Drip is not out, but the feathers are too!"

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Tyres surprised his mouth into an O-shape, his eyes between the small face of the little slipper and the back of Nilailai could not stop.



Between Exeter and the stars...

Border line?

When Tyres was worried, the little slicker bowed his head.

"It turns out that it was so..."

She took a deep breath and whispered a few old Northland poems:

"Night Jun wings, the deceased door."

"The wrathful king is already awkward, and the dragons are cold."

"I hope to do it, there is no blood."

After the miserable verse, the girl looked at the chasers who had been stopped in front of Nilailai, and missed the last sentence:

"The broken army is..."

"A knife to break the soul!"

The modification time was a little more, and it was changed back to theft in an hour.

However, there are more than two thousand words on the way to the modification. Well, the fee is 4000, the actual 6000.

(I really can't do business, I will die.)

(End of this chapter)

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