Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 251: Confrontation moment (below)

Chapter 251, the moment of confrontation (below)

The Yingling Palace, the Hall of Heroes, and the four grand princes face each other.

"He's in trouble, or he won't be so anxious," looked at Chaman Rumba alone out of the hall. Ronnie's grandfather raised his brow: "Probably the Prime Minister of Brisbane."

The Grand Duke of Trudeda snorted.

His eagerly swaying hands exposed his mood, and he saw a sigh of exhalation.

"The trouble is not this now," the voice of the re-constructed tower Dagong was as sharp and strange as ever. Tluedida screamed at the back of Rumba: "Do you understand - how to choose?"

He looked at the other big men seriously.

Ronnie sighed and looked suspicious: "Do you believe him?"

"The stars are already... not the same?"

Ronnie unconsciously squeezed his fist.

The big men did not speak.

Only Oleux Dagong stood on the edge of the fire basin and shook his head.

"I don't know, Curry Kun, I really don't know," said the grandfather of the hustle and bustle: "But I think, we all know very well."

The three grand lords looked at him.

Rabbi Aulsius looked up and slowly walked to them.

At that moment, his mood was extremely heavy.

"In the decade that we have been turbulent because of the death of the king, in more than a decade," the voice of the Weilan leader Dagong is full of inexplicable strength: "The life-age population of the stars will return to the pre-war level, regardless of Whether it is farming or animal husbandry, they will all regain their strength."

Several Dagongs moved slightly.

"In the past, it was just another fight."

"But the words that Lombard just said..." Olsoch slowly shook his head and looked serious: "You have heard it."

Tluedida’s eyes lit up and he snapped a finger: “So?”

Aside from the scorn of Ronnie, they interrupted them.

"I don't know if you noticed it," said Ronny's long-haired scorning the other three: "But it seems that after Lombard finished his story, you forgot Exeter's pride and creed. What is the truth behind his sin?"

He shook his head gently: "This is not what we said."

Lecco, who had not spoken for a long time, tapped the table.

"Please believe me, Curry Kun, believe in my respect for Exeter," the old man looked up. He was slow, but he said seriously: "But even if Chaman Lombard said only one percent is Really, I am not willing to take the risk of ignoring the potential dangers - even if it is to be borne by our children and grandchildren."

The three grand princes look tight.

"Punising Rumba is to maintain the balance and tacit understanding of Exeter and to ensure that our rights are not violated," Lecco said faintly: "But if one day, Exeter is no longer powerful, foreign enemies can easily When we tear open our defense and set foot on our territory..."

He frowned slowly and his hands were getting tighter.

"The family we have been hard to protect and maintain, the heart of glory and glory..."

"Developed descendants and descendants, the land that has been painstakingly governed..."

"What about them?"

All the grand dunes are silent.

Tluedida snorted: "You also expect the stars to retain our rights and identities like their ancestors, let us continue to rule the land as the lord?"

Ronnie did not speak.

"It won't be Orsius anyway," Oleux said coldly. "A few hundred years ago, Tomond almost didn't kill us, and then built it on the land and bones of the Aurelius family. The Star Kingdom."

Another silence.

But everyone knows that they have to make a decision.

"Let's just say, I started thinking about Lombard's proposal," Trudidah turned back, spread his hand, picked an eyebrow, and tentatively said: "But after I thought about it - just in case, I am If you say anything... I don’t want to make an excuse to fool you, and then someone sneak out and go to Lombard to reach an agreement, so I put the words ahead."

He shook his head and looked at the other three: "What do you say?"

Oller shook his head in the bottom of his heart: the sly guy, talking about it is like walking the mountain.

"Do you know what this decision means?" Ronnie's eyes are getting sharper and colder and colder: "Where do you put our referendum king?"

"Where is he, I don't know, but I'm sure that his soul should not be with the body," Tluedida shrugged and frowned.

"You must admit that Rumba's proposal is tempting."

Ronnie looked at him disdainfully: "Is it part of the land, or part of the stars?"

Tluedida blinked and smiled: "All."

Lecco and Orsius both clenched their mouths and did not answer.

A few seconds later, Aurelius raised his head and looked solemn: "I have participated in the war, and I have seen how the stars manage the city - I have never thought so much like Lombard."

"Until now."

His eyes swept to other people, extremely dignified: "And the Weilan collar and the Aurelius family are too close to the stars."

Although not bit Ludida, the suggestion of Oller is already obvious enough.

Ronnie frowned.

Grand Lecco sighed deeply.

"Very good," the old man was exhausted. He turned to Ronnie: "I understand the thoughts in your heart, but I think that the existence of Lombard is still under our control and can even be postponed, but the threat of the stars... ..."

He paused.

“Unruly Lombard and the increasingly powerful Star Kingdom,” said Leko’s grandfather: “Who are we more willing to choose who to be an opponent?”

The three grand princes looked at Ronnie and his eyes were complicated.

Ronnie stared at the rectangular table, and the gun rack above the fireplace.

After a few seconds.

"Before this, you have to know," said Duke Curry Kun Ronnie of Qiyuan City, who slowly opened his eyes. His eyes looked sharply at others: "In any case, I will not choose Lombard to be a king."

Ronnie shook his head and shook his head: "Impossible."

"Very good," Trudeda sighed with a sigh of relief: "I won't."

Several Dagongs looked at each other and exchanged secret and subtle emotions.

After a few seconds, they laughed out in a tacit manner.

The consensus of the Grand Dukes has been reached in unconcealed concealed discourse.

But their laughter slowly stopped.

Rumba's footsteps came in from outside the hall.

"It seems that your considerations have had results." The voice of Chaman Rumba sounded in the hall.

The four great men went to the Dasha Grand Duke.

Rumba's footsteps are still steady, his posture is still strong, but the vicissitudes of his face are only getting deeper and deeper.

“Is there anything we should know?” Leko’s grandmother narrowed his eyes.

Rumba came to the square table and looked at his colleagues and slowly nodded.


“Lisban was beyond my expectation,” said the black sand sigh. “His people have already started to attack the gate.”

Several Dagong’s faces were tight.

Before the change, this news is no different from the rain.

but now……

"So, before facing him," Lombard's eyes became extremely sharp: "We must make a decision."

He stared coldly at the four grand princes, but this time, his momentum was unprecedentedly strong and compelling.

"And I am bothering here," Lombard clenched his teeth:

"Is still building your new foundation in Longyan City and saving Exeter?"


The monks who are much older than before are silent.

The eyes of the Grand Dukes met in the air many times.

at last.

Leko Dagong nodded slightly.

"Chaman," the boss twitched and turned to Rumba. A pair of scorpions flashed wisdom and vigilance: "First, you have to understand one thing."

Rumba narrowed his eyes.

The other big men are staring coldly at Lombard.

Leko Grandpa slowly stood up and walked to the center of the hall.

I saw the old man slowly reaching out and holding his palm to his chest, faintly said: "This is for Exeter."

"Rogers, Lecco." Lecco's grandfather faintly said.

When Rumba looked at Lecco's eyes, there was a wave of volatility.

But his left hand pressed the sabre at the waist, and the undulations then evolved into firmness and enthusiasm.

"Of course." Chaman Rumba looked solemn and strode forward.

"Chaman Rumba."

The black sand Dagong extended his right hand and held a palm of his hand.

His tone is unquestionable:

"For Exeter."

As the two big men met their eyes, the two clasped palms swayed vigorously in the air.

In accordance with the Northern Territory, he made an oath to conclude a covenant.

Grand Duke Luda raised his eyebrows slightly and walked between two people:

"Phasus Trudeda."

"For the Dragon City..."

Others heard this place name, and they could not help but frown.

I saw Tlueda smile a little and blinked, adding a deep meaning: "...and Exeter."

He put his palms on the first two hands.

Rumba sneered.

Olsiu sighed deeply and walked across from Trudeida.

His face became extremely serious.

"Leebin O'Reilly."

"For survival."

Oller nodded briefly and decisively to others, clasped his right palm and joined the three.

The four grand priests held their palms together and looked to the only remaining person in the field.

Ronnie’s grandmother licked her lips and stared at the ground.

One second.

Two seconds.

Just as Tluedida began to worry, Grand Danny Ron suddenly opened his cloak and walked to the side of Lombard to see the Grand Duke.

Rumba looked back at him without shrinking.

Ronnie removed his gaze and glanced at the others.

In the next second, the great city of Qiyuan City did not hesitate to reach out and hold the palms of the four people.

"Curry Kun Ronnie."

With a deep meaning, he whispered:

"For the North."

Black sand collar, guarding the city, rebuilding the tower, Weilan collar, praying for the city.

The covenant of the five Grand Dukes was reached.


On the upper level of the Hall of Heroes, in a remote corridor, the soldiers of the black sand collar stayed close to each other, leaving the open space in the middle to the commander and the captives.

"You know, after the conversation in the snow, I care about you - Mr. Deputy, Lord Niemann."

Viscount Kambida of the Black Sand Collar, looking at Putility as a captive in front of him, sighed: "I asked some friends to investigate you."

Puttila slightly frowned: "So what did you find out?"

Viscount Canbida approached the bound Baptist and smiled.

"Not quite a lot," the viscount of the city of Munden nodded slowly: "As the attendant of Prince Midier, you are far from being as simple as you can see on the surface."

Putilit narrowed his eyes: "For example?"

"The people in the darkroom don't know much about your system. They always regard you as the servant of Prince Midier," Campida snorted. "After you left the court, things in the foreign affairs department were not very good. care."

"So I focused on investigating this time, after you left the court."

Putila’s face moved slightly.

"Lerden, twenty-four years ago..." Campida was faint.

Putila frowned.

But Campida is still going on:

"Changchun City 22 years ago, Steel City 19 years ago, Kirin 15 years ago, the Golden Corridor 14 years ago, Broken Dragon Fortress 12 years ago, Crystal 10 years ago Bicheng, the ruins of the five years ago, "only heard the Viscounts of Campidae smile and count the names of the places, happily:

"There have been many places you have been to."

Puttier looked at the Viscount in front of him, sighing slightly.

"The Foreign Affairs Division has a lot of business." He was short and authentic.

Cambida shrugged.

"I'm afraid it's not just a lot of business," the Viscount walked behind him and shook his head. "Would you like me to remind you?"

Putilit did not speak.

Cambida began to walk around him, pacing and opening.

"Twenty-four years ago, the battle for the inheritance of the royal family of Hanbul, 22 years ago, the rebellion of Anrenzo, 19 years ago, the battle between the Holy Tree and the King's Hall, fifteen years ago, Yao Wang Dengji, fourteen years ago, the Freedom League civil war that swept around, the need to mention more in the **** year, as well as the monks attacking the ship ten years ago and the desert war five years ago."

Like just now, Kambida has spoken several terms.

The Viscount stopped in front of Puttier and stopped the narrative, looking at Putila's face in a hurry.

But Puttier is just staring at each other, not saying a word.

"The attendant of the eldest son of King Midil, the former civil servant of the second division, the former Viscount, Lord Putier Nieman." Campida sighed and squinted:

“It seems that where is the war, where are you?”

Putty slightly frowned: "Is it? I don't remember it."

"Or..." Campbell's eyes were stunned, and the words turned

"Where are you," Cambida curled up his mouth: "Where is there a war?"

Putilai snorted and laughed.

"You really have a sense of humor," Mr. Deputy shook his head and smiled. "As you said, the chaos of Longyan City is also the reason I came here?"

Cambida’s face changed.

The guy who doesn't leak water.

“You don’t look nervous?” The Viscount’s tone turned cold: “Lord Lord.”

Putila raised an eyebrow: "Should I be nervous?"

Cambida sneered.

He turned around and glanced at the surrounding decorations, revealing the rough and cluttered style of the Palace of the Spirit: "I know that you are divided into multiple ways, trying to distract us from the attention and to cover a crucial step in the complex court. - Maybe you are part of it."

Putile squinted and nodded.

"And you have handled it very well, Sir Visby," said Mr. Deputy, who was helpless: "It has not been easily mobilized by us, nor has it been rigidly adhered to, but a small number of elites have been dispatched accordingly, with continuous harassment. Blocking our proximity."

Cambya turned sharply, staring at the arrow and shooting at Putil.

"Every way to the Hall of Heroes, up and down the sixth floor, we all have heavy guards," Campida's words became cold and decisive: "Every secret road in the Palace of the Spirit, we all know, even the windows and the lookout There are people on the stage who are also stalking - I know that you have a flying abilities. Believe me, our bow shackles will impress him outside the window."

Cambyda asserted coldly:

"Whether it is Nilai or who, even if the wrath of the kingdom is here, you will not be able to reach the hall at all, and it will not be good for Dagong."

Puttier looked at his eyes and his eyes were intriguing: "Really?"

Cambida frowned.


Why is he still so confident?

Cambya clenched his teeth and asked the biggest doubt in his heart: "Why do you want to cast your own net?"

Putilai sighed long.

"Because I don't trust," said Mr. Deputy, faintly said: "I want to make a final confirmation - especially here."

Cambida’s heart: "What do you confirm?"

Putile blinked and revealed a sly expression.

"Make sure you are not afraid of cold, and you are not carrying firewood inside."

Cambida’s face changed.

Puttier smiled slightly.

In the next second, Cambida's face became very pale. He turned sharply and asked one of his own: "The fireplace in the hero hall, and the chimney leading to the top floor have been checked?"

Putier's eyebrows rose: "Oh, your reaction is really fast."

Camby's genus came down to him and frowned. "We have all checked. In order to guard against the assassin, there is a metal grid in each chimney of the Yingling Palace. Normal people can't pass."

He shook his head: "If they try to sneak into the hall from there, they have to break at least six grids, and the movement will definitely be detected by us..."

At that moment, Campida was struck by lightning.

"Grid, normal people... can't pass?"

Cambya turned hard to Putilley and looked ugly: "The prince, the boy..."

"Where is he?"


In the hall of the hero, the five grand princes clasped their palms and looked at each other's eyes, nodding slightly.

"Very good," Rumba looked firm and looked at the other four: "As the first step in our solidarity."

"It's time to explain to our prime minister, the ‘the truth’ of the death of the king.”

"From today on, the Kingdom of Exeter will open a new chapter."

The four grand princes look a glimpse.

Just at this time.

"Hey!" There was a strange noise in the hall.

"Damn, the rope is not long enough..." A childish voice sounded:

"The last one... give me the past...ah!"

The five grand princes were slightly surprised.

"Hey!" A quirky crash.

When the five grand princes did not react, the other side of the rectangular table, in the big fireplace under the gun rack, suddenly fell a black ball - the ball?

Large pieces of dust are provoked.

The five great men turned their heads and turned their heads at the same time.

I saw the dust in the ash, and the small ball that seemed to be coke sticking out of the limbs and slammed up.

In the fierce cough, the "ball" whaling his hands, a trot, and escaped from the dust of the fireplace: "cough -"

The "ball" fell on the edge of the rectangular table, and it was able to escape the dusty attack.

The five grand princes still hold each other's palms, and watched with surprise the small "ball" that is not black.

It stood up sullenly, pulling a piece of black cloth from the black lacquered face, revealing the lower half of the white face.

It coughed twice and carefully folded the black cloth into the black pocket.

"Ah, Christmas is fast - hey - you are good," the ball raised the blackened head and wiped the black like coke on the face, showing a big white tooth to them. "You guys, sorry, chimney. The grid is a bit narrow."

The five grand princes slowly released their palms and looked at the little uninvited guest incredulously.

There was a repressed anger on Lombard's face, and Oller was shocked. Tlueda was thoughtful, Lecco frowned, and Ronnie was cold.

"Don't you mind if I join?"

The boy, who was covered in dust and dark, was so deep that he barely smiled at the five grandmothers who had just vowed to swear.

As he touched the charcoal on his face, he extended his right hand to the palm of his hand:

"Tells Comet."

"For... Exeter?"

(End of this chapter)

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