Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 252: difficult

Chapter 252 is arduous

After listening to the return of his subordinates, Viscount Canbida took a deep breath.

He turned his head and looked back to Putile.

"What is this?" Campida was cold and authentic.

Putilia moved his eyebrows and did not speak.

"What are you thinking about?"

Cambida’s face was ugly, and he strode to the front of the other person. The height advantage of his half-headed height made him look powerful. “Doing so much, just...”

"Just just to send a seven-year-old kid to see Dagong?" Campida frowned, his eyes as cold, sharp and cold.

Puttier slowly spit out a breath.

He missed the pipe and tobacco in his arms very much. Unfortunately, the tied hands made him only look down on the smoke.

The deputy ambassador had to grind his teeth and talk about cravings.

"What do you think we should do at this time?"

Puti Laiyang began to look at his opponent without any nervousness: "Don't desperately fight the charge? Take the assassination in a dangerous way? Is the city going for help? Looking for ways to escape the danger? Or trying to shake hands with you?"

He shrugged, it seems that this is just a relaxed conversation with old friends.

Cambida took a deep breath and relaxed his spirit, restraining the horror and anger of the accident.

With thoughtful and meticulous planning and broad vision, he climbed up as a Lord, and won the status of the local vassals of the Black Sands, becoming the chief think tank of Dagong.

In Dagong’s plan, there was an accident, and anyone could panic, anger, and madness – like an ordinary and typical Northlander.

Only he can't.


For the great future of their hearts.

That is out of the heavy shackles and has an infinite future.

Mind here, Camby's face was slightly chilly.

"Impossible." The word was slowly emerging in the mouth of the Viscount.

Puttila raised his eyebrows slightly: "Well?"

Cambida shook his head.

"You can't pin your hopes on a child - it's not a legendary novel."

"What are you doing tricks? What are you expecting?" Viscount Kambida snorted and his face smiled strangely: "Is there anything in the boy? Letter from King Kessel? A promise from a big man? Powerful The legendary anti-magic armed? Special alchemy ball? Even the command of the Queen of the Black Orchid? Or simply he is just a substitute, used to draw attention?"

Putila put aside his eyebrows and gave him a sneak peek: "You don't seem to believe it."

Cambida shook his head slowly.

"Let's say, Lord Viscount, in your eyes," Mr. Deputy asked, shrugging: "What is the game between us?"

"The two military forces in front of the lineup will be the political strategy of chip swaps? Even the simplest direct conspiracy to assassinate?"

Cambida stared at Putier's eyes, but only found endless deep and peaceful calm from inside.

Like the most sophisticated politicians, the most senior spies.

The Viscount gently said: "No matter what, even if you send Niele or yourself, it is wise to send a child to the five grand princes."

Putty seems to be amused: "He is not an ordinary person."

Cambida took a step back and stared at Putility.

"Maybe in your palace of revival, the child can follow the king's good script and cooperate with your performance to earn the reputation of early wisdom," Campida snorted: "But here - facing the north Local people, you will regret it."

Puttier looked up and greeted Camby's playful eyes.

"Maybe in your opinion, the extraordinary skills of the comet can kill the enemy and even reverse the situation. The tricks of the monks are enough to make you fuss."

"But in fact, we all know well," said the deputy of the Star People slowly: "The key to this game is never these corners, the details."

"The battle to decide the outcome is just beginning."


The deputy of the star smashed his fingers behind his back.

He silently said in his heart: At least, this Viscountian adult was caught off guard by our actions.

In other words, in intelligence, the black sand collar and us returned to the same starting point...

They no longer have the means to gain irreversible advantages step by step through prior preparation and covert action.

From this moment on.

Puttier closed his eyes and slowly opened.

Tyres Comet, you will face the fairest and most cruel duel.

What will you do?

Cambida’s face sank.

He looked at the stars in the cold, and it took a long while to open his mouth: "A battle to decide the outcome?"

"And what chip does the boy have?"

The Viscount whispered: "You don't know what kind of person Dagong is. I don't know what kind of power he has. I don't know where he stands, and he looks down on the world."

Cambida narrowed his eyes and said solemnly: "In the face of overwhelming power, all intrigues are pale."

Putilit didn't speak, but after listening to this sentence, he looked at Kambida with a strange look, his mouth slightly tilted.

He slowly smiled and then made continuous laughter.

The count of the priest of Cambyda was miniature.

Putile's laughter continues.

"You are laughing," Campida said faintly: "Do you disagree?"

The laughter lasted for a few seconds, and Putilai took a deep breath and stopped the muscles twitching, revealing a wonderful expression.

"I thought that even if it was for people, when it was at your level, it would be more or less awake," he looked at Camby's face and swayed slightly:

"Overwhelming power?"

Putilit sneered in disapproval: "People who say this sentence are mostly weak people who know nothing about power, or poor people who cannot follow forces."

Cambida’s expression slowly stiffened.

Putile raised his eyebrows and continued: "Because they never understand the power, they can only use the assumptions of poverty and self-deception to describe what they have never acquired, and to infinitely exaggerate the power of power. Fill the emptiness in your heart and excuse yourself from failure."

“Like a weak mortal, I am used to describing the gods they have never seen before as an omnipotent life.”

Cambya looked at him blankly.

"However, only the strong who truly have the power and experience the power will know." Putila blinked and looked up at the ceiling.

"The so-called overwhelming power," Puttier slowly sighed, his eyes revealing rare memories and deplores:

"It never existed."

Cambyda was thoughtful and motionless.

After a few seconds.

"I don't think it was someone who had been at the Dragon Kiss College," said the viscount, whispering: "The eloquence of sophistry is good."

Puttier smiled slightly: "Thank you."

"He's just a child," Cambida shook his head slowly, revealing a playful smile: "There is no big man, he can't do anything."

"He is not just a child," Putilai quickly responded to him. The deputy's eyes had an infinite brilliance: "He is a comet."

Cambida sneered and laughed: "There is the fairest battlefield, no matter whether it is the blood of the royal family or the comet, it will not bring him any help."

Putila snorted.

"Yes, the fairest battlefield," Putilie narrowed his eyes and nodded lightly: "Israel Cambida."

"Why are you following the Grand Duke of Black Sand?"

Cambida gave a slight glimpse.

"Is it because of the bloodline orthodoxy of the Lombard family? Is it because of the strong heritage of the black sand collar? Is it because of the status of the Grand Duke? Or is it because you happened to be born in the black sand collar?"

Puttier shook his head and closed his eyes: "Similarly, Lord Viscount."

"The king does not respect the blood," Putile took a deep breath and slowly blinked:

"The child's biggest chip is never his blood and his origins."


The two are opposite each other, as the sword intersects.

Cambida frowned.

Damn it.

This guy……

A little bit of wind can't ask.

Cambida quietly clenched his fist.

How much do they know about our plans and means?

Do not.

Cambida suddenly felt a slight movement - not completely.

At least, look at his appearance...

They don't care about the power of the Grand Duke - it's terrible.

But what is even more frightening is that they don't even care about their strength.


Cambyda shines.

He jerked his head and hurried to the subordinates behind him: "Send a message to the Grand Duke!"

Puttila slightly frowned.

"Their goal is not us," Campida took a deep breath and tried to calmly:

"It is to take advantage of the fears of other big men..."

"Take them into our enemies!"

Putila's face changed slightly.

"And, send two teams to the chimney on the top floor - I don't allow even a fly to stay there!"

Camby's subordinates took the lead.

"I was really impressed," Putile raised her eyebrows slightly, and there was an unbearable surprise in her speech: "The Viscount of Camida."

Cambya turned around and he looked at his opponent in a dignified look: "To each other."

"Lod Nieman."


The five big public figures stared at him intently.

Until he cleared the black ash on his face to a place that looked good.


At this moment, this is the only adjective that Taylors can find.

“Can someone explain?”

Grand Duke Luda whistled, his face looked at Taylors subtly, and turned to a few big men, like asking for help: "A story about a star prince from the fireplace of the Seal Palace?"

"As I said," Ronnie, with his head on his head, screamed at Lombard: "Summers will never be late."

Lenba looked at the wolf's tales with no expression, his eyes filled with endless chill, almost overflowing.

With the eyes of the five grand princes, I don’t know if it was because the chimney was still nervous because of the tension, and I couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

Calm, calm, Taylors.

He clenched his fist.

I have already arrived here.

The ultimate battlefield.

He remembered all the people who set off to draw attention to him and open the space.

As long as I win, they can survive... live as much as possible.

Tyres looked up heavily and his eyes swept through every big man.

First of all.

To open the conversation.

"Believe me, if it weren't our Grand Dumba, use heavy troops to block almost every road from the gate to here, and shut you down in a small cage that is isolated from the outside world," Taylors tried to control his voice. Let it sound easy and comfortable, and try to remind each of them about their situation:

"In fact, I prefer to dress neatly and meet with you in the reception room."

Ronnie's grandmother narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly and warmly, and Olsiu looked at him with a dignified look.

"I admire your courage, child," Ronnie whispered. "But you got it wrong."

"You are entering the Hall of Heroes, a place where the three great public officials of Exeter are solemn."

His face was sharp: "You are invading the dignity of the people of the North."

Tyres snorted.

The atmosphere is not right.

He frowned, carefully thinking back to the little slick, Niely and the words that Putilit said to him.

"Invading dignity?" Taylors took a deep breath: "Is it more serious than a grandfather of Exeter to kill the king? Is it more serious to trample on the covenant?"

The five great men are all in a slap in the face.

Several people looked at each other.

"Be careful, child," Oller snorted and glared at him. "Sometimes, it is terrible to say the wrong words."

Tyler chuckled and stiffened his neck.

The eyes of the five Grand Dukes are unbearable - especially from Lombard and Ronnie.

"I don't know if you already know about it, but Nunn is indeed unfortunately dead." Taylors tried to clench his fists in case his breathing exceeded the upper limit, causing the voice to tremble.

"But I was there, seeing it with my own eyes." Taylors slammed it.

Tuludad sighed for a long time.

Taylors carefully observed their expressions.

"And after that incident, I rushed to manipulate the black hand from the disaster to the assassination of the monarch," the second prince clenched his teeth and said the next sentence: "I am standing between you, trying to convince you, for him." Cover up the crimes, clean up the mess, and confuse them with each other."

Tyres stepped forward and looked at Lombard with a dignified look.

"Chaman Rumba," he said solemnly: "Do you really want to be with this monarch?"

"Even if he broke your iron law?"

“Become the most unstable factor in the big kilometers?”

A second has passed.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

To the surprise of Taylors, several of the big men just looked at Rumba in a strange look.

It seems as if something is funny.

Tyres’s heart twitched.

He instinctively felt that something was not good.

Lecco coughed publicly and then turned to Rumba: "Is this part of your performance, Chaman?"

Lombard is still the cold face of the unsmiling.

"No, this is an accident." He said coldly, his eyes never left Tyres.

The sly Taylor in his heart looked at Lombard, revealing a white tooth.

what happened?

Do not.

Taylors told himself that he had to take the initiative to test his opponent.

"Hey, Chaman, I have to work hard to get here," the second prince squeezed a smile and said in an old acquaintance: "Don't you have a drink, old friend?"

Tyres raised his eyebrows: "When you made an alliance with me before the fortress, did you still owe me a glass of rye?"

The eyes of the four great men turned to Lombard in light or dark.

Rumba snorted.

"Of course, I have prepared a wine glass for you." Black sand whispered quietly.

Tyres reveals a confused look.

The next moment, Rumba looked awkwardly and then suddenly increased the volume: "Guards, two people came in."

The voice fell.

Tyres' face was condensed.

There was a question outside the hall: "Like Grand Duke?"

"Let's do what Chaman said," the bald boss shouted and shook his head. He looked at Tyres' eyes and joked: "Give one of our guests out."

Tyres’ face changed!

What are you doing?

Can't even open the conversation?

Why don't you play cards according to the routine?

"Wait a minute!"

The second prince raised his hands in a hurry and headed for the other four:

"At least listen to me, about the monarch, about him wanting to wrap up Exeter and grow himself..."

However, to his surprise, he was interrupted.

"Oh, the monk Chaman Rumba," Tluedida showed an unsatisfactory smile: "I heard that King Nunn died a little."

"Thank you, we know."

"His Royal Highness."

At that moment, Taylor's heart was cold.

what happened?

They - Dagong, why?

Tyres breathed awkwardly.

The other big men are all subtle, as if they are not unexpected.

Oller looked at him coldly and his eyes were pressing.

Lecco’s eyes looked at the tiles in an empty way, and seemed to care.

Tluedida’s smile is like a poison, it’s chilling.

Even Ronnie, who was arrogant when he first met, was just expressionless.

Only Lombard sneered at him, like a gambler who wins.

The footsteps of the guards came from outside the hall.

In that second, Thales swallowed palely.

Do not.

No, they shouldn't be this reaction.

For a moment, he suddenly understood.

What they just said, "for Exeter" is not an ordinary discourse.

The Grand Dukes and Rumba have reached an agreement.

What did Rumba say to the Grand Duke?

Lit? committed to? Threat? Collusion?

Can even let them ignore the great sin of Jun Jun, regardless of the tradition and stability of Exeter?

Let them turn a blind eye to Lombard’s move to force the palace, and choose to join forces with a dangerous murderer?

The footsteps outside the hall are getting closer and closer - that is the person who escorted him out.

Tyres looked at the big men incredulously - they were still sneer.

As if at this moment, the stunned Tyles is just a clown.

At that moment, Taylors standing in the hall of the hero suddenly realized how difficult the task he had to face.

This chapter, as the name suggests, is very tiring and difficult to write. Two days on weekends, Sanyi’s manuscript.

Go back and change the wrong words.

Tomorrow's Mother's Day, go out and cheer, don't forget to call Ma Ma.

By a serious face without a sword

PS fans have already been named, everyone is going to take it... Anyway, it’s very cheap... (sad face)

(End of this chapter)

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