Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 253: I am very pleased

I am very pleased with Chapter 253

Damn it.

Seri reluctantly bit the wood in his mouth, and the body could not tremble in the cold and painful double torture.

His consciousness was a little vague, but he still felt the pain of his limbs being shackled on the stakes.

His chest and abdominal muscles are constantly rubbing against the stakes, which seems to be able to withstand some cold.

The snow fell, and the pain in the back hit the ground, screaming at the current injury.

But this is nothing.

What made Serray most unbearable was the humiliation that he was being tied to the stakes and surrounded by countless people - he could feel the gaze in the neat queue behind him.

Although that is his companion.

On the empty snow, Isaiah's complexion is ugly and stands in the forefront of the queue. I am hanging with other people and holding the stakes - grass, dead sissy, what to see.

Byrne and the young master are in the middle row, whispering something, from time to time to look at this side - mother, they must have adultery, such as the same as the other.

The big mouth Monty poked her head from the left side, holding a big yellow tooth and anxiously squinting at Serray - Surrey knew Monty's meaning and asked him to open his mouth.


Seri’s heart was tight, and he remembered his encounters in the past few days. He couldn’t help but squeeze the trembling fist.

What a joke!

The dying Seri was so cranky that the pieces of wood under the teeth were bitten tighter.

The dry tongue accidentally wiped the wood chips in his mouth, and he seemed to taste the blood with a squeaky sound.

"You guys, mites, give me a head and look at it!"

Behind the queue, the deputy commander, Tyrende, nicknamed "The Fire Without Extinguishing," carried his silver-black, unmoving bow, and held his arms coldly, his eyes swept across everyone in the queue.

The big mouth of the crowd is a spurt and stands more correct.

Although they were excellent veterans of the battlefield before they were selected for the Guard, no one dared to be slightly disrespectful of Tyrande's orders. They looked at each other and looked at the tied Seri.

"Tread... step... step..."

The heavy footsteps sounded, slowly stepping through the queue and stopping when not far from the stake.

The eyes of the people are concentrated on the people, and there is no lack of awe and nervousness.

"You still don't know how to repent, are you?"

That is the voice of the "iceberg."

Sirui’s heart moved.

He looked up unwillingly and looked to the left.

Icebergs - This is the nickname of the big mouth, they gave the demon - this tall and strong young soldier walked over to his side and turned his head and stared at him coldly.

The man's hair was covered with frost and snow, but he could not shake the fierce momentum.

In his hand, a pair of whips that are several meters long are filled with an abnormal dark red, which is full of barbed bars.

"This is your first time as a commander, and sent to the front line to lead the troops to fight."

"But you, the thorn," the iceberg's gaze swept over the sorrow, his face was disgusting, his voice rang in the cold air: "I know today, you are just what I have been in for more than 20 years. The worst, the worst, the most disgusting, the most masculine, the least kind of **."

"It’s full of shame from head to toe."

"Let you go to be the commander of the recruits? You just lost the face of the Whiteblade."

At that moment, anger and resentment hit the heart of Serre.


Serray looked up angrily and spit out a **** piece of wood that was almost bitten in his mouth.

"Shame? Lose face?"

"Province province, iceberg, you have long seen that I am not pleasing to the eye," Surrey said with a high head and a repressed anger. "I know, today you just want to find a head and pump me up, then put I am driving out, isn't it?"

When the words came out, the queue suddenly disappeared!

Then there were countless whispers.

"Ah, chicks, it’s really energetic!" The left rear of the queue, the instructor Dominic looked at the harmless smile of the human and animal, and smiled and said: "Don't worry, you have time to discuss in a while - how to run 20 times in the evening training? kind!"

It seems like someone has cut off the spread of the sound, and the queue is quiet.

For a time, only the breathing sounds of different speeds can be heard on the open space.

The attention in the field shifted back to the body of Serray and the iceberg.

"How," the iceberg's eyes sank and stared at Serray coldly. "Do you have any opinion on me?"

Surrey looked at the **** wood on the ground, clenched his teeth, and frowned.

He snorted.

The iceberg narrowed its eyes.

Seri looked badly at the iceberg: "On the battlefield, you sent Monty to a team of elite sniper snipers, Isaiah in the first line of light infantry stormtroopers, Carlos has his epee infantry Even the 'slowly swallowed Shiva' are armed with heavy cavalry in the queue."

The iceberg snorted.

"And me?" Seri looked at the iceberg with resentment: "The war is just around the corner, but you deliberately assigned to me the worst, worst, most junk squad - the heavy transport team! Half of the people inside I haven’t even touched the weapon a few times!"

The iceberg stared at him coldly and slowly clenched his fist.

"I am obviously the strongest person in the recruits, better than all of them!"

"I am the sharpest sharp knife in the Guard, the best soldier!" Seri pressed his chin on the stake and gasped without hesitation. The voice suddenly increased: "Do you think I don't know what you are doing?"

The next second, Serray jerked his head up and glared at the iceberg!

"Give me a bunch of waste, deliberately suppressing me??" His face is full of unwillingness: "To be honest, Commander Rumba, I know you hate me, but I am at least against the legendary Whiteblade Guard, Have the last illusion."

The iceberg looked at Serray without saying a word, and his eyes were complicated.

Under the cold eyes of Telend and the unsatisfactory smile of Dominic, everyone did not dare to take a sip of the atmosphere and watched it quietly.

After a long while, the iceberg snorted.

"So, as my 'best soldier'," the words of the iceberg seem to hide a piece of ice for many years: "When you are attacking, you will use your subordinates as a bait to die, let them fend for themselves. Are you hiding in the dark to ambush the enemy?"

Serray clenched his teeth.

"What can I do with the waste that I haven’t even waved a few times with my sword?" Seri slammed his limbs and screamed: "The sacrificial weak bite the enemy and send an elite defeat." Strong enemy - isn't this the classic tactic of our northern land?"

"And by relying on this tactic, I killed the leading orc and finally saved the car," he said unwillingly: "I won, it is as simple as that."

Onlookers, Telend snorted coldly.

The iceberg's eyebrows twitched slowly, as if someone had cut a knife on his face.

"You still don't understand," the iceberg's voice seemed to be exhausted: "Where did you make a mistake?"

Serray shook his head and screamed.

"Is it wrong?" He gnashed his teeth and said: "Is you stuffed me with a bunch of useless rubbish, counting on me to bow down and soften?"

"No way!" Seri spit out a spit

"Look well! I created a miracle with the **** on my hands! Repelled the entire twenty orcs!"

"So you can only find something, find my nephew," Surrey fell on the stake, and said coldly: "I have seen you for a long time, Kaslan Lombard, the so-called King Guard Captain, I I’ve seen your nobility and the hypocritical aristocratic face!”

His voice echoed in the open space and passed into everyone's ears.

In the queue, Mouth Montu took a slap in the face of her head, a look of pain and remorse, and her lips quickly open.

His friends know that it is he silently muttering "The end is over."

But at this moment, their superiors, whether Telend or Dominic, have no time to pay attention to Monty's gaffe.

At the end of the queue, the Dominican instructor carried his hands and bowed his head, and Telend was sullen and angry.

"Listen," Bingshan ignored Seri's words, but his face became more and more ugly: "Because of your orders, only four of your team survive and one person is disabled."

"They all refused to return to your majesty."

"Oh, that's really what I want," Seri breathed out, and his face was relieved: "I also advise you: Don't count on them when you fight."

The expression of the iceberg is getting colder and colder, and his eyes are heavy: "Is this your answer?"

"This is the battlefield, and someone has to die," said Surrey, shaking his head with a sneer: "Accept the coward who doesn't come to reality, or the weak who can't keep up with the war, or leave early."

The iceberg didn't talk any more, and his eyes were projected on the snow for a long time.

The scene returned to silence.

Only the cold wind whistling.

Until Seri chilled, open again:

"And I tell you, iceberg, no matter how you want to fix me, even if I put me in the worst army to die, I can survive..."

But he was interrupted.

Iceberg, this strong and tall man full of anger, categorically opened: "The biggest mistake you made, thorns!"

I saw the iceberg slowly raising his head, shaking his hand with a whip, and his eyes were full of anger: "You should not spit that piece of wood."

Seri glimpsed and looked at the piece of wood that was spit out from him.

In the next second, the six-meter-long barbed whip on the iceberg's hand suddenly moved!


The wind is fierce.

The whip pulled out a horrible ring in the air!


A harsh explosion.

I haven't waited for Sirui to react, and the severe pain of tearing suddenly burst from the naked back!

Seri had the illusion that the skin on his back was torn open at that moment.


Surrey was holding the stakes and frantically shaking. He bit his teeth, blood oozing even from the cracks, but still couldn't help but groan from the throat.

The muscles of the whole body were protesting, and even on the cold winter days, his forehead did not sweat.

He was so painful that he could hardly think.

The voice of the Dominican instructor rang after the queue: "The nineteenth whip!"

Hundreds of people in the queue looked at the scene quietly, with different expressions.

Surrey almost bit his teeth.

But he still trembled, and looked up hard, not willing to show weakness to the iceberg.

But the moment he looked up, he gave a slight glimpse.

At that moment, he saw the icebergs that were in their prime, wrinkled their brows, and the muscles of the face shivered slightly in the cold wind, and the wrinkles were obvious.

The iceberg, which has always been cold and harsh, is full of deep pain and disappointment at this moment.

"Maybe I am wrong too."

The tone of the iceberg is sad and exhausted: "Maybe I should not have such high expectations for you from the beginning."

"Serrey Nielai."

He said quietly: "You are an idiot."

Surrey, who was breathing on the stake, stunned.

The next second, the iceberg once again shakes the whip in the hand!


But the attack is not the thorny whip in memory.

It's a dark gun blade!

Long Yucheng, Yingling Palace, "The Comet" Nie Lai faced the enemy and gently narrowed his eyes.

The memory of more than twenty years ago drifted away.

The soul gun punctures the air and takes the eyes of the comet!


The sharpness of the metal collision.

The Blade of Broken Soul smashed out halfway and crossed the gun.

The head of the gun was slightly shocked, and Nie Lai’s forehead was offset by a slight difference.

The sharp gun blade even took away a trace of his hair!

But the comet did not even move the eyelids.

It seems that it is not a fierce soul that just passed over his eyes, just a broken copper.

At the moment when the soul gun stabbed, Nie Lai, who had escaped from the robbery, slammed his legs and rushed forward.


The light armor and robes on his body passed over the air, and the blade followed the footsteps straight into the line.

With the advent of the comet, the image of the enemy is slowly magnified in the field of vision!

At that moment, there was only the white-haired enemy in his eyes!

Although he is not as tall as before.

Nor has it been strong in the past.


Already standing opposite of myself.


At that moment, Nicholas’s heart ignited the nameless anger.


Kaslan Rumba calmly pulled back the gun, and the right hand pinched a third of the soul gun. The gun was dragged behind him and instantly turned into a short gun. The sword also seemed to face Nilailai.

The two are getting closer and closer, almost within reach.

Nie Lai's knife flashed and slammed into Kaslan's neck!

And Kaslan's gun blade also pointed to Nie Lai's throat.

The blade and the blade are staggered in the air.

Nie Lai sipped and the blade of the Broken Soul suddenly trembled and sank in the predetermined trajectory.

"Hey!" With a soft bang, the blade slammed the water and touched the gun.

Kaslan’s face changed!

His scorpion gun was uploaded with great force, and the gun blade was forced to turn to the side, deviating from Nie Lai’s throat.

Kaslan bit his teeth, and it’s hard to hide the surprise: such a short force distance, such a hasty change, can actually burst out of this level of power?

He looked at the old man's eyes differently.

But time is tight and he is not allowed to think more.

The blade of the comet is like a submerged piece of wood. After the gun is opened, in just one tenth of a second, it instantly "rises up" and returns to the original orbit.

Continue to the neck of Kaslan!

Kaslan looked a glimpse. He reacted very quickly and threw away the scorpion gun. His left hand tried to hold Nie Lai's knife and his right hand clenched his fist to the other's chest.

But at the moment when Nie Lai was about to take his wrist by Kaslan, his face was cold and his face was flushed with a pale face!

The power of the end broke out in his body.

The Blade of Broken Soul has changed again!

In a fraction of a second, the Blade of Broken Soul miraculously turns around and circumscribes a curve in the air.

Kaslan only looked at his fingers in vain, and he wiped his opponent's arm.

Nie Lai’s hand bypassed Kaslan’s pick.

The old man’s heart sinks: the interception fails.

Nie Lai's blade, but did not threaten a little because of this dodge.

On the contrary, the blade turned through this special turn, and the thorns of the knives straightened the face of Kaslan!

At that moment, Nicholas’s eyes flashed infinitely.

come on.


Although Kaslan's two offenses and one defense didn't work, he still looked the same.

Kaslan’s only remaining right hand swayed in an instant, trying to break the attack on the side of the broken soul blade.

The comet screamed with a painful color on his face.

The power of the end was once again rising, and his bones were inexplicably embarrassing.

Just like the previous two times, Nie Lai's blade once again changed direction in the blink of an eye, avoiding Kaslan's right fist and re-cutting his head!

In a flash, Nielai's blade crossed a distance of tens of centimeters, but it was incredibly changed three times on the way.

Surprised, Kaslan's face was extremely heavy.

The extreme reaction that the angry sea has given him, he has done his best, and always makes strains at the most critical moments.

But Nie Lai is like a muddy left and right, but can never be caught. Every time he can go through the moment of extortion, he breaks through his interception or defense with new changes.

Kaslan’s extreme reaction, the change of the moment to Nie Lai’s, is like a game of mutual exposure.

As long as you react more than the other side, change your hand one more time and make one more card - the outcome will be decided.

but now……

Kaslan frowned and found himself the one who lost a card - the blade was getting closer and closer, but he was helpless.


You are getting stronger.

Kaslan thought in a complicated way and found that he was facing the final life and death.

In this short period of breathing, the blade is less than a few inches from his forehead.

In a fraction of a second, the outcome will be revealed soon.

Nie's face is getting more and more crazy.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, Kaslan suddenly unexpectedly turned forward!


This is the sound of the blade breaking through the human body, followed by a blood.

Nie Lai’s heart was cold.

This touch...

The next moment, Nie Lai and Kaslan's chest slammed into the chest!


Scary dull bang.

The two men snorted at the same time, holding each other, rolling out a few laps on the ground, and the sound of the body hitting the ground came back and forth.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The body of the comet is obviously not as thick as Kaslan, but the strange thing is that under the collision, the two are rolling in the direction of Kaslan.

Just like Kaslan can't help.

"When it is!"

In the fight, the Blade of Broken Soul flew out of Nie Lai's hand, and the blade fell straight into the wall and swayed on the wall.

On the other side, the scorpion gun fell to the ground and creaked.

Finally, after the next muffled sound came, the two separated on the ground and rolled a few laps in the opposite direction, stopping almost at the same time.

Kaslan pressed the floor and half-turned up.

Niely even used his abdomen to force himself and jumped up.

From the beginning to the end, Nielay just took a knife for a few seconds.

Kaslan is just trying to take the knife.

But only two polar people know the dangers: this is a battle in which one side changes and one side responds.

No matter which part of the problem has gone wrong, both of them may pay an irreversible price in this short moment.

For a time, there were only two fighters in the corridor rushing to breathe.

Kaslan squatted on the ground and knocked on his chest in pain.

A sly wound appeared on his forehead, from the eyebrows to the back of the ear, constantly seeping blood, it was a horror.

Looking at the wound, Nihler bit his teeth.


Still can't take him...

"Yes, Not Bad."

Just listen to Kaslan faintly:

"At least, you cut my three-inch scalp."

At that moment, Nilailai shivered slightly.

More than twenty years ago, when the iceberg commander stood in the snow, it was said:

"Yes, Not Bad."

At that time, Kaslan Rumba was terrible and terrible, almost invincible.

At that time, he shook his neck joints, and he didn't care about his face. He was still a white-bladed recruit. He was lying on the ground and panting Nile, squinting his fingers:

"At least, you let me use both hands."

Nie Lai’s fists are getting tighter and tighter.

Kaslan’s old voice came and dragged Nicholas’s thoughts back to the present.

"The skill of your instant change of direction is getting more and more sophisticated." In the hallway, the old Kaslan wiped the blood on his side and tried to test his forehead wound. He looked at the red frown on his hand: "True risk, almost the blade is broken, and the brain is cut."

Niely just stared at him with a sigh of relief.


"Your magical end of power," Kaslan exhaled, his face unnaturally knocking on his chest: "I still haven't found its source or origin?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the comet are still terrible.

But he still made a sound.

"Too busy," Niely said coldly: "I am too lazy to find."

It seems that the word is like gold.

But only the comet knows: under the collision of Kaslan, his chest has been painful until now, the lungs are stuffy, and even the breathing is painful. Only through this time, Constantly use the power of the end to ease the muscles and bones of the chest.

Talking, for Nilailai, is undoubtedly an increase in load behavior.

The bruises that have just been tumbling on the ground are countless.

Nie Lai’s right arm, also faintly numb, because of the struggle for the Blade of Broken Soul in the battle with Kaslan.

If Kaslan attacks during this time, he can't do it all at all.

In the face of Kaslan, it is not possible to fully fight.

Nie Lei closed his mouth and took time to ease his chest and recover from the injury.

Kaslan sighed.

The old man is very familiar with his old subordinate: Serri Nie Lai, this guy who only has super-level combat consciousness when he is in super-order.

The strongest soldier under his hand.

It is also the best soldier.

But it’s all gone.

Now, as both the enemy and the enemy, they are fighting for life and death.

Thinking of this, Kaslan looked a glimpse.

It was not the first time that Nie Lai had been able to change his magical blade several times.

At the moment of the move, the strength and room are left, and the momentary change is used to achieve the unexpected effect - this situation occurs especially in the attack.

But no one can use this technique to the extreme like Nie Lai, thanks to the unique end of the comet.

Nie Lai's power to the end allows him to store his power in every node in the body, to control every muscle and bone in perfection, and to change his posture, moves, and strength anytime and anywhere in battle.

This is not as simple as a simple neural response.

The body of the comet is hardly hindered by inertia. Every step that is taken out, every step taken, from the beginning to the end, can be re-energized and changed at any time, whether it is succeeded or missed.

A knife that attacks the throat can change direction through the secondary force of the arm, turning to the face, chest, arms, abdomen, and even recycling defense.

What's even more frightening is that as long as the body can load, this technique of secondary force can be superimposed multiple times, and then changed again after changing direction - and as his strength and experience grow, the number of superpositions will only increase. More and more free.

In the battle, do whatever you want, and display endless changes.

The unremarkable slashing of the sword, the infinite change between the moments, brings the threat of covering the whole body.

Kaslan thought of this and shook his head with emotion: the power of the end of this new infinite change is simply the end of the ultimate reaction of the "Rage of the Sea", the natural enemy of the end.

Although Niele has not yet named his end, Kaslan knows that this is definitely worthy of a separate item, the end of the history.

Like the star man of the wrath of the nickname kingdom, it is the same as the more violent "writude of the sky".

If you are in the terminal, it will probably be classified as a "miracle".

Unfortunately, the power of the end of this awakening on the battlefield is too high in randomness and contingency, and it is impossible to sum up experience and pass on to future generations.

Just like that power.

Kaslan looked at his old subordinates, and his heart was filled with memories of the past.

The thorns are also stronger.

At least 20 years ago, Nilai Lai could not do four times in a simple knife.

"In the face of the death of a stun gun, even if it is a polar environment, it is difficult to do nothing. The previous elf opponent lost here," the old man coughed, nodding his head: "But You did a good job, didn't lose the face of the White Blade Guard, and thorns."

Nilailai was slightly shocked.

His thoughts returned to the thirty-eight whistle of more than twenty years ago.

In front of the comet's eyes, the image of the ruthless "iceberg" emerged, and he emerged from the scene of standing in the snow without a smile.

In the face of the sixth wave of glacier orcs, the head said so at the time:

"Stabbed, don't lose the face of the White Blade Guard."

At that time, it was the prime minister, the majestic commander of the "squatting"...

This old man with silver hair and bleak eyes...

The two figures slowly overlapped.

Niely finally calmed the pain in his chest.

He adjusted his mentality and slowly spit out a sigh of relief. His tone was complex and he did not discern his emotions: "While the powerful gun is powerful, it is based on the cavalry gun."

"Too long, too heavy, too hard," the comet said seriously: "In a non-clustered battle, it is not difficult to deal with."

"You know, the legendary anti-magic armed forces are not used in the battle between people," Kaslan sighed. It seemed to have some emotions: "It’s just human beings. We are good at turning everything in the world into everything. Killing weapons of the same kind."

The comet's fists are getting tighter and tighter, almost breaking their own palms.

The nameless flame that ignited in the chest burned him extremely uncomfortable.

"When I first taught you the use of weapons, I remember Dominic," Kaslan laughed:

"If Dom is here, I am afraid I won't be happy to hear you say that."

Nie's face squinted and then quickly sank.



"Blood hammer" Dominic.

The old guy who laughs and laughs, one of their instructors.

The old guy who likes to punish them for running, and is still behind the circle.

He always stood beside the Kaslan of his prime, smiling, and brought a little anger to a group of fierce, murderous white-bladed veterans.

Nie Lei closed his eyes, and there was endless emotion in his chest, which was uncomfortable.

"He can't hear it." The comet's voice was hoarse: "You don't know?"

The blue veins on Kaslan's fist were tight.

"Thirteen years ago, Dominic died in White Mountain," Nie Lai whispered:

"There are people who died together, as well as Black, Laiken, Sol, and Bauer..."

Kaslan did not speak.

"Old Shiva was also injured and retired after that. He went to Commas and never returned."

Kaslan sighed slightly.

"Ah," the old man looked down with a blank expression: "I heard Old Coleman say, in the Battle of Deep Valley, Dom he was carrying an arrow and led a team to smash a hundred meters in the enemy group. The enemy was broken. Only then fell."

Niely was slightly shocked and had an acid in his chest.

Kaslan looked sad and sighed slightly: "That guy, still owes me a pair of leather money."

Just at this time.

"Jingle Bell……"

Three thin metal discs slipped out of Nielai's fingers and rolled out neatly for a long distance.

Rolling over to the old man.

Kaslan’s eyes moved.

He reached out and held down three discs.

The metal sound stopped.

The old man slowly lifted one of the golden discs.

"What is this?" he asked softly.

Nie Lai looked at his former boss with a blank expression.

After a few seconds, the comet was faint: "Dominic."

Kaslan gave a slight glimpse.

The corridor is very quiet.

Even the fighting around them seems to have disappeared.

"When he died, I was next to him," Nie Lai's expression was bleak. He lowered his voice and said quietly: "Dom said, he is very sorry."

"Our pension, continue to buy medicine for the grandson."

"So I can't afford the money from the big guys."

There is a slight mourning in the words of the comet.

Kaslan pinched the gold coin slightly.

The old man’s throat was fretting and his eyes focused on the remaining two gold coins on the ground.

"His pension is paid every year."

Nimule looked at Kaslan and his eyes looked complicated: "Dominic's grandson, who died just a month ago."

Kaslan trembled.

"So..." Niely slowly raised his head and a familiar image appeared in his mind.

It was a middle-aged warrior with a warhammer, a body fat and a smile, and a number of recruits who gave corporal punishment in a circle.

Dominic Stone.

The comet slowly opened his lips, his tone was light and his voice was hoarse:

"This is the pair of leather he owes you."

Kaslan lowered his head.

The old man did not speak.

He just closed his eyes deeply.

Half a word.

I could only hear the rustling wind on the edge of the corridor.

Finally, Kaslan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes subtle and complicated.

"I am very pleased, thorny."

Nie Lai lived.

"So many years have passed," I saw Kaslan slowly showing a smile:

"You have seen the sashimi from that person..."

"Become a good commander."

"Serrey Nielai."

No one, quietly update, do not shoot.

Last update was Sunday, right? Tomorrow is Monday, right?

From Sunday to Monday, I’m not closing my eyes!

By no-faceless sword

(End of this chapter)

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