Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 254: I can help you

Chapter 254, I can help you.

In the Hall of Heroes, the gray-faced boy looked at the five grandfathers with a look of horror.

Cold sweat slipped from his forehead.

The eyes of the five Dagong are still cold.


The footsteps outside the hall are getting closer and closer.

Tyres breathed, only feeling dry and heartbeat.

At that moment, many people appeared in the mind of Tells.

Nilailai, Puttier, Myrk, Cohen, Miranda, Raphael, Rolf, Wyatt...

And a small slippery head.

these people……

For whatever reason, they believe in themselves and follow this step.

Do not.

and many more.

Taylors clenched his fists violently - he couldn't fall here.


The footsteps of the guards outside the hall are clearly legible.

He can't fail.


"Well, this is just an episode," said Lombard, looking at Tyres's expression, shaking his head coldly and turning to others:

"We have something more important..."

Tyres made up his mind and looked up at several big men:

"Trust me, I don't want to do this."

The next moment, the second prince did not hesitate to take out the JC dagger.

A few big publics suddenly looked at each other and looked at each other.

Rumba's face is getting colder.

"What?" Tlueda shook his head with a funny smile:

"Do you want to fight with us again? Little prince?"

Tyres squatted with a few big men and said nothing.

The two guards appeared at the door of the hall, and Grand Duke Lego had turned to them, ready to order the take of Tells.

Tyres turned and looked at the brazier closest to himself.

Watching it burn on the triangular high-iron rail.


He needs more time.

The second prince took a deep breath and the sin of the prison river rushed to his arm according to his call.

At that moment, Taylors felt that his hands were full of strength.

Yala’s action of throwing a knife at the Red Square Street emerged in front of his eyes.

In the next second, the second prince looks at the arm and throws JC out!

The dagger was shot at the brazier.

The eyes of the big men are all in one!


The dagger slammed into the brazier, and the crispness of the metal echoed in the hall.

All the grandfathers were shocked to see the actions of Taylors.

The brazier was slanted by the dagger, lost its balance, and eventually fell from the iron frame.

"When you ...... oh... Qianlong!"

The bang of the brazier came, and it continued.

The firewood and charcoal above fell on the ground and Mars was shining.

Oleux Dagong frowned: "Hey, you are..."

But before he finished, he was surprised to see that Taylor’s palms were around his mouth and turned to the door of the stone hall.

Under the unbelievable expression of the five grandfathers, the second prince screamed with a thick voice: "There are assassins!"

"Protect the Grand Duke!"

The faces of the big men are all changed!

"When oh..."

The sound of the brazier landing was still spreading throughout the hall, and the sound was loud and even clear outside the hall.

Just entering the hall, the two black sand collar soldiers who were unclear looked at each other and were amazed.

Next second.



Immediately outside the hall came the sound of numerous swords and swords!

The Grand Duke of Lombard had the quickest response. As soon as he recovered from the shock, he immediately turned around and ordered the outside of the hall to say: "Stable..."

But before he finished speaking, the hall suddenly boiled and overshadowed his voice:

"Get out of the way!"

"Retreat! Black sand collar!"

"Block them!"

"You hold the position! Come two people and come in with me!"

"His Lord Dagong, please answer me..."

"Put the chords, don't panic!"

For a time, there were bustling drinking orders, shouting sounds, and even the sound of metal collisions outside the hall!

Very chaotic.

Tyres gasped and grabbed his right arm with his left hand, alleviating the excessive soreness and cramps.

"You think that as the heir to the throne of the Star Kingdom," the prince said painfully: "I took the risk and paid a lot of money to come here, just to make a joke with you?"

"I have already prepared for sacrifice."

Tyres looked up and squinted at the poorly-knowed Lecco.

"I know what Rumba said to you and let you choose your current position," Tyres gasped hard, only feeling the pain in his arm getting heavier and heavier: "But at least I have to listen to what I have to say, You can know the whole picture of things - and then make your decisions wisely."

"Because we all know that your next move is about the future of our two countries, and it is more about the fate of you."

At that moment, Rumba clenched his fist and looked at his eyes with endless killings.

Oller was stunned by Tyres, his face was terrible.

Tluedida showed a funny expression, like the first time to know Taylors.

Ronnie’s eyes lit up.

Leko’s grandfather said nothing, but his eyebrows shook and his nose was arrogant.

The chaos outside the hall continues.

A white-guard squad-like warrior rushed into the hall with a knife and handed a knife without mercy to the two black sand-collar soldiers who had just entered.


The soldiers of the black sand collar gritted their teeth against the opponent's attack. The two looked at each other and hesitated whether to counterattack.

"His Lord Leko, we heard an unusual voice..." The White-Blade Guard held a knife and looked like:

"I know that the black sand collar's hybrids will not have anything when they try to break in..."

Just at this time.


A loud noise.

In the chaos, Lecco’s grandmother slammed on the table and shocked everyone.

"Northerners!" He yelled in anger: "Ekster!"

Thales stunned, and he had never seen the moment when the boss was so majestic.

It seems that the old man who will be in the past is just an illusion.

I saw that Leko was like an angry elephant, and yelled at the outside of the hall: "If you are still a warrior, you will give me a steady!"

"Whether we are Chaman, we are still not dead!"

After a few seconds, the dispute outside the hall was small.

The white-bladed guards glimpsed a little, looked around the hall, and saw the current situation of the Dagong, only to take the knife back.

"Lord Justin, you can manage the outsiders," the other side, Rumba said coldly: "I only need to take this child..."


Lecco turned his head and looked at Rumba with a stern look. The meaning of urging was very obvious: "Not now."

Black sand Dagong frowned.

"I thought you had made a choice," Lombard said in a bad manner: "Don't forget, he is the heir to the stars, the kingdom of stars!"

Lecco's face was cold.

Tluedida raised an eyebrow.

Tyres’s heartbeat missed a beat.

"Then you have nothing to worry about, isn't it," said Ronnie, who had never said a word, raised his eyes and looked sharp: "In this game, we have put their heirs in the chips of victory." It’s in my hand.”

“Nothing is wrong.”

Tyres moved slightly.

Am I a "winner's chip"?

In other words, these big men are indeed prepared to...

The eyes of several Dagong are all looking at the Dasha Dagong, which is complicated.

Rumba didn't say a word, and his eyes were on Lecco's harsh expression and Ronnie's indifferent face.

"Grandfather, if there is any difficulty," the two black sand-collar soldiers who were present felt the strange atmosphere in the field. One of them glanced at several big brothers, holding the hilt and squinting at Lombard: "Only need With a single order, we will not hesitate to face anyone."

The white-guard squadron who confronted them snorted.

Ronnie’s grandfather looked at Rumba uncomfortably.

Tyres tried his best to suppress the heart's pulsation.


This situation shows that the two sides are still in a highly confrontational confrontation, and the alliance between Lombard and the Grand Duke has just been reached.

still have a chance.

Even if there is no chance...

Just as Rumba did under the Broken Dragon Fortress - Tyres bit his tongue and his expression is firm: I must also create opportunities!

never give up.

Never admit defeat.

Like Serena in the failed alliance, she taught him vigilance and suspicion.

Just like Jen Kevindir’s friendly trap, he taught him hypocrisy and ethics.

Just like Nunn Walton taught him to be determined and cautious with the power and death of the King's Respect.

This is the man - Tyres looked up and looked at the unrecognizable black sand grandfather - the most precious lesson he taught to Thors in blood and darkness, in horror and nightmares.

Chaman Rumba!


The chaos outside the hall is still going on.

After a few breaths, the black sand Dagong loosened the clenched fist.

He slowly spit out a sigh of relief and put away the chill of his face.

"We're fine, let's go out first." Rumba looked at the two soldiers and nodded stiffly.

"The people outside," said the Grand Dumba, turned his head and yelled at the outside of the hall: "Let the Lhasa stay in place and be vigilant!"

Lecco Grand Duke only eased his face.

Ronnie smiled.

"Lord Justin, please also go out first." The boss said faintly: "As you can see, we have not discussed some things."

Lord Justin of the White Blades sneaked a little and then nodded slowly.

He looked at the black-faced boy who suddenly appeared, pressed his suspicion, followed the soldiers in the black sand collar and walked out of the hall.

After a dozen seconds, the riots outside the hall stopped.

It seems that the atmosphere has returned to the moment of tension.

Tyres looked at it all and slowly calmed down his breathing, only to feel cold and sweaty.


Nilailai is right: Welcome to the North.

In the face of tough northerners, you must behave like a warrior to win their respect.

In the next second, Grandpa Leko sat down on his seat.

"You have a minute to say what you have to say, a bold gangster," the old man looked at the prince of the stars in a frosty way: "Otherwise, I don't mind personally escorting you out."

Oller took a glance at the brazier and dagger on the ground and added coldly: "Then you will be sent to the gallows with your sinful dream."

"For example: assassination of the Grand Duke."

The other three Dagong have different expressions.

Tyres swallowed hard.

According to the habit, he barely squeezed a smile and took a deep breath.

As if there was a soft and nice voice, it re-emerged in his ear:

[As a game, just like another game. 】

The prince looked up and faced the five grand princes, who were just on the sides of the rectangular table, quietly facing each other.

One side is a thin, weak boy with a ruined appearance.

One side is five tall, mighty, well-dressed men.

"Assassination of Grand Duke? I am not surprised by your threat, Oleto."

Oller repaired the lips on one side.

Tyres can feel that his blood is still stirring, but he still uses the calmest voice to slowly:

"I know that Rumba definitely recommends that you push the death of the king to me, push it to the kingdom of the stars, and then unite and go south."

The voice of the prince was preached in the stone hall: "By the name of revenge for the Nunn King, wage war and seize the land and wealth of the stars, isn't it?"

"Compared with this, the crime of assassinating the Grand Duke is nothing."

The voice fell.

In addition to Rumba, the four big men reacted differently.

Tluedida looked to Leko with interest, but the boss just looked straight at Tells and said nothing.

Ronnie snorted and smashed Olsius next to him.

Lecco’s husband coughed.

"As I heard it last time," the old man responded directly but without politeness: "Prince Tells, someone carefully planned the assassination, and behind the disaster is the shadow of the secret, the stars are in any case. It’s hard to blame."

"At this moment," the eyes of Leko's grandfather flashed a strange light: "As the spokesperson of the stars, Tyres Comet..."

"You are the one who is responsible for the death of His Majesty - there is no doubt."

Tyres frowned.

The other party's words bypassed the flaws and loopholes, clever and perfect.

And looking at their attitudes, direct rebuttal is ineffective.

A piece of charcoal fire residue on the ground burned out and slowly extinguished.

How to do?

Tyres forced himself to chuckle and glance at each Grand Duke:

"Our stars, bought the ‘Assassin’s Flower’ that is like the sea of ​​the comet family, to carry out the assassination?”

Ronnie’s grandfather frowned.

The prince continued: "And Rumba took the army into the city with such a coincidence, attacked the first gate and the Palace of the Spirit, and met you here?"

Oller looked at him coldly.

"But it doesn't matter," said the second prince who saw the stars. He said with earnestness and caution: "Don't you treat me as a fool."

"So, please treat me with sincerity, throw away unnecessary words and hypocrisy, put the chips and conditions on the table," Tyres gritted his teeth and said coldly: "In any case, we look at each other's identity." Everything that happens in this hall will not be spread."

Rumba showed an impatient expression: "Hey."

Several big men turned their heads and looked at each other. At least two pairs of eyes were full of surprises.

“Too interesting,” Tlueda shook his head with a scornful and intriguing mood:

"Little boy, want to join the chess game of adults?"

Taylors is in a state of high mental stress and ignores him.

He must find a breakthrough.

The most important thing is, what does Lombard rely on to convince them?

Is it really as you think...

Tyres took a deep breath and gritted his teeth: "I want to know what Rumba said to you."

Ole's grandfather hugged his arms and looked at Rumba, only to find that the latter's face was stiff.

"What did he promise you?" Tyres gritted his teeth.



"that power?"


Every time Taylors said a word, he carefully observed the expressions of the Dagong.

Upon hearing this, Tluedida narrowed his eyes and revealed a smile that was not good.

The prince squeezed his fist and swallowed: "still..."

Tyres frowned:

"Those things that might threaten your survival?"

For a moment, Taylors felt a cold body.

Chaman Rumba's gaze is like a beast of predation, with a full sense of aggression, and his death is shackled on him.

But compared to the discomfort in the military camp, the fear in the shield area, the tension in the carriage...

At this moment, Tyres, facing the eyes of Rumba, feels very calm.

Like a scout, on the eve of the battle between the two armies, he finally found the relief of the enemy position.

Looking at Lombard's reaction - the blood in the heart of Tyres began to boil, and he vaguely felt that he had caught the key.

Compared to Rumba, the expressions of several other big men are also very interesting.

"This is beyond the scope of our conversation," only listening to Tluedida impatiently: "What do you say?"

Thinking of what Slythe said, thinking of what the little slicker said, Tyres became more and more sure of his doubts.

Now, he must know how much, how much, and to what extent does Rumba say to them, so that these big men can reach an agreement with him?

At this time, Rumba’s sneer came from the hall.

"Your performance, I am very impressed, under the small hall," the black sand big man is clearly laughing, but he has always been a face that is not ridiculous, but can not make people feel that he has the slightest smile:

"But the games of adults are cruel."

Tlueda frowned slightly and glanced at Oller.

Taylors glimpsed.

Rumba slowly paced to the side of the hall, blocking the fire on one side, leaving a deep, dark shadow that covered the face of Tyres.

"But still waiting for you to grow up. When you can raise your hand and ask for a country, let us ask us again." The black sands are cold and cold:

When I heard this, the look of several Dagong suddenly glimpsed.

Tyres frowned. Lombard began to fight back.

And the weapon he countered was not his own age, but...

"I am looking forward to it. Looking forward to a few years later, ten years later, the day after decades," Lombard turned his head and there was a dangerous light in his eyes: "When you become a wise and wise king, you are What an interesting opponent will be under the rule of the Star Kingdom?"

At the moment when the Lombard voice fell, Tyres felt that the eyes of other big men had become different.

“It’s exciting to think about it,” Lombard looked at him from the height of his head and turned to other big men. His tone was cold: “What do you say?”

The temperature in the hall seemed to drop by half in an instant.

The Grand Dukes looked at each other and then rushed to Tyres, seemingly looking at him.

But this time, their faces are far less pleasant and relaxed than before.

Not good.

Grand Duke Luda coughed softly.

"Prince of Tyres, I admire your courage, but you didn't say anything meaningful. You are trying to provoke distraction and alarmism. I even suspect that you are delaying the time." The grandfather of the rebuilt tower hangs his head and looks more like his eyes. To be sinister:

"Northern people are not the objects that can be fooled casually."

Tluedida looks to Lecco.

The latter's face was dignified, slightly decapitated, and turned outside the hall: "I think we will stop here."

Tyres snorted.

What did Rumba say? Star Kingdom?

But Leko has opened his mouth.

Seeing that because of a few words of Rumba falling into a bad situation, the second prince was excited and desperately said:

"Wait a minute!"

Several Dagongs have a slight meal.

"I don't know what my future will be like," Tyres's breathing began to rush, and he couldn't help but frown - his right arm began to faint again, "Chaman Rumba, but you are a terrible opponent. This is beyond doubt."

Rumba’s eyes are fierce.

Tyres clenched his teeth, watching Tluedida's smile and Lecco's dignity: "What kind of cleverness is the spring, so that the big men can obey your defense and let them accept your sinister peace of mind." Why, ignoring the sin of ignoring the ruling of the ruins of the ruins, and turning a blind eye to the threat you pose inside the Kingdom of Exeter?"

The words of the second prince made the big men frown.

Tyres adjusted his breathing, and he was very anxious in his heart. He couldn’t take any temptations and rudely figured out what he knew: "Now I understand, they are not afraid of you, but you try to convince them. The Star Kingdom will sooner or later become..."

The big men have changed color.

at this time.


Tyres had a meal, and the rest of his words were blocked in his throat.

It was not Lombard, nor Tluedida, who interrupted him.

It is Åreux.

I saw this Weilan leader, who was cold and open: "Who do you think you are? You can stand here and provoke the relationship between Dagong without any scruples?"

Tyres frowned: it seems that Welland became a staunch supporter of the Black Sands.

Very bad.

He did not find a key breakthrough and did not understand his opponent's cards.

That "General" can't be shot.

Look at the appearance of the big men... If you shoot too early, you will even be counterproductive.

"play off?"

"You are standing here now, for Exeter, to advance and retreat, to be like a family," Tyres struggled to find the point where the conversation would continue. He pointed to Rumba: "But the jackal that killed the leader, Do you think so? You know, his plan to assassinate King Nunn was from the beginning..."

He was interrupted again.

"It's coming again," said Dr. Tluedida, raising his head and using his chin against the twisted Thales. The yin and yang sighed: "The Prince Teres from the stars, what identity do you use to say this here? What did you mean for King Nunn?"

"Don't mess up again."

The words of Tyres are a glimpse.


"Even if you abandon the suspicion of assassination of the king, you are just a foreign prince. You shouldn't have been here," Oleux said with a sneer, shook his head in a bad look, and said coldly: "Let's interject us." Housekeeping."

Not good.

Very bad.

Originally he had opened the dialogue and tried to make the big men talk to him equally, just like the opponent.

Thus find the conditions that Lombard gave them and launched a counterattack.

But... Tyres clenched his lips, and his heart was in a hurry: Lombard, in turn, used his own intentions - the Grand Dukes really regarded themselves as dangerous opponents of the future.

Because of the shortage of chips, because of the bad situation, and because of his special performance, Rumba provoked the hostility of the Grand Dukes in a single sentence - Tyres pinched his fist and looked at Lecco and Trou Dida, Aurelius three grand princes.

How to do?

Lombard sighed: "Excuse me, the Prime Minister of Brisbane has a misunderstanding with us and needs to be solved - he has been waiting for us at the gate."

Several Dagong looked at each other and bowed slightly.

Lecco’s grandmother nodded blankly: “It’s time for the guards to come in – or we will send him out personally.”

"Then go and do something for Exeter."

At that moment, Tells fell into the ice.

Watching Leko's grandfather slowly get up, his heart beat faster and faster.

So many people’s sacrifices...

The future of two countries...

Is it decided here?

How to do.

How to do?

Just at this time.

A familiar but terrible voice rang in the ear of Taylor:

"I can help you."

The second prince trembled!

That is……

Tyres's hair was upside down. Under the strange eyes of several big men, he was pale and sweaty.

The big men seem to have no reaction to the voice, just as they did not hear it.

The prince forcibly curbed his desire to look around.

The heart of Taylors can't stop jumping!

It's him.

It's him!

He hasn't left yet.

Haven't left yet!

"As long as these people are dead here, the truth of Longyan City will be covered up," the good-looking male voice continued to pass to Tyre's ear, full of deep temptation: "All that you worry about." The person you care about will have an acceptable ending."


The prince’s breathing is getting more and more urgent.

There was fear and hesitation on his face.

Tyres clenched his fist and stared at the ground.

Several uninformed grandfathers saw the appearance of Tells and looked at each other and could not help but laugh.

It seems that it is just a child.

Rumba did not hide his sneer.

"Do you want to go out by yourself, or do we send you out?" Ole's grandfather walked to the unsettled taylor, cold and cold.

Tyres didn't answer him, just breathing himself and shaking.

And in places that no one else could detect, the voice was faintly passed into the ears of Tyres in the void:

"The condition is: you give up everything and follow me."

Come with me.

At that moment, the sensation of the tales, suddenly remembered the words of the Holm Lord's Sacrifice in the Temple of the Moon:

[One day, you will face an important choice again – even a choice. 】

[At that time... you may recall what I am saying today. 】

[Be careful with your choice. 】

"Quickly decide, I can't wait for you for how long," his ear, the voice of the voice gently urged him: "The legendary anti-magic arm is close at hand."

Tyres looked up hard and looked at the five grand princes in front of him.

Kill them?

Go with him?

He wants... how to choose?

"How, Tyres Comet?"

In the unseen air, the enchanting magician who went back and returned, Ahidah Sakken faintly said: "Is it the fate of accepting you as a magician, or is it the end of your future?"

If you are a taylor, how would you choose?

The 66th chapter has been changed, and the subscription can be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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