Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 261: Reasons for fighting (on)

Chapter 261 Reasons for Fighting (Part 1)

Yingling Palace, another corridor.

Miranda's sword cut a line in the air.


In the crisp metal crash, she clenched her teeth and crossed with Croy.

Next second.


Miranda's lower abdomen smashed a blood, and Croy's left leg was severely deformed.

The two people who were facing each other opened their distance and swayed, and both fell to the ground.

"Haha, it’s the chief," Crowey sat on the floor with a tired face. He endured the pain and used his sword to open the deformed leg arm and pressed the bone: "In the case of unhealed injury, you can still do this." To the point."

Miranda was cold and sweaty against the wall, slamming the wounds in the abdomen, constantly stimulating the Tianma movement, slowing the flow of blood and the muscles, but ignored her words.

They know that after a short but intense fight, each other has reached the limit, and the rest is the competition between perseverance and spirit.

"Tell me," Miranda said with a hard time: "Betraying friends, killing the king, using the terminal tower to satisfy his ambition..."

"How do you feel, Aich?"

Crowey made a slight gaze and turned his eyes to the sword in his hand.

That is the sword that was acquired in the Tower of the End: the leader.

The unique name of the "Tianma" series is engraved on the hilt: Silverwing Tianma - representing the unshakable belief.

“It feels great, Mira.”

Crowey regained his gaze and sneered: "The kind of pleasure that breaks the rules."

Unexpectedly, Miranda had no anger and no doubts.

Miss Aaronde just looked at her quietly, her eyes were subtle.

"Aich," the female swordsman whispered softly, and his voice was full of grief: "In the past few years after the tower, you must have been very bad, right?"

Crowey trembled slightly.

Her arms are stiff.

"I heard from Kaslan saying that you were rejected by the White Blade Guard."

"Otherwise you won't..."

Miranda sighed: "But I beg you, don't lose yourself - think about your 'heart of the sword'."

Quiet in the hallway.

Croix's breathing is getting faster and faster.

The heart of the sword.

My...the heart of the sword?

"Mira," Crowey still clenched his teeth: "You are a noble northland heir. Just graduated and served under the flowers of the fortress..."

"Following you, of course, I don't understand how a woman who is born in an ordinary country is going to struggle in this world."

Miranda has a slight glimpse.

Just when she asked "what struggle", the other party suddenly made a profit from the ground and limped to attack her!

Miranda was shocked and couldn’t take the pain of the abdomen and jumped up!


The long sword "Eagle" and Croy's "leaders" met in the air and stalemate each other.

"White Blade Guard?" Crowey shuddered his arm and condescended to suppress his opponent.

Miranda can only fight with the strength of the whole body.

Both of them are listening to the strength of the sword in the trembling sword. The intersection of the two swords constantly shifts between you and me, trying to find the most suitable force point and offensive rhythm.

“Whether, from the most expensive Longyan City to the most remote country manor, no lord is willing to hire me, even if I can squat all their guards and patrols,” Croce hate. For more than a year, I took the expectations and skills of Tari, but I wandered around like a sly person."

"So, when Lombard reaches out to you," Miranda saw the injury of the other leg of the enemy, calmly turned and looked for opportunities. "You are determined to report death, even if it violates the creed?"

Crowey's hand holding the sword trembled.

Miranda's eyelids moved and seized the opportunity.


She slashed her sword and quickly got rid of the unfavorable position of being suppressed. Then she made a sharp progress and attacked a sword with the advantage of her feet!

But out of Miranda's expectations, Croisie, who had a left leg injury, did not retreat as she expected, and then fell into her rhythm.

I saw the round face of the female swordsman screaming, regardless of the injury of the legs, slamming the front!


Miranda's pupils shrank.

The long sword wiped Kroai's short hair and took away a few hairs. Kroai's swordsman took Miranda's injured abdomen.


In the midst of a thousand times, Miranda finally kicked off the other side's sword, but the stalk was caught in the stalk by the enemies.

In the pain, Miranda had a bitter face and could not retreat until she fell to the ground.


rib cage……

The wounds that had previously fought against the sword of the disaster were also faintly painful at the moment.

In front of Miranda, Kroais, who was overpowered, fell softly. She held the ground with a long sword and held her left leg with aggravated injuries.

"You don't understand..." Crocey said painfully: "Finally, in Munden, a viscount finally agreed to hire me - as long as I am willing to marry him."

"I know, there have been similar things before - he probably wants a woman who can open her thighs in the evening after wielding a big sword," Crowey said with a satirical smile: "I I thought that what he wanted was a sense of accomplishment in which dignity was fulfilled, and made him feel like a man."

"I refused."

Miranda felt the rib injury and looked pale in the same period of the old days.

"‘If you are even better, it’s a woman after all,’ he said,” Crowey bit his teeth and his eyes were red: “Just...”

"Just in the drug he gave me..."

"Before the attack."

Miranda jerked!

She looked at her friend in disbelief and watched the face of Croy's face showing a sad look.

The latter laughed ironically.

Miranda’s heart was sour, she whispered: “Aich...”

"I don't care what he did!" Crowe's unusual smile made Miranda feel uneasy:

"In fact, he did not do anything, isn't it?"

"But that night, I will always remember his eyes, the words he said - the humiliation, the contempt," Crowey's tone rushed: "And the kind of panic in my heart at the time... if I am going to lose all the value of being a woman soon."

"From that day on, I understood one thing."

The female **** captain of the Dasha Dagong looked cold.

"The reason why I hit the wall everywhere, no one accepted, not because I lacked the ability, not because I am not good, not because I have not enough experience," Croce twitched straight up, pressing the weight on the sword, cold and cold. tunnel:

"And just because I am a woman."

Miranda was sad and saddened to look at her old friends, only to feel a sullen chest.

Croy Ash...


"In the North, they don't believe that a woman can become a warrior, can fight with a sword, and can survive independently," Crowey looked at and slammed into Miranda. "They don't even allow it!"

"The world cannot tolerate women's 'stronger' than men, because that is their exclusive privilege," Crowey took a deep breath. "It is even more difficult to tolerate women to live without relying on men, because that is their privilege. !"

“After thinking about this, a lot of things are solved.”

"Remember, all the stories we have read in Tal" - knight novels, historical dramas, romance poems, no matter what kind of woman, no matter how strong the woman is, then be loyal and unyielding, if she wants to be liked by readers, A condition must be met," Crowey gasped, her eyes glaring: "She must be able to be manipulated by men - be the master!"

"When a distinguished woman is grassed, the reader sees a more fulfilling sense!"

"When a woman with a dignified height is being grassed, the reader sees a more conquering feeling!"

"When a woman of all styles is being grassed, the reader sees it better!"

"When a poor woman is grassed, the reader sees more dignity!"

"When a pure and lovely woman is grassed, the reader sees it more secure!"

"When a sinister woman is grassed, the reader sees it more!"

"As long as they are women, whether they are protagonists or supporting roles, they must be the attachments of men's lives, for the sake of men," Croce helped the wall and gritted:

"From fiction to reality, from birth to death, from law to life, this is the story that the confusing world has repeatedly told us - it's the **** truth!"

"What the **** are you talking about?" Miranda shook his head incredulously, fearing inside: "Aich!"

"Even if you are, Mira, a star with women's inheritance rights, if you don't have a strong husband, your vassals will not obey you with sincerity," Crowey's eyes are full of pains and pains. The light:

“Even if the woman in the rain and the flower of the fortress are so independent, they must achieve far-reaching results in order to receive the same reward and status as men.”

At that moment, Miranda suddenly remembered his past, remembering the subordinates of the fortress to see her eyes, remembering the expression of his father at the age of seven, and remembering Raphael.

"So, I understand a little."

"Rejecting me, it is not the White Blade Guard, not the lords who refused to be independent." Crocey walked up to Miranda, her eyes were fascinated and her voice was empty:

"It's this **** world."

Croce's voice fell.

Miranda looked at her in a dull, shocking for Kroai's words, whether it was her past misfortune or shocking views.

Crowey calmed his breath, then raised his sword firmly, revealing chill.

She hates:

"Fuck them all."

Jianguang is flashing!

Miranda resisted the pain of the ribs and rolled around in a wandering way, avoiding Crowe's desperate sword.

If it is not the inconvenience of the other side's legs, I am afraid that she has already been in the same position.

Miranda reacted very quickly and sent out the sword on his hand, taking the other's abdomen!

Just as the mobile inconvenient Crowe returned to resist the sword, Miranda's sword magically turned and then stabbed straight.

In the middle of Croix's left ankle!

It’s like Crowey let the sword open.


Jianfeng and the boots violently hit.

Croce fell to the ground in pain, holding the ankle in the boot.

The same Tianma series, Miranda's Tianma movement, prefers to mobilize the rhythm of the enemy and me in the linkage of one to one, and to create an inadvertent opportunity to break the enemy, like a reciprocating concerto;

Crowe's Tianma movement is accustomed to taking the initiative to master the overall rhythm of the battle, the offensive is fast, the enemy is clear, like a strong contrast between strong and weak.

This was in the hands of the back and forth, Crowe's ribs and Miranda's attacking enemies, the performance was vivid.

"Aich, forget those unbearable pasts," Miranda shook his head and said: "You think too much, you have transferred specific hatred..."

“Think too much?”

Crowey endured the double pain of his ankles and legs, and snorted:

"You don't understand, Mira."

"The most terrible thing is not the injustice suffered as a woman, nor the failures in rebellion, but for thousands of years, even our own women have taken this kind of thing and this kind of rule into account. It is a matter of course."

Both old days of the same class fell to the ground, scorning each other, only three steps away from each other.

That is just the distance to hand a sword.

The last sword.

"My mother is an ordinary country woman, my father never loved her," Crowey held her leader and looked for the angle. "When I remembered, the country woman sat in the house all day long. The needles in the hand were twisted, from day to night, screaming at the lights on the table, waiting for her only trust, returning from the glorious White Blade Guard - even though he never returned.

"Mother is still proud of the man, thinking that the wife and daughter of the King's Guardian are extremely glorious, as if all the values ​​of her and me can only be reflected in the man's body, even at the mother's funeral, he is the first time. Appeared in front of my eyes."

Croixy chuckled.

Miranda stared at the enemy's shoulder, and the swordsman followed the hand of Crowe's weapon to adjust the position.

“After the mother’s depression, I was taken back to Longyan City and was taken care of by a noble lady.” Croy Ai’s face looked: “Mrs. Adele, she married the most distinguished country in the country. One of the people - the heroic and prosperous, sturdy Prince Suril Walton."

"You can't imagine what I've seen," Crowey couldn't help but speed up breathing: "If other people still know the fact that the woman is a property with rhetoric, then Suril Walton is probably honest. People - use a leather whip to treat property."

"When I was a child, I hid in the bottom of the bed countless times, licking my mouth and hearing the **** **** in the door," she said, shaking. "I heard Mrs. Adele screaming in pain, listening to the **** prince treating her as The most slavish female slaves vented their dissatisfaction with their wives again and again - Adele did not leave the first night to the newlywed husband, but gave a knight in his hometown to punish her most disrespectful and insulting."

"I always climbed out to comfort the naked and bruised Adele after she left the disappointment. She always wears a scar with her body, tears hold me, tells me, and tells She herself: Don't be sad, because this is her sin and the fate of a woman."

Miranda looked at Kroeich like this in amazement - this is what she had never seen before in the end of the tower.

"Do you know, Mira." Crowey was exhausted.

“In fact, from birth to death, we – women – are not a complete person from start to finish,” her voice is intermittent:

"When we were young, we were the property of the father and used to exchange the property of another man. When we grew up, our face was the face of the future husband. Our first night and chastity were his dignity. Our lower body is his territory. Our uterus is the warehouse where he continues his blood, and even our thoughts must be theirs."

"When I took my whole body up and down, from the inside out, when I cut it out, I found the only thing that belonged to me." Croce's eyes were full of gray: "There is only this sword." ”


Miranda’s words are stopped, and the eyebrows are mixed with emotions such as pity, incomprehension, and discomfort.

At that moment, it seemed that they had forgotten the sword in their hands.

Finally, Miranda sighed: "What are you going to do?"

Crowey looked at her quietly, squeezing an ugly smile: "I want to use the only sword left..."

"Take me, the thing that women are deprived from birth..."

"Take it back."

At that moment, Miranda shook a little and fell to the wall with disappointment.

"I don't understand." She was bloodless.

But Crowey just sneered, it seems not surprising.

"Mira, I don't blame you... you are a sad woman who is happy, pitiful, innocent, unconscious and unconscious."

Miranda licked her lips, looked at the sword in her hand, and looked at Croy Ash.

"Whatever you plan to do... the world, history, has been working like this for thousands of years, even if you are a god... this nonsense," she bit her head and shook her head:

"You can't succeed at all!"

Croy's jerked up!

"Of course I know that I can't succeed!"

The female guard captain of the black sand collar was painfully and distorted, and Miranda’s heart trembled.

"Either the concept that the world is used to, or the deep-rooted tradition of the North, or our own conscious..." Kroai took a deep breath and looked firm: "But everything must be taken first."

"Grand Duke, he is the only person in the North who can throw away the bondage, break the tradition, and break the stereotype." She replied with a light look, unquestionably:

"And only when he took the Northland, shattered everything that Exeter believed, and negated the backward past inch, the women had the hope to gain a new future in the new world built on the ruins. Don't live as a subsidiary of anyone."

Miranda did not know how to answer, just frowning and constantly shaking his head, his heart was sour.

Ai Xi...

Ai Xi!

"Other people in the world may still not change. In the end, they will not look at the women who are eager for independence and look forward to the future," Crowey said coldly. "But I at least let them know that the situation is turbulent." In the era of earth-shaking, under the big man who shocked the world, there is such a woman!"

"The world will know that she is a woman, but she can also bleed, work, fight, and survive alone, without the need to become a man's wife, relying on her face and uterus to survive, wearing the identity mask given by the world. !"

"Like Elijah Queen, like Yao Wang," Crowey’s eyes showed pain and hesitation, but then turned into an indestructible ice: "The only way, after me, through our repeated efforts, Try again and again, again and again... failure."

"Unfairness can be made up, the dilemma can be broken!"

In the next second, Croy Ash raised his sword!

Miranda also subconsciously raised the "Eagle" in his hand.


The two swords were intertwined in the air, but none of the swords meant a little resistance.

But both pierced into the enemy's body!


Blood also flows from the chest of Miranda and Croy.

The two people who know each other very much have guessed each other's intentions, and the posture at this moment is almost exactly the same.

They held the sword in front of the thorn, and the other hand held the sword wing that the other side stabbed. The four eyes were opposite and the atmosphere was stunned.

"and so……"

"For this inexplicable reason, you are going to Lombard," Miranda held the old friend's sword and widened his eyes in pain and trembling: "Betrayed us all."

Opposite her, Crowey showed a mixed apology and a smile.

The bright red liquid spread from under the two.

"No, Mira, it's not inexplicable," Crowey whispered, his face twitching, tears flowing out of his eyes: "It's close at hand, but you've been taken for granted by the world..."

Miranda breathed awkwardly, remembering everything in the tower, the scene in front of him was blurred.

"His Lord, he carries the expectations and beliefs of so many people, including me..."

In her ears, Croy's voice is getting farther and farther, getting smaller and smaller, and getting more and more stunned:

"He will succeed."

"He must succeed."

Thanks for the recommendation of Azeroth's Light Trail!

Everyone can go and see this book, the clear stream wow in the background of Warcraft...

(End of this chapter)

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