Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 262: Reasons for fighting (below)

Chapter 262 Reasons for Fighting (below)

In the corridor of the Yingling Palace, near the arsenal, the Blade of the Soul and the Gun of the Soul are separated by a distance of more than ten meters. One is firmly nailed to the wall, and one is lying quietly on the ground.

The gun of the soul of the soul sent out a vague but ominous tremor, intermittently.

But the two who should have noticed this point, but no one has the time and energy to look at the weapon.

Their battlefield has already changed from the corridor to other places.


In the loud noise, a large wooden door was knocked open!

In the dark, both figures flew into the room.

This is a arsenal. The wide treasury frame is covered with layers of thick cloth. In the dark, there are a variety of colorful equipment: from long-sword hammers to shield armor, there are many things.

It is a special reserve set up by the White-Blade Guard in the Palace of the Spirits. The Palace Guards of the Seal Palace, which are trained according to the standard equipment, can not use such a variety of complex and unique weapons.

In the darkness, the calm Nilai Lai is on the move, following the memory, reaching out to the nearest treasury!

Listening to the sound behind him, he knows that the other party will not hesitate.

Just like you will not hesitate.

In the next second, Niely came back in the dim vision, and the weapons in his hands danced in the air.


Sure enough, Niely only felt a hand: his weapon encountered artificial obstacles.

In this awesome weapon collision, he and the enemy swayed a little, and Qi Qi retired in the darkness by the intensity of the earthquake.

Nie Lai retired to the wall and found the position in the memory. The weapon on the hand cleverly turned back and sparked on an iron frame. The Eternal Oil on the shelf quickly turned into a flame and ignited the fire. Firewood.

Opposite to him, with a light bang, the enemy also used the flint next to it to burn the corner of the brazier.

The dim weapon library suddenly brightened.

Kaslan stared at the single-faced battle axe in Nie Lai’s hand.

"It seems that you and I think the same," Kaslan Road, waved a wide-blade sword that had just arrived, "in battle, look for the weapon closest to yourself."

Nie Leinu had a mouthful and did not answer.

of course.

This is one of the guidelines of the White Blade Guard.

In those days, people who taught me this article...

Niely did not speak, he lowered his eyes, hands grip, the axe blade back and forth in front of him, skillfully pulled out an "X"-shaped trajectory.

Kaslan smiled.

According to the usual practice, when a newcomer to Exeter has become a referee, he has the right to take over the iconic "White Blades of the World" and form a special Guard that Northlanders are proud of - a long history. The high-ranking White Blade Guards demonstrate the glory and importance of being a king.

The White Blade Guards are all trained from experienced fighters, such as the standing army of the three-year training, and then retrained. In the process, they will be reborn and become both capable of identifying battlefield commanding battles. The protagonist of the battle between life and death: they are not only the guards of the king, but also his blade.

Each session of the Whiteblade Guard is full of the personal characteristics of the commander, such as "Castle", Kaslan Lombard, according to his own example, requires the White Blade Guard to master the usage of almost every battlefield weapon.

So this arsenal is stored, storing every weapon of almost every era.

"The vision of your assessment of the battle has regressed," Kaslan's gaze lifted from the other's weapon: "You know, the attack is monotonous, the slash is slow, and I don't have the body to focus on. - The battle axe is not a good choice. ""

The answer to him was Nie Lai’s unrelenting axe.


Nothing can be seen clearly, of course, what is caught with what.


Kaslan slammed the other side's sniper, and the wide-edged sword returned with a backhand, but was again turned away by Nicholas.

Nie Lai retired two steps and was angry.


The wide-blade sword is edged on both sides, and the offensive is flexible. As long as he fights backhand, I have to spend some final effort to defend.

Thinking of this, Niely did not hesitate to take a look at his hands, and the Tomahawk took off his hand and flew to the enemy.

Kaslan picked up the other's flying axe, but when he looked up again, a light and uniform one-handed stab sword had come to Nile's hand from the weapon rack not far away.

"Good choice."

Kaslan only had time to pick up these two words, and Nie Lai used his final power to make a slap in the face, and there was almost no gap in the middle!

Between several rounds, around the gap between the wide-edged sword and the two-way sniper, the slashing sword dexterously attacked back and forth, and the combination of stabbing and attacking Kaslan was quite awkward.

In the final blow, Kaslan hurriedly bounced Nie Lai's sniper, but was forced to make a retreat by another opponent's change. He was forced to roll over and slammed a row of weapons to block Nilai's advancement. .

In the jingle of countless weapons landing, Nilailai had to stop and adjust his breathing.

"You must have been injured," Niely affirmed. He kicked open a row of obstructed roads and swayed the slashing sword in his hand: "With a little more flexible moves, you can't get it?"

Kaslan chuckled.

He licked the chest that was so painful and remembered the elf, the instructor of the Star Royal Guard.

"Good job," Kaslan spit out the dust in his mouth and threw away the broad-edged sword on his hand. "Just..."

"It seems that there is also an injury on your leg," his right hand grabbed the handle of a new weapon from the ground, faintly said:

"I guess, probably not easy to dodge?"

Looking at the new weapon in Kaslan's hand, Nilai Lai was discolored!

As the weapon frame rang, the three chains attached to the Caslan handle were slowly pulled straight, bringing out three spiked metal **** at the end.

Nie Lai did not hesitate, instantly smashed the sword in his hand and turned to escape!

Sure enough, the next moment, three horrible gimmicks crossed three arcs in the air, squatting in the original position of Nilailai.

"Hey!" Stone chips splash.

Nicholas knew that Kaslan had found his weakness at the moment.

Long chain chain.

This long handle is connected with a weapon that strikes the hammer. It is a veritable battlefield weapon. It is not only powerful, but it is a broken bone. It is also because the comrades who died under it are as many as the enemy. .

If you usually dodge it in peacetime, but now...

Nicholas bites his teeth and endures the pain caused by the arrow wound on his leg. He keeps his feet, but he hears the wind behind his ears.

The comet thinks and doesn't want to, just roll on the spot!

A stone smash that was provoked by a chain of hoes fell behind Nie's brain.

Niely climbed up and continued to run.

"Hey!" Kaslan was a skilled flying scorpion, rubbing the armor around Nikola with a chain of hoes and sweeping it into three pieces.

The broken blade was scattered in the air.

Nie Lai dwarfed a fallen dagger and countless broken blade wooden frames.

But he knew he couldn't stop.



Niely, who escaped the Kaslan attack, turned a stone pillar and his eyes lit up - he finally found what he wanted.

The next moment, Kaslan once again pulled out the chain!

But he immediately smashed his pupils - Nie Lai rushed to the ground, and when he got up, he had more weapons in his hand.

The comet turned back to greet Kaslan!


The chain in the air wraps around an iron bar that suddenly appears!

Niely jerked back to the long handle of his hand.

In the metal sound, the chain was looped around the iron bar for two turns, and it no longer moved - the chain **** was tightly locked on the axe design on top of the iron bar.

Kaslan has a tight heart.

Nie Lai's hand is a complicated axe.

The axe tip that protrudes above it, the shape of the axe blade, and the special hooks are all made to deal specifically with the cavalry - as long as the power is sufficient and the movement is skilled, the infantry can also easily use the long weapon to hook the cavalry. Come.

Now, it perfectly locks its chain.

Niely took a breather and felt the fatigue of the body - even if he was as strong as him, he experienced a few hours of high-intensity fighting and was too tired.

Fortunately, the other party is the same.

He didn't pause, his right hand stretched back, and the axe on his hand took the chain and went to Kaslan skillfully!

Kaslan slammed the locked chain - this time it was his turn to avoid Nicholas's erratic, axe that changed direction at any time.


The axe fell with a row of bows on the side of Kaslan, and the long bow that had not yet been wounded fell to the ground.

Kaslan did not stop, he looked serious, continued to roll a circle, avoiding the long weapons of Nilailai.

Niely squeezed the weapon on his hand and did not hesitate to take it back.


Kaslan, a shovel, sneaked off the attack and kicked a weapon rack. The weapon on it fell down.

The old man used a hand to hold three or four weapons under the left armpit, and then ran out of seven or eight steps before turning again to face him.

Seeing the weapons in the hands of Kaslan, the warning signs in Nie Lai’s heart flashed!

I saw the old man sticking out his right hand and pulling out an outdated weapon that had disappeared from the battlefield from his left arm.


Kaslan solemnly raised the javelin and opened his right arm.


The javelin is released.

At that moment, Nilai Lai couldn’t take the axe out of his hand, and the short body was a shrinking head!


The javelin that rushed came with the sound of the whistling wind, brushing the brain that Nie Lai had just dropped, and slammed into the stone brick behind him.

Nie Lai couldn't keep his head still cold, and he decisively dropped the axe.

But the next second is another whistling of "嗖嗖"!

Niely tried to avoid the two javelins on the target chest and head, but the arrow wound on the leg began to hurt again.

After the comet was shrunk to a stone pillar, he just hid, and a javelin flew far and plunged into his position.

Nie Lai gasped by the stone pillar, anxiously searching for new weapons, cursing in his heart.

As the White Blade Guard brought out by Kaslan, no one knows more about Kaslan's horror than he does.

Kaslan’s strength and reaction were terrible, which gave him the title of “squatting”.

However, the old commander's stunts are still in his mastery of the use and characteristics of almost every kind of weapon, and the blade that he grabs on the battlefield can become an unparalleled killing tool.

For example, now... wide-blade swords, chain shackles, javelins, and every time he changes his weapons, he will increase his pressure, and the comets will only be able to cope.

After the stone pillar came a noise - Kaslan picked up a bundle of javelins and tore the rope.

"You have ruined a lot of skills, thorns," Kaslan's voice came across the stone pillar: "I can see from the weapons you picked - have you forgotten what I taught?"

"As a white-bladed guard, understand the characteristics of each weapon..."

Niely, leaning against the stone pillar, clenched his teeth.

Resentment and pain rose from his chest.

"Why?" He screamed hard and interrupted the other.

"What is it?" Kaslan's voice.

Nie Lai gasped and squeezed his fists.


"Crap so much..."

Kaslan stopped the action in his hand.

"You **** bastard, from now until now, pull it over..." The comet bites his teeth, and the pain in his heart slowly accumulates: "You fuck..."

“Do you mention so many things in the past?”

He raised his head and yelled: "Do you think we can practice on the training ground as in the past?"


The old man behind the stone pillar was silent.

For a time, only Nie Lai’s gasping voice.

"Iceberg... Do you remember this title? The big mouth is given to you..."

"It's you," Nie Lai said painfully. "You brought us into the White Blade Guard..."

"It's you who practiced us around the clock and beat us..."

"Take us from the squadron who only knows how to serve for food and clothing, for the sake of money, for the face of honor and for the promotion of the official..."

"It became a glory and **** white blade guard!"

Kaslan said nothing.

Niely closed her eyes tightly, only to feel the blood rushing from every blood vessel: "In those days, you were holding a whip and telling me what..."

"You are on the battlefield, staring at the words when I broke out..."

In the next second, the comet grabbed the javelin at the foot and slammed out from the stone pillar.

"Is it all fake?"

Niely roared and confronted Kaslan, raising the javelin and pulling open the body.



Two javelins, throwing away from each other's hands!

“Hey!” “Hey!”

The javelin landed.

Kaslan’s javelin wiped Nilai’s calf and smashed the leather on his leg to bring out blood.

Nilailai was another tumbling and hid behind another stone pillar.

He touched his calf and was wet.

But he has no time to take care of it.


"Look at what you just did, I thought you just wanted to kill me," Kaslan, who was mournful at the other end of Shizhu, looked at the still trembled javelin on his side and wiped the wound outside the arm:

"I thought you would never ask."

"A commander, on the battlefield, always thinks more than one step, and takes a step back." Nie Lai couldn't stand it anymore: "Isn't this **** you tell me?"

Niely pulled off a piece of clothing and slammed the wound on his leg.

"You told me how to be a qualified commander..."

"Go to be a strong shield, a wall, and the robes on the battlefield can rely on the flag of Toshiba..."

"But what about you?"

The comet was emotionally excited, and his face twitched distortedly: "What is your pledge?"

"Resist the strong enemy, the war is first, until the blood runs out," Nie Lai trembled: "Inherit hope, bloom glory, until everything sleeps..."

"What is your blood?"

"What is your glory?"


Nie Lai's roar made Kaslan feel shocked!

There was a long silence in the arsenal.

Only left two people to breathe.

One is fierce and the other is unstable.

Finally, the old man slowly said.

"Stabbing, being a commander, very tired." Kaslan slowly breathed, his voice was very tired, very helpless and painful.

It seems to be undergoing torture.

"It is necessary to protect your own children..."

"You must also give unreserved loyalty to your Lord."

Nie Lai’s meal.

Kaslan lowered his eyes and whispered:

"Stabbing, for nearly two decades, how much darkness have you been burdened by Nunn, how many secrets have you carried?"

"In there, there are a lot of things that will make you feel guilty, you can't sleep at night, your shoulders are heavy, but you can't speak?"

The comet clenched his teeth and did not answer.

But in his heart, there is an unspeakable sorrow and grief.

Kaslan silently said: "And you can only continue to train your subordinates in the training of the next day, to be a loyal, glorious, upright, heroic White Blade Guard."

Nie Lei closed his eyes and smothered a sip of air from his teeth.

"Yes, I know, I know from my heart," Kaslan said bitterly:

"As one of the most trusted people under His Majesty, the most powerful guard captain around him, the commander of the White Blade Guard, the world will always remember your heroic position on the battlefield and the mightyness beside the king..."

"But behind the glamorous appearance..."

“There are always things that cannot be evaded.”

After the stone pillar, Niely only frowned, his hands trembled slightly.

"I and Nunn are growing up together, brothers - far better than my relationship with Holt," Kaslan sighed slightly, pulling out the javelin in one hand and putting them in The front row is good and easy to access.

"I still remember the day when I was more than 40 years ago. I accepted the appointment of King Kahn and went to Longyan City to go to work." The old man silently said: "It is still the prince's Nunn Walton, with a snowflake. Take me on the cliff of the sky."

"The two of us stood under the statue of Nakaru and looked at the entire city of Longyan."

"I still remember him at that time, the kindness and resoluteness on his face."

"‘Casslan,’ said Prince Nunn, who said,” Kaslan said bitterly: “He said: ‘Eckster is ill, he is very ill.’”

The comet is gently pinching.

"‘My old man,’” Kaslan gasped slightly, his face hurting: “He said, ‘If I want to completely change Exeter, change this country...’”

“‘I want to change this greatness as before, but it’s as old as ever...’”

“‘Change this country that has been invincible for more than 600 years...’”

"If I want to create a brand new, ecstasy and burden, the unprecedented kingdom of Exeter..."

“‘Will you help me?’”

Nilailai was born with a shock!

"I'm surprised."

"But I didn't hesitate."

Kaslan sighed for a long time: "Because I was at that time, I never realized..."

"What does this choice mean?"

The code is halfway through the code, that is, when Nilailai began to question the old man, my BGM automatically jumped to the unravel of Tokyo. I can only say: ed God inserted.

(End of this chapter)

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