Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 263: Fate of fate

Chapter 263 Fold of Fate

"We are very excited and very excited."

Kaslan coughed, like the most ordinary old man, remembering the past years: "Some of us, including Little Brisbane, have the same ideals, and are equally tired of family and family, between the territories and the territories. Grace and resentment."

"So it started," Kaslan looked at the pillars of Nie Lai's back, and sighed with a tone: "You can't imagine, for Exeter, we have been around Nuon, what have been going on for decades. ""

Nilailai unconsciously looked up and looked at the ceiling.

"At first it was only a trivial matter: to consolidate the authority and power of the prince, to protect the endangered family loyal to the prince, to punish the vassals of the suffocating suffocate," the old man’s eyes flashed with a strange light: "Break the practice of the White-Blade Guard, pick some of the origins." The high candidate, for Nunn to train a guardian servant who is only loyal to him and has no family worries...including you, big mouth, Byrne, Isaiah, you were recruited by me at that time."

At that moment, Nielai’s breathing was stagnation, and if he bit his mouth, he almost blurted out.

The day he was recruited into the White Blade Guard...


"Everything is for a future king to fulfill his ambition and be prepared."

Kaslan’s face faded and his tone turned:

"But with Nunn on the throne, things started to change."

"He has more and more enemies, he is getting stronger and stronger. He needs a sharper knife and a more solid shield."

"My mission is becoming more and more unscrupulous, and there is no bottom line. From hunting down sinners to extorting political enemies, kidnapping children, falsifying crimes to blame opponents, and even burning farmers' winter barns..."

Nie Lai squeezed his fist and pressed the emotions in his heart.

He noticed the shadow of Kaslan under the fire, his eyes constantly patrolling the surrounding weapons, trying to find a way to get rid of the threat of the other javelin.

I am not good at my prospects, can't compete with him in the remote javelin.

I need……

"Yes, my relationship with Mrs. Kashan, the relationship with the darkroom is much more intimate than you think," Kaslan said, and his focus was always on the back of the stone pillar. "There are many things, Nunn does not want the darkroom to intervene." Will be handed over to us for processing."

"I used to **** a doctor to Weilan collar overnight, so that he could poison the heirs of Oleux Dagong."

"I used to be the ambassador of the king, and instigated the vassals of the city of Qiyuan to rebel against their lords and intervene for Longyan City to find reasons."

"I even faked the robbers and robbed the aristocrats who were dissatisfied with the king - from the male master to the son-in-law... except for a girl who is not sensible, one does not stay."

"I also privately opposed my nephew Harold and persuaded him to go to Nunn, even if it might endanger his relationship with his father..."

Kaslan closed her eyes and her chest was stuffy.

What he didn't think was that, in the end, Holt would have the heart to let his two sons kill each other and get rid of Nunn's control...

"So," Nie Lai snorted: "This is why the Red Witch always wants to take something from me, from the mouth of the White Blade Guard."

Kaslan sighed.

"I tried to convince myself that this is for Exeter," Kaslan said painfully. "For the sake of ideals, I can even forget the family, not to mention my honor and conscience?"

"In the sun, I lead by example, the glorious and prestige, the white-bladed commander who is respected by the people." The old man endured the pain in his chest in one breath and one breath. "In the shadow, I am like a stone, unscrupulous, ruthless. The King's killer, with the earliest members of the guards, is doing the dirtiest and secret work."

"You said, you have seen through my hypocritical aristocratic face," Kaslan whispered. "You are right. I am not worth standing in front of you and speaking to you as a commander."

After the stone pillar came a cold question: "Why?"

Kaslan closed his eyes.

"Nun has changed," Kaslan knew what he wanted to ask, and regretfully sighed: "He is old, becoming suspicious, vigilant, sensitive, selfish, and conservative."

"For a new Exeter, Nunn must control the powerful power, this is the necessary means," Kaslan gripped the javelin in his hand, his eyes complex: "But, I don't know when it started, the means have changed. It became an end, and the original purpose was forgotten early."

"We eat for living, thorns, but we shouldn't live for dinner." His tone became more and more painful.

"The longer he becomes a king, the more he will... he cares about the status of Longyan City more than the strength of Exeter, and cares about the inheritance of his son more than the future of the kingdom - Nunn becomes the most traditional The Exeter monarch. In addition to his family and his rule, he is powerless and unwilling to look for his ideals."

"Controlling power has become the only goal of Nunn, and 'for Exeter' has turned into a pale excuse," Kaslan observed every place where Niele may rush out and put the shadow behind the stone pillar. Locked in the field of vision, patiently waiting for the opponent: "This makes everything we have done in the past few decades, looks like a joke."

Nicholas sneered.

"Do you know what you are doing now," the comet suppressed the anger and tried to make himself sound less careless: "Everything you have taught us looks like a joke."

Kaslan paused for a second, his face mixed with imperceptible embarrassment and pain.

"So I am tired."

"I quit, I gave up," the old man exhaled, shaking his head. "I stood under the steps that day, and asked him the last time in the face of all the ministers: I still remember my original ideal. I asked He: Since when, he has been unable to help himself and compromise with reality?"

Niely did not speak.

"You know everything that happened later," said Kaslan's words with a faint sorrow: "The king is furious, and a large number of old people have been cleared out of the White Blade Guard."


The brazier burned more and more, reflecting the shadow of the two men on both sides of the stone pillar.

"Yeah," Niely took a deep breath and seemed to be suffering: "And I was promoted and became the most junior and lowest-ranking acting commander in the history of the White Blades."

The words are not finished, the next moment, the comet suddenly burst into shape after the stone pillar!

The battle started again without warning.

Kaslan did not hesitate, and the javelin in his hand was thrown accurately and fiercely.

The striking javelin shot through the enemy's body.


Put him to the ground!

But experienced, Kaslan, who has been observing the shadow of the other side, immediately noticed that it was wrong - it was only Nyima's chest leather armor.

The real comet is saved from the other side of the stone pillar, and the armor is thin and unprotected!

Kaslan reacted very fast, and saw the gap between Niele's injured leg, and the second javelin shot without hesitation!

The comet listened to the wind in the ear, and the heart was cold.

It’s over.

Did not fool him.

Just at this time.

"Nie Lai!" A familiar voice sounded.

Niely looked up and saw a round dish flying towards him!

The comet did not hesitate, the power of the end broke out, and the foot was incredibly folded, catching such items in midair.

The javelin hit.

"Hey!" A muffled sound.

Kaslan’s pupils shrank.

His javelin stabbed the disk of Nie Lai's hand - a round shield with a thick wood skin.

The tip of the gun was plunged into the shield, and the shield was pierced, so that Nie Lai’s hand sank.

The comet clenched his teeth, pulled out the javelin on the shield, and took it on his right hand.

But Kaslan had no time to take care of Nie Lai, and he turned around with a dignified look and watched the helpers of Nilailai with vigilance.

"Bern," Kaslan frowned, but there was a trace of nostalgia in his eyes: "I haven't seen you for a long time."

But as the former White Blade Guard and the King's official, Bayern Myrke, standing at the door of the arsenal, apparently did not like to respond to the enthusiasm of the old boss.

"Sorry, the head, not that I don't want to tell the old," said Melk in the distance. He took two short-handed axe from the weapon rack and waved his arms violently: "But I just saw my own. daughter……"

"I don't know what you said to her, but she turned her into what it is, but now I..." Myrk raised the flying axe in his hand, and his eyes were emotionally complex.

"bad mood!"

Kaslan’s face changed, and the javelin was shot at the same time as Myrk’s two-handed axe!

"Hey!" "Call!"

Javelin and flying axe staggered in the air!


Despite the maximum evasion, Melk was stabbed in the thigh by Kaslan's hundreds of javelins, and he fell into a large row of weapons in the pain.

But it is enough.

Myrk thought so.

In the rustling of the metal, Kaslan opened a flying axe with a javelin, but was scratched by another axe with his left arm - taking a large piece of flesh.

The old man took a deep breath and held back the pain in his chest.

Bye on the head of the throw, Byr is still so good.

Thinking about it, he turned and the third javelin shot again.

Invested in the high-speed rush of the machine - Nilailai!


The thick shield of the comet once again blocked the javelin. Because of his momentum, the gun head even pierced the half of the shield and poked it out from the wrist of Nilailai.

Nie Lai in the charge subconsciously turned the round shield and changed the stabbed area on the shield to the lower half.

Sure enough, the next second is a blunt sound: "Hey!"

The fourth javelin struck at the same angle and position, piercing his shield again, slamming it with the previous javelin and tying it at both ends of the shield.

Nie Lai’s heart is cold: If you haven’t turned the shield...

But he no longer has to worry about it.

Niely decisively throws away the heavy shield of hard work and raises the javelin of his right hand - he re-enters the three-step position in front of Kaslan!

Kaslan also drew away the remaining javelin in a dignified manner, leaving only the one on his right hand.

In the next second, the two raised their right hand at the same time.


Near the face-to-face distance, two javelins pierced each other in the air.

The right hand also raised Kaslan in the air to subconsciously make a dodge, the enemy's javelin plunged into the weapon frame behind him, only a trace of blood on his face.


But Nie Lai did not evade, letting Kaslan's javelin penetrate his left shoulder!

"Ah!" Nie Lai slammed the pain in his left shoulder and waved his right fist in Kaslan's strange eyes.

The power of the end blew out from his bones, and the fist instantly folded back twice in the air, avoiding the two interceptions.

At this moment, the calm Kaslan was discolored.


In the singular metal blunt, Kaslan locked Nie Lai's throat, and the comet's fist was printed with Kaslan's body!

Time seems to be at that moment.

Strangely, Nielai’s fist did not go straight to the point, but only slammed Kaslan’s right armpit.

The comet was unable to drop his fist.

Kaslan couldn’t help but tremble, loosening the hand of the lock throat, and Nie Lai, who was blushing, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The two stood in the same place and both shook.


Nimule could no longer support the serious injury of his left shoulder and fell to the ground with a javelin.

But equally unexpectedly, Kaslan was pale and his lips were stunned and his upper body trembled.

He painfully stretched out his left hand, who couldn’t hold it, and grabbed his right.

The old man's face continually twitched as if he had endured tremendous pain.

The next moment, Kaslan slammed a large mouth of blood and fell to the ground, like an old man with a ruin, completely lost all strength.

His face faded.

"How did you know?" Kaslan trembled his teeth, carefully speaking with the lightest voice, as if he was afraid of waking up the kitten: "Right."

His mouth is constantly flowing out of blood, and it is scary.

Niely was lying weakly on the ground and reaching for the javelin on his left shoulder.

"Monty, he has the best eyesight and the most stable hand," the comet said in a difficult way: "So on the night when you were seriously injured and replaced with metal ribs, he was picked into an assistant and accompanied him all the way - he know."

Kaslan’s eyes condensed.

Ned Monty with a big mouth.

The annoying country coward, only the woman in her mind.


Kaslan smirked helplessly in his heart.

"Monty only told me one," Niely closed her eyes and clenched her teeth: "There is a weak joint on the side of your new skeleton. It is your weakness, as long as it is strong enough - he scolds me. I have to stare at your safety when fighting..."

Having said that, Nie Lai’s chest was boring and he couldn’t say anything.

The weakness of the head.

That should have been the place where they swear to death.


Nie Lai’s fists tightened her eyes and her eyes were worried.

Kaslan trembled and fell to the ground, leaning against the weapon frame behind him, giving a sigh of relief and relief.

As he breathes, blood continually rushes out of his mouth and nose, soaking the clothes on his chest.


Kaslan, whose upper body was soaked with blood, indifferently glanced at the javelin racks in a row: "Are you deliberately pushing me here?"

"You are used to fighting with your right arm to protect your weaknesses," Nie Lai lost. "I have to find a chance to lift your right arm completely, such as when throwing a javelin."

Kaslan raised an eyebrow and gave a desolation laugh. the head of the thorn.

This ending... is not bad either.

"Beautiful, haha, thorny, you... cough, cough, cough -"

The laughter continued for a long time, and Kaslan frowned again and coughed in the pain.

As he moved, Kaslan’s chest groaned in a scary squeak, and the old man’s face was sharply distorted.

Nie Lei closed his eyes and couldn't bear to look at the expression of the old boss.

Damn - Nielylais stretched out his hand and went to the javelin on his shoulder, hoping that it would share some attention - it would not be pulled out.

At this moment, Niely felt a slight pain in his left shoulder.

He opened his eyes in surprise and found that Kaslan was stretching his left hand and firmly holding the javelin on his shoulder.

"Resist," Kaslan whispered, and spit out a blood from his mouth: "It may be a little painful."

Nicholas slammed his shoulders and watched Kaslan pull the javelin out of his shoulder.

He didn't even notice the pain.

Nilailai remembered the afternoon many years ago.

When he was dying, Kaslan, who was executed, picked up the piece of wood from the ground and sent it to his mouth.

"Bite," the iceberg of the year pulled the whip on the handle and said coldly: "This will be very painful."

Nie Lai's recollections, he struggled to sit up from the ground, and the end of his power began to tighten his muscles.

He looked at Kaslan, who was vomiting blood on his arms and his face was sore, but he felt more angry in his heart.

"Taliya," Niely looked gray: "Your wife... Is there anything I want to bring to her?"

At that moment, Kaslan’s eyes suddenly lit up.


Kaslan’s eyes dimmed and shook his head: “No.”

"She is gone."

At that moment, the comet was slightly shocked.

After a second, Nie Lai took a breath and looked up gently. It was difficult to hide: "How come? She is only forty..."

Kaslan’s breath began to weaken.

He raised his hand with difficulty and wiped off the blood from his chest.

The old man's face was dark, and he held a trembling hand and carefully pulled out a red silk cloth from his pocket.

"A year ago, she finally found out," Kaslan looked at the red silk cloth in a drunk, slowly opening it, as if it was a rare treasure: "Before I confessed to her, she I found out: I was the one who was in that year..."

Kaslan’s hand shook a little: “The murder of her family team, killing her father, mother, brother, and exhausting her family, but she only missed the 'bandit boy’ of a nine-year-old girl. ”

Nilailai froze.

"At that time, Taliya fell ill - even the best doctor could not find her cause."

Kaslan seems to be more and more unable to control his hands, but he still squats, one inch and one inch to open the red silk cloth in his hand: "She just like that, lying on the bed every day, endures the ultimate pain, like the most beautiful flowers The same, day after day fades."

"That was the toughest battle in my life - I would rather play Sakuel for 30 rounds, with Shao on two hundred swords, and with Shira Darkley for another ten lives, then by Jasmine Twenty punches, not willing to face," Kaslan coughed and looked painful: "But I can only watch Talia die every day, try to explain to her, explain that it is king. The order is my involuntary choice."

Kaslan finally opened the red silk cloth, and his eyes were crystal clear.

"At the last moment, Talia told me with a smile, maybe this is the will of the gods: she is destined to redeem my past."

Nie Lai looked at the things in the silk.

It was a black stone that was inconspicuous.

On the stone, two small people are engraved: a slightly larger villain holds another little villain.

The villain is so crooked that it is extremely rough, basically a limb with a line under the circle.

Obviously it is the play of children.

But Kaslan looked at the stone obsessively, and the tremors in his hands grew louder and louder: "Finally, I held her body with almost no weight, and asked myself: Kaslan Rumba, who is squatting, what is your life? What is the point?"

The sound of mopping the land came from a distance - Melk dragged the pierced thigh and crawled over it.

Kaslan’s eyes were fascinating, and Melk, who was crawling, showed a weak smile: “There was a moment when I began to hate Nunn.”

"Until a few months ago, the last son of Nunn died in the stars," the old man shook his head. Every time he said a word, there was a lot of blood oozing from his nose and mouth: "Looking at the sunset, I Suddenly and very pitiful to him: We have lost everything we cherish, and our half-life efforts have vanished overnight."

"The prince of Walton, who used to be angry, fell in the strange circle of his own weaving, falling into the fate of the Exeter lords, and could not go out, as miserable as my brother and nephew."

Niely pulled off a piece of clothing, tied the injured shoulder and bite his teeth: "Idiot."

Melk climbed to Nie Lai's side and stared at him with his old boss.

"That moment, like a fire, burning in my chest, the pain is inexplicable, I don't know why," Kaslan's voice is getting smaller and smaller: "However, when King Nunn sent someone to come to me, want me. When I inherited the position of the Grand Duke of Black Sand, I suddenly understood what the fire was."

Kaslan’s eyes lit up, and he tried **** his hand, pinching the stone in his hand.

"I don't hate him anymore, but it's not over yet."

"All that I and Nunn started in the past," Kaslan struggled, tears burst out: "It's not over yet."

"Nun can't do it, but Nunn gave up, and the anger didn't dare to face it," Kaslan coughed, his face paled and shouted: "I will come to him for him... He is loyal."

"This is what I have for the rest of my life."

Melk looked at him incredulously.

Nie Lai died and held his shoulders, hanging his head and saying nothing.

Only the fists keep tightening.

Just at this time.


Melk squatting on the ground whispered low.

"When you know that you are doing this when you betray him and betray your sire," Milk's expression was sad and painful, and the words were intermittent: "What kind of feeling?"

Niely couldn’t help but look at Myrk.

Kaslan turned his gazing eyes.

He opened his lips and asked, smiling and laughing: "I betrayed him?"

Melk stunned.



"I thought of it, thorns." The old man's eyebrows moved.

Niely looked up and looked at Kaslan intricately.

Kaslan’s eyes slowly dissipated, and his mouth was no longer vomiting.

"Your name of the power of the end," Kaslan looked at the ceiling and squeezed a smile. He whispered: "It's better to call..."

"Fate of fate."

Nimule and Melk both made a slight meal.

"Oh," after a second, the comet said coldly: "What is this name?"

"Hey!" came a small voice and blocked Nie Lai’s words in the blind.

Niely and Melkzi trembled.

The stone with two little men, just rolled off from Kaslan's hand.

The two turned their heads slowly.

I saw the legend of the White Blade Guard, and Kaslan Lombard, who was squatting, was closing his eyes and lying quietly on the weapon rack, without saying anything, no response.

Melk looked at Kaslan, who was no longer moving, and looked stunned.

The silence lasted for a few seconds.

Until Nimule slowly reached out and grabbed the stone in his hand.

On the back of the stone, a typo followed by a slanting word:

Kas blue policy holder Talia

Nie's eyes glanced, and he turned his head sharply, clenching the stone in his hand.


The comet grabbed his teeth and slammed his arms around his arms.

He lay back, turned his head to a direction other than Melk and Kaslan, grabbed a face, his breath was rough, his chest was ups and downs.

"Fuck." Niely whispered vaguely.

The newly lit brazier is burning more and more vigorously.

In the arsenal, two young men fell to the ground and were silent.

At their side, the warriors of the following year fell asleep.

No longer wake up.

I really want to say that I am preparing for the college entrance examination these two days, so I broke even more, but I am afraid of being beaten by readers...

and so……

Oops, you can help me with a reason.

By a serious face without a sword

(End of this chapter)

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