Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 264: a child who can't drink alcohol

Chapter 264 Children who can't drink alcohol

The Palace of Heroes, the Hall of Heroes.

"Do you know, I have a conjecture," said Teres, who lost his heart: "The Year of Blood is a disaster that almost destroys the stars. The whole kingdom is in turmoil in internal chaos and contradictions."

He raised his gaze and his voice trembled slightly:

"Until you are going south."

At that moment, Taylors saw a strange and doubtful light from the eyes of several big men.

"What do you mean?" Olsau asked coldly.


Taylors silently said to himself in his heart.

Benefits and Threats - Rumba persuaded the other two big weapons of the Grand Duke, and now they have gone one of them: the Grand Dukes probably understand that, to some extent, the threat of Rumba is higher than the stars.

And now.

Taylor looked at Selma, and the girl held a trembled fist and nodded slowly to him. His eyes were strong and strong.

Now he has to convince the Grand Dukes that the benefits Lenba promised to them are not as delicious as they are imagined.

Taylors looked up.

"I have never seen the horror of twelve years ago," Taylors remembered the story of Gilbert's **** year. He said: "But I can imagine from the old people's story: the royal family. The catastrophe reached its peak: the nineteen vassals were in danger, the nobles rumored, the army was without a head, the king's national sentiment was indignant, and Yongxingcheng entered the most urgent state, perhaps the kingdom of stars was on the verge of extinction."

Speaking of this, Tyres sighed.

"Dondis III probably didn't think that the game he had laid out would usher in such a storm after more than a hundred years."

The big men exchanged a few eyes with sorrow, and Lombard clenched his sword.

"But the autumn and winter of twelve years ago, the army of Exeter - for whatever reason - when the South came down, especially when the news of the Broken Dragon Fortress fell, the whole star was probably shocked," Taylors continues:

"I guess the new war broke the original situation and injected new stimuli into the dying stars."

Lecco’s turbid eyes were slightly brighter and his expression was more serious.

Olsiu and Tluedida looked puzzled.

"The full-scale invasion of the West-East Strong Exeter is no worse than the rebel civil strife and the royal family."

"At the same time as trembling in fear, most of the stars had to choose to compromise - the big vassals, the little aristocrats, the bureaucrats, the merchants, the army, the peasants, etc.", based on known intelligence and the ideas recognized by the Grand Duke, Taylors deducts the logic step by step, thinking hard about the next sentence, so that it sounds more credible and persuasive:

"In the shadow of the dragon, they quickly reached a consensus: to end the current chaos as soon as possible, to welcome the last prince to return to the king, to crown him in blood and death, the power of the star in the territory should be aggregated into one, only for Resist the greed of the northern dragon."

Grandpa Leko’s eyes narrowed: "What do you mean?"

Tyres took a deep breath and tried to make himself look neutral, not so concerned about the stars:

"It's ironic, but it's also very likely that it was the invasion of Exeter that forced us to bridge the internal contradictions and conflicts and save the Star Kingdom from division and decline."

As soon as this statement came out, all Dagong’s breathing changed.

Although the cultivation of the long-standing people made them faceless, Taylor still felt the strangeness in the air.

"You are older than me. I am more wise than I am. I would like to think about it again. If you didn't go south 12 years ago, what kind of situation would you like if you just lost the king and the dragons have no chaos?" Hals said.

"And just now, when Lumbarg advised you to blame the stars and send troops with him, did you also tell you very coincidentally: the stars are in the most embarrassing and most inconsistent stage, and the north is isolated and helpless, it is convenient for you to win. it?"

"When you send troops to the stars, can you really get the results you imagined?"

"It’s different from someone who can’t wait to tell you the answer and direct you to do things,” said Tyles, nodding to the Grand Duke. “I raised the problem, but I stopped here. Please think for yourself and decide for yourself. ""

A strange and complicated look appeared on Rumba's face.

The Grand Dukes looked at him.

Taylors breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, but there was a lingering gloom: For the invasion of Exeter, his words were just speculations, just to let the big men think again about the price of invading the stars.

But - Tyres has been trying to convince himself that this is just a guess - what if it is true?

If Exeter's invasion, it is forcing the stars to stand together again?

He couldn't help but think of the words of the King of Heaven when King Nunn was telling him about the death of Suril last night:

[Tells, twelve years ago... we sent troops to the south, not for no reason...]

[It is an assassin from your stars...]

At the time when the stars were most precarious, the assassination from the stars detonated the pace of the invasion of Exeter.

King Nunn mentioned the assassination...

Prince Suril died in the assassination...

In the negotiations between Nilai and the Red Witch, the assassination was mentioned...

Even Putty, when he was just separated from the prince, hinted that he was related to the assassination...

What secrets are hidden behind the assassination?

Tyres gently clenched his fist.

Rumba stared at the prince.

If his eyes can kill, then Thales probably has no bones.

But Taylors ignored him.

"So, I, the descendant of the revival king Tomond, from the stars of the Kingdom of Teresa, Lantana, Kessel, the comet..." Taylors raised his chest, screaming, in the brain Imagine the scene of the vassals in the hall of the stars, trying to come up with the momentum of a king:

"I am standing here, with the most humble wishes and the most peaceful expectations, I beg you to reconsider the war between our two countries and think about the price and significance behind it."

At that moment, Lecco, Ronnie, Tluedida, and Aurelius also looked back at him seriously and looked serious.

It seems that it is not a weak child, but a ruler who is equal to them.

"You can't be sure that it will bring the most desired results - for you or for us," At that moment, Tells remembered that many people who had been changed by the war had fallen to the ground:

"No one can guarantee it."

The hall was quiet again.

The brazier went out again.

The Dagongs all cherish the words like gold, and they each meditate. This time, they don’t even have eye contact.

Rumba did not speak.

But he holds the back of the sabre's hand, the knuckles are pale, and the blue veins are protruding.

After a few seconds.


Grandpa Leko closed his eyes and sighed softly: "Please don't talk anymore, Prince Teres, I think, we all understand what you mean."

Tyres felt a loose heart, a soft foot, and a slight sway.

Selma withstood his waist behind him, so that he would not be ugly on the spot.

Taylor looked back in pain and showed her a stubborn smile.

"What do you say?" The voice of Grand Duke Leo echoed in the hall.

It looks hollow and exhausted.

"Obviously, isn't it," said Ronnie, the first to look up, but with a tone of voice: "Ning and the lion are against the enemy, not in the same boat."

Rumba's brows wrinkled more and more tightly.

these people……

"You know, Chaman, although your conditions are very attractive," Tluedida shrugged gently. The look on the face was complicated: "But I don't want to have one day, my children and grandchildren wake up and find myself lying in a piece. In the ruins, so..."

Lenba snorted with a blank expression.

these people……

The expression of Ole's Dagong was stiff for a long time. After a while, he opened his mouth and spit out a bite:

"We should not come today, and we should not participate in this **** Grand Council."

Rumba slowly lowered his head.

These are the people...

Grandpa Leko knocked on the table.

"I understand."

"No matter what we are going to do," the old man's old face seems to be more vicissitudes. "If you succumb to the stars and send troops to the north, you will temporarily slow down. Of course, today's things are properly handled."

"Especially, about the death of Nunn."

His eyes refocused and turned to Rumba: "If we don't plan to blame the stars, we have to have a good reason."


At that moment, even Selma felt the atmosphere in the air solidified.

In the hall, the station of everyone has changed.

The four great men stood together unconsciously, Ronnie and Aurelius first, and Tels stood on their side.

On the opposite side of them, Lombard stood alone in front of the brazier.

The fire and the shadow divide his face into two parts, one bright and one dark, which is weird and disturbing.

Rumba slowly raised his head.

These people... are the obstacles to Exeter's advancement.

He scanned several Dagongs one by one, and the latter responded to him with different expressions.

"You all have a decision, is it?" Rumba said in his most indifferent tone: "The four old and savage Grand Dukes of Exeter were reversed by a little villain in a few words. With one mouth, you have shaken your position. ""

He snorted and glanced at Thales: "Sad."

Tyres clenched Selma's hand and silently watched the interaction of the Grand Dukes.

He bit his teeth and knew that the situation was irreparable.

"He can't reverse the situation with just one mouth," Leko's tone was also cold:

"Nobody can."

The bald boss squinted: "But, with action and facts to help him convince us, isn't it you, Chaman Rumba?"

Lombard sneered ironically: "So this is your answer?"

"First for Exeter, I decided to cover up the death of the king together. After a few minutes of swearing for the alliance, you rediscovered your conscience and decided to send me back to the execution desk of the monarchs again?"

"On this point, we can still talk about..." Tluedida is gentle and authentic.

Rumba's blade-like gaze glared at him.

The lord of the pot was smashed.

Rumba turned his head again, over and over again, and carefully scanned the lords.

As if to see through their souls.

These people, Exeter is relying on these people, have come to the present?



Finally, after a while, Lombard lowered his head and made a chilling laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

Tyres was upset and he knew that things were still far from being resolved.

"Chaman," Olsei frowned, only saying one word: "Don't."

Rumba jerked his head up.

"Do you really know what you are doing?" In the face of the Grand Dukes, the tone of the Dasha Dagong has never been so terrible: "Your hesitation and retreat are in the midst of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to slip away from your fingers."

"You also heard what he said, the status quo of the stars," said Leko's faint response: "Your plan is not necessarily the best choice for Exeter."

"Hey!" Rumba's scabbard was once again on the ground.

"Then you believe him?" Lombard coldly.

"Do you not understand? As long as we work together, power, wealth, status, and all problems can be compensated for by the interests of the enemy," his eyes seem to burn with flames: "For Exeter, we must ......"

Ronnie’s grandmother suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly, interrupting Rumba: “Listen well, 弑君!”

"I am also the master of this country, and also has Exeter," the long-haired grandfather is like an iron-clad warrior, standing in front of all Dagong: "And you have neither the power nor the telling: for my Country, what must I do."

"Don't force the rest to follow your method and loyalty to ‘your’ Exeter.”

Rumba clenched his fists.

"We have ten people in ten people," Black Sands clenched his teeth: "This is the problem!"

Ronnie’s grandmother sneered: "So you still admit it - want to kick the rest of us?"

Rumba’s expression was like ice, and he almost broke his hilt.

Tluedida sighed and interjected like a affair: "Chaman, you have to understand us: I imagine that one day, the son or grandson of the Lombard family will be on the streets, like the most despicable..."

"so what?"

Rumba screamed and interrupted him like a raging lion: "Is it worse than now?"

Tlueda was stunned for a moment, and the look at Rumba was more and more weird.

Other Dagong frowned and stared at Lombard.

At that moment, the four grand princes had a clear sense: the black sand lord may not be their kind, but a completely different existence.

Ronnie replied coldly: "For those who benefit from it, of course it is better - but unfortunately I am not in it."


Rumba made a deep breath, as if to suppress the rising anger.

"Oh..." He made a disturbing laugh from his nose:

"Six hundred years."

He glanced at everyone coldly, not even Selma:

"From the first second of birth, we are like a hound that has been caught in a collar, racking our brains and fighting with the vassal, and trying every possible way to fight against the king."

"Even if we become kings ourselves, it is just in this sad shackle that repeats the same fate."

"For six hundred years, our generations, like the headless ants, have been spinning in place," Lombard distorted. "Don't you feel bored?"

"To co-administer an oath? In order to break this sad cycle, for the future of this country," the black sand father died biting his teeth and his hands trembled:

"I bet everything."

"In the end, I still can only sit and watch your selfishness and shortsightedness, ruining Exeter's way out."

The big men are looking at each other and their feelings are inexplicable.

Just at this time.

"Grand Duke," Tyres whispered: "Please don't have to find reasons for yourself, as if you are noble, selfless, and great."

Rumba jerked back and glared at the prince.

"If you can save Exeter, why do you have to be you?" Taylors said calmly: "Why can't it be someone else? For example... King Nunn?"

Rumba's breathing was a stagnation.

Other big men also have a slight meal.

"Yes, I just want to understand - people who have seen the status quo of the stars, not just one of you," the sigh sighed, remembering the few minutes before the death of King Nunn, he told the scene of the sage: "And there was the highest commander who led the army over the fortress, the king of nature, Nunn Walton VII."

"If you really only have the Kingdom of Exeter, there is nothing else, why not just hand over your authority to King Nunn?"

Tyres looked at the distorted Rumba, saying: "In the struggle between the vassal and the kingship, you can accept the king's official residence, accept the king's orders, accept the king's infiltration of the black sand collar, and willingly become the next one. Look at the city."

"Let the entire Exeter, more closely converge in the dragon's cloud in the Longyan City," the prince raised his hand and pointed to the dragon in the cloud on the ceiling: "The most powerful king of nature" To become the only ruler of Exeter!"

The hall was silent again.

Rumba’s expression is getting colder and colder.

"But you don't want to, your family doesn't want to," Tyres whispered softly: "There is a tragedy today."

"You think that your past, the death of your brother and mother, let you have the reason to hate the covenant - this will make your actions different, become extraordinary, become particularly tragic, change Do you have a hero?"

Rumba took a foot and turned to him.

His eyes are terrible and his face is awkward.

My past?

How dare he.

How dare you!

For the first time, Tyres unreservedly and positively endured the almost suffocating momentum of the Black Sands.

But he just took a deep breath and rubbed his teeth and looked up.

At that moment, Taylors remembered everything before the Broken Dragon Fortress, remembering the sacrifice of the Arak and the Guard.

He also remembered the tragedy in Longyan City, remembered the ruined shield, and remembered the fallen white-bladed guards, remembering their unrequited posture.

"No, Lombard, stripped off the shell, in fact, you are no different from others."

“It’s all in the interest of ‘for Exeter’ to serve their own interests, and to fight for the power of the fallen creatures.”

"Even the life around me is not compassionate, even the land that I belong to is not cherished, but I talk about the country and the future," the prince said coldly:

“There is no noble qualification.”

The prince closed his mouth and ended his own words.

At that moment, the sight of the black sand Dagong and the prince of the stars met in the air, and one party was overwhelmed and one was determined to be unyielding.

Rumba stood in the same place, and the temperature around it seemed to drop sharply.


Rumba stared at Tells, slowly opening, with a full of hate and cold, biting the word from the teeth:


Selma was afraid to shrink toward the back of Tyres.

But she didn't succeed because Teres slammed her hand and dragged her back, forcing her to look straight into Lombard's eyes.

"I don't call ‘you’,” Tyres said without hesitation, responding coldly to him:

"Listen, Chaman Rumba."

"My name is Tells Comet."

Rumba pupils are miniature.

"It's a child who can't drink," the prince stepped forward and his face was firm:

"And your nemesis."

If nothing unexpected, the ten chapters of this volume will be over.

(End of this chapter)

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