Kingdom’s Bloodline

: 287. Unexpected topic

Unexpected topic

This is the first time that no sword has written something similar to a leave of absence.

general speaking.

"The Kingdom's Blood" was copied.

My copyright has been seriously violated.

No sword promises to properly handle this matter.

Don't bother, don't worry, don't worry.

I did a night palette, which seriously affected my mood, but I will adjust my status as soon as possible and try to return to the normal writing track within a day or two.

I am really sorry, and so on.

No sword is here.

The terminology of this article is much more serious than usual, and I am somewhat unaccustomed.

But please forgive the current sword-free, you can't write the usual kind of gag.

Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!


I kindly ask you not to post to the book review area or forums, and don’t hold the mentality of “noisy”. It’s not necessary, and it’s not worth it.

This kind of thing happens, it is the loss of the plagiarist, and it is the loss of the plagiarist - whether he himself or not.

There is no point in teaching without pain, because people will not gain without sacrifice. However, when this pain is overcome, people will gain a strong heart that does not yield to anything. Yes, steel heart! ——Edward Ellik

(End of this chapter)

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