Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Sly dinner

Chapter 282 Dinner

Tyres looked at a piece of sausage on his plate in a dignified manner, held his breath, and slowly lifted the knife according to the attitude of Professor Ginny in memory.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

Finally, the prince sighed deeply.

He loosened his hand and put the knife and fork back on both sides of the plate, giving up the intention to eat.

Tyres raised his eyes in a headache and looked at the other side of the table. The blonde girl stared at a pair of blue eyes, pouted her mouth, staring at him dissatisfiedly, and the food in front of her did not move.

After they entered the dining room of the female grandfather, Selma opposed the Jinkesi and the two maids in unison, and hurriedly drove them out, and surprisingly, the female director of Jin Kesi only symbolically expressed it. Opposing, it obeys the wishes of the female grandfather - this is very rare in the past.

"Well," Taylors had to bite his head and said: "Do we have a respect for my respected female grandfather, what do I have about my dining position?"

Selma snorted and stared at him for three seconds, which he said:


Tyres was amazed: "What?"

"You talked to me like this again," the girl said with a sullen face. "Unfortunately, the female grandfather" - this kind of person can't help but want to swear at you."

Tyres widened his eyes and looked at her helplessly. He smiled and said: "But this is the proper name for seeing the female grandfather, especially our lovely and charming..."

The sound of a metal impact suddenly sounded:


Taylor looked at Selma with a sly look: the gloomy girl had just pulled out a knife and broke a plate of beef in front of her.

The cut is flat.

Selma still frowned and looked at him, his eyes filled with unhappiness.

The throat of the young prince rolled a little.

He took a deep breath, put away his smile, and teased the girl's mind with a sigh of relief, and pressed it to the deepest part of his stomach.

It seems that her mood is really bad.


“Hey!” It’s a crisp sound of metal collision with the plate. The beef in the Selma plate has become three segments.

Taylor’s heart glimpsed.



It was terrible than when she was two years ago.

Tyres immediately converges on his face and calmly looks at Selma, who is looking at his mouth.

"I'm sorry," the prince sincerely looked at Selma's eyes: "It's my fault... I have ignored your mood since the beginning."

Selma's eyes moved and the face was loose.

Tyres looked at her low profile and couldn't help but bow her head and sigh.

The next second, the prince decisively left his seat and walked toward the girl.

Selma was slightly surprised.

Looking at the closer and closer to Taylors, she seemed to be a little uncomfortable, and she was slightly shrunk like a hedgehog.

The girl pouted and whispered: "What?"

Tyres did not answer her.

The prince went straight to the eyes of Selma, who looked suspiciously. He opened a chair on the side of the table and sat down silently.

"Oh, remember, I am your friend," the prince leaned forward, lowered his arm and leaned on the table, looking at Selma seriously, revealing a gentle smile: "You know, you can believe me."

"You can tell me anything."

Selma's breathing was a little messy, but she still tried to maintain the dissatisfied expression and snorted from the nose.

Buters still has patience and looks at her gently, and his eyes have not shifted.

One second.

Two seconds.

This time, instead, Selma, who has been squinting, was embarrassed by him.

The girl unnaturally cleared her throat and twisted her head.

But Taylor still looked at her with gaze.

Finally, Selma, who was unable to stand it, couldn’t help but take a deep breath and blow it up forcefully.

She looked up and watched her forehead blown up.

"Forget it."

"Nothing," Selma pouted, glaring at Tells, his face narrowing his head: "I have a bad temper."

"No." Tyres shook his head.

"Selma," the prince spit out, trying to slow down his speed: "Good girl."

"I know that today will be very difficult for you."

"Listen to the government, those who are not obedient..."

Selma jerked his head back and his breathing accelerated.

"Oh." She looked at Tyres with enthusiasm and ironically asked:

"Tough, how come?"

"I am the female grandfather of Longyan City, the only one in the past seven hundred years, the only one..."

"I have the most powerful territory in Exeter, how can it be difficult..." Selma's breathing is getting heavier and heavier, the girl raised her arms and her face was ugly:

Taylor looked at her quietly.

"...My vassals are one of the best loyal people," Selma said. "The power is strong, the mind is wise, and they are there. The Longyan City is simply as sighing..."

"No matter what - including my own affairs - I don't have to worry about it. Everything in Longyan City is running in perfect order, and the Walton family is as good as ever..."

Selma seems to open his mouth, the mouth opening and closing is getting bigger and bigger, and the girl's expression is getting more and more angry.

"So how can I be tough, compared to a war, pitiful, afraid that the day will be eaten by the prince of the hostage, I am the happiest woman in the world... Hey! ”

The girl is stunned.

Her mouth was blocked.

Selma looked at Taylor's movement in amazement and felt something in his mouth.

The prince did not know when he had already sat next to Selma.

Taylor looked straight at Selma's clear eyes.

The girl was a little overwhelmed and her face was reddish.


The second prince exhaled a sigh of relief, and the spoon on his hand was pulled out of the sluggish Selma mouth.

"If the spoon doesn't let you get rid of it," Taylors grinned, turned and spooned a spoonful of beans in the plate, and shook it in front of Selma: "Then I have the next spoon." ""

This is the reaction of Selma, the reddish face has a tendency to become angry and angry, with a mouth full of beans, extremely dissatisfied "snap" a few times.

Taylor still smiled and shook her handful of beans on her hand.


"Crack them!"

"This will get rid of it!"

Selma muttered the bulging mouth of the bean, and stared at him for three seconds.

Tyres smiled.

In the end, the girl with a bad face screamed heavily.

She turned her head and stared at Tells with a squint, and smirked and chewed the beans in her mouth.

That kind of chewing - as if she was chewing not the beans, but the meat of the les.

The prince blinked at her and smiled.

Really, she used to be very good at her attitude...

The one who likes to hide behind his back, soft and soft words, poor and cute little slick... Where did you go?

Tyres looked at Selma with a grin.

Looking at the girl who stared at him like this demonstration.

Looking at her gangs on both sides were smothered, and I trembled as I chewed more.

"There has been a contraction... well, I said it," the girl was so easy to chew the mouthful of beans and rushed to the prince; "I am not unhappy at all...hey!"

Teres sent a second spoonful of beans with a blank expression, blocking Selma's mouth.

The prince held back the smile in his heart, but found that he could not withdraw the spoon: Selma bit the spoon, and her eyes were already killing.

"Hey, hey, be a man, the most important thing is to be happy..." Tyres resisted the twitching of his shoulders, and finally took the spoon out of her lips and watched Selma start to anger more than the first. The spoon is more forceful to chew.

Although the eyes of the female tycoon are still terrible, the prince suddenly felt that life at the moment was not so bad.

Fortunately, she is quite cute like this.

Tyres gradually became a god.

When was she from the cautious girl, what it is now.

Ah, it’s probably someday.

It was two years ago, when she was not bright, she was red-eyed, holding **** sheets and sneaking into the eyes of her sleepy day.

After that day, the female officer, who was heard by herself, rushed to the Blood Garden from the room on the sixth floor.

Still a year ago, after she was blushing and wearing a corset, was she laughing at her in the library?

Thanks to the female actress of King Silk, she tirelessly taught her female lord: to keep the dogma of being a noble woman.

Or is it the first time she wears a costume, she wears a lady's head, and stands in front of herself with excitement, but is the one who laughs and leans forward and turns away?

I don't remember.

Anyway, it becomes like this without knowing it.

The girl who was once tender and cringing.

It has grown slowly in the high walls and ice of the Yingling Palace and Longyan City.

Eventually it will turn into a existence that they are not familiar with.

Selma Walton female grandfather.


Tyres remembered the past they met, and couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Is this really what she wants? Is she really happy?

Become a... Walton?

The horrible Tyres sighed and took a sip of beans.

Just at this time.


Selma's anxious voice interrupted him.

The voice of the girl sounded a little surprised and a little hasty.

Taylors came back and looked at Selma's expression in amazement: the woman's face was a little red, and she was hesitant and nervous to extend her right hand, seeming to remind me.

"Well?" The prince chewed the beans in his mouth three and two times. He raised his brow without knowing: "What?"

Tyres found out that it was wrong: Selma’s face was red, and the ears were full of blood, especially under the blond hair.

Why blush?

The last time I saw her like this, it seems that she was wearing a costume at the banquet to ask for her opinion?

what happened?

"That..." Selma looked at him slyly, and the words of the red face twitched slightly, seemingly embarrassing.

The hesitant, timid, and letting Taylor think of her childhood.

In the end, in the eyes of Taylor's doubts, Selma still lowered his head slightly, blocking the face with the forehead, and the mosquitoes whispered:

"It's nothing."

The female grandfather stopped talking, just staring at the table.

The inexplicable Taylors shrugged and still didn't quite understand why Selma was red.

The prince shook his head and lamented that the woman was strange.

Just when he lowered his head and put the next cold stew into his mouth...

Taylor's gaze passed over the spoon that had just been taken.

"When it is!"

The prince trembled fiercely, and the spoon on his hand fell on the plate and rang back and forth.

Tyres sat in his innocent position, looked at the familiar spoon, and looked at the Selma, which was blushing to the ear, and felt incredibly embarrassed.

It seems that I just used this spoon...

The prince’s gaze continually slid back and forth between the spoon and someone’s lips, and unconsciously licked his mouth.

so awkward……

He couldn't help but smile: "Amount, that..."

"I just wanted to remind you," Selma's voice was sharp and thin, almost inaudible: "Just you are too fast."

When Tyres was as big as a bucket, he was glad that no one saw this scene, and with the last trace of reason, he said that "nothing, I don't mind" to the mouth.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became embarrassing.

However, it was the Selma who just bowed his head and looked at Taylor's reaction and seemed to be dissatisfied.

She lifted her gaze slightly.

"Hey, you are deliberate," the girl whispered: "Jinkesi said..."

"Oh, yes!" Taylors slammed his head and slammed the subject: "I remembered it!"

Under the ignorance of the female grandfather, the second prince took out a small but delicate wooden rectangular box from the pocket of his chest with a simple pattern carving.

"Oh," said Tyres, who didn't care about the authenticity, and only wanted to use this matter to dilute the current embarrassment:

"Your birthday present...although there are still two months."

(End of this chapter)

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