Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 283: Suddenly

Chapter 283

Selma's eyes narrowed and he took the exquisite box with some surprise.

She first looked at the smiling smile of Tyres and then gently opened it.

"this is……"

Selma saw the things in the box and looked up in surprise.

"When I wrote to China last year, let Gilbert do what they asked, and they were brought by Putier today," said Tyres, blinking his eyes and grabbing the contents of the box:

"You know, the level of artisans in the stars is better... I measured the curvature and thickness of the lens according to their requirements. I hope that there will be no big mistakes, and I have prepared several spare lenses..."

"If there is something wrong, I have to re-grind the lens - it is expensive to say by hand..."

Selma took a sigh of relief and looked at the obvious finely crafted items from Tyres.

“Important introduction... pin-nose glasses!”

Tyres smiled and picked up the pair of new glasses that were completely different from the girl's face.

This pair of glasses is very strange. It has no ear frame at all. It only has a chain attached to the frame on one side. The frame is very slender and the nose pads are slightly strange.

Tyres skillfully extended his left hand and stroked Selma's forehead, taking the big, heavy black-rimmed glasses on her face.

It seems to have been practiced thousands of times.

But Selma just stared at him, letting the prince take off her glasses without any resistance, and even the vision was greatly affected, and did not care.

It seems to have experienced thousands of times.

Tyres excitedly fiddled with the new glasses on his hands, pressed it on the girl's nose, and touched the soft skin on her face with his fingers: "Like this, with a little pressure, the nose can be stabilized. Glasses, no need to put your ears on!"

"Then put this chain in..." Tyres grabbed the thin chain at one end of the glasses and lowered his head, trying to find a pocket on Selma's body.

But he was embarrassed to find that there is no pocket on the girl's body, the only place with a gap is the chest, which is also tied by the outerwear and corset underwear...

"Do not let go." The second prince squinted and slammed the chain into the other's hands.

The first time I put on glasses without a ear frame, Selma reacted and opened my mouth in surprise.

She carefully held the small new frame and shook her head as if she was afraid of it falling, then looked up and looked around.

Taylors observes the new image of the female grandfather: the almost transparent pinch-nose glasses frees Selma's face from the torture of the black frame frame. At this moment, the girl is stunned and has no old-fashioned and serious. It looks quite cute and cute.

Taylor sighed with satisfaction and picked up Selma's old glasses, which were worn out, and smiled.

After a few seconds, the girl finally adapted to her new glasses.

"Thank you." Selma looked down and seemed awkward.

"You're welcome, I have long wanted to say it," the prince smiled. "As the leader of this land, wearing the black-rimmed glasses is always less serious - like a frog, haha."

To his surprise, Selma's performance was calm, neither excited nor excited, nor curious or doubtful.


"Hey, Tyres." The girl stared at the glasses, staring out at the distance.

Tyres raised his eyebrows: "Well?"

Selma raised his head gently.

Taylors noticed that her eyes were a little red around her eyes.

No way.

Just a gift, what moved like this?

The most fearful of seeing people crying, Tyres snorted.

"Tells," Selma said softly: "Do you remember the day six years ago?"

Taylors narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"The day we first met."

"That night, that morning, that morning."

Her voice was illusory and embarrassing, as if floating from afar.

Tyres frowned and remembered the past.

That night.

Nunn, Rumba, the crown of blood, the new female grandfather.

"Of course," his words unconsciously dignified and looked directly at the girl in front of him: "How can you forget that experience?"

"Because you, Tyres," Selma looked at him seriously: "I became a female grandfather."

"because of you."

Tyres was slightly stunned and wanted to speak, but Selma just shook his head, and the red eyes made Tyres scream.

He only felt the chest was dull.


Why mention this?

"You said," saw Selma pumping his nose, with a faint nasal voice, with a faint gaze from behind the new glasses: "Don't escape, choose the person I want to be..."

"And you will always be by my side..."

Tyres was awkward and his lips were slightly open.

"Ah," the prince took a deep breath and remembered the words he once said, subconsciously revealing a reassuring smile: "I will always be there."

Selma did not speak.

She just looked at the prince quietly.

The emotions in his eyes made Teres very uneasy.

The two looked at each other so quietly.

For a long while, the dull atmosphere was finally broken by a girl’s laughter.

However, this laughter sounded at Tyres and it didn't seem so happy.

"Sorry, Tyres."

"It's my fault," the girl with a faint loss: "It has nothing to do with you... I shouldn't marry you today."


Tyres first widened his eyes and then touched his head with some doubts.

Today's Selma is somewhat beyond his expectations.

The prince can only smile with a doubt and smile.

"It doesn't matter," Tyres sighed softly, shook his head helplessly: "Who makes us friends?"

"Like what you said: life and death together."

Having said that, Selma shivered!

The female grand priest raised her head and seemed to have made up her mind.

"Tells!" Selma spit out a sigh of relief: "Today's hearing... that..."

What did Tyres feel: "Well? What?"

But at this moment, Selma looked straight at Tels's eyes and suddenly saw it.

It seems like putting down something.

Taylor looked at her in confusion.

This is the end...

In the next second, Selma's tone and rhythm returned to a steady state.

"That...I have come to the city to pray," she turned her head and seemed to carelessly: "Ronnie and his allies, the three great men in the north, want to invite me and invite Long Yucheng to oppose the king's decree. The declaration was signed to support their protests."

"Oh, that's a good thing," said the questionable Taylors, remembering the big event of Exeter in the past few months. The new seal of the King of Chaman in the Black Sands was almost unanimously opposed by the whole country. And condemnation, it is estimated that it is burning up a bit - some gloating:

"Give a look at the color of Rumba."

"Yeah," Selma grinned, but his tone was a bit low: "It's a good thing."

Tyres looked at the unhappy girl in front of her eyes.

"Speaking of this, you know, we will soon have a new teacher," the prince asked tentatively, wanting to open the topic: "Or Putility invited from the Principality of Anlenzo, he said it was One is highly respected..."

But the next moment, Selma stood up very abruptly.

"I am full, you can continue." The female prince replied with a quiet and peaceful expression.

Taylor was shocked.


But she is...

"Tomorrow, old time, library," Selma showed a pale smile: "A new book is here, don't forget, let's see it together."

Taylors nodded subconsciously.

The girl whispered to him, and if he nodded, he grabbed his fist and walked out of the dining room.

Leaving Tells alone, unclearly stared at the food at the table.

she was.

what happened?

The prince looked at the back of the girl's departure.

In her seat, it seems that there is still a faint body fragrance.

Taylors reacted suddenly: when Selma left, he left the pair of black-rimmed glasses on the table and did not take it away.


Bloody courtyard, that night.

"You really don't know?"

In the room, Putile's legs on the sofa, easily swallowing his pipe, facing the serious face of the tel.

"Of course, listening to the heroic hall in the political day, you can not allow a foreign prince to mix in," Taylors said with some anxiety: "Today, what happened to the hearing of the Longyan City? What is the relationship?"

Puttier’s expression snorted comfortably.

"Well, although I can't get in, I still have some channels after all..."

"Putley, if you know anything, just say it," Taylors sighed, urging again and again: "I am really anxious."

Tyres involuntarily reached out and gently pinched the old pair of glasses in his pocket.

The heart is slightly heavy.

Putila nodded and snorted.

"Listen to me, Your Highness," the former deputy commander faintly said: "Today, halfway through the Longyan City hearing, someone suddenly accused you."

Tyres raised his eyebrows.

"Who is blaming?"

The prince was a little surprised, he pointed to himself: "I?"

"Well," Putile watched the reaction of Tyres and slowly swallowed: "Some people say that the young prince of the stars, forcibly occupying the civilian shop for the next game - is in the spear area. , once a month."


Tyres surprisingly put an "O" mouth.

But I went to the spear area to play chess, including the chess room...

But Puttier’s words continued slowly: “In the meantime, the prince was still stalking his subordinates, hunting in the suburbs of the lord who only belonged to the lord... hunting the hare.”

Taylors is another confused.

When do I let my hand go hunting the hare...

Wait... this...

Tyres thought of a figure under a cloak, suddenly a boring chest, black eyes, I felt that I almost spit out a blood.

"In any case, it caused an uproar," Putile took a sip of cigarettes and sighed with satisfaction. This continued: "Listen to the vassals at the political commissar, I heard that the enemy kings were arrogant in the city of Longyan, who was tolerant of him. After his demeanor, he was indignant and reluctant to ask for Resban’s regency..."

"Requires appropriate penalties for your crimes...such as the harsher dungeons," Pudley laughed. "For example, the unique whipping of the North."

"‘Take a little lesson to the imperial person.'”

Tyres widened his eyes incredulously.

"Crime? Then," the prince suddenly realized what he was. He cast a skeptical eye on Putilai, who was smoking leisurely: "Wait, your prince will be spanked. Why are you still so calm?"

Putilie chuckled and shook his head in front of a slightly dissatisfied taylor.

"Don't worry, Your Highness."

"Your luck is as good as ever."

“Unexpected things happened,” Putile said with a sigh of relief: “The first time, the first time in six years.”

"In the past, I was silent in the past, and the 18-year-old Walton female grandfather..."

"Excitedly stood up from the seat."

Tyres frowned.

she was……

Stand up?

"Walton's female stunned four people - she was clamoring with the fierce condemnation of almost all vassals, saying that she was willing to use her own reputation and authority to guarantee," Putilla said very lightly, but listened to Tyres. It’s so shocking:

"Guarantee your actions have her permission: to be accountable, start with her."

Taylors stunned.

He looked at the void with ecstasy and unconsciously said: "And then?"

Putilai's face sank.

He put down his legs and sat down.

"And then..."

"There is a woman who doesn't have long eyes, the lady who accuses you in public," Putilie sighed. "I said that she is so protective of a hostage prince, is there a relationship between the two..."

Tyres listened to Putier's remarks in a dull manner, and did not notice the special name that Lord Lord had intentionally or unintentionally directed at the girl.

"Of course, he was beaten out of the hall by the angry Northland people on the spot."

"The latter thing is ugly. I heard that the female sergeant had a temper and smashed a stone cup - the Resbane regency couldn’t even control the scene."

"For an outsider... I think that the vassals of Longyan City are probably even worse for their female princes."

Putili said this sentence, gently exhaled a breath, blowing a ring of smoke.


Tyres unconsciously sat down on the bed with a look of horror.

He touched his knee and remembered the kick that the girl had kicked.

She is today...

He remembered her awkward words at the table, the tone of sorrow.

because I……

"But because of this, many vassals are very ugly, they are in unison: for the stability of the Longyan City, and the blood of the Walton family..."

Tyres sat quietly, unaware that his breathing began to accelerate.

"The dear female grandfather should choose the husband and wife in the local vassal this year, and get married and have children." Putier’s words came to the ears of Tyres, and there was a sense of isolation, as if from another room. The same as:

“The reasons are too just, and even Brisbane can’t raise an objection.”

"This is what happened at the political conference - I think, at least it should be the part you want to know."

Tyres unconsciously squeezed his fist.

Putile looked thoughtfully at some of the lost tales, and sighed: "His Royal Highness, be prepared."

"Your friend."

"The poor little girl."

Thinking of the past years, the thin man shook his head:

"I want to marry."

Putila's voice is very low, as if he was afraid of waking up a sleeping person.

On the other side, Taylors, who has been saying for a long time, has even forgotten how to react.

Puttier silently spit out a beautiful and beautiful smoke circle, watching it quietly in the air.

Just as it has never existed before.

Only those who blow out the smoke circle can remember how perfect it is at that moment.

After a few seconds.

Prince Taylor's Comet turned his head subconsciously and looked out the window.

[You will always be by my side, you will face me with you, you will...]

Small slippery head.

In his heart, he called for the name that had not been exported for a long time, but was as clear as it was, looking at the direction of the Palace of the Spirit.

I feel that my hands and feet are cold and I am lost.

I am coming!

You don't have to be nervous.

For the time being, the plot is very stable and the development is very smooth.

Well, when it comes to drifting over the corner and shifting the tail, I will remind everyone to tie up the seat belt.

For example, now.

(End of this chapter)

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