Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 284: riot

Chapter 284 riots

Longyan City, Yingling Palace, training ground.

In the eyes of countless guards and entourages in the Palace of the Spirit, the sweaty Thales swayed the sword of his right hand, lifted the shield of his left arm, and opened his legs, seriously posing a practice that has been countless times. Iron body."

Despite the many things, the prince’s daily outdoor training is a must.

"I don't know why you are still practicing this set of swordsmanship," he said in front of him. The pale white blade guard commander sweared an epee. "Even against the orcs, our army fighting style has long been renovation of hundreds of thousands of years, and you kind of sword shield, silly and others to beat your sword ...... "

"Do you want to keep talking nonsense?" The prince was impatient.

“I remember this is outdoor training, not satirical writing?”

Nicholas snorted and his eyes were not fast.

The comet's attitude towards the second prince lasted for six years, and the attitude of the second prince began to turn sharply after yesterday's hearing: he began to look at Taylors with hostile eyes, and he was extremely responsible for the star boy in outdoor training. Things can be done - of course, Taylors later knew why.

Taylor shrugged and motioned that he could attack.

In the next second, Nilai Laila opened his foot and took out a sword.


The shield of Tyres hit Nicholas's epee, and the prince stepped forward to the top, and the right-handed sword attacked back, but was easily flashed by Nicholas.

"If you really want to know - this set of swordsmanship means a lot to me," Tyres turned and the tip of the sword quickly re-aligned with the enemy: "A severe teacher passed me: at least I have to practice it." Come."

Having said that, the letters brought by Gilbert Toptley suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Ms. Kenny emphasizes that you should pay attention to diet at this age, not to be picky, especially the balanced mix of a variety of foods - even if it is a bitter dish of Western wilderness, it has considerable value, so try it...]

In the mind of Tyres, there was an image of Ginny’s sternness and not a false resentment.

"Let's get a look?" Nie Lai snorted. "Unfortunately, you didn't do it."

The comet's feet rushed into the ground, holding the sword in both hands, and squatting by gravity!


He almost killed Tyres, who was struggling to support the shield.

The prince bit his teeth, feeling the strength of Nie Lai's sword gradually increased.

[As for the old friends of your past, please forgive me, I must tell you with shame and disappointment: the tenth search, we still have not found them, whether it is the female bartender in the sunset bar or those nephews, at least they have Not in Yongxing City. Although it is out of date, I must advise you: Maybe your Highness should give up searching for them. Maybe the result is already doomed. Second, the search for six years is not good for you...]

"Where did you go from grabbing a book in my hand?"

The comet roared: "Get it out, don't always make me feel like I'm fighting an idiot!"

Tyres struggled to short and twisted, and put the other's epee off the top, and then stabbed a sword: "Maybe you should redefine it, who is the one who grabs the book - oh!"

However, the prince's sword has not worked, and the comet has kicked a short kick and kicked the changing character of Taylors!

Outside the training ground, Tyler’s attendant, Wyah Casso, stood on the edge of the sword and sighed, while holding the silver arm Rolf to the wall:

"You know, I am not destroying the prince - in fact, he is the earliest mature child I have ever seen - but you have to admit that, besides being good at analysis and planning, he is coming to the front, punching the flesh, knife The fierce battle to see blood is really..."

Wyah looked at the scene in a hurry, and the right-handed Tyres shook his head: "He is really... lacking talent."

Rolf frowned, looking at the words of Wye, who was not talking.

This is awkward.

In the past six years, I have never stopped.

Is this treating me as a trash can?

Fuck him.

Rolf snorted dissatisfiedly, and even his head was too lazy to erect a middle finger.

But Wyah didn't care.

He knows that Rolf, who can't speak, hates people who have a lot of words. However, he can make the ghost of the wind feel uncomfortable and appreciate the angry eyes he can't refute. Why not? Just like Rolf also likes to gloat and look at the ugly look of Wyah's sign language.

Wye couldn't understand Rolf's casual and rude street habits, and he was dissatisfied with the sign language that he and the prince could understand. The ghosts of the wind hated the servant as the only spokesperson of the prince. Yes) the kind of self-confidence and self-consciousness, but also despise the attitude of the other side to the courtesy and title.

That's right—even if they fought side by side many times, the two princes who were born far away from the world were always there, and the relationship between them was never better.

"If he has time and preparation, no matter whether he plays chess and negotiations, or even swordsmanship, there is no doubt that the prince can give a very beautiful answer," Wyatt continued frowning. "But like this: in the face of a sudden attack, He can easily become confused, nervous, and behave. To be honest, some are like new recruits, especially those who resist blood and are not used to fighting.

"This is fatal in battle - making mistakes at critical times will make you regret your life, or simply save your chances of regret."

Just at this time.

"You said directly that Tyres is not good at fighting." Puttier came to the side of the two, watching the practice in the field, surprisingly did not pull out the pipe.

"Lord Lord." Wyatt was nodded, and Rolf shook his head symbolically.

“Is there any way to overcome this?” Putilai’s eyes are stunned: “Tells’s critical moments are in a mess, and the brain is blank?”

"I'm afraid it's hard," Wyatt turned back and looked at the second time that Tyles was knocked down. She sighed: "Fencing can practice, skills can be refined, but the habits and character over the years, but Can't simply overcome it."

At this point, Rolf suddenly raised his palm gently, and his eyes were hazy to make a neck smear.

"Well?" Putilla noticed Rolf, he raised an eyebrow: "What do you mean?"

Wye looked at Rolf's look and blinked a little: "Forehead, I think the dumb means probably..."

"...I heard it in the tower. There is a quick way to develop a battle instinct: throwing people into the battlefield of nine deaths, blood and death are the most efficient teachers, where a harmless little sheep can change. Become a ferocious dragon, even the most cowardly warrior and the most unfamiliar recruits, can quickly get rid of the bad thing - of course, if you are not dead."

"And even the best of the world, whether it is the comet or the wrath of the kingdom, their extraordinary strength is slowly accumulated in the struggle and stifling: practicing against the wooden piles and targets, can never become a polar state. ”

Rolf snorted and didn't know whether to agree or disdain.

Putila frowned.

"Tells is not a Northlander. He is a prince of stars. He is a comet. It is likely to be a king in the future." The former deputy lord shook his head: "The atmosphere on the battlefield, he only needs to taste it: no matter how Fighting or fighting on the battlefield should not be his necessary skill, nor need to be a polar world - his duty is to move the chess pieces in the protection of the army."

Rolf muttered a word that no one could understand.

Wye exhaled: "But you know, even in the **** years, even the protection of the heavy guards, the royal family..."

Referring to this word, Puttier suddenly turned his head!

The atmosphere seems to be getting cold instantly.

"Cautious." Putilit’s sharp and unrespectable eyes forced Wyah’s words back into his mouth.

"For things you don't know, don't judge, especially the year of blood."

And comets.

Wye looked at him with some confusion.

Rolf sighed with gloating.

"Sorry, I shouldn't talk about the royal family," the education of the aristocratic family made Huaiyan a great apologize. He sighed and found the next topic: "Speaking, it seems that you are going back to Longyan City this time, ready to stay for a long time. , Lord Lord?"

Putilai turned his attention back to the scene.

“Yeah,” he said faintly: “It may be a little longer than you think.”

"Speaking of it, the prince once told me," Wyatt frowned slightly: "What did you do six years ago?"

Puttila has a slight meal.

Wyah’s seemingly gossip is still going on: “On the second day after the crowning of King Chaman, six years ago, it was also the time when Brisbane began to clean up the mess of Longyan City. Prince Teres was in the worst situation...”

"You didn't even say hello, and hurriedly left Longyan City?"

"These are even, after all, we have reunited," Wyatt regained her gaze, and some worried: "But I care more about it, six years, why did you come back at this time?"

"Why not earlier, such as when the prince has not yet established a foothold, or later, such as when the prince has to face a marriage problem?"

“Was it is now?”

"This makes me a little... worried."

Rolf also frowned, and rarely did not express his opinion on Wyah.

This corner suddenly calmed down.

Puttier dropped his eyes, and he slowly reached out and took out the old pipe that was used six years ago.

"You know, a long time ago, when I was young, our teacher said when I finished my business," the thin front officer made you fill the tobacco without hesitation, throw out the flint, and ignite the pipe: "Gilbert Caso's heart is very big. If you look at the problem, you can't always be confused. You jump out of the shackles and grab the focus outside the line of sight. Maybe he will be the kind of forward player who is far-sighted, longer than the distance and plan."

"So that naive bastard, I often think too much."

Listening to the preface without answering the words, Wyatt raised her brow strangely: "Ah?"

"Even if you don't admit it, Wyah," Putilai indulged in a sigh of relief and smiled: "You still have a lot of places like your father..."

"For example - think too much."

What Wahiya thought of, he closed his mouth and looked back ugly.

He did not ask again.

In the field, Taylors stepped back two steps, and Yu Guang saw the strange atmosphere of Putier and Wyatt.

In his doubts, he couldn't help but think of another point mentioned in Gilbert's letter:

[His Highness, please trust Putile as always, especially at this special moment - for your future, please believe him! In addition, please keep the respect you deserve for the new teacher and learn with humility - he is probably the second respected person in my life. 】

Gilbert emphasized that he believed in Putier twice.


Jianguang flashed, and Nie Lai attacked again.

This time, the long-awaited Taylors finally waited for the opportunity.

As the other side hit his shield for the third time, the prince was cutting off the moment of attack and cut a long-awaited break.

He took the enemy's weak left side of the defense and let Nicholas shine.

"good idea."

But then, the comet quickly swayed back to the epee, welcoming this sharp counterattack!

Following the opponent's epee track, Tyres struggled to shake the shield of his left hand and pushed the opponent back.


Nie Lai’s epee was drawn along the shield, and the wind that the sword had brought over the hair of Tyres!

At that moment, Tyres, whose head was cold, trembled.

With this kind of crisis in the immediate eye, Teres only felt an inexplicable tremor, suddenly bursting from his spine and hitting the brain.

The next second, the familiar and unfamiliar fluctuations - the sin of the prison river, uncontrollable, can not suppress the ground, from his body!

Like a frightened hibernating beast, wake up!

It is also like a sudden cold storm that strikes every inch of his body, including the brain.

Let him have a desire to make everything.

But the prince has no sense of peace of mind!

Tyres feels the riots of the prison river, and his heart is inexplicable!

Do not.

Do not!

(End of this chapter)

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