Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 31: Battle of the extreme

Chapter 31 The Battle of the Extreme

Jodel instinctively felt bad.

Because after a short period of confrontation and temptation, the white-haired but violent blood race, together with his two descendants, suddenly became negative!

They no longer madly and dangerously attack, rush, flash, and no longer manipulate the blood slaves with undetectable voices.

Until Gilbert’s voice anxiously sounded:


Although it is not quite suitable, Yodel immediately understood what he meant!

The masked mysterious guard raised his head and saw that Tyres pushed open the balcony to the indoor door and disappeared into the darkness of the house.

Tyres, why?

As the mechanical gear behind the lenticular lens turned, Jodel's field of vision quickly approached the third floor, but the room was so dark that he couldn't see the situation inside.

Jodel’s heart was shaking.

His figure disappeared instantly.

In an unknown world of gray, a gray-white moon gradually emerged. Then, a gray-white iron gate appeared out of thin air. Then, it was a gray-white garden connected to it, a gray-white exterior wall, gray-white windows, gray-white houses, etc. Wait.

In a short time, a gray-white vine-like manor, which is exactly the same as the real vine-grass manor, appears in this world.

I don't know how long it took, like the sky was pulled a bit, a point in the void, like the water surface that was smashed, suddenly spread the layers of visible ripples, spread to the outside!

Finally, a normal color of Yodel, gently from the center of the void, appeared in the gray world, stepping on the same gray-white vine manor.

The shape-structure is almost exactly the same as the real world, but there is no way to make the gray-and-white dead road. The masked guards skillfully in the shadow world, leap to a window and climb to the third floor of the Manor Manor.

He wants to go from the shadow world to the third floor room!

However, when he was only a few meters away, he would step on the stone handrail on the third floor balcony, and Jodel suddenly paused.

Because Yodel clearly felt that in the first moment, the gray shadow of this side, like being knocked from every corner, hammered a hammer!


In the heart of Yodel, these two words emerged.

Really familiar feeling.

He frowned slightly and then gave up and continued to climb.

At the next moment, Yodel’s left foot, like a thunder, slammed into the gray outer wall of the gray house, and volleyed like a swallow, rolling toward the rear!

I saw a few meters away from the gray-white balcony. In the place where Jodel had just set foot, there was a strange hustle and bustle of space, which spread out in shock and collapsed the outer walls of the gray-white houses around him!

This is a thrilling blood red.

This **** red, instantly through the entire gray shadow path!

Yodel, who was rolling in the air, sighed unrecognically, and there was a transparent space on his body.

This space of Jodel is awkward, offsetting the **** shackles of the incoming.

Within a few seconds, his figure was not in the void.

And in the real world.

The vine grass manor, below the observation deck on the third floor, a **** fog shrouded the large space in the air, and it was shrinking, as if it was regularly – vibrating!

In this strange vibration, Yodel is abruptly visible!

Yodel, who appeared, rolled over, looking at the **** fog around him, frowning in the air—twelve years, and once again, he was artificially forced out of the shadow path.

Used in the same way as the year.

Waiting for him is an ambush that has been prepared.

The blood fog stopped vibrating, and a sultry breath rolled up countless blood drops.

The blood mist condenses an old **** right hand in the air, and Yodel, who can't borrow from the air, hits a seemingly light palm.

Go straight to the chest and abdomen.

But that palm is not yet close, Jodel’s chest and abdomen clothing will emit an unpredictable sound of “Zizi”, crushing one by one in the air!

If you look closely, you will find that the **** palms are covered with tiny blood fog, which erodes all obstacles encountered!

For example, the heart of Yodel.

And he was stuck in the air and could not dodge.

The shadow path can no longer give him shelter.

In midair, Joel, who is about to face the disaster, can only calmly recover the chest and abdomen, roll the body into a strange shape, and open the time to meet the face of the palm.

More than a second.

A lot of things happen in this interval of more than a second!

In the right hand of Yodel, the short sword with a dark color appeared in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, Yodel’s hand flashed on the sword, and even hit three hits!

In the three swords, no sword hit the dangerous **** palm.

But after Joel’s lenticular lens, the gears spun rapidly, and the tiny blood fog of the sky appeared in his eyes nowhere in the shape of a skull: I saw this scary blood fog, waving by Joel’s short sword. Shocked three invisible ripples of ordinary people!

The blood palm hits unimpeded, only one second.

The gear behind the Jodel lens was changed in one direction, and the color of the leaching lens changed. His vision changed with one another: three corrugations vibrated the surrounding blood, and after the **** palm, a special blood drop, I changed it irregularly in the vibration.

In the next moment, Joel’s short sword was drawn at an incredible speed, stabbing the irregular blood.


The tip of the sword is softly on the palm of the blood mist, and then it is quickly recovered. There is no waste of a trace of strength, but there is no energy at all.

In the palm of the blood mist, a small, not small blood drop, shattered.

Then, the original **** palm of the hand, in a few seconds, will print the moment of Joel's chest, instantaneous collapse and invisible!

Jodel landed lightly, his left chest and abdomen, a piece of clothing that was severely damaged by blood fog, turned into fly ash, revealing a hidden muscle, the surface of the skin has long been eroded and blood flowed out.

The **** fog of the sky, with the collapse of the blood palm, gathered back, in front of Yodel, re-aggregated Chris Corleone's dead figure, but failed to gather his right palm.

Yodel didn't look at the wound between the chest and the abdomen, letting the blood on it wet the hem of his robes until his muscles contracted automatically, stopping the corroded wounds from continuing to bleed.

Chris frowned, slamming his right arm, a red-red, new palm of his hand, growing from his lost right wrist, mixed with blood, and re-condensing muscles and skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Yodel’s chest and abdomen wounds seem to be much more serious, and Chris’s right hand grows again and is unbroken.

But in Chris's heart, it is like a haze: He knows that in the sinister battle of the ultimate master of life, the proud longevity has lost to the short-lived species after this mask.

At first, Yodel did not enter his unique shadow path, disappeared into the world, but continued on the other side of the world.

But then, Chris used omnipresent blood fog to make tens of thousands of blood drops, suddenly bursting out, neatly and vigorously resonating, and living with a shield of high-spirited guards, shaking out the shadow of his alone.

Jodel, who was cut off from the path, fell into Chris's trap in midair, and the blood mist, which was covered with weak corrosive force, condensed into a higher concentration of palms by the attraction of the source blood, and slammed into Jodel.

There is no way to borrow, no way to dodge, no way into the shadow, Jodel is in an absolute disadvantage.

But only in an instant, Jorde used the shape of the sharp turn to fight for more than a second.

In this short period of more than a second, Jodel confirmed the location of the source blood in a small blood drop of 10 million, destroying it by birth, and shattering Chris's right hand.

The winners and losers of the extremes are divided.

Yodel just lost a piece of slap on the skin and some of the venous wall.

Chris, under the sword of Jodel, lost a drop of life representing the essence of the **** life, and it took more than a hundred years to gather a drop of source blood.

Chris sighed, really a young man, a terrible latecomer.

"It’s a pretty skill, and an amazing intuition. I used to compare ‘the wrath of the kingdom’ to compare with you. It seems to be my ignorance.”

Chris was talking, and his figure flashed again, avoiding a ghost-like sword from Yodel.

"Even if the anger of the kingdom is not better than you."

Yodel ignored him, but slammed on the ground and rushed to a window on the second floor.

But Chris once again stood in front of him.

"But you can't go back to heaven." Chris swayed, avoiding Yodel's attack and dragging him to the third floor.

The long-lived old man’s words kept on, but they were filled with the chilling insights of the long-lived person: “With the boy’s age, he is probably the smartest and calmest short-lived species I have ever seen in my life span of more than 600 years. ”

Chris, who lost a drop of blood, has no hope of killing or even defeating this opponent. The extreme masters are all powerful, high-spirited, and dangerous people who are free to send and receive, only a few strokes, each other against the battle. Going to the heart.

But he couldn't let the other person disturb the dining of His Highness—especially the short-lived cub, which might be the key to His Royal Highness.

"Unfortunately, his curiosity and sense of crisis are too strong - even if he knows that the reinforcements are imminent, he can't help but take the initiative to defend himself and defend himself - he probably can't stand it, and the fate is the feeling of being in the hands of others."

"We only attacked a few times, and he was keenly aware that the third floor may be our weakness and weakness."

"Curious and sense of crisis, he couldn't help but push the door."

"I don't know, there is where we want him to go."

"His Royal Highness needs his blood and needs his strength."

"Young people, you are too late."

"The short-breed boy is already at this moment," Chris said in his eyes, and in the tone of Tyres, for the first time, he had the respect and admiration: "Become the power of His Royal Highness."

Yodel’s short sword trembled slightly.


When Tyres saw that, and he was out of the darkness of the strange black scorpion, he squatted for five seconds.

The strong memory flashes back, invading every cell in his brain, and grabbing a picture of deja vu from the void:

I only heard it, or the tender and gentle voice, but at this time it was unceremonious:

"Wu Haoren - you hurt me! Just relive the classics, you are so scared!"

In the ear of Tyres, his past life, the voice at that time was full of fear and trembling:

"I thought it was the "Godfather" or something - the result of who thought that you would see "Curse" in the middle of the night!"

"Is this a classic of handed down? You see that the coconut is so cute - you are light! I am tender!"

"The trek she she she she she she she appeared! Your chest is big, help me block!"

"At this time I feel that my chest is big? How is it usually - if you are afraid, just close your eyes!"

"I can't help it, can you say that you can turn on the light? - She, she, she, she, she, she climbed down!"

"Wu Renren! You are sitting back in the chair!"

"I am going, grandma, don't pause at this screen! Hello, I have to go up and down the stairs every day-"

The moonlight was obscured by the dark clouds, and in the darkness, the memories of the past life flashed back without cause, interrupted by a burst of shackles.

"Oh ah -"

Listening to this voice is like a drowning person suddenly waking up from a fake death.

However, in the eyes of the long-lived memory of the scorpion, it seems that this is how it sounds like a thousand years of devils, and a night of Su Sheng’s screaming!

A singer of Teres returned to the gods and found that the ghosts and clues that were caught in the shackles, with this terrible embarrassment, suddenly slammed out!

Dry corpse-like wrists.

The black arm that was burned by the prison fire.

It is like a broken shoulder bitten by countless ants.

Follow the hand one by one, and be out of the black scorpion!

This ghost hand, and the "subject" that is connected to it, which is almost non-adult-shaped, seems to be slowly crawling out of the black scorpion!

Until a creepy head, under the lush moonlight, slowly erupted!

This skinny "head", with long white hair, the whole face is black and rotten, the disproportionate black giant mouth, the position of the nose, is actually a dark bottomless dark!

Taylors only felt his goose bumps, starting from the scalp and spreading it to his fingertips.

Under the cover of white hair, "it" opened the black-painted "mouth", the black giant mouth, which broke open to the ear!


The sly cockroach, passed into the ear of Tyres.

Tyres’ scalp was numb and almost fell to the ground!

The monster didn't stop, it was slow, but it crawled out of the black rhythm very rhythm, as if groping around.

From the head to the half body, from the left arm to the right arm, the "head" finally crossed the rim, and the entire upper body fell toward the ground.

Finally, the dry left hand gently touched the ground.

Tyres’s brain was blank at the moment, and he shivered slightly, slowly sucking in a cold breath.

At this time, the head attached to the ground is like what it feels.

It paused and looked up at the direction of Taylors and slowly raised his head.

The dry white hair fell to both sides, and its "positive face" was gently exposed, facing Taylors.

It should have been a place of eyelids.

Taylors saw it -

Two irregular black holes.

The boy almost fainted.

This is like a dead body that has not been burned?

However, it seems that after crossing, the rich street experience has increased his courage. Although Tears is afraid, he still trembles and returns the little reason left from his brain.

No matter what it is - Tyres shudders, silently, I must run away!

Although it looks scary, it is not fast, I just --

Taylors tried not to think about the plots of the horror films of the previous life, and turned his feet and twisted the comfortable children's shoes that Gilbert had prepared for him (although he was already worn out in the rushing), ready to escape from this dangerous speed. local.

Just wait for Jodel's rescue - Tyres thought so, but at the moment when his shoes turned, the evil-like monster actually slammed the coffin!

Like a headless evil spirit who is blindly swimming, suddenly awakened!

"Oh-ah!" The fierce screams ring again!

Terrible full of terrible, scared to turn around and run!

"Tread--" Tyres was pale, taking two steps and ran towards the balcony!

(End of this chapter)

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