Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 32: Little sister?

Chapter 32 Little sister?

There is a problem.

Looking at the gamma coconut, driving the fast forward button, what does it feel like to climb down the stairs?

At this time, Tyres must scream with tears and answer carefully:

It is my feeling!

Because of the ghosts, the dead bodies, and the monsters behind them ("What is it? Is this important?" - After the horror of Tyres), the limbs are on the ground, dragging the incomplete and blackened body, but it is extremely different. Ground, crawling toward him!

Lying in the trough!

When Tyres died, he didn't even think about "whether this creature has the rationality to talk or not, whether it can communicate with \'talk_it_out\' without fighting."

At this moment, Tyres, who fled in a small room, could even feel that the liquid in his eyes was spraying out without a hitch!

But Tyres quickly regretted his decision.

Without him, the monster is also like a corpse, the speed is far beyond the taylor!

I saw it slamming and slamming Tyres from behind!

"Hey!" Tyres rolled with the dry corpse and fell to the ground.

Two days of no (falling) where (mold) see (jing) knowledge (calendar) seems to have an effect, Taylors subconsciously backhand out the JC dagger, shaking and rushing toward the dead body!

Poke into the heart of the corpse - if it has it - location!

But Taylors was horrified to find that the dried corpse pierced by the dagger had not been affected, and slammed his body toward his neck, opening a black and horrible mouth, revealing the same blackened irregular tip. tooth!

Is it because it is too scared, the hand is shaking, and there is no stab? Tyres feels the weight on his body (strange, not really heavy?), thinking with fear.

But he has no time to regret it.


With a blunt sound like a ruin, Tyres desperately felt that the corpse had bitten his neck.

When the pain hit, Tyres opened his mouth in pain, but he could only make a hoarse scream.

Under the pressure of the pressure, the blood of the whole body of the tyre rushed into the broken artery.

Finished, Taylors thought desperately.

The murderer must have the consciousness of being killed.

He remembered this sentence, remembering Quaid, who was licking his neck and not willing to die.

Taylors smiled in the bottom of his heart.

The retribution is not good.

Strangely, the blood that he should have spewed out was quiet and well-behaved—

Flocking to the mouth of the corpse?

The singer who was bitten by the neck, stunned with the glimpse of the light, the dry corpse, just like a water pipe squeezed by irregular water pressure, from the "mouth" to the neck, chest, abdomen, body The parts continue to agitate between slight expansion and contraction.

Like a hungry traveler, madly sipping a spring of water.

That dry corpse seems to be - bloodsucking?

In a matter of seconds, as the blood loss increased, the consciousness of the body of the tes began to numb, but the consciousness of the heart became clearer!

Clear everything in the brain, reappearing in front of him!

"Wu Haoren, a person who is so afraid of ghosts, if you really meet a ghost, what should you do?"

"Can you not mention this? I read "The Curse" the night before, I don't dare to go up the stairs after dark!"

"Don't be afraid! If you really come across, you bite it and bite at the neck! If it's those who don't have a neck or have a broken head -"

"Nervous! You stop! Stop!"

"When you write tired papers, you suddenly appear when you look up and stretch -"

The former Wu Haoren stepped forward in anger and blocked the man's mouth in the most customary way.

Then, in the mouthful of sweetness, he glimpsed her smiling eyes.

The eyelashes are slender and the eyes are clear.

Really - a sinister and insidious guy - Wu Haoren closed his eyes with hatred and continued to eat the spoils that belonged to him.

Or, offer his tribute to the real victor? )

Another memory, which falls into the mind of Taylors, is just a memory that seems to be very different. After entering his memory, he does not sleep peacefully with his peers, but spreads and grows in an instant. , shaking, will completely immersed in the memory of the past life of Tyres, violently launched this illusory consciousness!

Taylor's eyes are open!

At that moment, he suddenly seemed to have strength.

The corpse was still desperately sucking the blood, and he seemed to stop sucking and he would never give up.

Until the hand of the seven-year-old boy, decisively and forcefully, licking its shoulders and neck!

"If I really met..."

Tyres clenched his teeth and licked the body of the corpse, exhausting his strength and looking up.

"You bite it..."

He opened his mouth and revealed small teeth.

"...bite your neck!"

He is like an irrational creature.

Knocking on the neck of the corpse!

Like two lovers who kissed each other.

Time seems to be still, until a "Kala" sound, sounds out of nowhere!

The neck of the black and dead corpse seems to be not as hard as it is supposed to be, and it was actually bitten by Taylors.

A piece of "meat" that didn't know what the texture was, was bitten by Irons under the anger, and swallowed it!

A word that did not match the atmosphere suddenly flashed over the mind of Tells.

Chicken flavor, crispy.

Then, he continued to frantically, eagerly, and bite the "wound" of the corpse.

Like the vampires of the Tuval family.

Until a salty liquid, suddenly poured into the mouth of Tells.

This red liquid, with the desperate sucking of Tyres, rushed into his throat.

Just like his own blood - like a pump, he rushed into the body of a dry corpse - as well, the salty liquid in the corpse was quickly inhaled by him!

But the dry corpse seems to be irrational and ignorant, just as the mind is crazy, the brain is blank.

However, only a few seconds later.

He trembled with the dark, dead, dead body!


Then, the dried corpse was trembling, suddenly loosening the mouth of the blood, screaming and screaming, pushing Teles!

After being pushed away, Tyres stunned for two seconds in the rest of his life, and then he reached out for the first time and touched the wound of the neck artery!

The strange thing is that the neck of the blood flow, there is no blood flowing out, there are only two warm and numb small mouths, sticky and sticky.

In the dimly lit room, the dried corpse seemed to have recovered something called "fear."

I saw it pushing the tyros, and then licking the neck that was also bitten, and the scorpion’s dagger was inserted in the chest, limping away toward the black scorpion that it climbed out. !

Tyres didn't worry, he stood up from the ground and trembled, and found out that he had just lost some of his physical strength and recovered some.

It's the taste in the mouth - hey, some disgusting.

Wait, there is a dry body, what is going on?

Although countless question marks were born from his mind, he did not hesitate to rush to the corpse that fled the wolf!

The wind and water turns.

We have accounts.

Tyres roared and reached out, and Kankan pulled it down.

The dried corpse on the landing didn't stop. Before Taylors re-uses his teeth to communicate with it, it jumps amazingly, jumping out of the exaggerated height, slamming the edge of the black scorpion, and putting himself in an ugly posture. Turned in.

And Tyres, who grabbed one of his legs, fell into the huge black sarcophagus along with it.


Tyres seemed to fall into a pool, and warm, moist liquid poured into his body.

This taste?

Oh, salty.

Is it blood?

From behind, Tyres held the corpse that was constantly struggling.

Before he completely lost consciousness because of "blood", Taylors smiled under the blood.

Fortunately, he vaguely thought:

Fortunately, this guy has a neck and a head - not broken.

I don't know how long it has been.

Tyres woke up in the black box that had been inexplicably dried up.

In a blink of an eye, Tyres struggled to sit up. The first thing was to cough violently and cough up the blood and water.

"Cough cough - cough -"

Thales licked a piece of foreign matter in his mouth and reacted instantly. In a nausea, he spit out.

He gasped again and recovered for a few tens of seconds.

Tyres’ right hand touched the side of the body for the first time. It was a cold, scorching touch.

That dry body?

Taylors continued to explore until it was confirmed that the corpse that had chased him like a dog had been broken into dozens of pieces, scattered in giant coffins.

He exhaled and rushed out the disgusting feeling in his mouth.

The darkness is dark.

Taylors continued to groped at the bottom of the cold coffin, touched a piece of something similar to the steps, barely paddling his feet and climbed out a high black scorpion.

This thing, unlike the coffin, is like a children's pool? Taylors thought, understanding how the little dry corpse climbed out of such a tall coffin.

He finally climbed out of the black shackles with his hands and feet and plopped down the ground.

There is a familiar voice of engagement in the ear, and there is no shortage of women’s contempt and the high voice of the countess.

The face-faced tays, screaming at the painful shoulder, worked hard to support the upper body - not knowing what was going on outside.

Then, Taylors just raised his head.

He is stunned.

I saw him in front of him, standing alone.

A villain.

To be precise, it is a small figure with long silver hair and shoulders. It looks like you are standing in the moonlight with pity and taking an unsteady footstep.

Use force, one step.

Use force, one more step.

The little figure, one step at a time, swayed, and came to the wales who had just climbed out of the black.

Until he struggled to stand in front of him.

She has a red pupil, a pale complexion, delicate skin, delicate limbs, and a cute face with a little baby fat.

But this "little man", at the moment, is cold, condescending, and even proud, looking at the ground of Tyres.

Tyres had been squatting for a long time, and he thought for a long time. This was full of doubts and he got up from the ground.

Then he saw the other person's body.

The other party still said nothing, but looked at him coldly.

a long time.

Tyres seemed to suddenly realize what it was. The seven-year-old boy was so red and red, and he scratched his head and smiled.

"Small, little sister."

Just listening to him, he humbly shyly, hesitating, arrogant, weakly asked:

"That one."

"Why are you."

"No clothes?"

The undressed little sister stood alone on the ground, and was even shorter than the seven-year-old thin boy.

She looked at the boy with a bad look.

Tyres, who could not get a response, felt embarrassed.

Fortunately, the embarrassing atmosphere lasted only a few seconds.

Because Tyres suddenly saw it, at the chest of the "little sister."

A dagger is being inserted.

The blood on the dagger has not drained.

There are two letters inscribed on the blade:


Tyres was scratching his head and suddenly became stiff.

The boy is not a fool, let alone the villains who have mental retardation and aura in the white language. At this point, the IQ is on the line.

He certainly remembers how he had just smashed the dagger into the heart of the corpse.

But the "little sister" who had no film but no sense of difference, still stared at him coldly.

She said nothing, the round face was silent, and the **** red pupil reflected the figure of Tells.

Taylors gently puts down his hands, adjusts his breathing, and his cute little sister in front of his eyes switches back and forth between the terrible ghosts in his memory.

Really - evil door.

Tyres breathed a deep breath.

Red-naked red-eyed female (dry) child (corpse), still staring at him with that kind of look, like a sculpture.

Who changed it, and this thing has been staring so strangely for so long, it should start to feel creepy.

Thales swallowed a spit, so he smiled easily and thought about it again and again, and swallowed the phrase "What brand of sunscreen repair cream" was hard to swallow.

Now is not a good time to test.

Although seemingly cute, if she is just a dry corpse, it is probably impossible to be rational -

"who are you?"

A childish voice rang from the front.

Well, even though the little sister’s eyes haven’t changed.

But the words spit out from her mouth are still clear, clear and sensible.

Compared to the sorrows of the previous ghosts, it looks sweet and cute.

and many more!

Taylors blinked in amazement and observed the strange little girl with silver hair.

She can talk.

She is rational.

She doesn't wear clothes - hey!

She can communicate!

Then, Tyres, who had been in the middle of frightening for a long time, began to work familiarly and smoothly.

Believe me, I want to start writing a soft loli vampire around the protagonist, crying and shouting to marry his little white routine! (a weird smile)

(End of this chapter)

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