Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 35: Ginny Buckville

Chapter 35 Ginny Buckville

"At least thirty cavalry broke through the gate. From the open space of the manor to the dungeon, there were fierce fighting marks everywhere."

In the vine manor, the knight of the tri-color iris, the Lord Seychelles wearing a blue-green stencil, rubbed his brow and stroked the iron gate that was deformed by the impact in the manor.

Many of the knights around him scattered and searched for the vines and the vines that had long been empty, trying to find clues.

Only listen to Lord Seychelles with sparse hair, cautiously:

"There was a large-scale battle between the two sides. At least half an hour ago, it was probably still a mess. It is clear that the kinsmen lost the battle. The corpses on the ground were only blood slaves, and they met the fleet to transport them across the sea. The number reported."

"From the wounds of the corpses, the other side uses high-purity silver weapons, and they are prepared."

"The blood family of the Corleone family is gone. If they are not taken away by the whole body, they will be captured by the students, or they will run away, or even the three. In any case, we don’t have to worry about hiding them. The secret of that - if it does not fall into the enemy, it will be destroyed."

But whichever situation is not good - Seychelles sinks in his heart, wearing the right hand of iron gloves, and stroking his own hair.

Another voice came from behind: "The only good news is that the Duke didn't intend to use them, so they didn't know our plans and actions."

I saw Lord Kashian, who was neat and tidy, another knight who had a knight, stood up from the body of a **** slave on the ground and looked at Seychelles.

"This is my fault. I will go and ask the Duke to plead guilty." The groomed Cavalier knight, his face was terrible, but the noble knight did not shirk his responsibility. His expression was solemn and his emotions were suppressed:

"I ignored the large group of cavalry found on the road. It seems that they have raided the vine manor. If we were going at full speed, we might still intercept them."

But Seychelles didn't think so. His instincts told him that the cavalry that raided the Manor Manor was very embarrassing. Even if they intercepted the team, they might not have any good results.

Even he and Cassian are the ultimate knights of the extreme.

But Seychelles knows that it is not a time to crack down on friends. He has already blamed himself for the mistakes caused by the negligence of the previous intentions.

"Two problems need to be solved." Seychelles' eyes swept over the mottled manor wall and entered the house.

"First, who are they?"

"Second, why did they come."

Cassian stepped into the hall with his friend, although he smelled full of blood before, but when he saw the **** scene in the hall, he couldn't help but turn his face.

Unlike Seychelles, who used to work as a mercenary in the East China, Kasien’s birth is much better than his peers. At that time, when the old Duke’s pro-hands sealed him as a knight, he was still the best-end swordsman who had just completed his career from the Tower of the End, a forward-looking hair boy.

When he became a polar knight, Cassian had not been subjected to **** outside the contest for too long.

"We will send people to set off immediately, and if we are looking for all-round recourse, we may be able to catch the clues of these cavalry." Cassian looked disgustedly at the **** body on the table, frowning and said:

"If they are people of a certain family, then it is the best cover to enter the major aristocratic manors in Dongcheng District."

But his colleague, Lord Seychelles shook his head, remembering the rogue rabbits on the Pentium in the Eastern Continent. No matter how many subtle traps the Kishin tribes had, they always had a way to survive.

Their natural enemies, only those flying falcons that soar in the sky, will have a panoramic view.

Seychelles followed the bloodstains and headed for the direction of the dungeon. It was opposed to saying: "We are already high-profile. Send people to pursue the various manors in Dongcheng District. After we have sinned the entire upper class of the stars, we will probably find them. The clues."

"Since I can't grasp their identity, I can only figure out why they came." Cassie raised a glimpse of the lights, covering his mouth and nose, cursing the vampires who were insatiable with their appetites. The stone ladder walked down the **** and dense dungeon, and the sound of the ripples echoed between the dim walls:

“This is a temporary station for the blood bottle to be used to entertain and hide the masters of the Corian family, but neither Nikola nor Corion are missing.”

"The back of the blood bottle is us and the Cullen family. This is a secret in the circle. As for the help of the Corleone family, it has always been our secret contact. Once they are discovered, it is likely that they will come to our plan."

"Every family who participates in the 'new star' knows more or less that plan, which is not enough to worry about it," Lord Seychelles, who walked in the thick, **** air, did not feel the difference, calmly analyzed: I have sent someone to report to the Duke, and the contact of the blood bottle will come soon. But what secrets does the Corleone hide, will attract such a group of people?"

Cassian held the lights and tried to maintain his appearance. He stopped in a ruin in the dungeon and looked around with suspicion.

It can be seen that this ruin was originally a cell, but at this moment it has completely changed:

It seems to have experienced terrible damage, and the iron fences, chains, and wall stones have shattered into small pieces, and they have been scattered all over the limited cells.

Just like someone cut it into pieces.

"Dungeon, but also the blood bank of the blood family." Seychelles coldly said: "It seems that some people do not like it here."

"Whether it's a vampire or a blood bottle, or even an intruder, why do they want to - destroy the dungeon? Is it anger?" Cassie asked inexplicably.

"The dungeons are not destroyed by them," Seychelles picked up a small black piece of mysterious stone material engraved with some strange patterns and words. His face was dignified: "This is a cell - I am afraid, it is locked here. A terrible character got out of trouble, and the group of cavalry rushing in and out with him 'cleaned' the **** manor."

If Tyres is here, I am afraid to applaud the hair-scarred knight: his guess is infinitely close to the truth.

"The extent of this smash," Cassian, who frowned, looked at the destruction of the dungeon and said with amazement: "Only the masters of the extreme can do it."

"No." Seychelles' eyes suddenly became eccentric, and he held the mysterious black bulk material on his hand:

"From the shape point of view, this stone is probably part of a shackle."

"I suspect that this shackles lock the mysterious man."

The next moment, the black stone on his left hand was smashed into the air.

Seychelles’ eyes were sharp, and the cross-handed sabre on the left side of the waist was instantly unsheathed.

The sharp sword front, passing through the black mysterious stones.

That moment, silent.

After a second, the invisible invisible ripples, as the air squeezed, crossed the narrow dungeon.

Tease a deep seam on the surrounding walls!

Behind him, Kasien nodded with amazement. This perfect sword is just the right combination of precision, speed and ingenuity. Even the "flower of the fortress" is just that.

The sound of Jianfeng meteorite finally came.


The sound is crisp and the sparks are splashing.


The wind that was caused by the sword was also able to reach the ear.

I saw the sword of the Seychelles, and the four walls brushed down a piece of earth and stone. Wherever the wind is going, the cell is suddenly dusty!

The eternal light in the hands of Kasien was instantly extinguished by the wind.

The wind is gone.

Seychelles did not move, and the sword returned to the sheath.

Cassian snorted, though he hated the dust, but he re-lighted the lights, bent down, and rummaged through the earth and stone.

When Cassian took the black mysterious stone to the front of Seychelles, the two looked at each other.

The end knights of the two extremes saw horror and fear in the eyes of the other party.

The black stone that had been smashed by the swordsman of the extremes was completely intact at the moment, lying in the hands of Kasien without any damage.

The two were silent for a long time until Cassie opened his mouth:

"It seems that I am wrong again, this level of destructive power -"

Cassian turned his head and looked at the shattered cell, his face was incredible:

"You can't even do it!"


11 o'clock in the evening.

In the bedroom on the third floor of the 闵迪思厅, as the protagonist of the polar knights in the two vine manor estates, the tycoon, who had become neat and tidy, was sitting on the bed.

He looked at the forty-year-old who was in front of him, but he still had no change in style. There was a beautiful woman court lady at the corner of his mouth.

It's a pity - Tyres thought - if it's gentle, just fine.

"Is this the heir to the kingdom you care for?"

"Are you a barbarian?"

"My Majesty entrusted to you is his blood! The future of the stars! It is not a gray monitor lizard that can be lived on the island!"

"You look like this, even the gray monitor lizard can't take care of it!"

The majestic court lady, with a domineering roar, reprimanded the two most trusted subordinates of His Majesty, the Earl of Gilbert Casso and the guard of Jodel Gato, both of whom obediently bowed their heads and accepted Her reprimand.

"His daily diet is bread and beef? Do you know that he is a long body!"

"Are you taking a shower for him? Don't tell me to take it with water and wash it!"

"Don't you see that his wounds need careful care? Bandages? What is that?"

"You haven't taught him how to dress properly? Don't take time to be an excuse!"

"What bed are you looking for? This quilt and pillow is a child killer!"

"You are not allowed to appear in the open air? Do you know how important sunshine is to growth?"

"Safe? Don't make excuses! When he was indoors, wasn't he also taken away under your eyes?"

"Give me the room of the vampire girl to a hundred meters away! What? No such room? Then give me a digging out!"

"From tomorrow, in addition to protection and teaching, you give me 10 meters away from him!"

"You two men who are useless!"

For a long while, when Ginny’s angry preaching ended, she drove two “useless men” out of Tells’ room (“Go and give me everything on the list right away!” – Ginny) Suddenly turned over.

Scared the bed is holding a glass of water to watch the good thing of the tyrs, and then shrinked half a meter.

Looking at the faint gaze of Ginny, the boy remembered the high school class teacher who had been in memory.

But Ginny just looked at Tyres in a hesitant and complicated way, and finally sighed with a sigh.

She barely smiled and tried to be gentle:

"Don't be afraid, Tells."

"You are safe now and will continue to be safe."

"In the month of Judith Hall, I am solely responsible for your daily life."

Tyres swallowed a little and nodded: "Thank you, amount-"

Ginny gently took his words:

"I am Ginny Bakwi, first-class court lady, your father's loyal friend, minister, and... um, how to say..." When it came to this, Ginny paused and seemed to be thinking about something.

But she still has a brow, like "What do I want to use", decisively:

"...and his lover."

Tyres didn't hold it, and sprayed it directly into the bed.


In a road not far from the 闵迪思厅, Yodel appears in the void, kneeling down on one knee in front of a strong and burly figure.

"You should go in and see." Yodel hoarsely.

But the strong figure is just silent.

For a long while.

"As it was twelve years ago," the strong figure slowly said: "You always do something inexplicable."

Yodel knew that the other party was not talking about the vine farm.

"But you sent Gilbert," Joel bowed slightly: "You are hesitating."

The strong figure has not been said for a long time.

Finally, he looked up at the lights on the third floor room and turned decisively, leaving under the cover of a group of silver armored elite guards.

Only leave a mask to guard the lonely figure, kneeling in the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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