Kingdom’s Bloodline

Chapter 36: Cavaliers, genius and super-order

Chapter 36 Cavaliers, Van and Super Order

Ginny didn't say anything more. After just handling the new wounds for him, he had a good rest and promised to let his life "return to normal" tomorrow and leave his room.

But that night, Tyres was still sleeping unsteadily.

The experience of these days is too twisty and bizarre.

The thrilling enthusiasm of Hongfang Street, the sacred secret of the Di Di Si Hall, and the quest for survival of the Manchu Manor, made him exhausted with excessive brain use.

To make matters worse, even if it is at this point, the singer can't get used to the soft bed underneath. It seems that the property of the previous life, "sleeping on the pillow" has disappeared without a trace.

Hey, Taylors rolled his eyes.

After branding a number of pancakes, he habitually turned over the bed, went to his "dedicated position" in the corner, curled up and lay down.

Sure enough, it was hard for me, and Tyres licked his lips.

At this time two days ago, he was still worried about the livelihood security of the other five nephews in the abandoned house, brewing his great escape plan.

In a life full of drastic changes, he is like a rootless phoenix in the wind, fighting in this world of malice and misfortune, only for his own survival, to make every effort.

I obviously just want to live well.

But with this identity, Taylor looked at the top of the fireplace, in the dim interior, a huge nine-pointed star pattern was looming.

"Let's live well" and "Be a free man" - Tyres sighed deeply: probably just a luxury.

not to mention……

Tyres raised his right hand in a dull gaze, and in the moonlight, looked at the scratch that was covered by a bandage.

What exactly is this - in the mind of Tyres, when I opened up the shackles for Rolf, what was the power of the explosion and the light?

And the Loli vampire, Tyres remembered her dry corpse and two almost invisible holes in her neck, and I was scared for a while.

Now, Taylors also confirms that the memories of past life in his brain are not fragments. What kind of memory can support oneself, and suddenly in the most dangerous moments, suddenly exudes extraordinary energy and will?

In the fifth year of the crossing, Taylors was disappointed to find that his doubts and incomprehensions about the world have not only decreased, but also more and more.


Tyres was still awake in bed and quilt. In his sleep, he didn't know who put him back.

But today's atmosphere is obviously different.

First of all, the person who called him to get up was replaced by Ginny. She patiently explained to the busy Thales how the aristocratic clothes should be worn. Secondly, his breakfast was changed from bread and beef to delicious cakes and milk. The guards in the hall were busy with each other, and the items that were just shipped today were carried into the hall.

It wasn't until Gilbert appeared in a serious face and told him that the privately-tailored course belonging to Thales would start at 9 am and last until 9 pm.

This made Tells really feel that his daily life is completely different. Because only the first lesson in the morning is what he has never touched before.

"After these days of events, after careful consideration and careful decision, Mr. Ters..."

After breakfast, Tells was led by Ginny to the backyard of the Judith Hall. On a cleared, soft sanded open space, Gilbert Caso took his beautiful cane and stood on his eyes. Linda’s weapon frame, sword target, archery target, sandbags, bolting horses and a young horse’s stable, told him carefully:

"We believe that you need basic training in fighting skills and self-defense skills, and a child who grows up around Lord Mann should naturally be familiar with equestrian and basic swordsmanship."

“Please rest assured that we – mainly Ms. Ginny – will ensure that training does not affect your existing wounds.”


Tyres took a deep breath and then surprised to see Ginny step forward and coldly to him:

"Don't be surprised, child, the best time for physical exercise in the morning. Since you are the heir to the future of the stars, you naturally have a body that can afford this burden."

"And I will guarantee this."

Tyres looked at the mature figure of Ginny under the sun, and the elegant costume of her court lady, looking around the empty, scratching her head.

"Why didn't Joel teach me - he seems to be very powerful." The boy's mind emerged with a secret **** to the fast-moving body of the city.

"Do you expect that there are not a few extreme masters in a kingdom to teach a beginner's first thing?" Gilbert on the side took the words and said with his hands: "And, please believe me, about The set of Del does not match your identity and characteristics."

Tyres seems to understand and nod his head: "What is the extreme?"

At this time, Ginny clap her hands and walked to the center of the field, hooking her finger at Tyres:

"These theoretical knowledge, Gilbert will explain it to you during training."

"Now, I will try my best to attack me! I will evaluate your existing foundation."

Tyres looked at Ginny with his hands on his back and stood in the field until the other person rushed again.

Ok, practice upgrade, this is not the favorite of the predecessors - Taylors finally got a breath, thought about it or did not pull out the dagger.

In the next second, Tyres rushed to Ginny with a qualified streetman.

"Fighting, this is the oldest and longest craft in human history."

Ginny didn't even move her support feet, and she slammed the overwhelming tyors.


Gilbert slowly began his explanation:

"The history of mankind is a history of fighting against foreigners and themselves."

"Thousands of years ago, in the battle for the survival of the world, humans gradually summarized the skills and laws of using weapons or unarmed fighting."

Taylors was stumbled for the second time and fell to the ground in the field.

"Compared with other ethnic groups, the human beings whose physical fitness is far behind are relying on mastering these skills and techniques to achieve weaker and stronger, less enemies and more."

"After a long time, among the warriors who mastered the superb skills in the battle, some people in the body awakened the power that human beings could not imagine."

"These forces give humans a choice beyond the 'struggling' and 'resistance' in the world. Different forces give them different advantages, from extraordinary speed to agile response, superb insight, and extraordinary power. One foot."

This time, Thales flexibly evaded Kenny's lame, cleverly took the other's high boots, but was immediately knocked down by Ginny's ingenious strength.

"These human beings who are beyond the top, relying on these forces, riding rare war horses, leading skilled warriors to the dangerous world."

"This is the earliest batch of 'Knights,'" Gilbert sighed deeply, watching the wandering Taylor, the fourth time he fell to the ground and continued: "And the power they awakened , is collectively referred to as 'extraordinary power'."

"Today, after the end of the war, people, especially the swordsmen, like to call it the ultimate power."

"It is also because of the emergence of 'extraordinary power' that the world has divided the power for the first time: for those who use combat skills flexibly and are good at fighting, we are used to calling it "everything."

"And those who master the power of equal power or equal power, the masters who are meticulous in control, observation and savvy, fighting and killing, have surpassed the mortal category, so -" said here, Kiel There is a brilliance in Burt's eyes:

“We call it ‘super-order’.”


Ginny raised her left hand and stopped the singer, who wanted to continue to rush up, and pushed him down on the sand.

"The mind is flexible, good at dodging, and knows how to exert maximum force, but the body has not yet grown up - I know what to teach him." Ginny spit out, turned and pulled out two pairs from the weapon rack. The wooden sword shield, which is a relatively small pair, is thrown to the busy Taylors.

It’s so heavy.

Tyres struggled to cross the shield, learning Ginny, using the belt behind the wooden shield to tie the shield to his left hand, but then found that this position was burdened on the shoulder arm on one side.

Taylor's right hand grabbed the wooden sword, good guy, compared with the JC dagger, this wooden sword is just as heavy as the water tank in the waste house!

"Side over the body, the left foot is in front, the right foot is in the back! Put the center of gravity between the legs, the defensive or welcoming the impact, the center of gravity is right, and the center of gravity is leaning forward!"

"Put up the shield and aim at your enemy! Focus on it, guard the front chest - don't block your eyes!" Ginny's words suddenly became cold and strict: "Whether at any time, hold up the shield in your left hand!" ”

"There are only two situations where you can put it down: you die, or the enemy is dead!"

Tyres lifted his left arm with difficulty, and soon after, the soreness came.

"Small arm, use the sword as your second arm, use your shield and the weight of your predecessor, and wave it like a whip!"

The tired and breathless tays, the sword of the right hand is swaying, trying to sway around, and hear the words of Gilbert in the ear:

"Aha, a long history of military swordsmanship in the North." At this moment, the Earl of Caso is full of remembrance and respect:

"In the poetry of the travellers, it is the last weapon of the mortal, the fortitude of the knight, the ice and snow barrier in the north, the battlefield nemesis of the orcs."

The words below him made Thale's eyes wide open:

"Of course, it is also the source of the power of extraordinary power."

(End of this chapter)

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