Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 366: Is it a knife or a skeleton?

Is Chapter 366 a knife or a skeleton?

Once again, under the effect of the crime of the prison river, Taylors was surprised to feel:

Time is slowing down.

In the field of slow motion, he sees it very clearly:

Nie Lai slammed his mouth and his face was full of anger.

Monty squinted his legs and kept his right arm extended, rushing to the teenager.

In front of his right arm, three flying knives were spinning in the air and flew to Tyres.

Looking at the inevitable three-handed flying knives, Tyres’s heart was shocked!

How to do?

Looking at the unfavorable situation in front of him, Tyres took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.

The air smoothly enters his lungs, breaking down the flow and turning it into energy in the blood.

and many more!

Tyres twitched and suddenly found something wrong!

He just took a breath of air.

In normal times, this action takes half a second.

In front of you, everything in front of you...

But still slowing down, no change?

this is……

Thales spit out again and was surprised to see that during the exhalation time, the flying knife in front of him only moved forward by an inch.

Sure enough - his heart spurred: this time, his fresh breath, a little faster than the surrounding "slow motion"!

So, it’s not just my thinking that is getting faster now – Taylors is surprised to see the rushing Monty – is this the new sin of the prison river?

But the subsequent sense of weakness made Thales realize that as he made this breathing slightly faster than "slow motion", the sin of the prison river in the body began to be consumed sharply, and the end of the accumulation was hard to accumulate. Almost one empty.

Obviously, new capabilities are not without cost.

But I don’t want him to think too much.

So Taylors cleared his brain and made up his mind.

Do not dodge, do not back off - these actions are too much to consume the power of the end, can not do it.

But before the arrival of the flying knife, adjust the movement, use the **** sensory to measure the good track, the wind direction, the other side's dodge...

With his movements, countless powers of end are surging and exhausted.


Tyres gritted his teeth, aimed at the target, and pulled the trigger!

The next moment, the time returned to normal.

Tyres had a flower in front of him, only felt a pain in his left hand and right shoulder, and his arm was shaken at the same time!

"When it is!"

The glimpse of time fell to the ground.


This is the sound of the arrow into the flesh.


Nie Lai’s roar has just arrived.

Tyres sat down in pain in the ground, and the more intense soreness and hunger in his body made him extremely uncomfortable!

In front of his eyes, Monty has lost balance and fell to the ground.


The death crow cursed unwillingly, holding his left thigh in pain, and there was a smashing arrow in the flesh and blood, and the arrow trembled.

The weak prince trembled and reluctantly pulled out the short-handled knives of his arms and shoulders. The shock was undecided: he escaped from the glory.

"This reaction and the prospect..."

Nie Lai on the side looked at the prince in amazement, as if he no longer knew him: "You still have this hand?"

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief, still not bleeding on his hands, grabbing his arms and rolling, and even left the place to go.

Leave Monty's attack range.

The horrified prince ran to the safe zone, and wiped the sweat on his forehead with a lingering fear. He only felt hungry and unbearable:

"and so……"

"You finally don't want to install it anymore, right?"

"Your loyalty is not just a secret."

When he spoke, Taylor couldn't stand it anymore. He staggered to the edge of the horse left by Monty, took out a bag of dried meat, and gobbled it into his mouth.

This is probably - a teenager with a mouthful of food torn open the next piece of meat, thinking so - just spurred the sin of the prison river, leaving behind the sequelae.


I saw Monty looked up and stared at him with resentment: "Awful little bitch..."

Tyres bite off the lid on the leather water bag and swallowed the dried meat by the water, but smiled thoughtfully: "It turns out, I said..."

"So he already knew it - the death crow, you told him."

Monty resisted the pain in his thigh, and he was full of sorrow: "What?"

"You know about Adele and Myrk," Taylor shook his head helplessly, feeling that his stomach was full and filled up: "So, he knows the life of the female grandfather from you."

"The secret agent intends to rescue me through you - he also knows this through you."

With the words of the prince, the gaze of the death crow is even more fierce.

The comet is even more puzzled.

What Taylors thought of, frowned: "So, he came here and borrowed the power to break."


The prince swallowed the last bite of food, and the look was quite annoyed: "I was smacked by him, thinking that I was swindled by him - and regretted it for a while."

On the other side came the question of Nicholas’ dissatisfaction:

"What are you talking about, little prince?"

Taylors ignored him, just shook his head.

"As for what 'the first rule of the guidelines', what 'let him shut up'," Taylors looked uncomfortable and hated his teeth: "As far as I know, there is only one person in the world, only him, will be me. The words are full of resentment, and I hate to hate even wanting me to speak."

The Prince of Stars sighed: "So, this is ultimately my struggle with him."

"So, the triple-spy's death crow," Taylors showed a friendly and awkward smile to Monty:

"Say hello to Chaman for me."

Nie Lai lived.

And Monty on the ground is more and more embarrassed, slamming the ground: "Fuck!"

Finally, the three people under the sun tore off the last disguise and exposed themselves to the eyes of the other two.

In the next second, I saw that Taylors took a long breath and looked at the two terrible opponents who were already at the end of the battle.

Unexpectedly, he is the only person standing safely.

He smiled subconsciously, as if to say to himself: "The real strong, turning disadvantages into advantages, turning disadvantages into advantages..."

Niely and Monty both stared at him badly.

Taylors was silent.

He shrugged and walked slowly to Nielai's mount, pulling out the luggage on the saddle one by one.

Food, water, money bags...

Transfer them to your mount.

The face of the comet has changed: "Hey, you..."

"Oh--" Tyres lifted his index finger to his lips, interrupted him dissatisfiedly, and stuffed Nieulai's last piece of bread into his saddle bag.

Then, in front of the other two round eyes, the prince listened to the ear, and walked into a crack between the rocks, pulling out another horse, Monti's mount.

"My grass -" Monty looked white.

"Hey--" Tyres shook his head uncomfortably, pulling out a bag of arrows on his face and stuffing it into his bag.

"Three people's supplies and belongings should be enough." He said to himself, leaning over the stream filled with three water bags.

The two men on the edge of the rock and on the ground couldn’t afford to be hurt, and they could only watch Tiels doing all this.

"Fucking, little scorpion, there is a kind of you will come up," Monty struggled to drag the injured thigh, and said: "I will definitely take you..."

Taylors didn't let him go on, I saw the teenager shook his head with a smile: "This way, I will tell you a story."

Both the comet and the ruined crows showed his embarrassing twilight.

Obviously I don't want to hear any stories.

But the prince still feels contented and leisurely said: "One day, two men passed by the wasteland, each lost something, they were very flustered..."

Tyres stepped forward, went to a corner and bent down.

"At this time, a prince suddenly popped out. He and his two hands extended their hands to the two people and asked: 'Don't panic, come, take a closer look, you lost...'"

Niely and Monty’s faces have changed.

Tyres straightened up and walked over to the three horses, raising two legendary anti-magic arms with a smile: "Is it my left hand knife or my right hand?"

Time seems to be still.

The two stared at Tells.

The prince himself seemed to be ignorant, and he was very happy to shake the Rising Sun Knife and the Time of Time.

After a few seconds.

Nie Lai’s fire was raging, and he stared at Tyres’s teeth: “Fuck...”

Monty's eyes were not good, and he took the words of the comet tacitly: "...your mother."

This time it was Turner’s face that changed.

“‘answer the wrong’,” said Tyres, smiling and frowning. “The prince said angrily: ‘you are not honest.’”

Tyres shook his head in a serious way: "These things..."

He first tied the Rising Sun Knife to his waist, and then hung the time on the saddle, revealing a bright smile: " clearly mine."

Staring at their look, Taylors happily untied the reins, stepped on the stables, and stepped onto his mount - the horse did not resist his riding, it seems that since the silver shadow man under the mountain gave him the blessing, Horses rarely reject themselves.

Tyres snorted and looked at the sky, smiling and relieved.

"You know," Teres breathed out and touched the shackle on the saddle: "I can lift my **** now and shoot you all here."

"Hey," Nie Lai said coldly. "Try it."

Monty was silent and concentrated on his own leg injury.

Tyres rode on the horse and looked at the two men who were hurt and moved, and suddenly smiled.

"No," the prince shook his head:

"Do you know what is the difference between me and you?"

The comet and the death ravens lightly.

Taylors looks to the comet.

"Nilailai, six years ago, it was indeed the disaster that brought me Longyan City, which brought you a shame, but I also took you back and drove Lumba out of Longyan."

Nilailai snorted.

"Our grievances are indeed a bit entangled," Taylors said in the past, quite a bit of emotion: "But it doesn't matter, in the six years of the Palace of the Spirit, we should be clear about what kind of grievances."

"So, we never owe each other."

Nie Lai looked at him with cold eyes: "I want to be beautiful."

Taylors smiled.

But he immediately turned his face and reached out and pulled out the Rising Sun Knife: "But this knife..."

Tyres silently looked at the golden-colored sabre.

Nie Lai’s look was tight.

The next moment, Tyres raised his hand abruptly, and the Rising Sun Knife will be thrown far away!

Nicholas and Montizi were surprised!

"When!" The saber fell at the foot of Nilailai.

The comet looked at the saber under his feet and did not respond.

"What are you doing?" Niely looked up and asked, "Being generous?"

"No, I am not so noble, the bones that are interrupted by you are still hurting," Tyres sighed, his face turned: "But this is proof of your unrelenting battle with Tulleha. You guard the weapons of the Dragon City."

He solemnly said: "Your real enemy is not me, especially after I left - rather than spending time and energy on me, it is better to think about how to recapture the knife that belongs to you."

"So, protect her," Tyres said with a faint smile: "Even for the Dragon City."

Nielai’s expression was frozen.

The prince turned to the death crow.

"Monty, we didn't know how long," Taylors looked at the other side with a funny look at the other side. "I have to say, no matter what the original intention, thanks to your skillful scouting skills, I took me from Longyan City." Follow the escort."

Monty frowned.

Tyres sighed: "But you just shot me a few flying knives..."

"So..." The prince patted the arm on the saddle, revealing a smirk:

"I will not pay you back to this."

Monty's face changed, and he gnawed his teeth in a desperate way: "Go your mother's egg."

"Ha ha ha -" Taylors laughed.

Nie Lai looked at it all and tilted his mouth slightly.

A few seconds later, Tyres slowly gathered his laughter.

"You said that you live in the darkness, in order to survive, which loyalty belongs to who... but you remind me of a person," he thought thoughtfully and deeply: "A **** Commas."

The Death Crow bites his teeth: "Go to you."

"Believe me, Rumba is not a good employer. He is too embarrassed to himself." Tyres pointed to the east and looked at him: "So one day in the future, when you have nowhere to go again..."

"Let's come to me."

"Maybe I will give you a good price."

Monty's eyes moved.

Tyres stared at him seriously: "Keep in mind that this is me, the promise of Tells Comet."

Monty did not speak.

"So, two," the prince shrugged and exposed the front teeth to the two:

"Don't go over this."

As the voice fell, Thales slammed the horse and slammed it on the other two mounts, driving them away.

"and many more!"

Taylor's arm was a slight meal.

I saw Monty gasping and looked up: "The desert is very dangerous, hot, lack of water, wind and sand, lost, enemies, which may kill you."

Ters slightly frowned.

"Only I know, only I know how to contact the cosmetologists in the desert," the crow bites his teeth and trembles: "You may wish to tie me up and bring me, anyway, I have already hurt this." - At least don't leave me here."

Listening to his words, Tells pondered for a while.

He turned to look at the south, and there were only endless rocks on the horizon.

"I want to say," Nie Lai said coldly: "You are alone in the desert, and you will die."

"But bring him?"

The comet sarcastically said: "You will die faster."

Monty glared at him.

"You just said, will you give me a good price?" The slayer stared at him: "So from now on, how?"

Tyres sighed.

"Well, your words made me hesitate."

Monty’s eyes lit up.

But Taylors smiled again.

"But someone told me that there is a good way to overcome the hesitation."

Monty's face was a stiff face.

"That is……"

Tyres happily waved to him: "Don't give yourself a chance to hesitate."

The next moment, Tyres looked solemn and slammed on the mount!

"Squeaky, groaning, groaning..."

As the hooves sounded, the prince of the stars went to the invisible horizon and went away.

Leave the border of Exeter completely.

Run to his freedom.

Only the two people who were stunned were left behind.

It seems to have been a long time.

Monty took a sigh of relief, dragging the injured thigh and looking at Nilailai with dignity.

"Mom," Monty looked at the Rising Sun Knife at the other's feet and frowned. "So, let's have a half-child kid play?"

The comet also looked back at him coldly.

"He is not a half-child," Nie Lai said:

"The Earl of Brisbane said that one day he will become the most terrible enemy of Exeter."

Monti slightly, a little thought.

The next moment, Niely endured the pain of his shoulders, and exerted his strength at the foot. He kicked the Rising Sun Knife in the air and caught it in his right hand!

Looking at each other's movements, the death crow snorted in pain and fell softly on the rock behind him.

The comet made a deep breath, waved the golden sabre accurately, and cut the arrow with a hot blade to free himself from the rock.

Niely bit his teeth and stalked forward.

"Let's say, old friend," he shook his right hand with his knife, pointing to Monty on the ground, his eyes filled with complex emotions:

"You are going to barbecue..."

"Is it still cut?"

The death crow stared at him embarrassedly: "I can't --"

"No!" Nie Lai came to him and interrupted each other coldly.

Monty sighed and closed his eyes.

Niely slowly lifted the knife.

Just at this time.


The wind is coming!

A figure suddenly appeared behind the comet!

Nie's face changed, and he immediately turned back and slashed his knife.


Nicholas was shocked: his blade was hollowed out.

Behind him, no one is there.

The figure disappeared.


But before the comet reacted, the figure appeared again on his side!


The arm of the comet intersects the sneak attacker's fist.

The sneak attacker's skill is not fast, but the precision and angle of the shot are far better than Nie Lai's imagination, especially the opponent's next punch -


The sneak attacker knocked on the wound on the left arm of Nyimalai!

"呃 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

"When it is!"

The comet's arm was shaken, the horse knife was released, and one knee was on the ground.

But Nie Lai had no energy to manage his knife: he breathed in a big mouth and angered and recognized the enemy in front of him.

He remembers his skill, his figure, his -

Niely jerked up his head!


At this moment, the comet has never been eclipsed, and his face is devastating: "You!"

But in the face of such surging hatred, the other party responded, but slowly shook his head:

"You are eating... is the right hand?"

The voice is hoarse and the tone is low, as if to talk to himself.

Nilailai was slightly shocked.

He stared at the people, and the grievances and hatred in his eyes almost drowned the whole world.

He roared, as if to scream his throat: "It's you-"

But in the next moment, the enemy's hand knife slammed into his side!


Nie Lai’s angry and unwilling anger came to an abrupt end.

Under the heavy blow, the famous comet has fallen to the ground.

He lost consciousness in this regard.

Under the sun in the west, a sneak attacker who knocked down Nie Lai slowly turned around and faced the death crow.

At this moment, Monty, but looking at the people with a dull, as if forgot the pain.


If the death crow is struck by lightning, he will look at the uninvited guest.

A few seconds later, Monty sighed and closed her eyes:

"It is you."

"When did you come?"

The coming person was silent, did not answer, and did not pay attention to the dying death crow.

He just raised his head slowly and looked south.

"The first rule of the guidelines." The sneak attacker slowly said.

Monty suddenly blinked!


The Death Crow looked at him with amazement: "So, from that time on, have you followed us?"

"And I was on the way... I didn't even find out?" He looked at the audience with surprise.

The sneak attacker did not speak.

As if he should not speak.

"I understand," finally, Monty sighed, and shook his head like a relief:

"How can the thornhead and his grandfather's escorts get so tight that they can't get rid of it... it was yours."

"You are not sure to deal with me alone," said the Deathly Crow:

"So you deliberately did not take the shot, but secretly attracted him, waiting for us to lose both."

Monty looked like a mocking grin, bowed his head and stopped talking.

The sneak attackers are still silent.

After a few seconds, the uninvited guest slowly opens and repeats the first sentence:

"The first article of the guidelines?"

This time, his voice brought some unusual ups and downs.

Monty frowned. "What..."

The next second, the sneak attacker suddenly shot!


He licked his hand and cut it on Monty's neck.

When the death ravens didn't even have time to finish, they fell to the ground and passed out.

The sneak attacker who had just solved the "Five Wars" second did not look at Niele and Monty on the ground. He slowly turned and turned to the South.

Look at the end of the field of vision.

The breeze blew and his figure disappeared into the air.

Have you heard a metaphysical study?

It is said that the number of monthly passes will directly affect the encounter of Taylors in the great desert.

By my face, mysterious sword

(End of this chapter)

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