Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 367: Desert prince

Chapter 367 Desert Prince

Early in the morning, somewhere in the desert.

When the first light of dawn set aside the darkness on the horizon, a monster—a monster that was wrapped in clothes and thick cloth underneath—moved in the shelter under a huge rock and climbed awkwardly. stand up.

But it is not naturally awake.

In the dim, the "monster" stretched out his thick limbs and yawned with exhaustion, and took his face out of Houbri and took a deep breath.

Its daybreak.

It - the boy under the clothing, the handle of the hand out of the scope of the giant rock.

A cold wind immediately slammed through the palm of his hand, causing him to shudder.

It’s so cold.

Tyres, who wrapped himself tightly, shook his whole body, rubbed his hands and touched his side - it was hard to use the fire from the smashing stones last night, I don't know when it was extinguished.

He shook his head in his heart.

Next time, you can't spend the night on such a high sand dune. The wind is too big, even if there is a rock sheltering from the wind.

Under the bright sky, the prince thought so, leaning against the rock behind him.

He looked far away at the endless desert wilderness and spent thirty seconds completely waking up from the hustle and bustle.

In Taylors’ six-year long career in Longyan City, almost every bachelor who had the privilege of going to the Yingling Palace to teach two prominent students was “hot” and “exposure” for the description of the great desert. , or the like.

Oh shit.

Tyres tightened his body and thought without regret: they must all hear the story.

The truth is: only half of the time here is the heat of death.

The other half of the time - its night is cold enough to store ice, or freeze a tales.

Damn it.

The Northland people can't enter the desert.

Thales sighed with a sigh of relief, lifted his gaze, and took a panoramic view of the small canyon underneath the giant rock and the long sand dunes not far away.

Nature is the most wonderful painter: under the red skyline, the rolling sand dunes are golden in color, and the curve is elegant and smooth, as if the beauty is lazy on the side of the hip, giving an indescribable tenderness.

However, only Taylors knows that this piece of beautiful scenery is full of ruthless truth.

When it was sunrise, the coldness of the night gradually disappeared, and there were still a few hours left from the heat of noon. This is his precious time.

Tyres opens his bag and checks his inventory.

A piece of dry cheese, two small breads.

as well as……

The last bag of water.

He sighed.

Tyres grinds the dry lips, forcing a slight hunger and stuffing the cheese back into the bag.

He took out the little leftover bread, silently biting in the quiet morning, filling the energy needed in the morning, and he couldn't eat more until he found the next source of water - this would make his body consume water. Faster.

At the thought of this, the pressure in the mind of Taylors increased.

Taylors got up and dug a sand bunk in a place not far from the camp, unveiled his own piece of linen, and pulled out a few stones from it. He was glad to find that the lower part of the stone was cold and wet.

Like the lover, the prince opened his mouth happily and sucked the wetness on it - it tastes a bit strange, but it can get some water from it, without consuming precious water, why not.

Water shortage is not the only threat.

Tyres tried the temperature around him, silently took off the clothes that kept the cold overnight, tied the bags, and reached for the last remaining temperature of the fire, and smeared his upper half face, especially the eyelids, with coke. .

You know, when Teres, who walked for a day in the infinite desert, found himself starting to dazzle, the panic in his heart was going to spread out of his chest.

Until he remembered this method - it is said that the Northland hunters in the cold weather occasionally used this trick to avoid the snow blindness that may have been caused in the white snow, and Taylors dared to use him. The three-day desert experience swears that this trick is equally effective in the desert.

Tyres finished the carbon black, and then spread the piece of linen that collected the water, tied it to the top of his head, and tied the hair to the corners. Although Taylors doesn't feel how hot the desert is - even if everyone has told him that the biggest threat in the desert is hot - but **** with a headscarf, whether it's a sunshade or a moisturizing wind, it should be more or less helpful.

From the leggings to the cuffs, he carefully checked the head of his body: he took out the black cloth that Yala gave him, covered his mouth and nose as a mask, only exposed his eyes, carrying his bags and time, grabbing two Only when the branches made by the cane confirm the direction in which the sun rises on the left hand side.

May all the best today.

Let me find the water source...

Or assistance.

When the preparation is complete, the prince who has carefully packaged himself into a surprise gift thinks so deeply, taking a deep breath and getting out of the shelter.

The wind and sand suddenly came face to face, with the coldness of the night, so that he could not help but blink.

On the face is a large sand dune. Taylors carefully bypasses its center, looking for a long way but with a small slope. Try to avoid the gentle **** of the wind and slant through it. Passing through the sand dunes - he stupidly entered the desert on the first day. Straight up and down, after turning over the two sand dunes, panting, legs numb, now Taylors finally learned the lesson.


The sand blows from the back, and the small gravel hits the linen in his ear and creaks.

By the strength of the cane, Tells traveled step by step, bypassing the high slope, and wearing it when the **** was slow.

The sun is gradually rising, and the cold desert is gradually warming up. He occasionally turns his head and looks around. There is only one yellow sand in the eyes, and only the wind whispers in the ear, and the birds and beasts are gone.

Even if the plants have only low shrubs and deep-rooted willows, they lie quietly on the sand.

The broad sand dunes that are visible in the eyes and the deserts are still only one person.

The public opinion is smoke.

Even the animal's bones are not there - at least that can remind him of the danger here, replacing the boring with fear and fear.

Tyres shook his head and tried to smash a little song and thought about something pleasant. The prince who had been trapped for six years had read many notes from tourists. He knew that in this extremely harsh environment, The most deadly is not the threat of the outside world, but the mental pressure brought by loneliness and panic.

Nothing can destroy a person more than isolation and loneliness.

This is the fourth day of Tyres in the desert.

He did not know when he entered the great desert.

It seems that there is no particularly obvious boundary between Exeter's far-away city and the famous desert—such as a boundary pillar, the book “External Border Line” or “walker stop”.

In fact, after the happy break-up with the other two, Tyres rode a day to ride the horse. The first thing that entered was the rocky desert with bare rocks and bare rocks.

There, the huge bedrock is all over the place, the terrain is occasionally ups and downs, and the field of vision is extremely open.

There are not many low shrubs, which deceives the eyes of Taylors and makes him think that the desert is not yet in sight.

I have to keep going - he tears open the meat in his mouth and tells himself that he should be able to find the person at the junction.

Thanks to the blessings of the silver shadow man, the steers who walked on the earth felt the direction: he was heading south, the slightly higher rock formations in the north gradually reached the end, the vegetation began to decrease, the temperature brought by the sun slowly increased, and the lips were one day later. Do it one day.

As the road drifted away, his eyes were no longer bare and bedrock, and began to be covered with gravel from the pot to the size of the fist. Fortunately, the quality of the horseshoes in the North was excellent, and the tyros was free from trekking.

However, on the road, Thales passed a deserted abandoned settlement. After a disappointing shaking of the abandoned dry well, the strong horses of the Northland showed an inevitable resistance to moving forward.

When the reins of the hand became more and more difficult to control, the second prince who had read the geography knowledge suddenly realized:

I unknowingly entered the no-man's land.

Half a day later, instead of spending a lot of energy on a horse that wanted to retreat, Teres still reluctantly took the necessary supplies, let go of the horse, broke the two rough branches, and cut into a cane. A picking bag, a supportive walk, and a difficult move forward.

At the foot is still a hard rock, the front is still innocent Gobi, the wind is getting bigger and bigger, the temperature is getting hotter.

As the foot speeded up, Tyres frowned and found that the gravel under the foot was getting smaller and smaller, and the footsteps of the footsteps were no longer crisp.

Ten hours later, at dusk, he looked up after simmering the water, only to be surprised to find that whether it was looking up or looking back, everything around it had already spread all over the yellow sand.

Unconsciously, the great desert has arrived.

Taylors looked at everything in front of him and thought about it.

The issue is……

What about the secret agent?

Did he miss someone, or did he go the wrong way?

Looking back on the road, but the helpless Taylors hesitated for a long time, and finally decided: continue to move forward, follow the direction of memory, all the way to the southeast, to find an oasis, looking for the supply line of the Star Army.

Prior to this, Grivo and Kezi in Longyan City seemed to foresee that he would not stop even if he escaped from the city. He prepared a prince for a good trip early, and Monti’s two mounts apparently Related to the secret department, the bag on the saddle is all necessary to cross the desert: water, bread, salt, meteorites, including thick clothing and ropes.

There are also two canes on his way.

Tyres checked the baggage and felt good.

However, the next day's **** journey told him that he was wrong.

Tyres looked down on the desert.

It is far more terrible than imagined.

The soft sand on the ground seems to be harmless, but the obstacles are difficult. Step by step, when climbing, the whole person often slides to the heel, which is more difficult to deal with than the winter snow in the north. Taylors even feels himself first. The sky has gone no more than ten miles.

The wind speed in the desert is big and urgent. Tyres will be blown up when he accidentally. Once, he was directly scraped off while climbing, tumbling and screaming underground sand dunes, ten minutes of climbing. The work has been abandoned.

After that, Tyres was determined not to go high again, never go straight to the sand dunes, and it is best to follow the ripples of the sand - you can't go with the wind, the wind will not go with you.

The terrain in the desert is not flat. The rolling sand dunes are gone. From time to time, you can also encounter huge sandstones and steep canyons. After being painstakingly “exploring” the bottom of a canyon, Taylors feels that he is still away. They are far better.

In this way, he went all the way, the first day, the first night, the second day, the second night...

Going all the way to the present.

The fourth day of the desert.

Still no one smokes, the fourth day of loneliness.

Step by step, Thales squinted, tried to move forward, counted the number of steps, took off the water bag every time, and sipped a small mouthful of water to moisten the mouth.

I don't know how long it took, the sun is getting higher and higher, and the surrounding is getting hotter.

He can even feel that the skin under the thick cloth is sweaty, and his body is wrapped in the clothes, sticky and wet, and hot and uncomfortable.

But he can't solve it.


Tyres resisted discomfort, held his cane down a windward slope, looked back at the lee, and couldn't help but frown. He felt like he was walking.

Damn it.

He cursed in his heart, and put a stick into the sand on the spot, looking at the shadow of the cane projected on the ground, looking back and looking for a stone to the top of the shadow.

On the first day after entering the desert and suffering, Teres had another problem with the snow: the wonderful sense of direction after the black trail trip, once let Taylor think that he really "everever Not lost, but this wonderful ability failed after entering the great desert, he can no longer feel the topography and the direction of the road under his feet.

It seems that even if it seems that the power and existence of omnipotence will have the problem of acclimatization - Tyres is tired and thinks: If the **** of disappointment really exists, he probably does not welcome the silver shadow man.

The sun is still not big, the sand is not hot, he sits down and rests for a while, identifying the direction.

Taylor sucked a sip of water and sighed slightly.

Three days.

Three days.

how much longer?

Three days?

How long will it take for him to meet the rescue?

Will he die here?

Really bad.


Tyres shook his head and patted his cheek to calm down his impatience.

Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it.

Tyres warns himself: first arrive at the next destination and think about the next step.

Otherwise, he was afraid that he could not find a place, and the pressure was too great, and the spirit collapsed first.

In fact, because there is no human smoke for a long time, no communication, and the scenery is monotonous, the current prince feels that he is already somewhat abnormal.

His reaction began to slow down and the field of view began to fix.

And the mood becomes unstable.

Tyler chuckled and shook his head.


He can't give up.

He has to adjust himself until he finds a way out.

The irony is that on the first day, Taylors also felt that the desert was not so dangerous.

He followed the vegetation that was not so sparse at that time, and found a small shallow pool under a rock at dusk, and the pool was full of vitality.

There are even a few jackals, gathered in a small corner of the pool, sipping a bit, turning back, vigilant but inefficiently extracting water.

At that time, Tyres was overjoyed and felt that at least he played the "novice luck" and happily slid down the sand dunes to fill the water bag.

Until he slipped to the edge of the pool, his feet were soft and his legs fell into the quicksand!

The more strangled by Tyres, the more tight and deep it was, and it was once stuck in the waist.

The heart of Tyres was half cold.

He only understood at that time: Why did the group of wolves prefer to gather in such a small corner, drink water slyly, and not want to approach this seemingly wide poolside.

God knows how young the boy was at that time.

If it wasn’t for Tyres to calm down with the sins of the prison river, give up the struggle, flatten the body, and avoid sinking...

I am afraid that the first heir to the Star Kingdom has long been cool in the desert.

On that day, he shuddered and pulled out the arrow behind him, tied the rope, shot it (also shot twice, the first time the hand was too shaken). A strange wood in the distance, pulled himself up in a violent manner.

In the cry of dissatisfaction of the wolves, the lingering tyros stunned them with smashing arrows, occupying this safe corner, trembled, and finally filled the water bag.

This is the first time that Taylors discovered the sinister desert.

Tyres, who had enough rest under the sand dunes, sighed and pulled his thoughts back to the present: he grabbed the second stone and placed it on the top of the shadow of the cane that moved a lot of distance, connected to the first stone. .

When Tyres looked at the road, the frown was compared with the connection of two stones.

It is indeed partial.

I have to correct it.

He corrected the direction to the southeast, grabbed the cane for orientation, and re-started.


The wind and sand is getting bigger and bigger.

This is another threat in the desert.

Tyres bit his teeth, turned over a dune under the double coverage of astringency and damp heat, raised his right palm over his eyes, looking for lush vegetation, which could be used as a sunshade or a source of water.

It’s coming soon at noon.

Be prepared for the next step.

He still remembers that he entered the desert at the first noon and chose to camp at the bottom of a large sand dune to escape the sinister sun and the ruthless sand.

However, Tyres, who woke up in the afternoon, had a mouthful of sand.

In full of panic and panic, he got up and stunned and found that in the two hours of his blink of an eye, the wind sand had flooded his legs and would soon cover his hands.

If he sleeps for another half an hour...

Taylors learned from that time: unless you want to find a free grave in the desert, never choose a place that is too low to rest.

The prince silently recalled the many experiences he had learned in the past few days in suffering and torture, and found a destination for rest: a small tree by a steep slope.

Taylors took a sip of water and moved on.

He struggled forward, and he felt that his body's water was escaping quickly—as the sun gets higher and the heat gets hotter, the energy and nutrients it consumes will multiply.

Rest - Tyres thought with sorrow and forced himself to think only about this goal - he needed to rest and escape the hottest hours.

Wind and sand are still continuing.

The yellow sand staring at the sole of the foot was slowly stripped, and Tyres counted more than 800 steps and finally reached the destination.

He hid in the shade of the trees, avoiding the sinister sunshine.

Feeling the sharp drop in temperature, he sighed and untied his headscarf and mask.

Tyres is preparing for a lunch break, but he is not in a hurry to find the open space, but cautiously grabs the cane and hits the ground, and pulls the surrounding stones away, preferably farther away from him.

Taylors did not forget: the first "friend" he met in the desert was a rattlesnake.

The second day he entered the desert, when he was resting in a shade of trees, he was tired and sat down on the ground, his left hand backed up, and pressed a slippery, cool thing.

The "thing" quickly smashed from behind the stone.

Biting on his arm!

Tyres was so frightened that the rattlesnake was obviously dissatisfied with someone who was disturbing his nap. If it wasn’t for the first night’s bitterness, Teres had just wrapped himself up and thick and tight. This mouth can directly kill his life (although Taylors does not know if it is poisonous).

Taylors recalled the frightening journey of that day, subconsciously touching his left arm - the breach on the three-layered sleeves still - carefully sweeping the surrounding stones.

Sure enough, after a large slab stone was opened, a "new friend" ran out of dissatisfaction.

Tyres frowned, looking at the half-slapped black sand scorpion, looking at its pair of terrible pliers and unremarkable tail thorns, sticking out the cane, ignoring its protest, putting sand Hey rushed to the distance.

He sat down breathlessly, taking out the water bag and the last grain.

Everything in front of me still seems to have not changed. As the old crow said, there are only three things in the desert: himself, sand, and sand.

Taylors suddenly understood why the other side said the sand twice.

What I have seen and heard in these days tells him that this is a world that is completely different from everyday cognition.

A slum that grew up in the city, a teenager who is accustomed to the streets and castles, a world that cannot be imagined.

Recalling the myriad dangers encountered in just three days, Taylors couldn't help but tighten his body:

Here, the heat is as deadly as the cold, and the day and night are terrible.

Here, the vitality and the crisis appear at the same time. On the edge of the pool of life, it is often the place where the animals have the most bones.

Here, he rarely sees living things, and even if they do, their habits have changed a lot: the snakes in the desert never go straight, but they fold themselves into waves, and spring-like "jumping"; The strange lizard specializes in drilling into the sand. It seems that the idea is not to go out at night; desert mice don't seem to have four legs because they rarely "walk normally" and prefer to touch the air and jump forward; in the sky The vultures that occasionally flashed seemed to stay without stopping, and they were doing long-distance travel every day; the color of the desert spider could not be separated from the sand.

Here, he must be humble - Tyres recalls Hicksell's words - everything must be re-learned, such as the few wolves on the edge of the pool, where Taylors learned, followed the animals The footprints are going forward, at least not a big mistake.

Tyres sighed and ate the last piece of cheese and began to think about his most serious realities.

He broke the grain.

When the prince was not hungry, the life in the abandoned house never gave him a few full experience.

But he is in the big desert.

This is going to kill.


The recipients are still far away.

Tyres didn't try to find the fruit of the plant. In fact, he did find a few strange plants on the leeward slope. Some of them couldn't help but starve - until he saw a dried shin bone next to him. .

Oh my God……

Tyres painfully touched his forehead, who knows what else can be eaten in this desert.

At this time, his afterglow slammed to the side: the unlucky sand that was occupied by the nest had not gone far, and it was still poked here, knocking on it and looking for the next habitat.

Looking at the blind man, Thales felt his hungry belly and frowned.

No, right?

(End of this chapter)

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