Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 397: Dark side

Chapter 397 Dark Side

The "My Family" pub was quiet for a while, and the needle was audible.

The mercenaries in the field, or the swords of the disaster, looked at the incredible gaze, watching the white man who spoke the amazing words.

"The heir to the Star Kingdom..."

In the countless inhalation sounds, the mercenary behind the marry, Sonny, said:

"I thought that it would be crazy enough for us to rob the prison."

Taylors saw that after the astonishing goal of the brazier, Ricky, who was a "Kelasu", wrinkled his eyebrows to the point where he couldn't add it. The Northlander Cray next to him no longer wiped his scabbard. The cold mans in the masked eyes are more and more aggressive.

The sword of disaster, Taylors also heard this organization.

But he heard more of another name: the Tower of the End.

After the end of the war, for thousands of years, tirelessly cultivated various warriors for humanity, inheriting skills, in preparation for the legendary holy land of war.

Among the people that Tells knows, whether Cohen, Miranda, and Wyah, they have spent a short period of time in the Tower of the End, where they learned a skill. Over the years, this place has been so famous that everyone is accustomed to the swordsman who will have the power to end and use the representative sword (which is favored by the nobility) as the “end of the swordsman”, regardless of The employment camp in the frontier is still a local city defense team. As long as you mention "waiting at the end of the tower", you will soon become a sought-after item for major employers.

The sword of the disaster - the name of the solder is called, the name makes Taylors extremely uneasy - according to the insights of Wyatt's hearsay, it is the deadly enemy of the Tower of the End.

and so……

Thales sighed in his heart: They could not hesitate to plan a jail in the blade camp, or even contact the taboo of the taboo.

"When it's over, the second prince..." Tampa looked like a self-defeating look. "In any case, such a big thing, can you say it without any cover? I want to come back safely to sell wine... ..."

Tyres and the fast rope exchanged a look and felt a completely different mood.

And the focus of everyone, the braze accepts everyone's attention, it does not seem to matter.

"Your discipline and organization is beyond my imagination," he snorted and faced so many strange eyes. He smiled modestly: "Even in front of so many people, facing such a big secret, you But don't worry at all..."

Tampa’s sad complaints and the whispering of the brazier were interrupted.

"You want him to die."

The masked man with few words stood up abruptly.

He slowly approached the brazier, the wrinkled eyelids, bursting out the light that was difficult to see directly: "Star Prince?"

Tyres swallowed his throat.

"If possible, try to catch it." The torch smiled and was as gentle and courteous as ever.

"Live catch?"

The masked man walked in front of the brazier and looked down at his eyes: "You mean, we are going to break through the prisoners and the kings in the military residence of the Star Kingdom, and then risk their countless army to chase and surround. Blocked, with the gold hostage safely evacuated?"

Taylors noticed that his words had a hint of indignation and anger.

Marina on the side couldn't help but say: "This can't be done at all."

The man frowning at the masked man, slowly stepping back under his aggressiveness, guessing his identity.

"I didn't say it was very simple," the man of Shadow Shield shrugged, avoiding the shape of the masked man, and glanced at the mercenaries in the pub: "But at least not harder than robbing the bones."

At that moment, the masked man reached out!


He held down the shoulder of the drill.

The solder suddenly turned pale and the part that was held down shook slightly.

He jerked a little, and his left hand slammed the masked man's arm and tried to push him away.

But the other's arm is cast like metal, and the hair does not move.

"Because you can't do it yourself," the masked man's hand is slowly exerting force, so that the trembling solder can't help but sigh. "So you want us to be a bait and buffer for death. aims."

The brazer looked incredulously at the masked man in front of him, but the mercenary onlookers only frowned, and no one spoke.

The atmosphere in the pub is more and more suffocating, and the spectators on the sidelines are more anxious.

What should I do in this case?

"Not a bait, but a reliable foreign aid."

The brazier bites his teeth and endures the masking and intimidation of the masked man, but still insists on opening: "At the same time, it also provides us with our resources... in a perfect plan... and at the same time win the bones and jealousy Star Prince... cover each other, one stone and two birds... help each other."

His words are intermittent.

The masked man snorted: "Is that just the case?"

"Nothing else?"

In the unbearable pain, the solder squeezed a stubborn smile:

“Maybe, what good is it for our future partnership?”

The mercenaries in the pub are staring at the scene quietly, as if they are familiar with such scenes.


A palm of one hand caught the shoulder of a masked man.

Masked people slightly frown:

Ricky stood on his side and shook his head, his face pale.

The man looked at the painful solder and snorted, then let go of his hand and step back.

The drill sighed and squatted, his expression on his shoulders unnaturally.

Damn it.

He knows that he is in a weak position in this self-proclaimed negotiation.



Ricky replaced the masked man and stood in front of the brazier.

"Eighteen years ago, you destroyed the royal family of the comet, leaving no room for the cost, and even the side branches were affected."

This made Taylors startled.

The head of the sword that only listened to the disaster was faint: "Everyone in the circle is guessing, the people behind you, the guys who want to be extinct in the royal family, who are."

"Now, you told me to catch the last comet prince?"

"Why," Ricky stood in front of the brazier, staring at his sturdy right arm: "Teng and the people behind him, what are you thinking, what do you want to do?"

"Is it... the blood of the so-called royal family that has been passed down to the present is really as brilliant as gold, and it cures all diseases?"

Cray behind him laughed ironically.

The solder showed an ugly smile.

"Respected Krassu, why do you care about this?"

Even in such a disadvantage, even after experiencing such a ruthless threat, the braze of the braze still surprised Taylors: "Your goal is just the bones of the bones. I am blunt, this is almost destined to anger the stars. The kingdom is not allowed for King Kaiser."

"In this case, on the basis of being able to achieve better goals, turning to help their enemies and shaking their political situation is not a brilliant move in line with interests?"

The masked man behind Ricky sneered out.

"Then, we pushed us all over the opposite side of the Star Kingdom and had to board your thief boat."

The masked man clenched his fist: "Like the flower of the Assassin 18 years ago, the Sariton family."


This name, which has not been heard for a long time, has caused Taylors to ponder.

The smile of the solder is still there.

"Sometimes, when you want something, you have to choose the side station: not this side, that side."

He is still the kind of "I am sorry, but the reality is like this".

It is like a dedicated and hardworking tutor.

"And you have already chosen: just when you hijack this pub and plan to further jail."

The solder loosened his shoulder, took a deep breath, and stood up straight, like a generous person who was about to be taken to the execution ground. He smiled with a smile: "Is it?"

The mercenaries rioted.

The masked man glanced at Cray.

Ricky still motionless, he stared quietly at the brazier.

Tyres and the fast rope squinted back and forth at the table.

The silence of the leader affected the swords of the disaster, and the pub gradually calmed down.

Everyone looks to Ricky.

The brazier waited quietly, only with a pair of eyes, and occasionally observed the people around him in the plunder.

After a long while, Ricky stared at the brazier's gaze.

The leader of the sword of the disaster laughed and gently swayed his chin: "It is like him."


It is expected that the braziers who are eager to meet each other will be inexplicable.


Ricky snorted and turned.

"It's funny."

Ricky sat down again, as if he was indifferent to the people in front of him:

"In that moment, the way and content of your speech is exactly the same as that of Teng."

The bore of the drill moment trembles.


Taylors once again heard the short name of this syllable.

Ricky leaned back on the stool, lifted his chin, and looked at the ceiling and his eyes became embarrassed: "I have seen that man - if Teng is still a man - sometimes it is sinister and insidious, sometimes intense and ambitious, he The existence of the whole world is the ruthless mockery of human nature."

The brazer slowly lowered his head.

"You are old with the film?"

Ricky raised his mouth: "Yes, Teng, I have seen his means and actions, and I have to say that people are "unforgettable."

The solder smiled and he had to answer, but only for the next second, Ricky’s eyes burst into shocking anger.

"So I never believe it."

Ricky slammed his head down and looked straight at the bra.

His tone of urgency and decisiveness is unprecedented: "I never believe that contact and encounter with him will be 'coincidence' or 'lucky', and I don't believe that any cooperation with him will be the result of 'win-win'. Even with a short-term profit, it can't hide the bigger losses we will suffer in the longer term."

The brazier was amazed.

"Leave away immediately, the brazier," I saw Ricky's face gloomy, and the tone became harder and harder. I couldn't refuse: "Because of the admiration for your courage, I don't have to worry about your companions who are hiding outside the eaves."

Tyles sighed a little when he heard it.

Fortunately, as long as you don’t involve him directly, there is still a chance to be confused...

The brazier looked at Ricky and looked at his cold eyes.

"please forgive."

"I don't know yours..."

Ricky snorted and screamed short.

"I don't trust you."

"Especially not trusting."

He straightened up, and the whole person instantly became an ice, biting out from the teeth: "So, let's worry about the **** prince, we are irrelevant."

"Is it clear enough?"

The braziers stared at each other as if they didn't believe they would refuse.


In his tone, he revealed surprise and hesitation: "You are isolated and helpless. The process of breaking into the bones of the bones will be very hard. Even if you are lucky, the Star Kingdom will not have the body of the disaster sword..."

"If we are worried about these things," Cray snorted: "Then we won't be here at all."

"And, don't call us the sword of disaster, no one likes that name."

Faced with the dignified face of the brazier, the middle-aged swordsman of the Northland put down a long sword named Twilight and held his arms:

"We are the inheritors of the tower."

"Rather than a group of people who are headed by a late-night slut, there are gully bugs that are illusory."

With his words, the swords of the disaster have scorned.

The tone and expression reveal unswerving guilt and self-promotion.

The solder was held low and the cheeks trembled slightly.

Ricky snorted and seemed to be ridiculous. He waved at the solder: "You can go."

Several mercenaries consciously stepped forward and surrounded the brazier on three sides.

But in the next second, the iron will suddenly raise his head!

"Wait a minute!"

The solder seemed to figure out what was going on. At the moment, the face was inexplicably hesitant and struggling: "I probably know your perception of the film owner, but this..."

Ricky shook his head and didn't look at him:

"I said, you can go."

The masked man snorted disdainfully, and Cray continued to pay attention to his dawn.

Mercenary Sonny stepped forward.

"You heard his words, bugs," Sonny looked coldly at the brazier:

"You are self-help, or are we coming to help you?"

Although he said this, he did not mean to let the other party "self-help": I saw two strong mercenaries reaching out and holding the shoulders of the braces, and dragging him outward.

At that moment, there was an inexplicable determination on the surface of the drill.

He jerked his head up, crossed the shoulders of the mercenaries, and looked at Ricky, who was unmoved.

"If this has nothing to do with Teng?"

This made Ricky move slightly.

"If this is not a **** cooperation, but just a deal with me, is it just a brazier and a carat?"

This made Ricky turn his head.


As he asked, the strength of the mercenaries to clamp the braces was also reduced.

Ricky narrowed his eyes, like the first time he knew the bra: "What does this mean?"

The brazier broke away from the mercenary's restraint, and despite the description of the wolverine, struggled to come forward.

"As I said, today's things, whether it is hijacking the prince or cooperation between the two sides, have nothing to do with Teng," the bite bite his teeth, his face decided: "Lord, no, he didn't know everything that happened here."

As soon as this statement came out, Cray widened his eyes in amazement, and the masked man even gently snorted.

Only Ricky did not move.

But his tone has changed.

"I have to say, you caught my interest," the leader of the Sword of Disaster slowly opened:

"What happened?"

In the suffocating silence, the solder showed a clear smile, and shook his head in desperation and regret.

"Teng is over."

Ricky's eyes flashed in the eye!

His body is leaning forward unconsciously: "Say again?"

Cray and masked people exchanged their eyes in amazement.

Tyres had always been a headache for his own way out, and he lacked interest in the organization of these gods and ghosts.

Until the next sentence of the solder.

"Six years ago, that day."

The brazier jerked back and stared at Cray with a little excitement: "You know, Cray, you and I were in Longyan City, and witnessed that in the days when the dragon and the disaster came. The field shakes the dramatic changes in Xilu."

The heart of Tyres seemed to have missed a beat.

Even the fast rope is no longer moving.

"On the same day, when everyone's eyes were focused on the death of King Nunn and the glory of the dragon's crown," the brazier said angrily: "Many things that the world does not know happen in the dark side of Longyan City."

"Do you think that it is only a struggle between the dragon and the disaster? No, in fact, it is the Grand Duke of the Black Sand, which is now the king of Chaman and the Kingdom of Stars, and it is our secret society with the stars..."


The spirit of Tyres is shocked!

The lights are swaying and the pub is getting quieter.

Ricky clicked on his chin and his eyes focused:

"carry on."

The cold snoring, scorning the mercenaries around, looking at their various expressions, this cold and cold:

"On that day, whether it was interception of intelligence or confrontation, Teng Du lost in the hands of the Black Prophet."

"The shadow of the Shadow Shield in Longyan City was destroyed. We almost became blind people, and even the assassinations... In short, many major events have been flawed;"

"Lisban and ... Longyan City reacted too fast, and their remnants were escaped by the black sand collar and re-integrated with the help of the secret department;"

"The secret science has been chasing us hard, which has made our resources in Longyan City seriously inadequate. Even the people who pursued several important goals can't get it out."

"Rumba was even forced to go nowhere, only to commit crimes, and the last hand we left to help him stabilize the situation, nothing can be used."

Listening to unheard of secrets, the mercenaries began to whisper.

"We have almost failed in all through the layout of Lombard in the North."

Tyres frowned, ignoring the shocked expression that the fast rope had sent him, and the swords of the disasters frowned.


According to the meaning of the solder...

That night.

That early morning.

Dragon blood.

What happened that day...

Ricky did not respond, he stared coldly at the solder and waited for his next sentence.

"Not only that."

In the eyes of the brazier, there was a frosty frost: "On that day, I was ambushed in Longyan City."

"The killers of the mystery have blocked him." The brazier was cold and cold, with unspeakable emotions:

"Give Teng - a fatal blow."

At that moment, the three people of the sword of the disaster trembled together!

"The man was seriously injured and dying. His power, including his long-distance follow-up from the day and night, followed his loss."

Ricky turned his head and looked at Cray.

Cray shook his head and said that he did not know.

Ricky frowned and his eyes were skeptical.

In the face of his review, the torch smiled without emotion.

"Sometimes I even suspect: For the Black Prophet, Exeter's power struggle may be just a matter of course."

He smiled violently and said with exhaustion: "In that night, the Shadow Shield, especially the Teng himself, was the first goal of the Kingdom Secret."

"In order to seize the secrets in your hands."

(End of this chapter)

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