Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 396: Shadow and sword

Chapter 396 Shadow and Sword

Tyres did not hear the name of Krassu, and he could not understand why the man named the brac was discolored.

But he knows who the solder is.

Six years ago, the Dragon Blood Night, this man, stood in front of the black sand Dagong in front of the spring breeze, and negotiated with the fiercely named Chaman Rumba to ask for the ownership of the Star Prince.

He and the taboo organization behind him played an indispensable role in the unprecedented and ever-changing coup: whether it was the thrilling assassination of Taylors under the fortress, or the despair of Pefert’s dying before his death. Confessions, and even the terrible moments when the king of nature is headed, they have their body shape.

They are ghostly and ubiquitous, but they are mysterious and sorrowful. They are scarce to find. Every time they are shocked, they bring blood and death, which makes the viewers shocked and the recipients regret.

And the moment when this group of people reappears...

Tyres took a deep breath, held back his sorrow and uneasiness, and stared at the man with full concentration. Even the fast-tracked eyes of him couldn’t be taken care of.

In the field, the brazier carefully observed the mercenaries around.

The man found solemnly that although the killing and the soldiers in their body tasted heavier, from top to bottom, no one had any intention to refute, or a strange look.

He did not lie.

The sinking of the heart: he is indeed "Kelasu."

Something is beyond imagination.


"You are the one who is this generation of Krassu."

"I have to say, I am a little surprised," the torch turned to Ricky, the tone became cautious, cautious, as if the thieves outside the window despised the property in the window:

“The high-ranking people are rarely in danger.”

High position?

Tyres turned his attention to Ricky's body, but he could only see a rough face, a light leather armor that was common to the desert mercenaries, and a rude and casual posture.

No matter which angle he is, he is just an ordinary mercenary leader.

The prince could not help but wonder: Why is it a high person?


The gaze of the solder condensed on Ricky, and the front turned and tested:

"What you have to do tonight is too important. If you are as high as you, you have to be physically involved?"

The mercenaries around are silent, but many people subconsciously look at each other.

Quietness lasted for a few seconds.

Ricky didn't say a word, just stared at the solder.

"But it's a pity that your actions tonight will not be so smooth."

The solder smiles slightly:

"It should be noted that in the blade of the Star Kingdom, you broke into the fierce bones of the fierce, and the unprecedented prisoner - this is not so simple?"


Taylor did not respond for a moment.

But other people are different.

At this moment, whether Ricky or Cray or masked people, they suddenly looked up!

Cray is directly holding down the hilt of the waist, showing the fierce light.

"Who told you!" asked the middle-aged swordsman of the Northland coldly.

They glared at the solder in front of them.

As if I can't believe it.

The mercenaries also rushed and stunned.


The incredible fast rope whispered to Tyres: "These people want to... rob the bones of the bones, the ghost place? There is a problem with the brain!"

In the field, the solder smiled more and more happy.

Ricky frowned:

"How did you know?"

The brazing bar shook his head and turned a blind eye to the incomprehensible eyes that were attached to his body.

"It does not matter."

"The only important thing here is that all you have to do is to pick up a horse cell called the Blades Camp."

The torch turned around with confidence and contentment and looked around:

"No matter what method is used, whether it is successful or not, once you act, the bones of the bones are robbed, then the whole camp will be chaotic: army, nobility, order, everything."

"This is really not good news for those of us who are also eating here."

In front of him, Cray and the masked face are getting worse.

Only Ricky is quiet.

"So, in order to achieve mutual benefit and win-win, we must come here to help you," the brazier pointed to the surrounding, and pressed his chest, and the smile became more brilliant:

"Also help us."

"How, respected Krassu?"

The solder stared at Ricky gently and calmly, and it looked like it was steady.

The pub was quiet for a moment.

Until Ricky slowly raised his head and whispered.

"You just said, why should I come here personally?"

Ricky's face twitched a smile and quickly disappeared.

"Indeed, a good leader doesn't have to take a chance to do anything," he nodded, faintly saying: "But he can never lack the courage and responsibility to do so."

The brazier raised his brow and made a stunned look.

"Admired to the extreme."

The man smiled and said: "But it makes me more worried. This action is so important..."

But Ricky didn't let him talk.

"...otherwise," Ricky's eyes, although fixed on the brazier, continued to speak on their own, and did not care if the other person spoke:

"As a leader, he will eventually become a waste behind the scenes and protect himself in a bubble-like lie, just to hide his embarrassment and incompetence."

"He can only rely on hypocritical pretense and despicable wrists to win the trust of his companions, and use empty intimidation and false incentives to maintain his subordinate obedience."

The face of the brazier seems to be pondering.

Ricky’s tone suddenly turned:

"Tell me, your head, how is Teng recent?"

If you have something to say, you can't help but frown.

A glimpse of Tyres.

What... What happened recently?

He did not understand the monosyllable words.

But the reaction of the solder made him understand quickly: it was a name.


At the moment of hearing the name, facing the Ricky's burning eyes, the expression of the solder was stiff.

But he quickly adjusted himself and replied with a smile.

"The shadow master is all well," the brazier was a glimpse, and Yu Guang looked around the mercenaries and looked humble:

"As good as you are."

Shadow master.

Tyres frowned.

If there is a person who gets more than one.

"Damn, Tyres, I think..." The fast rope was pale and smashed under the table, incredulously whispering:

"I think I know who these people are..."

Tyres nodded quietly.

“As good as me?”

"I don't think so." Ricky shook his head with a chuckle. He raised a finger and pointed at the opposite side of the solder.

"If he is as good as me... then it will not be sent to you in a rare way. A good place to stay in Longyan City comes in the desert, enters the Stars Camp of the Stars, and comes in a dangerous place for you."

"I don't remember that Kessel V forgives you."

Compared with his previous good advice, Ricky became fierce in the face of the bra.

Sitting in the tavern owner opposite him, Campa can't help but sweat.

The brazed eyebrows are wrinkled.


This should not be the case.

This adventurous and special meeting, it is up to him to initiate the topic, and he will make suggestions, and he will show the conditions.


At this moment, the brazier was unfortunately found that the initiative of this conversation was being firmly grasped by the other party.

"If he is as good as me," Ricky's face cooled down, and the tone was as tight as the twisted rope on his neck:

"Then he will not send you, like a stupid arrogant blackmailer, knowingly and guilty at a moment we valued so much, and smugly sent it to the door, a lot of nonsense, cover-up, and use my heart." Know what you are going to do 'to threaten us.'

Ricky's expression is very disgusting.

The bore of the drill is slowly tightened: "The meaning of you is..."

"Remember, solder."

Next to Ricky, the middle-aged swordsman Cray stared at the solder, as if his face had stains and his voice was hoarse: "We have an account, we haven't finished it yet."

The solder shows a confused look.

"In the Longyan City six years ago, you used the name of us to get the wind and rain in the most dangerous places in Exeter, and do whatever you want," the middle-aged swordsman of the Northland is like a leopard staring at the prey:

"By what you have given us, we have lost a lot of people, including my students, - disasters, dragons, rebellion, chaos, and even the liquidation of Longyan City."

"That day is really bad."

"Do you think we will let it go?"

The gaze of the solder is condensed.

The mercenaries rioted and cast their eyes on the brazier with dissatisfaction and hatred.

Longyan City six years ago...

Tyres felt that the fast rope on his side was breathing faster and faster, and he even tightened his fist.

Somehow, Marina, behind her, also looked like a bite-toothed tooth, staring at the solder pointed by the thousand.

The sigh sighed.

"I am deeply impressed by this, please accept my apologies."

Cray disdainfully sneered: "Apologize?"

There was a disdainful snoring in the mercenary.

However, the brazier is completely unaffected, as if it were a hypocrite who hangs high up. After hearing a distant tragedy, he will pretend to be sad and prove his humanity and gain the understanding of others.

"We were also very surprised by the events of the year... But I am here today, absolutely sincere and want to propose a win-win proposal..."

But Ricky looked up gently.

"We don't have any ‘win-win’.”

He refused the words of the solder and let the latter suddenly feel awkward.

"When you enter the door, we hate your nose and face, hate the time when you appear here, hate your self-righteous tongue, and hate the blood debts you left."

Ricky opened his mouth coldly:

"And you make mysterious so-called help, we are not interested."

The look of the solder suddenly stiffened.

"I will say the last time."

Looking at the stiffened solder, Ricky repeated the third time without any positive emotions:

"Speak, or shut up."

"Now, do you understand?"

The solder eye is condensed!

With Ricky, almost all the mercenaries in the pub were holding their arms coldly, and many even took a step.

In the face of aggressive mercenaries, the brazer looked subconsciously around.

It seems that I just realized the current situation.

"Don't look at other places, the brazier, I promise you," Cray said coldly:

"Once we start, your group of companions who are outside can't do anything before you reach."

Ricky didn't move, just watching the solder silently.


The brazer recognized the situation around him and frowned.

Damn it.

This group of brainless muscles.

But he can't turn his face.


He still needs them.

This group of damn...

As a bystander, Tyres silently retracted his head, and the fast rope was still staring at the solder.

The drill clenched his fist and his face was unbelievable.

The pub was completely quiet, but no one would feel the comfort of the atmosphere at the moment.

"Wait, if you kill me here, then the stars will know your plot here, and the blade camp will be on guard..."

The brazier lowered his head and looked serious:

"Your actions will not succeed."

Ricky sighed.

"It seems that he did not understand."

The next second, a sword flashed over!

Exceeding the speed that Tyres can see with the naked eye, he instantly took out Cray's hand.

Let's keep an eye on the conversation, and Tyres, who is caught off guard, jumps!

Fortunately, Jian Feng did not come to him.

The flashing sword light stopped in front of the neck of the drill.

After a second, the reaction of the solder can not help but take a step back, his face pale!


Jianfeng has just been scraped at this moment.

I saw Cray holding a blood trough, a strange long sword with a hollow blade, and the blade quietly stopped in front of the brazier.

too fast.

The brazer looked at Cray's sword tip in dismay.

From the sword to the stop, he simply did not respond.

At all... I can’t do it.

The mercenaries seemed to be commonplace, and they didn’t care, they laughed.

Cray held a strange sword with a strange style and shook his head gently:

"This is ‘twilight’, when it tears your blood vessels...”

The breath of the brazier is fluctuating, but it is strong and calm:

"Do you really want to do this?"

Listening to the other party, Ricky chuckled.

"It seems," the masked man sighed and knocked on the table at the same table:

"He really can't talk."

The northern swordsman Klein snorted and slowly moved by the hand holding the hilt:

"Then let him shut up."

"forever and always."

Between the words, his long sword slightly forwarded and reached the other's neck.

The bore of the drill instantly shrinks.

Damn it!

"alright, I got it!"

He raised his hands in an instant and gasped, and finally let Cray stop his sword:

"Respected Krassu, and everyone."

"Would you like to listen to my advice? It is your choice..."

"And I am willing... I am willing to answer all your doubts."

Humble, tone and respect.

The three leading mercenaries looked at each other.

“Very good,” Ricky raised his mouth:

"Compared with the comparison, you finally talked."

The brazier breathed a sigh of relief and re-examined the "Kelasu" in front of him.

Cray was cold, and he took up the long sword that he couldn't see clearly.

Ricky faintly said: "Let's say, how did you stare at us?"

After a few seconds, the brazier sighed and sighed:

"The Tower of the End."

At this moment, Tells saw: Many mercenaries couldn't help but hold their fists or weapons and breathe.

Cray and the masked swordsman frown at each other.

Only their leader, Ricky's expression does not change.

“Yes, I know,” the torch touched his neck and gritted his teeth:

"We have eyes and ears there."

Ricky continued to ask:

"What have you heard?"

The torch carefully looked around the mercenaries and observed their expressions.

"Not long ago, the Tower of the End was attacked in one night."

"The opponents are unknown, powerful, and numerous. The defenses and warnings are broken through layers. The intruders are attacking the inheritance house." The brazier used a story-like tone: "I was defeated." ""

Tyres frowned.

and many more.

Not long ago.

The Tower of the End.

Suffered a surprise attack...

The Star Prince squinted and recalled a "class" long ago.

At that time, the guy who was about to travel to him said to him...

No way?

Is that what I think?

"This is a rare vicious incident in the history of the end of the tower. Even if the gray sword guards are strictly kept secret inside, they are also difficult to cover them all--all the eight schools have suffered heavy casualties, even the red king of the stars more than one hundred years ago. 'The army is in a state of pressure, and the siege edge is not so exaggerated."

The sneer sneered at the dozens of mercenaries:

"You did it, right? At least you are involved?"

There was a commotion in the surrounding mercenaries.

Tyres secretly smacks in his heart and feels that his guess is getting closer and closer to the truth.

Cray shook his head:

"Nothing to do with you."

The drill continues:

"You fled to the blade camp and hid in the blood whistle - we recognized you in a spy in the desert."

"But after the blockade order was issued, there is no business here. Your mercenary group is not scattered. It is still gathering and recruiting people. So I think: no matter what you encountered at the Tower of the End, you still don't I am going to give up."

"So I sent someone to leave a message for you: visit tonight."

The masked man snorted disdainfully, and Cray did not say anything.

"What about the bones?"

Ricky nodded and Wenyan asked:

"How did you know that?"

The brazier slowly restored his calmness and stability, and smiled again.

"A few times ago, many of your mercenary corps were arrested for various things because of various things - more than expected, enough to launch a small riot in prison, which is familiar with employment. You are not common in the rules of the military."

Brazing slow channel:

"And tonight, you are set to gather here, and you have already rid the guys early and kidnapped the tavern boss..."


On the other hand, Tampa, who had been silent for a long time, was stunned and slapped to the table.


"This is why you kidnapped me?"

The pub boss suppressed the anger and was amazed:

“You already know that ‘my home’ is the place to provide supplies for the bones of the bones...”

"You want to wait until dawn, then use our fleet to transport supplies and go to jail?"

The mercenary Sonny slammed his head and pressed Tampa's words into his mouth:

"To shut up."

The mercenaries flocked because of this episode.


Taylor’s heart is full of doubts:

These people are going to rob the bones of the bones? To rescue their companions?

Most importantly, if this group of mysterious mercenaries really want to do this.

How would you deal with Tampa and the two of them?

The chaotic scene lasted for a few seconds before it was quiet under Ricky's re-armed arm.

"It’s that we look down on you, the brazier," Ricky thought thoughtfully, with eyes:

"Take these through a variety of clues..."

"You can become the arm of Teng, you really have two."


Once again, I heard the name of the solder, and I couldn’t notice the eyebrows.

"Listen, I don't care about your grievances with the end of the tower," the cough coughed, and the topic turned:

"I don't care if you are going to enter the bones of the prison for what..."

"But I know that you are not good now: you can make a name for yourself. In the case of the end of the two powers, the terminal tower is damaged and the intruder must be heavier, and yours must be more heavy. The plan is too hasty and the manpower is stretched."

Cray and the masked man snorted in disdain.

The eyes of the solder are bright, the hands are raised, and the tone of the rhythm is high, as if forgetting the embarrassment and humiliation:

"But if we can help you?"

Ricky narrowed his eyes.

"I know why you have chosen this moment, not the other time, respected Krassu."

The brazier walked forward slowly, and his face replied with confidence and calmness when he first arrived:

"Now, the Stardust Guard, the Skull Guard, the Raven Whisker, the Black Lion Infantry Regiment, including a small number of related professional mercenaries - the most elite, fastest, most loyal army in these camps, all for some reason, followed Williams was at the forefront of the desert and could not return to it for a while."

The torches looked around and waved at the mercenaries around them, ignoring their unpleasant eyes.

"And what remains, either the second-class garrison, the lack of a light infantry mount, or the uneven recruitment of troops in the West, or even the auxiliary soldiers and servants on the battlefield - the baron is not, There are not enough weights for the suppression of the chiefs. They belong to the royal family and the local aristocrats. They have many contradictions and conflicts. It seems that the troops are more than usual, but in reality they are chaotic, the command is disorderly, and the scheduling is inefficient."

"This is a rare opportunity for you to rob the prisoners."

The explanation of the brazier's eyebrow dance ended, and he confidently turned his back and looked at the sinking Ricky.

"You think it's right," the drill raised a finger:

"But it is still too difficult."

"For you, there are less than one hundred people, even if you are all old professional mercenaries, even if you only face these old, weak and sick, it is not easy. Once there is a loss, casualties are inevitable. It’s hard to guarantee security. I really don’t want you to go through a tragic assault on the tower.”

The words of the mercenaries have been shaken here.

In the next second, the brazier turned and turned, and there was a confusing color in his eyes:

"There is nothing when we are there."

Ricky still succumbs to himself, Cray is watching him coldly, silent, masked man is more exaggerated, his staring at the brazier has never had a mood other than hatred and disgust.

"You understand our ability..."

The brazier tries to make his words sound more attractive:

"With us, you don't need this crappy plan, you don't need this broken boss."

Tampa stared at him in disgust.

Ricky whispered softly.

"So, what can you do? Is the defensive of the crucifixion and the shackles of the bones? Is it necessary to open or delay the attention of the blade camp? Is it even paralyzed and even misleading the reaction of the Star Army?"

As soon as this was said, Cray and the masked man turned his head and stared at Ricky.

But Ricky ignored them.

The bits of the solder are bright, as if you have seen the biggest treasure:

“Simply say: all of the above.”

Ricky looked at him.

The drill gently clenches the fist:

"Whether it is intelligence and news, conditions and timing, whistle and escape..."

"Believe me, with us, you don't need to be pretending to be a transport team, rushing into a destination, or pulling a sword, and breaking the **** jail."

“You will get faster, better, and easier, get what you want – no matter what it is.”

Ricky didn't answer, it seems to be still thinking.

The words of the brazier are slightly different, and it seems that we must observe the reaction of everyone.

"Respected Krassu, and the powerful fighters."

The drill is reopened.

"Your swordsman is the biggest reliance we can find on the land that is strange and hostile at this moment." He is very humble at this moment, closes his hands and expresses respectful obedience:

"And we are the best eyes and help you can find in a place full of strong military enemies."

The solder carefully looks at each pair of eyes that cross his line of sight:

"But no matter which side we are, we are all isolated here. You are a crowded mercenary group. We are all wanted criminals who are called by everyone. No one can face Williams alone, face the blade camp. In the face of the West, facing the behemoth and powerful support behind them: the Star Kingdom."

The braces open their eyes and open their hands:

“So I suggest that we work together and get what we need: we will help you and easily open the door to the bones.”

"The sword of disaster, and the shield of shadow, is there a better combination than this?"

The pub was completely quiet, leaving only the breathing of the soldiers, one after another, the rhythm is uncertain.

The brazer looked at the expressions of others in a moving look, and a pair of eyes turned back and forth.

It seems as though it has been a year.

In the end, Ricky took a deep breath and slowly spit out: "The help of the shadows will not be unreasonable, then..."

"What do you want?"

"What are you going to do in our camp with our strength?"

Here, the solder shows a smile.

He moved his hands and slowly raised his head.

"We have extremely reliable intelligence," the brazier's tone was cautious, constantly observing even the most subtle expression on the face of the person:

"A value-for-money, implicating the goals of all parties, has just crossed the desert today and reached the blade camp."

The value of the city...the goal?


At this moment, Marina can only notice when she bows her head: the red-haired youth and the dark-haired boy sitting in front of her, their bodies are stiff and stiff.

Ricky narrowed his eyes.

"That goal is not the same, may have unimaginable aid - a large number of troops and countless masters, continuous support and strict and thoughtful guards, that is far from being sneaky or boring of."

The hob grinned and sneered and nodded.

Under the supervision of countless mercenaries before and after, Tyres and the fast rope sat motionless and his eyes stagnate.

In the juvenile's sense of hell, Tampa's unrestrained breathing ups and downs, Marina's coldness is in the ears, and the whispers of the mercenaries are endless.

There is also the heartbeat between him and the fast rope.

Only faster and faster.

More and more heavy.

"And we, the respected Krassu, and everyone."

I saw that the brazer pressed down the head, as if it was a secret in the baby:

"What we have to do is to work together and win the difficult goal in the camp, but the rewards are very good..."

Tyres and the fast rope both squinted and died on the brazier.

Frightened with embarrassment, and dare not reveal the bad mood of half a minute.

Under the eyes of many people who are puzzled and hesitant, the brazier seems to be a man who unveiled the mystery at the last moment, with a full of malicious smile, whispering: "The second prince of the Star Kingdom, the sole heir of the supreme king." ""

That second, the expression of the prince of the stars froze.

Together with his breathing, he stagnated at this moment.

The solder slowly sings out the name:



When I heard this, the fast rope around the juvenile showed a happy smile, relieved...

Take a sigh of relief.

The failure of breaking the chapter, the grief is inexplicable.

(End of this chapter)

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