Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 401: How ugly, how ugly

Chapter 401 is more ugly, how ugly it is.

In the face of inescapable questioning, Teres and the fast rope looked at each other with a very sad mood.

How to do?

This is the only thing they can see from the other side's eyes.

But there is no answer.


Ricky urged: "Don't you say that you still need to be motivated like you just?"

Thinking of the feeling just now, the fast rope suddenly trembled.

How to do?

In the face of the suspicion of deepening suspicions, looking at the eyes of the fast rope fear, Taylors can only open his head and scalp: "We..."

How to do?

He licked the abdomen of the fast rope and hoped that the other person could have an idea.

The fast rope shook twice and took the words: "That..."

He only took out a word and stepped on Tyre's foot and asked for help.

Ricky looked at their performance with a funny smile.

Tyres squinted back at the fast rope and took the words with a drag: "Actually..."

His thigh slammed into the fast rope and said that he would follow it.

The fast rope glanced at him incredulously, daring his head and said: "It's like this..."

Ricky laughed.

I am very happy to smile.

"Forget it..."

Ricky waved his hand, not knowing whether it was helpless or shook his head in a humorous way, but there was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Why don't you just be local, tell us everything before you arrive here?"

"Especially... Dean's whereabouts?"

As soon as this statement comes out, Tells and the fast rope are all together!


"You seem to be, come to Tampa to do business?" Ricky rubbed his fingers and recalled something: "It seems to help him kill the individual?"

The two princes looked at Tampa.

The owner of the pub, Tampa, raised an eyebrow and faced the eyes of the two men asking for help. They laughed twice: "That, I don't know..."

Tyres and the fast rope are in a stalemate.

However, many people's eyes slowly turned to the sack at the bottom of their feet.

That one……

Human-shaped sacks,

Taylors only felt that he had a cold sweat.

How to do?

Soon, Ricky's suspicion of his eyes slowly turned.

Turn to the sack.


At this moment, Taylor's thinking seemed to freeze.

Ricky's eyes were locked on the sack and slowly opened: "So, what are you going to kill..."

Just at this time -

"you are right!"

Tyres suddenly increased the volume, resolutely stood up and raised his chest!

From Ricky to the brazier, to Russell and Cray, and to the masked man, they frowned and looked at this unusually young boy with inexplicability and suspicion.

Only the fast rope next to it, still staring at the standing taylor: ah?

But the next moment, Tyres stepped on his foot under the table!


Under the pain, the fast rope expression was silenced.

The next second, the fast rope smashed!

He straightened his body, and in a slight trembling, his face paled: "We did not happen to be here!"

Everyone was shocked by the sudden eruption of the fast rope, and more and more doubts.

Tyres took a deep breath and constantly imagined that everyone with an astounding impression in the impression, with a throat that only he could find, said: "Cut, we come with a mission..."

He looked directly at Ricky as if he could see through his secret eyes and repeated himself: he couldn’t show weakness, he couldn’t show weakness, he couldn’t show weakness...


I have just heard it now.

He needs to find a gap.

Keep yourself safe and escape from this dead end!


Ricky tastes the word and squints:

"Is it?"

This time, without waiting for Taylors to remind, the fast rope will not hold the arms tightly.

He sneered, using a noble arrogance of the nobles, glaring at the people in the pub.

"Of course," said former Exeter Prince, who carelessly nuno chin: "Why, the story is very sad, Miss Marina, you will not naively think that we are really just two thieves who are late at night." Head?"

Marina's eyes widened and it seemed unimaginable that the little thief who had just smashed into a ball was now in this appearance.


Tyres said to himself.


"Russell Vader."

Tyres cleared his throat and looked at the suspicious messenger.

Obviously, six years later, plus his transvestite, whether it is the brazier or Russell, they have not recognized the original Prince of Stars.

This makes Taylor a lot of peace of mind.

He used the voice of a dead face in his imagination to openly say: "You are the king of Chaman, but you are really sure, in the desert, Dean took the initiative to contact you?"

"Only to capture the prince back to the black sand collar?"

Russell frowned slightly, looking at the two men's eyes slightly concealed.

The fast rope used the light to sweep Taylors. The latter read what he meant in his eyes: Please don't worry!

Tyres coughed softly.

"Dean's mission was not to search for Prince Nelson."

"As far as I know, not long ago, Dean was not sure whether the goal was whether it was a comet or a comet."

Russell made a slight move.

This made both the brazier and Ricky couldn't help but glance at the former baron.

"You are not a group with Dean at all," he only listened to Tyres himself: "Say, have you intercepted Dean's intelligence? Or bought his contact?"

Russell frowned.

His reaction made the solder and Ricky look a little different to Russell's gaze.

But only Tells knows.

He is gambling.

In the gambling two news from Chaman Rumba and Dean himself, whether it is worthy.

If not...

Tyres swallowed a sip.

Russell stared at Tells, his eyes were heavy, with deep doubts.

Taylors only felt the heart beat faster.

Finally, a few seconds later, Russell snorted.

"You two," I saw Russell's sullen face, and asked coldly:

"Who is it?"


The bet is right!

Tyres turned a little in his heart!

"Answer his question," Ricky seemed to decide not to suspect his companion anymore. He pointed his finger at Taylors and screamed: "You, what is it?"

With his words, the mercenaries went one step forward and looked bad.

The night was full of hostility.

Even the brazers pressed their hands in their arms and glared at them.

Fast rope is a spirit.

But Taylor held him down.

"Hey," said Tyres, spreading his hand, a helpless look: "Maybe it's time, fast rope."

The fast rope did its best to cover up the sudden surprise.

Re-changed into a faint, indifferent response:

"you sure?"

"Well," Taylor glanced around and sighed. "There seems to be no other choice."

Fast rope eyebrows jump: Hey?

What choice?

But he suppressed his doubts, shrugged his shoulders, and, in a cooperative manner, threw the topic back to Tyres: "Take it."

Under the eyes of everyone's vigilance and suspicion, Tyres whistled.

Under the light of the light, he showed a cold and unsatisfied smile: "The stars shine, the darkness is dark..."

When the words came out, including the fast rope, the people in the pub were all together!

But almost at the same time, the face of the smell suddenly became dignified: Ricky bit his teeth, and the brazier took a half step back. Russell couldn't help but be surprised, but without exception, everyone kept holding his weapon!

“Hey!” “Hey!”

Even a lot of people have pulled out the edge!


Not quite right...

Tyres was a spurt, and he quickly smashed the fast rope!

Almost caught by the fast rope, I took the second half of the words: "Giant...The dragon is volley, the shadow of the dragon wing is endless!"

This makes everyone a glimpse!

Many people stopped the action of pulling the sword and charging.

Taylors breathed a sigh of relief.

Good insurance, fortunately, I knew early...

"You..." Ricky looked at the two incredulously.

The relaxed Taylors raised his fist and coughed. He chuckled: "Yes, we are the secret..."

Everyone’s eyes are a jump!

This time, it was the turn of the fast rope that licked the elbow of Tells!


Tyres was trembling, and he realized that he had lost his words and he was so scared that he quickly reversed the words: "...the deadly enemy!"

I almost didn't bite my tongue.

The fast rope secretly exhaled and vowed that he could no longer act with this big tongue.


Absolute silence.

In front of me, almost everyone looked at them like the eyes of the dead and looked at them.

Surprising, amazing, incredible.

The lights in the pub swayed, and the atmosphere inside it changed.

It is suffocating.

"My name is ‘赛卡’. As you can see,” I saw Taylor taking a deep breath and holding his arms on the side of the fast rope. He said coldly: “We are the ‘the darkroom’.”

The fast rope snorted with a sigh of relief, with a hateful smile, reaching out to the surroundings:

"I am a fast rope."

"Mrs. Kashan, please, say hello to everyone."

Time seems to be still.

At that moment, whether it was Ricky, Brass or Russell, their faces were ugly and ugly.

It’s been a few seconds.


"At your age," Ricky took a deep breath and seemed to be adjusting his ups and downs. He said to Thales: "Is it too early to be a secret agent?"

"Hey," Tyres chuckled and he had a good idea: "Too early?"

"You may not know - Ms. Kashan has been taking over the task since she was eight years old, and she has been dying with the Secretary of the Kingdom."

Ricky frowned, and looked at Tyre's eyes for a moment without relaxing.

"Dark room? How are you here?" The solderer asked silently with a low voice.

The fast rope sneered and looked like it was ridiculing the other's ignorance.

"Nobody tells you, friends of Shadow Shield?"

Taylors, oh no, it’s the new spy of the darkroom. The young man’s 'Sika’ raised his hand and smiled at Russell’s face. “Dean is not a spy and informant of King Chaman, he It’s our darkroom, and your intelligence is 'stealing' from him.”

"The words of Mr. Russell are not all true."

Russell took a deep breath, his cheeks twitching and his face was not bad.

This makes Tyres more reassuring.


Taylors patted himself in his heart.

He bet on it.

"As for King Chaman's arrangement of spies in the darkroom... don't worry, this is a small misunderstanding between Exeter, Chawman and Ms. Kashan," added the rope and said, don't forget Take a threatening gesture to Russell:

"Ms. will soon find a solution."

Ricky frowned, looking at Russell's gaze no longer the same as before, even the brazier frowned.

"You didn't answer my question." The solder was sullen.

The atmosphere has become somewhat depressed.

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

"We have lost Dean's contact for a while," he patted the table, not careing: "So we have to look at it personally."

The fast rope arched the shoulders and lifted the lips.

"But since we have heard the news of your plot..."

At that moment, everyone in the pub looked at them nervously.

I saw that the fast rope raised his finger in front of his lips and smiled slyly: "I don't know, is there a privilege in the "black room" under the red witch's majesty?"

"Or, can you try to kill us?"

Tyres added with a smile: "After all, the people in the darkroom are here, maybe only two of us!"

At this moment, Ricky et al.'s face is more ugly than before.

"Dark room," the breath of the drill slowly accelerated. He turned to Russell and whispered: "You should tell me from the beginning!"

Russell said nothing, just clenched his teeth.

Tyres and the fast rope stood side by side, smiling as they were.

No one knows that they are all behind a cold sweat.

But it is at this time.


A gentle sound came into my ear.

Taylors made a slight meal.

Everyone is also on the same page.


It’s another sound, it’s bigger!

But it fell in the heart of Tells, but it was like a clear sky!

Without him.

Because of this noise...

It was from the foot of him and the fast rope.

Following the sound, Tyres and the fast rope, like the frozen ice sculptures, bowed their heads stiffly and then trembled together!

No... no?

This is the stunned Tyres.


Another sound.

But the source of the sound is already very clear.

It is the humanoid sack.

Do not.

To be exact, it is a person.

a man.

A **** man is licking his throat in pain and kneeling on the ground.

He climbed out of the sack that was broken off, inch by inch.

The man's expression was exhausted and his eyes were dim.

But after he looked up at Tyres and the fast rope, he punched and slammed on the ground!


With a bald mercenary who is unwilling and resentful and resurrected, Da Dien screamed: "Fuck!"

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

Whether it is Tyres or fast rope, both of them are stiff in place.

At this moment, their faces are ugly...

How ugly it is.

(End of this chapter)

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