Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 402: Friendship and unity

Chapter 402 Friendship Unity

In the ten seconds that Dean got up from the ground, Taylor's expression was stiff.

What, ah, ghost?

In the time of freezing, his eyeball slowly turned around and looked at the fast rope next to him.

The fast rope also looked back at Tells.

On the other side of the pub, the solder gently squinted and looked at the man who climbed out of the sack: "That is..."

"Dean!" exclaimed, answered the doubts of the solder, and broke the last luck of the first.

Many people turned their heads and saw a shocked Tampa.

I saw the owner of the "My Family" pub pointing to Dean, and pointing to the smirking Thales and the fast rope, the tone was ups and downs:

"How come you are there..."

Dean did not answer.

He swayed his seat and leaned on the bar, unable to breathe, accompanied by a small cough.

"Fuck." Dean cursed again.

The mercenaries apparently had a lot of people who knew Dean. Suddenly, a low-key sigh and commotion broke out in the pub.

The leaders of the three parties quickly exchanged their eyes and confirmed that the strange thing at this moment was not the ghost of the other party.

In a brief chaos, Thales and the fast rope sneaked down and bowed to each other.

The two of them have big eyes and small eyes, and they have mixed feelings and mixed feelings.

Tyres opened his lips and made a whisper to Dean, whispering:

"Hey, I thought you killed him?"

The fast rope is also like a puppet, stiff chin, and the smile laughs quietly:

"First time, maybe some are unskilled..."

Taylors is the knot:

"Do you call this ‘unskilled’?”

The commotion around it is still going on.

The fast rope weakly tries to argue for something:

"Nilailai told me that I only need to twist for three seconds..."

Tyres is incredible and asks:

"You didn't check afterwards?"

Fast rope and a brow:

"But you are the one who put him in..."

Tyres’s momentum is stunned and his face is stunned:

"He obviously didn't breathe..."

As soon as the fast rope changed its momentum, it suddenly looked fierce:

"No breathing does not mean..."

But when the two whispered in whisper, they were all stunned!

They both looked up.

The two did not accidentally see Dean who had just recovered from the side.

I saw the secret agent in the dark room panting, coldly glaring at the two people who had already been petrified.

The eyes are chilling.

Tyres and the fast rope are stiff again.

In the unspeakable atmosphere, the fast rope shrugged unnaturally, dancing with both hands, and the tone was:

"Hey, Dean, I’m glad to see you still... I mean, you are coming... Amount, I mean, that... good evening, have a drink?”

Dean stared at him, his eyes complex, and he left the rest of the fast rope in his throat.

Tyres sighed:

"When did you wake up?"

Dean looked at Tyres and his face was cold.

"When you are shackled," he whispered.

The two of Taylors are a stiff one, and they can only laugh again.

But this is not the most embarrassing.

A heavy cough interrupted the whispering in the pub.

"All right."

I saw the leader of the blood whistle, and Ricky raised his hand gently, pointing to Tyres and the fast rope.

The two are behind a cold.

"Our two guests, you just said," Ricky thought thoughtfully, looking at Taylors with a funny look:

"As a dark room, are you a group with Dean?"

Both Tyres and the fast rope are both stagnation.

Dean snorted in a timely manner.

The masked man next to Ricky whispered: "The sack, probably with you, is a gang."

"Hey..." The quick rope kicked the **** sack and looked around, smiling.

The solderer gently raised his eyebrows, and Russell looked dignified.

"Even if you are living, but..."

Ricky sighed: "I have to say, even in my life for so many years."

"I have never seen such a crappy liar."

At that moment, whether it was Ricky, Cray, Masked, or Brass, Russell, including the various mercenaries in the pub, they re-projected their eyes after watching the embarrassed Dean in amazement. The body of the two princes.

It was full of surprise, incomprehension, suspicion, vigilance, and -

Deeply despised.

“Hey,” Marina snorted behind them: “There are still thieves who have failed.”

Tyres smoked his face and slammed Ricky with a smile that was more ugly than crying.

Oh my God.

Is there a hole in the ground? What kind of person can you wear?

He urgently needs one now.

The fast rope looks at the sky, as if it can be installed as if it does not exist.

"So, Russell," the brazier looked at Dean with sorrow: "Is he the "lineman" you claim?"

Russell looked at Dean from afar and nodded.

Ricky focused on Dean.

"Wow," Ricky shook his head. "You are unexpected, Big Dean."

Dean raised his cold eyes and glanced at Ricky with a taboo, and looked at the mercenaries around him.

"I always thought that you have been rejecting our invitation for a woman," Ricky laughed. "Now I know, it turns..."

"It is for another lady."

Dean snorted and licked his red neck.

"You are really beyond my expectations," his eyes swept through the brazier, Ricky and Russell: "The Shadow Shield, the Sword of Disaster..."

Dean’s gaze stayed on the last person for a particularly long time:

"And King Chaman."

Russell coughed tightly: "It's all for Exeter."

Dean snorted.

The pub is a quiet place.

Tyres looked at their interactions and was anxious.

Really bad.

The lie that he and the fast rope temporarily made was debunked by the appearance of the Lord, and now, as long as Dean pointed out...

How to do? What else to do -

"Hey, hey, hey."

Ricky clap his hands.

"Very good, Dean, I believe you already know what's going on now, no matter how you got the two thieves..."

He looked at both Tyres and the fast rope, and his expression was cold.

"Clean up the chop of these two monks," Ricky waved his hand gently, with a chilling tone in his tone:

"We are back to the topic."

Clean up?

Tyres and the fast rope screamed in the heart.

They turned their heads in horror and looked at the mercenaries around them - their faces slowly turned from surprise to stern.

In the next second, Marina and Sonny both snorted and pulled out the weapons with the five or six mercenaries around!


Tyres and the fast rope looked around, his face was white, he stepped back step by step, and his back was close together.

"Playing enough, kid," Marina looked cold and turned the sword in her hand:

"It’s a curtain call."

The mercenaries were forced to murder.

The next moment, Tyres and the fast rope only feel the shoulders sink!


"Wait." A low, steady voice interrupted the aggressive steps of the mercenaries.

This time it was the turn of the two of Taylors.

They both turned their eyes and looked incredulously at the man who was inserted between the two.

"I don't want to fall into their hands," I saw the bald dean who had just escaped death. He was holding on to the shoulders of both sides, and the two of them pushed away and smothered them from the teeth. Whisper:

"That listens to me."

His last sentence did not disguise the volume, which contained hate and anger:

"You two **** bastards!"

Tyres and the fast rope stunned. The former looked thoughtful and the latter bowed.

That's right.

Tyres' heartbeat gradually stabilized, and his thoughts suddenly turned bright: this is still his previous bet.

People in this pub, they are not a group!

Even the Exeter side, the people of Chaman and the people in the darkroom never bite the strings, beware of each other, and distrust each other.

Six years ago, the darkroom did not stand on the side of King Nunn.

Six years later, the darkroom was even less likely to be foolish for King Chaman.

And this is his chance!

Ms. Kashan, thank God!

At this moment, Taylors suddenly missed the tone and sorrow, smiled, and claimed to be unfaithful to any family or king, only loyal to Exeter's red witch, and sincerely grateful for her persistence and independence.

He even hopes that: at this moment, the power of the darkroom, if it can be a little bigger, just like the secret branch.

In the pub, the mercenaries were all frowning.

Cray also stood up and put his hand on his long sword "Twilight."

"What's wrong, Dean?" Ricky observed the changes in the field and said coldly: "Is there a problem?"

Dean turned and dragged the two behind him, facing Ricky.

"They are my people," Dean said with a slap in the face:

"It’s not up to you."

Ricky's eyebrows are another trembling.

Many people, including the Brass and Russell, have once again expressed surprise.

And Tyres and the fast ropes are forbearing any tremors, confrontation, excitement, etc. that may expose their reactions, bowing their heads and stunned.

"your people?"

Ricky, like discovering the new world, went back and forth and looked at Thales and the fast rope three times. He laughed and said: "Why, are these two clowns really dark people?"

Dean reached out and sat on the chair with Tyres and the fast rope, and he sat down on another chair.

"As you can see."

"So, this is the housekeeping of the darkroom." He said coldly.

The brazier narrowed his eyes and scanned the three people.

Russell frowned:

"Why, is it now popular in the darkroom to put the companion in the sack?"

Dean jerked up!

"And King Chaman and his black sand collar," he looked at Russell, sarcastically and sarcastically: "Obviously, is it popular in the intelligence agency of Exeter?"

Russell and Dean's eyes met in the air, as if they were fighting.

The solder coughed low and patted Russell.

"So Dean," Ricky's words are still tight, full of doubts: "You are yours, behind your knife?"

Everyone saw that Dean trembled at that moment!

Tyres and the fast rope looked at his back in a nervous mood:

The man touched his bald head and slowly turned around.

"Obviously," Dean looked at the two ruthless princes with a hateful look: "They are not satisfied with the current position and don't want to succumb to me, so when the opportunity comes, they want to take credit."

Taylors squeezed an ugly smile.


Dean took a sip and the anger on his face increased: "Just they didn't expect it, I was quite resistant to 'drugs' and there was a way to get away - not, Saika, still Have you, fast rope?"

Tyres swears that Dean’s words are absolutely sincere and hate them.

But he is very grateful for this moment.

"Haha, this is the end of the story, Dean," said Tyres, imagining the expression of the Duke of the North in the Fuxing Palace. He pretended to be a secret and was stunned. "I don't regret it, I want to kill." Hey, whatever you want."

Dean jerked his hand!

Hold on the collar of Tyres!

In the heart of Tyles, the fast rope next to him consciously wanted to stop, but Dean hit a backhand and grabbed his neck!

The mercenaries were nervous by this sudden scene.

Sonny pulled the shield and stepped on it. Marina also subconsciously moved forward, but Ricky reached out and insisted on staying in place.

The people in power in the pub are watching this scene with a cold eye.

I saw Dean pulling the collar of Tells with one hand and holding the neck of the fast rope with one hand, and the eyes caught fire.

Tyres's expression is light, as if he is dead.


It’s not me who just brought your neck.

The fast rope with ghosts in his heart looked at Dean with suspicion, and there were thousands of ants in his heart.

Dean had a terrible expression and his face was distorted, just like the two people in front of him were his life and death enemies.

"Do you think death is the worst thing?"

He gritted his teeth, especially his eyes on the fast rope: "You don't know, there are things in this world that are more terrible than death."

Fast rope eyebrows.

"It's all his idea, Dean, I was forced," the fast rope trembled, pointing to the indifferent Taylors, acting like a farmer who had passed through the battlefield: "You know, Dean, You forced him too much...and I was forced..."

The crowd frowned and looked at the shivering fast rope.

"Shut up, fast rope."

Dean, who is in a complicated mood, endured full of resentment and hatred. He said: "You are the coward who turns to the wind, the only reason why Ms. left you in the dark room is that you have a good origin - but she certainly hasn't I think that a waste can also be so "ambitious."

The fast rope is a stiff face.

He was half-hearted and half-heartedly bowed his head and silently.

After a moment, Dean, who had a terrible expression, seemed to have suppressed the anger and desire of revenge and released the two in a hateful manner.

"It's not that simple, you two, the fate of the traitor..." He said coldly:

"It will be handed over to Ms. Kashan, who will personally decide."

Tyres and the fast rope are not a show, they are already a cold sweat.

But what they are afraid of at the moment is not Dean.

The pub was silent, leaving only Dean and the two of them to breathe.

No amount of light is still locked on them.

"Hah," said Russell, who represents King Chaman, in the distance:

"The dark room is really a unity of friendship."

Dean snorted and didn't care.

Upon hearing this, Tyres was inexplicably in a mood.


at least……

They believed.

(End of this chapter)

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