Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 403: Grass you

Chapter 403, Grass, You


Ricky raised the volume and ordered the mercenaries to put their arms back and return to their original position.

I saw him looking at the three impatiently: "I don't care about your internal grievances, whether it's the darkroom or Exeter."

Russell and Dean looked at each other and both looked away.

"You three, tell me," Ricky's patience seems to have reached the limit, "The Prince of Stars... Where is he?"

The nerves of Thales are tight again!

It was around, and the fast rope that had just got rid of Dean’s line of sight sighed and patted his chest.

Dean whispered back to it:

"What is his business?"

This statement, whether it is the brazier or Russell, or the sword of the disaster, are all frowning.

Ricky gently tilted his gaze and a cold glow in his eyes.

"Yes, that **** prince was not going to do anything about us."

"But he is concerned about whether we can get assistance from our allies," Ricky said, and the opposite brazer smiled at the right time: "So it's off our business."

Ricky's tone is getting colder and colder, and people have the urge to back down: "You have always been smart, Dean, so you better understand one thing: now, we are in control of this, including who can come in, who Can go out."

"Who can go out, who must lie down."


With his words, the swords of the disasters pulled out the weapon: "Hey!"

Dean looks a glimpse.

He looked around in a dignified look, observing the façade of the iron wall, and feeling the merciless eyes of the mercenaries.

Do not.

Taylor’s heart sighed: their people are still too much.

Finally, Dean exhaled and his tone was loose.


"Your plan, the prince," Dean reluctantly said: "The dark room must be involved - even if he is handed over to King Chaman, it must pass our hands..."

Russell’s face was tight: “If the darkroom is still Exeter, then you should not...”


A loud bang of the table.

Let Tyres and the fast ropes shake together.

"That's your problem," Ricky replied in a word, his tone at the moment is like a winter frost:

"I don't care at all."

The atmosphere in the pub is like a string that has been pulled by people, and it is tight in an instant.

"I don't care if you catch the prince, don't care if you take him to the barbecue or swallow, peel or bone, kill him or go to him, but you know... who prevents us from accomplishing our goal, that is Our enemy."

"Dead enemy."

"And if you become the enemy of the inheritors of the tower..."

"Trust me, you won't want that."

Ricky glanced at Russell and Dean, his eyes filled with silence, and the latter two glimpsed.

"So I will ask you again, Dean."

Ricky's face became more and more ugly, and his side, the masked man and Cray looked at each other, and the latter reached out to "Twilight."

"Where is the prince named Tells?"

Dean pinched his fist.

Sweat fell from his forehead.


The familiar persuasion sounded again.

"Whoever belongs to the prince, this is all about the way of operation. You can discuss it later." The torch smiled and walked between Ricky and Dean. "The priority is to determine the whereabouts of Prince Teres."

"When you don't eat your mouth, never discuss how sweet honey is."

Look at Dean and look at Russell, the smile is still gentle: "Do we agree?"

Dean clenched his lips and Russell was tight.

On the other side, Ricky looked at them with a cold eye, and Cray, who was next to him, slowly touched the hilt.

Time seems to have stopped.

Even the sound is like who is closed.

Tyres only heard countless heartbeats, and as this dead silence continued, it became more and more urgent.

Including himself.

Finally, after a century, Dean took a deep breath and slowly spit out.

"I met him in the desert, the prince named Teres," his voice sounded a little tired and a little hoarse: "Because there are too many variables and isolation, I dare not do it."

This is the turn of Taylors nervous.

Cray snorted and put down his weapon.

"And then?" Ricky faintly said: "Prince?"

Dean raised his brow.

Tyres gently bites his lip.

"He is very embarrassed, the prince," Dean pinched his fist, recalling something, his face muscles getting tighter and tighter: "very cautious, very vicious, good at acting, still scheming, he is called Saip in the desert. · Tomdin’s businessman climbed the relationship and followed his caravan into the blade camp.”

He looked up: "It was yesterday."

Tyres sighed with relief.


Ricky’s eyes turned: “When did the glory of the nobles hang in the mouth all day long?”

Dean nodded. "He still owes me a hire fee - don't forget to take it back together."

Obviously, his lies are not so easy to pass.

"But your intelligence doesn't say that," Russell looked at Dean from afar, looking at the secretive compatriot, whispering: "You said, 'The prince of the stars will arrive, evacuate tonight'."

At this moment, Dean was tight.

Even with Taylors, he also trembled.

Dean raised his head gently, full of anger.

"I will find you later, Russell," Dean said coldly. "No matter how you and your master are stuffing the mouse into the darkroom, we intercept our intelligence."

"As for your advocacy here, whether it is a woman or a king, their faces will not look good."

"Do you want to make a claim?"

Russell slammed back and replied: "Hey, you are the one who reported yesterday and said that he found the prince of the stars, isn't it?"

"You!" Seeing to become the guilt of the Exeter, the brazier had to raise his hands again to maintain the order of the meeting: "Can we focus on the topic?"

Dean and Russell are staggered.

"Dean," Ricky thought thoughtfully: "Tell me, you caught him, are you? ‘The prince of the stars arrives?’”

Dean licked his mouth and looked unwilling.

"Almost, almost to the hand," he gnawed his teeth. "I planned to get him tonight, and I have already planned when to start."

After all, he turned his head and stared at Taylors: "Until these two **** guys broke my good deeds, just before I left."

Tyres coughed and twitched his lips.

"If you are waiting in the sack, Dean," the prince glared at the other side, a look that was unwilling to show weakness: "Maybe at this time, we have already caught the little prince who is stunned - with everyone."

Ricky exhaled a heavy breath, as if to discharge the dissatisfaction and resentment of his heart.

Look at Dean and see Taylors, and the eyes rotate back and forth.

"Good, go find the businessman named Tom Ding," Russell raised his arms and said, "Let him surrender the prince."

"Or pay the price."

His eyes flashed in the cold.

"Ready, everyone, we started planning," Ricky knocked on the table and snorted: "Tomd's home and bones, we must simultaneously attack two places, and the two must be done simultaneously. Brake, I need you to be responsible..."

With his orders, the swords of the disasters have taken action.

At this moment, both Tyles and Dean sighed with relief.

"Before that, I need to contact the people in the darkroom," Dean looked very unscrupulous and looked at the two fast-trackers: "The two traitors are thinking again..."

Just at this time.

"Wait a minute!"

A finger is lifted up in the air.

Taylors and Dean Qiqi.

It is a solder.

I saw the spokesperson of the Shadow Shield, and it was still the smile at the moment.

The pub was suddenly quiet, and Ricky and others who were planning were raising their heads.

"This is a dark room VIP named Dean," the brazier yelled at Dean and pointed to Tyres. "You said, they are dealing with you, is it to replace or exclusively swallow your credit?"

Dean’s heart is next.

Taylor also bit his teeth.

"It's like you, isn't it," Dean said quietly:

"The solder of the Shadow Shield, the person who betrayed the Lord."

But the brazier ignored his irony, but asked himself: "And you met the prince in the desert, because you are not sure, and you are isolated, so you dare not do it?"

Dean snorted: "I don't want to repeat."

This time, Ricky felt that it was wrong. He looked at the solder and looked at Dean. "What happened?"

The brazier waved his hand and motioned him to be safe.

"But look at you, Dean, you look like you are not isolated," the brazier has a rich expression, his eyes have been switching between Dean, Tyres, and the fast-track three: "Although, your two Subordinates don't look very reliable."

"Not only the fainting people wake up halfway, but even the ruins and ruins must be found here to ask for help."

"Hey," the solderer chuckled. "It's really pitiful. If you are a spy, you have to have a limit on your amateur."

The face of Tyres and the fast rope is ugly.

"You laugh," Dean calmly retorted: "I don't deny that the darkroom is not good. We don't have a fixed rich royal family like the Secret, which provides endless support for hundreds of years."

"However, there are too many people in the world who laugh at Ms. Kashan and the darkroom. You are just one of those who are ignorant."

The hob snorted and shook his head with apologies.

"No, no, please don't misunderstand. I have never doubted the famous red witch."

"Just, this makes me very interested in your two subordinates." The solder seems to be really sorry, he shivered his shoulders, with his chin, and smirked at Tyres: "especially Yes, the mastermind against you is just a 14-year-old boy."

Listening to this, Taylor's arm muscles are getting tighter and tighter.

Everyone’s eyes were looked at.

Just listening to the solder like a traveler, the sound of the road:

"Maybe, this young man who started his dark room career in his teens, who is a promising young man, is still awkward, vicious, cautious, good at acting, and even scheming?"

At that moment, Tyres’s heart was cold, and the pupil of the sight of the brazier collapsed!



After hearing these adjectives, Dean pinched his fist, and the reaction of others was not so fast, but he quickly remembered something in doubt and incomprehension.

Dean's face became very bad.

But he soon discovered that the initiative of this meeting was long before him.


"I remembered," only listening to Russell's voice slowly sounding: "Six years ago, when I sent the stars, with the body of Prince Morar back, I heard everything in my ears. The news of the second prince."

"How about how young and old he is, how smart and intelligent, how to be seven or eight years old, will refute a group of highly respected aristocrats, not to come to Taiwan."

Russell’s eyes: “Dean, I’ve been played by you.”

The leader of the sword of the disaster was silent, but he made a gesture to Cray.

"What the **** are you..." Dean looked up and his face was as serious as ever before, so he would step forward.

The next second, I saw Jianguang flash!

"Move it, Dean," said Clay, the swordsman of the North, holding a light sword. He said, "You are dead."

Dean looked at the sword on his chest in surprise: "You..."

But he found out that when he didn't know when it started, Ricky's gaze to him had become indifferent, and the masked people around him were sneer.

The brazier has a sound.

"have to say."

He reached into his arms and pulled out a small scroll and slowly unfolded it: "When you cut your hair and replace it, it's no longer a neat, but a ragged..."

The sigh sighed and gently dropped the reel on the hand.

"...It's quite hard to recognize."

Tyres looked down stiffly and looked at the scroll.

That is a sketch portrait.

The painting is a thin, neat, ten-year-old boy with a clear face and a light expression.

It seems to be in the chest.

"Please forgive my rudeness," the brazed bullets slammed the dust on the body, and solemnly and gently turned to Tells, a deep glance:

"It’s my pleasure to see the scorpion solder, from the Shadow Shield, to see you with your own eyes."

"Holy lord of lord."

The tone is respectful and the form is humble.

At that moment, there was an inhalation in the pub.

The leader of the sword of the disaster, Ricky got up from the chair like a big enemy, and his eyes were firmly locked on the shoulders.

Cray wrinkled an incredible brow, looked at the portrait on the ground, and looked at the boy who was defeated at the moment.

The masked man's eyes are like a knife, and the sharp edge is sharp, as if to cut off the face of Tells.

Marina could hardly conceal the surprise in her eyes, and she couldn't believe that the thief who had just been shackled would be a king.

Russell looked at the prince in a complex look, watching the culprits that made the Exeter mission a defeat.

Dean gritted his teeth and looked at the sword front on his chest with anger.

The fast rope sighed in pain and covered his face.

Tyres slowly closed his eyes and shut all the reactions of the people outside the eyelids for a long time.

After a few seconds passed, he slowly blinked.

The prince sighed heavily, leaning back on the back of the chair, with an indescribable sense of exhaustion and finally a sense of relief, and erected a **** on the brazier:

"Grass you."


I’ve been tickle these days, I’d like to change the previous chapters and round up a few bugs.

(End of this chapter)

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