Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 404: H·N·璨星

Chapter 404 H·N·Comet

I don't know how long it took until the oil lamp on the wall began to flash, and the suffocating silence in the pub was slightly dispersed.

"Fucking, prince..." Tampa sighed in pain: "This... how can I be so bad today..."

"Oops, amount, this is not a good sign..." The fast rope looked down at something.

"You..." This is a staring star at Taylors with his eyes wide open, and the palm of his hand pressed against the handle.

The mercenaries also began to whisper.

"be quiet."

Cray faintly slammed the way, his eyes were not separated from Tyres, but the sword was still on the chest of Dean.

Tyres put down all the scruples, rested on the chair with relief, and calmly faced the eyes of everyone.

This is the end of the matter, what can we do?

It’s better to think about it, then...

"Do you really think that you can smuggle the spoils under our noses, Dean?"

The Exeter's former envoy, Russell Vader, who was no longer a baron, snorted from his nose and glanced at Taylor, and coldly said to Dean: "Especially such a big one?"

Dean grinned disdainfully: "You are just lucky, the king's running dog."

Russell gave him a scornful smile.

Ricky slowly stepped forward and stood in front of Tells, looking straight into the eyes of Tyres.

"Tells Comet?"

Ricky curled up his mouth and looked at Thales' eyes with a slight divergence: "You are really unexpected."

At that moment, his gaze became awkward:

"Like other comets."

Tyres is a bit wrong.

Whether it is Niely or Monty, or Dean, or just the brazier and Russell, when they look at Taylors, they often look at a prey or a valuable treasure.

But the strange thing is that Ricky looked at his eyes without any such meaning, but with a slight confusion.

Just like through the tales, I saw another person.

But Tyres, who is in danger, can't think so much, he thinks about his chances.

Tyres first coughed, then took a deep breath: "You are the same, the sword of disaster."

"It is really beyond my expectation to choose the most difficult road to go."

Ricky closed his gaze, grinned and turned, and the figure cast on the wall swayed in the lights.

"It seems that your mission is completed ahead of time, the brazed," Ricky squinted at the distant solder: "It's easier than imagined - maybe too easy?"

The solder is far from a courtesy and full of faces.

"Take everyone's blessing."

"Don't waste any more time," Russell interrupted them decisively: "This is the enemy's territory, and we have to arrange evacuation."

"You are in the darkroom..." Dean wanted to say something, but Cray leaned over his wrist slightly, and the aggressive swordsman blocked all the secret chamber secrets in the blind.

Ricky, who was going back, waved his hand, and Clay and the masked man nodded to him.

Thales observed their interaction, saw Ricky's gesture, and knew that he could no longer be silent.

"I don't understand, Ricky," Tyres cleared his throat and spoke to Ricky's back. "I heard about you from a waiter, a group of swordsmen who are trying to overthrow the tower, right?" ”

Ricky paced.

"Of course, you have heard that," "Kelasu" of the sword of the disaster sent a sneer:

"But you don't know."

Tyres snorted.

"does it worth?"

The prince stood up from the seat, and the mercenaries on his side unconsciously switched to combat posture until Ricky retired them.

"Bone of the bones... It is worthy of your abandonment, against the entire kingdom of the stars? Even fallen to the point of cooperation with these people, to kidnap me, to completely become the enemy of the stars?"

Russell frowned at a distance.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, this prince is used to shaking..."

Ricky raised a hand and pressed the words of the Exeter.

The leader of the Sword of Disaster has returned and stepped closer to Tells.

Compared with other people or the arrogant or arrogant sharpness of the people, the leader of the disaster-stricken sword is relaxed and calm, not very aggressive, but somehow, his body seems to carry a slowly accumulating vortex, with The pace slowly accumulated, and the footsteps arrived, letting Taylor's breathing unconsciously stagnate.

"As I said, you don't know."

He bent down and stared straight at Tels's eyes: "You don't know what we want."

Tyres clenched his teeth and raised his fingers.

"Listen, no matter what you want, or who wants to save the bones of the bones, I can satisfy, as long as a small command..."

The prince stepped forward and firmly said: "Don't forget, I am the prince of the stars, the heir to the kingdom. This is your best and safest opportunity, as long as..."

But Ricky just smiled mysteriously and shook his head.

Instead, the masked man behind him said lowly: "You can't."

His tone is cold:

"Unless you are a king."

The masked man’s voice carries a negative emotion that is hard to eliminate, just as Tyres is his enemies, which makes the prince stunned.

"But I will be, after all," Taylors regained his enthusiasm and tried to win the opportunity:

"And you are destroying this opportunity..."

Ricky suddenly opened his mouth and interrupted him.

"I will be a king - such a discourse I heard from another comet," Ricky said faintly: "Guess what he is going to do?"

Tyres made a mistake for a second.

"Even if you really become a king, Tyres Comet," Ricky straightened up and looked down at Tells: "At that time, everything has changed, whether it is us..."

His eyes are slightly dim:

"still you."

"In contrast, I prefer to choose the moment."

The tone between the words makes Taylors think deeply.

Ricky shook his head.

"Tie up, pack and take away." The leader of the Sword of Disaster responded to the calm and ruthlessness of the past.

This made Taylors nervous!


How to do?

Ricky swept the fast rope around Tells and frowned. "As for another person..."

The fast rope immediately sat up straight, pointing at Tyres with a look of innocence: "No, no..."

"I swear, this is what he bought for me, and I really don't have anything with this person-"

what? Tyres picked an eyebrow.

I saw Ricky snoring: "Good, then kill him."

what? The scorpion of the fast rope seemed to be caught in an instant, and with his unbelievable expression, he was frozen in place.

The two mercenaries behind the fast rope pulled out their swords and prepared to go forward.

Dean couldn't help but frown.

"Really, there really isn't any..." I took a look at this and looked at it. I bit the word "relationship" in my mouth, shocked and mechanically repeated: "No, no, no. any……"

In the next second, the sluggish fast rope seemed to make up his mind. He hated his teeth, yanked the volume, and shouted the words that were still intermittently interrupted: "--Nothing really separates!"

In the strange eyes of everyone, the fast rope opened his arms and looked like a big sense.

"I, Wyatt Casso, must be with His Royal Highness!" He stopped in front of Teres, snarling under the stunned eyes of the latter.

The fast rope bravely raises his arms and points to the people around him. His tone is brave and fearless.

"Swear by my father, Gilbert Casso, you can't take me apart from the prince!"

Dean looked at him incredulously, like the first time he met a newcomer in the team.

Tyres’s face twitched.


Russell’s expression moved a bit and he was suspicious:

"You are the son of the stars and foxes?"

There was still a fast line of panic, and the words were full of joy.

But he still squinted, ignoring the eccentric eyes of Thales and Dean, and with all the questions, finished the words:


Quick rope stunned with a sigh of relief: "Do you miss him, or do you want the Fortress and the Covenant? The Northlanders who are not long-term?"

The side of the tays can only tighten his forehead and sigh deeply.

Russell stared at the fast rope for a long time, which made him smile.


"Then tie the young Master Caesar together," Exeter’s former diplomatic envoy sneered:

"It will be very useful."

Tyres found that the fast rope around him was a big sigh of relief.

"Good job, dear Waia Casso, I can't help but applaud for you," said Tyres, his lips snarled immovably: "What's next?"

Marina and Sonny gestured, and several mercenaries immediately followed, and Cray took the sword back and let them close to the three of the tales.


Fast rope picked an eyebrow: "We... Dean, do you have any secret weapons?"

"No matter what weapons I have," Dean endured anger and looked at the enemies around him. He whispered in a low voice: "It’s useless after being pulled over a neck and put it in a sack. ""

The fast rope smiled sharply at the corner of the mouth to show understanding.

Tyres listened to their questions and answers and sighed.

Then the only thing left is...


Taylor raised his palm and stopped in front of the mercenaries.

"If I'm really important, Ricky," Prince of Stars looked up and stepped forward, screaming at Ricky: "Are you going to hand me over to Shadow Shield, or Chaman?"

Taylor looked at the solder and looked at Russell:

"In order for your next move to be smooth, maybe you should be pleased with the Shadow Shield, right?"

"Prevent them from giving you a scorpion?"

Ricky frowned at him.

Russell roared, but the solder on his side smiled and shook his head, pressing the words of the former.

"Respected His Royal Highness, there is no need to worry, we have an agreement," the brazier spread the hand far away, as if to see through the sinister intentions of Thales: "You will come to our branch for a period of time under our careful care." Time, wait for us to clarify some misunderstandings, then send you safely back to Exeter..."

The nerves of Tyres slowly tightened.

But it is at this time.

"No," Ricky raised his eyes, interrupted the solder, and said coldly: "This prince, he will be guarded by us."

This sentence seems to have frozen the atmosphere of the audience.

Tyres breathed a sigh of relief.

He reached the goal.

The eyes of the solder smashed.


Ricky did not move, calmly confronting the ground, as if the other party did not speak.

The solder shows a confused smile: "I don't, I don't understand?"

Russell also was surprised.

"He said it was enough to understand," the masked man behind Ricky said to them unceremoniously: "Before the goal is completed, the prince must remain in our hands."

The brazier raised an eyebrow and seemed a little surprised.

"But this prince is our goal." He pointed to Tyres and still smiled.

Ricky shook his head: "It's not ours."

The brazier and Russell looked at each other and changed their face.

"The prince is a good condition for us to talk about, mercenaries." Russell kept his own cultivation, but even the fast rope could hear that he was trying to suppress his emotions: "If we get him, we will help you break into the bones." ""

Ricky exchanged a look with Cray and the masked man and smiled.

"But he is already here now."

"Your goal is close at hand, but our mission is still to be completed," Ricky said steadily, his eyes flashing dignified: "How do I know that you and your people outside will keep their promises and fulfill the agreement?" ”

He glanced at the brazier and Russell:

"How do I know that you will not cross the river to dismantle the bridge, turn your face and ruthlessly. After you go out, we will use us as a bait to evade the enemy and escape, and sell it to a whole camp of stars?"

Russell no longer cares about his image, he strode forward and glared at Ricky.

"You shouldn't doubt Exeter's promise." The Exeter is cold and authentic.

But as it was prepared for him, the masked man took a step forward and stopped at Russell.

The mercenaries were nervous again, and they secretly moved their bodies to block the roads of the two guests.

"Just by the character of the king of the prince?" The masked man replied hostilely: "Don't overestimate yourself, the Exeter."

Russell looked around and looked cold: "Aha, I smell the smell of the stars."

Ricky patted his hands and stopped the little conflict.

"I don't doubt your promise, Baron Vader," Ricky faintly, but looked directly at the iron with a complex expression: "But I don't believe him."

"I don't believe in Teng's deputy, Teng's students."

"I don't even believe in people who even dare to betray."

The expression of the solder is slightly stagnation.

"So the prince is in our hands and we are guarded until you complete the part of the cooperation."

"Until we get what we want."

Russell turned back and frowned at the silent solder.

The drill took a breath and pulled the corner of his mouth.

"You know……"

"Tonight, I temporarily summoned so many people, ventured back to the camp, met with you at any cost, and proposed cooperation, not to do bad things, or to lose both of you."

The brazier spread his hand, but his smile was awkward but he did not carelessly said: "I came here to prevent your plan from colliding with our goals... resulting in two conflicts, and losing both."

Ricky snorted.

"and so?"

"So, respected Krassu," the brazed bowed his head, his tone slowly tightened, his eyes gradually getting colder: "When you hold our target, but you don't let go, you are wasting my efforts today. , destroy the bridge of our cooperation."

"And bring us conflicts with each other's goals."

"You know, we still have a lot of resources that can help you - such as the defensive of the bones?"

Ricky's smile slowly disappeared.

"Threats?" On the other side, Clay snorted and showed his hilt: "Very good, this is what you should have, sneak peek."

The atmosphere in the field was tense again.

"Really? You?" Looking at the situation, Russell bit his teeth slowly, and his heart was unwilling to shoot the thigh: "Oh, please!"

Tyres glanced at the situation and thought about how to add another fire.

The alliance between the shadow shield and the sword of disaster is not so stable. As the brazier said, they have their own desires and are jealous of each other, and will temporarily shake hands.

In fact, the former calculates the power of using the latter, and the latter is always wary of the former's counterattack.

Just remove the foundation of their cooperation...

Ricky shook his head.

"The bridge of cooperation?"

"On the contrary, the brazier, I am reinforcing it," Ricky fixedly looked at him:

"Just wait for your next brick."

"To ensure that our cooperation does not collapse because one side of the bridge is too heavy."

He patted the table.

In the next second, the mercenaries around the fence on the second floor stood up and looked at the brazier coldly.

The braces are close to the brows.

His hand reached into his robes and clenched a whistle.

He knows that as long as it blows it, the Assassin's ambush of the Shadow Shield will invade from the weak places around the pub.


The brazer looked at the mercenaries standing around, and his face was getting worse.

Damn it.

The air is getting more and more depressed, and the two principals of the Shadow Shield and the Sword of Disaster do not know how many times they have been confronted.

Finally, in the unspeakable tension, the solder spit out a sigh of relief.

"You always like to take the initiative in your hands, right?" He replaced his friendly smile and faced Ricky.

Ricky snorted and didn't answer.

The brazier blinked and seemed to helplessly raise his hand.

"I understand, respected Krassu, if so..."

He looked down and seemed to hesitate for a second.

The next second, in the eyes of everyone or worry or vigilance, or doubt or fear, the solder lifted his head and smiled at the sun.

"I can give you a guarantee."

Ricky squinted: "Guarantee?"

The brazier smiled and nodded his hand to the chest: "The person who sponsors me will not be bad if you are lucky enough to be invited to Prince Tell."

He found a short knife!

Seeing the action of the brazier, the mercenaries were nervously holding the blade to prevent a surprise attack.

At that moment, Taylors thought that there was still a turning point in the heart.

The feeling of badness floated to my heart.

But Ricky raised his hand gently and pressed his arm.

"What do I say," Cray said in his hand, coldly and coldly: "They can hide weapons even in the **."

I saw the solder smiled, the backhand swayed, the blade inward, and a gap was cut in the robes.

Tyres slightly frown: mezzanine?

Perhaps to prevent misunderstanding, the drill uses **** and extremely slowly pulls out a neatly folded, yellow-colored sheet of paper from the jacket of the robes.

In the eyes of the public, he smiled and walked forward slowly. He put the knife back in his robes in one hand and gently sent it out in one hand, and handed the pinched paper to Ricky.

Ricky looked at the action of the drill in a dignified manner, and also took the paper on the hand of the drill with a very slow motion.

"What is this?" he frowned.

The solder smiled.

"An old letter."

"Write a letter to your sweetheart, talk to the heartfelt, sincere and moving," the rare light in the eyes of the braze: "Unfortunately, it will never reach the receiver's hand."

Almost everyone is stunned.


Ricky licked his lips and turned his attention to the letterhead.

“Be careful,” the masked man said coldly: “They are also good at using poison.”

Ricky nodded and carefully grabbed the corner of the letter and shook the letter.

From the point of view of Taylors, it is a rather old animal leather paper, obviously not a bargain.

As for the content of the letter, because the distance is too far, Taylors enters the sense of hell, can be seen from the side, it is a line of neat and beautiful black swashes, even if only from the chapter, it is faintly visible to the master to write Just care and seriousness.


Taylors is puzzled.

Ricky glanced over and over, and immediately raised his head and frowned: "Why?"

The brazer looks like the reaction of the other party, the smile is still the same, and the patience often squats:

"Look at the payment."

Ricky glanced at the drill deeply, apparently not very satisfied with the other side's tricks.

But he still aimed at the letter:


Ricky's face changed.

He looked up and waited for the other person's answer.

On the other side's question, the brazier has a self-sufficient and mysterious smile.


"H·N·璨星." He repeated the letter one by one, his voice screaming, as if calling for a long-lasting memory.

The drill takes a deep breath and whispers:

"That is the author of this letter."

"Hayman Knight Comet."

"The kingdom of the stars - the former fourth prince."

At that moment, only two people reacted: Thales took a breath and the masked man opened his eyes.

But after a few seconds, many people changed their faces.

I only listened to the braze and said: "On that night 18 years ago, I got this unfinished letter from him."

The assassin of the Shadow Shield squints as if to taste a food that has not been reminiscent for a long time:

"Just I took the Prince Hayman from the highest tower in the Blades Camp..."

"Before you push it down."

(End of this chapter)

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