Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 405: Stupid idea

Chapter 405 Stupid Ideas

At that moment, Taylor's breathing was stagnant.

Eighteen years ago...

Hayman Knight Comet...

Blades Camp...

Ricky's pupils tightened fiercely!


He looked at the solder in front of his eyes in shock and dignity, and glanced glanced in one direction: "The ghost prince..."

"It's you?"

The brazier finished the robes, showing a perfect smile and nodded:


Soon, everyone’s eyes were changed, and Russell was no exception.

From vigilance and disgust... to fear and shock.

Tyres stared at the braze.


he is the one……

"Look, everyone has a past."

"And the reason why Teng has promoted me to be one of his deputies, and sent the person in charge of the Shadow Shield in Longyan City," the torch smiled, spread his hands and opened a strange smile:

"There is a reason."

He turned to Tyres and he still smiled.

But the prince only felt that the smile of this man suddenly became chilling.

A long time ago, the **** year was just a label in the mind of Tyres, a set.

Only when talking to other people will it bring the background of that era in the vicissitudes of history.

He was shocked by the story of Gilbert, feeling in the tomb of the comet, sighing for the fate of Willow, surprised when passing by Lehman, listening to the story of King Nunn and listening to the discussion of the old crow. Doubt, after the ghost prince tower.

But Tyres never had a close encounter with the blood of that era, which even gave him an illusion:

That is all the past.

War, assassination, conspiracy, death, bloody, all of which happened at the end of the calendar from 660 to 661, as happened with a curtain.

Like history, like a legend, like a story.

Until this moment, when Tyres looked at the brazier and watched the arc of the real murderer from the lips and the enthusiasm radiated from his eyes, he suddenly realized:

He has been living in the shadow of the blood.

"Fucking..." Russell could no longer maintain his aristocratic demeanor, pinching his fists on his chest and staring at his peers with horror.

The masked man’s eyeballs bulged, and the blood was scorned and trembled slightly.

The mercenaries are even more stunned.

But the solder did not care for them.

"Is this guarantee enough?" The drill stared at Ricky tightly, looking at the latter's dignified look.

"I still think that I will sell you to the blade camp, or doubt my position against the stars, or question my integrity?"

"If this happens," the sneer sneered and pointed to the letter from Ricky:

"Use it."

"Take me to the list that Kessel and the Black Prophet missed and send them to the endless search and chase of the Secret."

The entire pub is quiet.

It seems to be a century old.

Ricky took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

"Not bad."

He nodded in a difficult position, and there seemed to be a huge weight in his neck: "There is a guarantee of weight."

"Let your people come in," Ricky seemed to touch. He folded the letters and carefully stuffed them into his arms. His voice was a little low: "After taking the prince, we still have a lot of things to do."

Taylor’s heart was cold.

The solder smiled heartily.

He said with respect to one thing:

"Happy to help."

At that moment, Tyres stared blankly at Ricky waving to his subordinates, watching the brazier picking up a whistle and blowing it silently.

Under Ricky's orders, Marina and Sonny frowned and came to the three of them.

The horror and fear of the prince’s heart are still lingering.


The fourth prince.

Ghost Prince...

He suddenly remembered the sigh of the old hammer: "...the face is first on the ground..."

But soon, the sin of the prison river flooded into his whole body, and under a spurt, the heart of Tilston, whose mind was not, returned.

Do not.

He raised his head blankly.

Ricky's seriousness, the smile of the solder, and the dignity of Russell, at this moment.

Tyres gasped, and the man who looked at the sword of the disaster had his affiliation with the shadow shield, and his heart was tight.

Do not.

It is not over yet.

Shadow Shield...

You must never follow them!

Tyles thought so, clenching his teeth.

He overs and looked around.

Immediately, the look of Tyres firmly whispered to Dean and the fast rope behind him:

"cover me."

Also in the panic, the fast rope brows:


Instead, Dean looked at Tyre's eyes and guessed his intentions. He couldn't help but eclipse: "Are you crazy?"

Tyres slammed his fists!

He looked far away at the satisfaction of the brazier.

"Trust me!" Tyres gnawed his teeth.

Their secret conversation ends here, because Marina has already arrived behind Tells.

The prince pushed Dean and the fast rope to meet Marina and the mercenaries behind her.

"With your hands on your back, your Highness will not hurt."

Marina was cold and cold to Tels, and her eyes were not good.

But Tyres snorted and slowly approached Marina.

"Marina, right? I think, you must be angry now..."

The prince sighed: "Your family is guilty of grievances, and you should die on charges you shouldn't have. Today, your actions will be on the charge..."

Marina shivered slightly.

She squeezed her fist and took a deep breath.


Marina squinted forward and looked at Tells up close, disdainfully: "You look no different from ordinary people, aren't you?"

Her eyes are getting colder:

"What makes you so important that even if you have a drop of blood, you must be buried with countless innocent people?"

Tyres approached one step and blinked in a playful manner: "Maybe because our blood will shine?"

Feeling the provocation in the other party's words, Marina frowned.


Taylor’s heart was cool.

I saw the red swordsman in front of the sword pulling out the right hand blade, slowly lifting from the side, close to the prince's face.

Marina sneered: "Let's let us see you..."

"I'm sorry!" Tyres boarded his face and followed the sentence abruptly.

Probably I didn't expect the other party to surrender really fast, and Marina was slightly wrong:


I saw Taylor sighing:

"Go to blame, she taught me."

Marina frowned in confusion:


However, the next moment, Marina felt that the prince had buckled her wrist!

After years of training instinct, let Marina subconsciously cut back, but Taylor's hand broke out a weak force, pull her forward!

Marina, who lost her balance in an instant, glimpsed: This power is far from being able to be sent out by this thin boy in front of him.

Marina is preparing to raise her elbow and fight back, but what happened next far exceeded her expectations!

I saw that Tyres was like dancing, stepping forward and pulling the red sword into his arms.

In that second, Marina only felt that the eyes of the prince and the gods were magnified, and the eyelashes were clearly visible.

I have to be able to see the glutinous rice.

Her lips were slightly trembled and touched another piece of softness.

Some dry, some rough, some... warm?

Marina is slightly stunned.

The next moment, the piece was soft and gently moved, covering the entire lower lip.

Bring a more strange touch.

Silky, moist, and... warmer?

this is……


His eyes.

At that moment, Marina looked at the prince's eyes at a close distance and came up with the idea.

It is gray.

It’s rare.

At that moment, all the people who saw this scene were stunned.

But after only 0.10 seconds, poor Marina realized her situation.

Do not.

Do not!

In an instant, the shocked and angry Mary held her palm against Tyre’s chest and pushed the prince’s face away from her own face!


In the surprised eyes of others, Marina, who is in a hurry, has a backhand and slaps a slap in the face!

The poor prince slammed back, not forgetting to put on a smile, then turned and ran.


Marina felt the feeling left on her lips, and felt the gaze around her, shame and anger at the same time.

She is...

She is...

She was actually...

She twisted her face and raised the sword of her right hand. She screamed with anger: "You are mixed..."


Marina, who is going to come back from the other side, looks at her empty right hand and looks at it.


What about my sword?

"--Thank you!" The prince's words, this came with the wind that he turned around.

At that moment, Sonny behind Marina was shocked: "Be careful!"

Marina was awakened: I don't know when one of her double swords has appeared in the hands of Taylors.

With the innocent charge of the prince, an unspeakable speed broke out, and Ricky was smashed towards the center of the pub!

The mercenaries in the distance have not yet reacted. The earliest witnesses of the incident, Sonny and others, pulled the sword in front of the anger, but they were stopped by the well-prepared Dean and the fast rope, blocking the way!


Marina only had time to come up with this idea.

And the other side.


Tyres smothered his teeth, raised his sword, and swayed his feet. He felt the fierce wind brought by the increase in the sin of the prison river. There was only one person in his eyes.

Ricky frowned and looked at the sudden attack of Tyres.

The situation of rushing down made everyone shocked, but the warriors who fought in battles reacted very quickly, only to see Cray's wrists, and the Twilight spurs the incoming Tars at a faster speed!


The sin of the prison river is like a river irrigating, filling the legs of Taylors.

The power of the end of the imitation of the fate of the imitation is poured out, in the fierce friction of the joints, the trajectory of the singer is set aside!

Bypassing the interception of Cray!

Cray exclaimed, but he could only let his swordsaver cross the shoulders of Tells.


Tyres felt the pain of his knees and ankles, and at any cost, roared through the interception of this impossible breakthrough, and the sword ran to the unarmed Ricky.

They are too many people.

Too much.

He only has this opportunity.

He must grasp it.

have to!

In front of him, Ricky's eyes showed a hint of surprise.

"Beautiful action..." Ricky had only two words to come up.

The swordsman of Tells suddenly fell to his eyes!

His sword stabbed into Ricky's chest.


The next moment, Taylors only felt like he had crashed into a big whirlpool.

The raging force came in all directions, squeezing the arm of his sword, and the prince could not help but control the sword.


He only had time to think so.


In the next second, Tyres had a flower in front of him, only feeling that his knees and elbows were in pain, and he was slamming on the ground!

Tyres snorted and got up on the ground, but felt a cold neck.

He raised his gaze in shock.

I don't know when, the sword he had taken from Marina was caught in Ricky's hand.

Taylors stunned.

how come?

I saw the leader of the sword of the scourge with a light expression, kneeling on one knee, and leaning against the neck of Tyres with the sword front.

On the other side, the fast ropes and the Dean Qiqi, who were subdued by the mercenaries, sighed.

"Beautiful action," Ricky, who defeated Taylors between the tricks, sneered and said the second half:

"...stupid idea."

Only leaving Tells alone, kneeling on the ground, watching the sword on his neck, breathing awkwardly.

(End of this chapter)

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