Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 411: Illusion

Chapter 411 Illusion

Appearing in front of everyone is five black lacquered cells, which are no different from other empty cells. Only the fence is a new piece, setting off the darkness behind it.

The smell is heavy.

No sound.

No movement.


The people looked at each other and looked confused.

Ricky patted the shoulders of Semir, who did not belong to the mind. The latter seemed to enter the dream and slowly returned to God.

Just at this time.


A thick and long sigh came from the darkness of one of the cells, with a little lazy.

"Bry, are you still fighting?"

The lazy voice chewed a few times, like just woke up: "Fucking is louder than thunder..."

Hearing this voice, Semir’s whole person shook.

There was a sound of human body turning in the darkness.

Everyone looked at each other and held their breath.

It is human.

Live people.

Semir’s ascending foot stopped and seemed to hesitate for a long time between moving forward and stopping.

He looked at the darkness in front of him, and the torch in his hand swayed slightly.

Seeing the strangeness of Semir, Ricky and Cray looked at each other.

The brazier is tight and the Russell is puzzled.

Soon, another muffled sound came from another cell, like someone slammed the wall.

The crowd could not help but turn their eyes and look into the darkness of another cell.

Just listen to a desolated male 嗓 sound up:

"Hahaha, it’s as if you can hear thunder here..."

Hearing some of the careless voices, Semir was shocked and his body began to tremble.

The prisoners in the darkness and stench were silent for a while.

The first lazy voice sounded again:

"What is the sound of thunder, who do you remember?"

The desolation of the voice sighed, dragging out the long nasal sound, seems to be sinking.

"Of course, listen to it, Naki, the sound of thunder is like this," the bleak voice began to swallow and sigh, mimicking:

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey..."

In addition to the two cells, there were several different laughs in the darkness of the other three cells.

Tyres feels that there are about five or six people there.

Among these laughter, some are clear, some are dull, some are heavy, but without exception, people feel depressed.

"Go to you, Tardin," the lazy voice laughed. The prisoner named Naki sarcastically said:

"This is obviously the sound of you and Bury sneaking the wall at night..."

The desolation sound seems to be amused by myself, and laughs out loud:

"Fucking the wall, hahaha, **** the wall, hahahahahahaha--"

Taldin’s laughter was long and strange, but Taylors felt an inexplicable arrogance from inside.

And desolate.

Just then, the third voice rang from the third cell.

"Oh ah... are you very proud of it, Naki, Tarding?"

Tyres frowned: it was like a beast that was not full of beasts.

The laughter of Naki and Tarding slowly disappeared.

Compared to the laziness of the first voice, the desolation of the second voice, this third voice is sharp and mean, quite a bit gloomy.

Reminiscent of the hunters who lurk in the dark and grind their teeth.

"But I know, you can't beat me, I know..." The person who spoke gnashed his teeth, as if he had seen something unbearable.


"Ah," Tardin, who had just laughed and snorted, seemed to be quite disdainful:

"Oh, come again, Nai, our logistics officer."

The next second, the gloomy voice suddenly broke out:

"Yes! I know, Naki, Tarding, you two words, every day to say some boring dialogue, in fact, are secret numbers, right?"

"What are you planning in the conspiracy!"


In the darkness came the sound of a fist and a wall.

Taylors raised his brow without surprise: this man... what happened?

Just listen to the man who called "Nai" while staring at the wall, while hysterically authentic:

"You must plan in secret, you want to kill me... Yes, it must be like this, you, you, yes, you are in the cell, you want to use the endless trash words to bother me, and then you can monopolize, You can live and live until that day..."

"It must be like this! It must be!"

Hey, hey, hey!

The sound of the Naiwu wall is getting bigger and bigger, and there is quite a bit of momentum.

"I tell you, you are a delusion! No one can deprive me of my rights, no one can! I am thinking! I am going to kill you, I will kill you before you do it."

Nai’s crazy snoring echoed in the hall, filled with sorrow and hatred.

Outside the cell, Cray scratched his ears.

The crowd looked at each other nervously, but Ricky raised his hand to stop their actions and watched Semir's back.

And Semir just listened quietly, motionless.

In the curse of going back and forth, the lazy Naki laughed and whistled a rhythmic whistle.

Nai’s curse was slightly stagnation.

Then, a melodious song rang in the dark:

"Youth riding, the girl's basket, the roadside encounter, seeing the feelings of life. At night, when the night is shining, the breeze whispers, the young boy whispers: When I am rich, I should be deeply affectionate..."

Unconsciously, the curse was small.

Naki's rhythm is very good. This little song is faintly heard in the dark cell. It is mixed in the curse of Nai, and the sound is crisp and clear.

"The king is old, the woman carries the stick, and he sees it again in the years. The years are ruthless. At that time, the dead leaves are falling, and the setting sun is coming. The old woman sighs: "This is rich in the world, why is it to be affectionate?"

Slowly, as Naki’s voice faded, Nai’s curse disappeared.

Only the remaining gasps of snoring.

Nai snorted and then heard a heavy voice.

The darkness in the five cells returned to silence again.

But Semir remained motionless and silently stared at the darkness in front of him.

Only the fire in his hand trembled.

Soon, another awkward voice screamed in the air:

"Naki, not..."

This person is either born with a fine voice, or it is a bit timid. He only listens to his whispering sounds:

"no no……"

Naki sighed in the darkness, lazily said in a childish tone: "What is it, Cannon?"

"That's not, not..."

"Not what?"

Just listening to Cannon trembled: "That is not the sound of thunder, not the snoring of Brill, I know, that is not..."

He sounds extremely afraid:

"That is... that is the sound of the iron curtain..."

The people, including Tyres, were all in one: the people in the cell noticed them.

Cannon’s voice continues, but it gradually tastes:

"They, they came, they came, they are coming to drag us out and beheaded, for our sins, for our dereliction of duty, for our repentance, for our selfishness... Ah! They are coming. Come here... I know..."

The sound of the cymbal came, and it sounded like the owner of the voice slammed into the ground, curled up, and screamed in panic:

"They are coming -"

"Ah, Cannon is talking nonsense again," said the bleak taling of Tardin:

"Like the last time, remember, Naki? He said that there was a girl in front of me... you are a room with Cannon, help, stun him..."

Just at this time.

"Naki, Cannon, Tarding."

A calm voice slowly rang, and it seemed to carry inexplicable power in the dark:

"You three, quiet."

The person who talked was very slow, but when he spoke, he let the three people be quiet:

"I seem to have seen something."

Hearing this steady voice, Semir in the hall gently lowered his head and seemed to be lost.

Cray would reach out and remind him, but Ricky held his shoulder and the latter shook his head.

A glimpse of Ricky’s look at the cell: a footstep, slowly rang from the fourth cell.

A nervous look turned to the cell.

A dark, inconspicuous, thin figure appeared behind a metal fence.

Thales vaguely saw that this figure was covered with tangled long hair, obscuring the appearance, and the clothes on his body were black and gray, and the appearance of the wolverine and the dirty appearance were faintly visible.


"I saw the light."

The calm voice was calm and authentic.

Talding, who has been ridiculed, is disdainful:

"The illusion is gone, just like Nai always feels that someone wants to harm him. Cannon always sees female ghosts. To tell you the truth, sometimes I will dream of Eddie."

"Quiet." The calm voice began to open again.

This is the tone of the order, no doubt.

Taylors noticed that the other cells did not speak out and seemed to be waiting for his judgment.

The thin figure slowly approached the fence.

Outside the cell, Semir took a deep breath and raised the torch to shine on this person.


A cry.

In the next second, in the bright fire, the thin figure suddenly raised his arms and stood in front of him, stumbling back and forth several steps: "Too glare!"

"This light...light...what is going on!"

Semillo hesitated and the torches pulled back.

This time, Taylors saw it clearly: after the fence of the cell, a figure appeared in the darkness.

It was a lonely man with long hair and a beard that grew to his chest. Standing in front of the fence, he slowly lowered his arms.

Semir looked at the person in front of him and looked at his face with yellow skin and thin eyes. He looked at his old and decadent face. From the outside, he was fifty or sixty years old.

Semir’s heart was a bit sullen: he remembered that the person in front of him was so heroic and strong.

but now……

Taylors saw something else.

The prince watched as the man opened his long hair, revealing a thin, wrinkled face, and a mark from the right face to the chin.

Taylors stunned.

The same as Semir, engraved with the ancient empire letter "S"...

Sinners are branded.

Semir’s lips moved and trembled: “Little Barney?”

The prisoners in prison are shocked!

"Chief Pioneer," Semir looked at the wandering prisoner in front of him, and said:

"Little Quill Barney?"

Opposite him, Barney looked at the red eyes and watched Semir, who was separated from the other.

It doesn't move, just like petrochemical.

The other sounds in the cell were also silenced, but the gasp was slowly increasing.

In the darkness on the other side, the screaming voice called Cannon reopened: "Wait, this voice, like, it looks like..."

After a murmur rising from the ground, the second figure appeared in another cell.

Semir gently turned and illuminated another person:


Taylor saw the prisoner: he leaned over and leaned against the wall, moving it over the fence little by little, his hands clenching his face, revealing only a pair of eyes, as if he was afraid of being hurt by something. It’s like it.

Soon, Cannon slowly put his hands down to reveal a filthy face.

"You, you are... no, no..." The prisoner stared blankly at the fire outside, full of horror and shaking more and more.

And his face, on the right cheek, also branded an ancient "S" in the Empire.

Taylors suddenly understood what.

Semir looked at the people in front of him, and there was a bitter bitterness in his words.

Jon Cannon, who used to be the bravest man, dared to fight against the beast...


"Somewhat wrong..."

In the same cell, the lazy voice rang from Cannon's back: "I seem... I seem to have hallucinations too. I actually... I saw that the iron curtain really opened, and I saw Semir? ”

In the swaying fire, a person with the same dirt appeared beside Cannon.

His hair is not uniform, his beard is stunned, his eyes are ignorant, his face is old, and he has an unpleasant stench, like a wild savage.

Semir took a deep breath and couldn't help but turn his eyes: "Naki."

"It is me."

Naki's dirty cheeks froze.

The other three cells were also commotion, and several figures appeared in the darkness that the fire could not reach.

Semir slowly turned and looked at the other two in the third cell and slowly called out their names.

"Guti Talding." The prisoner stared at Semir with his head, rounded his eyes, and slowly opened his mouth, revealing a horrified smile.

"Sol Buri." The man is quite strong and silent.

The rest of the two stayed in separate cells, and Semir called them differently.

"Second Logistics Officer, Sasna Nai." This is a savage savage savage, staring at the torch outside the fence with suspicion.

"And you, Chief Penal Officer, Luton Belletti."

Semir looked at the last person and exhaled slowly.

"long time no see."

The other party just stared at him coldly.

Taylors looked at these few dejectives, his face was not good, his age was not light, and the prisoners who had suffered for a long time saw that they were all without exception, and they all had the "S" mark on different parts of their faces.

So, they are all...

However, people in the five cells made an unexpected response.


In the end, Belletti bowed his head indifferently.

"Who is crazy this time? Maybe it is not enough to supply? Or is it really a hell?"

"Nothing is."

Barney interrupted him coldly, and his eyes passed through Semir, as if he had seen a group of air.

"He can't be true."

His filthy face was disgusting and turned his back: "Everyone goes back to sleep, and wakes up."

"It’s just... another illusion."

The figure of Little Barney was drowned in the darkness.

The next chapter is issued in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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