Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 412: Seven

Chapter 412, seven

With the cold words of Barney, Naki muttered and lay down on the spot, and Cannon curled up and shrank back.

Others also looked around and returned to the darkness behind the cell.

Semir looked at them with surprise and could hardly understand their indifference.


"Little Barney, it is me!"

Semir stepped forward and the fire caught up with the back of Little Barney.

He couldn’t control his emotions, and he said anxiously: "The second time, the flag officer, Colin Semir!"

"Naki? Cannon? Beletti?"

But no one cares about him.

Semir stared at the five cold cells and watched a few figures disappear.

Ricky coughed.

"Semir, our mission..."

But Semir apparently did not believe in evil. He suddenly gritted his teeth and rushed to the cell of the small bani in two steps, holding the metal fence without hesitation:

"Hey! Little Barney, you are this mix-"

However, Semir’s words came to an abrupt end!


A loud bang, a visible light flares between his palm and the fence!

Semir screamed, as if he had been slammed by a heavy man, flew backwards, fell to the ground, and whispered.

His torch fell to the ground and raised countless dust.

Sudden changes scared everyone.

Cray catches up in two steps, and together with Sonny, he raises the face of the young, and the latter trembles and reaches out to the palm, with a burning mark on it.

"Be careful!"

Ricky looked at the metal fence with a dignified look and looked at the clear handprint left by Semir: "This is the trick of the wizards. These fences are weird and no one should touch them."

Tyres looked at the fences with a lingering fear, thinking about what it was.

Semir gasped, and under the help of Cray, gritted his teeth and looked at the darkness in the cell in front.

"Little Barney!" he yelled.

But the cell is still dark and has no response.

The brazed frowns in the crowd: "What are they going on?"

Josh shook his head and his eyes were sharp:

"This is the prison."

"A place that can make you crazy."

The people were silent for a while.

Ricky sent a question to Semir, but the latter just bowed his head and struggled.

Cray tried to speak: "We..."

At this time, Semir earned the help of Cray and suddenly spoke loudly!

"In the name of the noble God Sophia, in the name of Comor the Great, in the name of the magnificent gods, the ancient kings, the knights of the knights..."

The voice of Semir is very thick, very heavy, but very clear, as if there is a power that penetrates the heart, echoing in the hall.

"I am engraving this oath today."

Taylors stunned.

To the high gods...


Semir gasped and looked up at the five cells in front of him.

In the darkness, a few slow-paced gasps sounded.

Soon, the voice of Little Barney came from the cell, with a hint of hesitation and confusion:

"You, what are you talking about..."

Semir took a deep breath and took a step forward.

Taylors saw that the expression of Semir was unprecedented at this moment: the fire passed over the mark on his face, and it was a reflection of the demise on his face.

Just listen to Semir’s opening:

"I vowed that this life will be dedicated to the throne, and that the king will be the best."

He bit his teeth, no longer talking, and the echo was spread in the hall.

The forefoot flag officer still looked at the darkness in the cell, as if waiting for something.

One second, two seconds...

He is not disappointed.

A sound like awakening from a nightmare, a sudden come:

"I vowed that this sword only waved for the emperor, only for the emperor to break, no other use."

With the sound, the figure appeared in front of the fence: Tells recognized it, this is the lazy Naki.

But his voice is no longer lazy.

There is a complex pain in the face of Semir.

The third voice rang lightly and took their words:

"I vowed that this body was either buried in the sacred place, or buried halfway through the bones, and there is no end."

In the cell, Tardin’s confused expression left the darkness and entered the glow of the fire.

Without reminding, the fourth and fifth voices will follow, and the pledge will be continued:

"I vowed that this soul does not go to hell, does not enter the kingdom of heaven, does not succumb to the world, but only casts the empire, there is no attribution."

Semir’s eyes flashed through the light, and he gently opened his mouth and shared the unusual words with the prisoners:

"The commander is here, the knight is full."

The prisoners who had disappeared before were in the fire, and joined the chanting through the fence.

"The iron hoof is in the direction of death."

Bitter, excited, sluggish, confused, jealous - Tyres read many different emotions on the faces of prisoners.

"Jian Feng pointed out that the world will end."

Finally, a serious little Barney walked out of the darkness and stood behind the fence.

"Inheritance does not die," he and Semir looked at each other and read the last sentence together:

"Imperial eternal."


The Empire is eternal.

The muscles on the hands of Tyres were slightly tight.

At that moment, whether it was the brazier, Russell, or the sword of the disaster, or the fast-tracked prisoner, Dean, Tampa, all looked at these special prisoners, staring at them and Semir of interaction.

When the fire swayed, Semir sighed softly.

"I still remember that day, your father, Grande Quinn Barney specifically mentioned before the oath," he showed a bitter smile:

"He said that the original text of this vow is the ancient imperial language, representing the glory of the past, he also said..."

Little Barney in the prison shook his head and took his words.

"He said that he felt that our waste was not eligible for the Royal Guard and was not qualified to become the Guardian of the Emperor." Little Barney looked dull: "It is a shame to even have a room with us."

"Until that day, he died in front of the palace gate."

Semir looked awkward and bowed his head.

"My God... you are, you are really..." On the other side, Beletti's eyes were locked in Semir and remained for a long time.

Little Barney didn't silence for too long, he turned to another cell.

"Naki, Cannon."

"Lighting up."

His words are clear and concise, and there is no doubt about it.

Naki licked his own dirty face: "Are you serious, Lord Pioneer? This is the oil that we squeezed from the gerbil, even if we add these dry materials, how long can it burn? ...I don’t know how long it will take to get the next one..."

Just listen to the little Barney in the prison and yell:

"Lighting up!"

Naki did not say much, and soon, his cell lit up with fire, illuminating the outside figure.

"Semir," looking at the face that the other person was illuminating, the words of Little Barney had endless embarrassment and complex emotions:

"It's really you."

"The second time is the flag officer."

Semir did not speak.

The rest of the prisoners took a breath of cold, near the fence, and wanted to see the people in front of them.

Naki was stunned by his own eyes, and Cannon, who was around him, kept breathing deeply, especially trembling.


Taldin, who had just imitated thunder, turned his head and yelled at his roommate: "Buri!"


The people outside the cell were slightly stunned. Before they responded, they saw that the pretty roommate of Tarding screamed and replied: "Oh ah!"

Then, he rushed to Tarding like a giant bear!


A muffled sound.

Tyres widened his eyes and watched the prisoner named Brie screaming and punching out, right in the face of Tardin!

The strength is amazing and unrelenting.

What are they doing...?

Tartin slammed into the wall behind him and snorted in pain.

But when he was about to come to the fierce second fist of Buri, he picked up an incredible wall from the wall, swaying an elbow and slamming Buri's chin!


Bry swayed his head and stepped back, yelling and yelling, then witnessing the fierce light, and then hit Tarding again!


In this way, everyone was shocked to see the two prisoners in the cell, you came to me to fight together.


Fist to the flesh, recruiting fierce.

But whether it is Xiao Bani or Nai, or Naki, Cannon and Belletti, the guilt of the prisoners is turned a blind eye.

Semir also looked at their fighting in disbelief and was at a loss.

Finally, after Tarting slammed the chest of Zhong Buri and opened the fierce bear-like opponent, he shouted: "Enough!"

Brie put down his arms to attack, panting and staring at him in disgust.

Soon, the nose and the face were swollen, and Tardin, who was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, climbed up and slammed a blood: "Mom, it hurts."

He looked at Semir, pulled his mouth and snarled:

"Sorry, this is the only wasteland, hehe."

Semir is amazed.

I saw that Tardin glared at his red and swollen chin, and the two of them were supporting each other. They looked at him intently and smiled strangely: "Oh, huh, the person in the confirmation is really, it is not our sensation." ""

After a long while, Semir, who had figured out what was going on, bowed his head in silence.

"I am true, Tarding," he said sadly: "I am standing here."

"Not an illusion."


Tyres experienced a lot of emotions from his words.

On the other side, Nai looked closely at Semir: "Why, Semir, are they still taking you back? Right? Are there any conspiracy? Who is going to kill this time?"

Semir shook his head.

Cannon shivered a little and hid behind Naki: "Why, do you want to beheaded? Or hanged? Are we inside?"

Semir stared at them with untold gaze and still shook his head.

"You lost a lot and you are a lot older," Naki sneered in jail. "Of course, at least you don't need a stone knife to shave."

"Not quite right," Beletti, with her long hair, her beard and her chest, holding her arms, vigilantly and uncomfortably asked:

"How come this coward is here? Who are outside?"

Semir was silent, letting them look at themselves and listening to their quirky questions.

Until Little Barney asked.

“Now, Semir,” Little Barney took a deep breath and asked an unexpected but thought-provoking question:

"What year is it?"

When the words came out, the prisoners in the cell were quiet.

They looked at Semir quietly.

After a long while, Semir only spit out a breath: "The end calendar, 679 years."

Little Barnillo took a look, then his face was white and he stepped back a few steps.

The prisoners also stunned.

"My mind is not so clear, help me to count," Naki stunned Cannon, and he turned anxiously, clutching his hair and wondering:

"679,679, so, six hundred and seventy-nine minus six hundred and seven... no, six hundred and five, no, six hundred and six... We are here when we come here?"

Cannon didn't answer him, just curled up and sat down, his face full of fear.

"how come……"

"eighteen years."

Little Barney looked around and smiled inexplicably: "Eighteen years."

Semir did not speak.

Eighteen years.

Tyres, with an unspeakable mood, silently watched this special long-awaited reunion.

"Cannon said that for about thirty years, Naki said that it was more than five years..."

Little Barney was immersed in his own world, his face was painful, and his face was shivering slightly: "But they don't believe in both of them. I, I have been calculating the number of deliveries. I counted myself. I thought it was only seven or eight. year……"

He sat down with his ass, his expression twitching and laughing: "Ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha ha..."

The laughter is bitter and hoarse.

Soon, Naki and Tarding also joined the laughter, and the other prisoners were either lost or lost, and they didn’t say a word.

Semir closed his eyes and only opened it for a long time.

"You are here... other people?"

He asked hard.

The laughter in the hall stopped.

Little Barney looked up and his eyes were cold.

"Are you not bringing a torch?"

He spread his hands and said coldly: "Look at yourself."

Semir’s eyebrows moved.

He hurried forward, not glaring at the glare of the fire, causing the prisoners to squint back in pain, illuminating every prison cell across the fence.

A few seconds later, Semir's figure swayed a few times and took a few steps back weakly.

"How... how could it..." he muttered.

The prisoners are silent.

In the cell, Cannon covered his face and slipped against the wall, sobbing in pain.

At that moment, Taylors saw the situation in front of him:

Nearly seven or eight cells, each filled with human bones and corpses.

But unlike before, most of the bones are well-coded, the head is on the top, the body is on the bottom, and the whole body is placed on the ground, one connected.

Behind Barney's body, there are five neat bones in a row, one of which carries dry skin and muscle.

Just like...

Like a cemetery, Teres whispered in his heart.

Semir distorted his face and looked at Little Barney.

"How are they..."

Little Barney snorted coldly.

"Take your torch a little farther, unlike you, we don't have light, it's glaring."

Semir bit his teeth and put down the torch.

Little Barney stared at him and it took a long time to speak out.

"Allen and Walker are in their cell, and they are hanging eight or nine."

"Morion is not a high fever, Toby is a wounded infection, Ross is a strange disease that can't be named, 'Bug' is that he can't think of it, and several people are like him..."

The more you talk about it, the lower the mood of Little Barney.

He was slightly sideways and his eyes were blind: "Camera is crazy, and one day suddenly he will not eat or drink..."

"Bobby wants to open the fence until he finds that touching them for a long time is fatal."

The hall was silent for a while, and it was very depressed.

"Merromo can't wake up," Little Barney looked tight and held his fist in pain:

"As for the big man, Laure, um, he has become less normal. Before he kills the third person, the people in their cell must do something, so..."

He took a deep breath and pushed his emotions back into the body.

"Gold went with ‘骷髅’, they were the last two people in the same room, and they had to cut each other’s wrists...”

"Rogo suddenly yelled insanely, crying and laughing for a day and night, and then there was no sound."

Semir listened quietly, and every time he heard a new name, the torch on his hand shook a little.

"Cox is walking in peace, and there are still words left."

"Kelemen is just a common cold, but we don't have medicine. I just watched him day by day... In the end, he really couldn't stand it. It was my hand."

Little Barney laughed a few times.

"The cells are not connected to each other, we can only hear the sounds - what happened in these years is like a **** act."


"In the same cell, people who die early can still have a personal funeral." Little Barney looked at his hands and glanced at the five bones behind him. The eyes flashed an inexpressible emotion:

"As for the last remaining people, lie down and wait."

Little Barney is ecstatic.

Thales looked at the imprisoned prisoner.

He looked at the deep cell, looked at the scattered fence, and remembered the layers of dead bones and dried corpses.


Semir’s knees on one knee and his face pale: “So, let’s say that...”

Little Barney looked up and snorted at him outside the cell.

"Yes, the second-time flag officer, Lord Colin Semir."

"Thirteen years, when the wind was in full bloom, forty-five people, forty-five men, forty-five noble knights..."

Barney's mouth is getting bigger and bigger, until he pulls out a hateful, bitter, ironic, biting smile:

"Forty-five royal guards who entered the prison of the bones."

He looked up and stared blankly at the bones around him, silently looking at the other six prisoners.


"There are only seven of us left."

(End of this chapter)

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