Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 425: Loyalty

Chapter 425 Faithful

Tyres has not experienced this feeling for a long time.



He walked in a gray-white world, from the ground to the wall, from the gravel to the sand dust, and even the air glowed with a bright white shimmer, as if the surrounding darkness was swept away.

There are no other colors.

The surroundings are very quiet, and there are shouts of nowhere, as if the people under the water heard the call on the shore.

Just like...

Just like another gray world.

The teenager is quite a bit swaying.


His vision is a little swaying, and there are some slight ghosts from time to time.

The dazzling Tyles shook his head, and the long sword slammed on the gray ground, dispelling the faint vertigo and trying to find a sense of direction again.

He only felt that his right arm was tight.

A gloved palm was a little bit smashed and buckled on the arm of Tells.

"Concentrate," Yodel’s voice came from his ear and took him forward:

"The trail of shadows reflects the reality. They overlap, but they never overlap. We walk here, like drifting in the sea, sometimes floating in the sea, and sometimes sinking into the water."

"You have to distinguish between reality and illusion, you can't get lost here."

Tyres was all the way, dragged forward by the only thing in the world with normal color - Jodel, trying not to look at the gray scene of the surrounding ghosts.

Really bad.

He took a few breaths and felt that the air entering the lungs was somewhat unreal.

Taylor looked astonished as he walked out of the gray-white hall, heading for the gray-white passage, watching Yodel carefully circumvent the scourge of the same gray-white figure.

No one noticed them.

The boy turned around.

"We just left, you don't help him, help Sackel?"

Taylors gasped and felt that he had a shallow echo, as a dream.

"It’s not my mission to make the enemy." Yodel shook his head, always clinging to Tyres, and the purple mask brought a ghost in the gray background:

"For me, you are the most important."

In the gray world, they speed up, walk out of the channel, and come to the stone steps.

A few of the mercenaries who were stuck here seemed to be getting signals, rushing to the direction they were coming, and passing the two people with normal colors.

"Don't touch them." Yodel's tips are simple.

One of them seemed to feel something, gray-white, he turned his head in vigilance, and glanced over Tyres and Jodel.

Tyre's atmosphere did not dare to take a sip, but he followed Joel's shape and tried to avoid other people's sleeves.

After a few tenths of a second, the mercenary shook his head, dispelled his heart, and followed up with his companions.

Taylors was relieved.

"But Sackel..."

The teenager forgot to forget the road behind him: "He has been detained for more than ten years, and the spirit will not be said, but his physical strength, strength, and reaction will all fall..."

Yodel still shook his head and cherished the words like gold:

"This does not affect his fighting."


Tyres frowned and breathed out.

"He has only one person, he has to face them eighteen, and even more."

Jodel seems to care less about this issue, just going all the way:

"He has a way."

With a faint vertigo, Tyres was silent.

But Jodel suddenly spoke.

"We can't get around, we need to be visible for a while."

A glimpse of Tyres:


He will not have to doubt soon.

I saw a few corpses lying next to the narrow stone steps in front of me. There were both mercenaries and shadow shields. The gray blood stained the ground.

It seems that the struggle between Shadow Shield and the Sword of Disaster continues.

The three black-faced masked assassins seem to be the only remaining people, they take up their weapons and are finishing the final closing.

But one of them just raised his head and trembled!


A short sword was worn from his chest and snorted back.

Along with it, there was a purple mask that emerged from his shoulders.

The companion around him was very alert, the first time the weapon started, but the masked sneak attacker was faster than him!

The sneak attacker bullied and the short sword on his hand was lightly stroked.


The last action of this unlucky assassin is to hold on to the squeaky throat, squeaky throat, unable to fall to the ground.

The last distant assassin was shocked and subconsciously flew back!

But another silver sword with a bright silver and a beautiful arc has broken the air, and it is so strong that he goes straight to his head!


The assassin raised two odd-edged swords with guards, staggered to the top of his head, and his feet slid down, ready to roll aside by the power of the block.

Unexpected things happened: the long curved sword with a sharp curvature mutated in the middle of the road, turning it into a thorn, gently sending it!


The assassin was unbelievable—he watched as the swordsman passed his perfect block and plunged straight into his throat.

Tyres steadily took out his long sword and looked at the blood on the sword in disgust.

On the other side, the two men were solved. Jodel, who had just arrived, looked at the prince silently, and the gear behind the mirror hole turned slightly.

"A beautiful blow."

Jodel took away the shorts and said:

"So, you wake up to the end."

Tyres didn't answer, just nodded.

Northland military swordsmanship, two sets of two different offensive styles.

霹雳 cross style, and volts.

Connected in the middle with the fate of the fold.


The young man's eyes looked at the throated **** assassin in front of him, watching him tremble and crawl on the ground, sulking and waiting for the end of life.

Can't kill it.

Tyres looked at the desperate look of the assassin and sighed: At the moment when the sword was enemies, his eyes always showed the fanaticism and enjoyment of the former swordsmen who killed the enemy.

In the moment when the sin of the prison river surged and imitated the fate of the fate, the faint emotion reached its peak.


"I hate it." Tyres shook his head, gnawed his teeth and tried to completely end the pain of the assassin.

But Joel suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of Tyres.

In the doubtful eyes of the prince, the mask guards gently squatted, and the short sword in his hand spurred and took away the enemy's life.

Tyres put down the sword and silently watched the mask guard stand up. The sword was lightly glimpsed, and the sword of Supreme was suddenly clear and fresh.

Jodel patted his shoulder.

"You shouldn't like it."

The mask guards are faint.

Tyres suppressed the discomfort in his heart and smiled at Jodel.

The prince looked up and picked up the torch and looked at the road to the ground.

"I don't know if you heard it, but the swords of the disaster are likely to know another way, you can go outside..."

Yodel shook his head, and he took the long dark green stone from his arms and gave it to Tyres.

"As long as the key is in your hand," the mask guarded the hoarse voice with a hint of affirmation: "We can get them all out."

"Now, we only need to reach the ground safely."

But after that?

Taylors fixedly looked at the black key in his hand, and there were more questions in his heart.

What about the fast rope?

What about Dean?

What about the secret?

The thoughts of the confusing Tyles thought that now is not the time to think about it, he tried to eliminate the distracting thoughts, throw away the torch, hold the hand that Yodel reached, and follow him again into the shadow path.

But luck doesn't always ignore them.

When they went one step further and came to a corridor, Yodel suddenly trembled.

"Be careful."

"There is a weird front."

Not waiting for the prince to react, the mask guards quickly loosened the arm of Tells.

Still in the shadow path, Tyres only felt that there was a shock around him. The gray world in front of him was once again smashed. If the tide retreated, it returned to the normal color - dim.

Tyres snorted in pain, swaying in the stun of the world, trembled and retched.


Still in his doubts, Jodel disappeared long ago.

But almost at the same time, at the moment of Taylor's manifestation, a familiar and chilling male voice rang from the darkness in front.

"I know that you always have a way to get out of trouble, Your Highness."

As the fire lit up, a white man with a torch, appeared in front of Teres with a friendly smile:

"I don't want to be afraid of it here, I have waited so long."

When Tyres saw this person, he could get a headache.

"It’s so good."

The prince took a sigh of relief and called out the name of the person in front of him: "The brazier."

The solder swayed the torch on the hand and smiled.

Taylors suddenly missed the Ricky group of mercenaries.

Swords of disaster, are you not supposed to kill these people?

Why is it so useless?

Thinking too much, Teres tried to empty the excess emotions, vigilantly enter the **** of the senses, and observe the surroundings.

The brazer looked at him with a look of vigilance, and he looked like a helpless arched shoulder, a little funny.

But Tells knows that "funny" is definitely not in the adjectives of this guy.

"Don't bother, Your Highness," the solder raised his hands and was sincere:

"I am a businessman who can negotiate things, and I don't like violence."

Is it.

Tyres looked at him with a headache and felt the message from the infernal sense.

Don't like violence...

Then why is there still more than a dozen breathing sounds in the darkness behind you?

"That's really reassuring." Tarspie laughed and laughed, trying to find Jodel's position.

Yodel still didn't show up, and he just didn't take him out through the shadow path.

This means that the enemy is difficult to avoid, and it is difficult to get around.

What would you do, Jodel?

"Fortunately, our savvy Baron Russell is not here, so I am open and honest," the solder seems to be very happy:

"Reassured, Your Highness, we have no intention of handing you over to the Northland people. The cooperation with them is only through the intelligence channel of King Chaman... You know, our people in the stars are not very effective."

Didn't intend to hand me over to the North?

Ha ha.

This is the expression that Taylors wants to return to him.

But he can't.

"So you want to say, you want to swallow me alone?" Taylor maintained his face and pulled his lips.

The solder shakes the head.

"No, we are coming to the edge of the blade camp, just want to see you alone."

The eyes of the brazier are smashed into a slit, and the look is serious:

"Look at the legendary prince of the wise Prince, can you be our savior?"

Taylors glimpsed.


But in the next second, the words and actions of the brazier shocked the original starry Taylors.

I saw that the brazier opened the cloak and looked at the prince with one knee and was very respectful.

Bjord is better than nothing.

"The first heir to the prestigious Star Kingdom, His Royal Highness Teres."

The braze sounds obedient, the tone is respectful, the posture is humble, and it looks hostile:

“‘Thumbs’ Kasei, here represents the shadow shield, we are willing to pledge allegiance to you, for your forerunner, to redeem the great sins we have committed, to reverse the fate of our rivers.”

"Please accept our sincerity."

"And our loyalty."

Modify after getting up.

(End of this chapter)

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