Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 426: Peer

Chapter 426


At that moment, the whole brain of Taylors was awkward.

Looking at the respectful brazier, what flashed in his mind was a few boring words.

What is the spirit of the king.

What do you want to pay attention to?

What dragon arrogant... cough.

What happened on May 20th, the only thing that tells you is a man... cough and cough.

Tyres shook his head and opened up these boring thoughts.

Don't forget, Joel is still there.


The star prince had a subtle face and looked at the solder in front of his eyes in a complicated way. He licked the chicken-like hair:

"I wish I was so popular when I was in Longyan."

The solder smiled again, and he slowly looked up and stood up.

"I said, Your Highness, Shadow Shield cannot survive alone. It needs the support of power, the need for power, and the gap of power."

The brazer looked around and seemed to be really worried about something: "Before Russell and the group of swords were present, I must be polite and throw some scenes. But when I face you alone, I can say Truth."

Tyres raised his eyebrows and wanted to see what the other party could say.

I saw the brazier licking his mouth, his expression sinking, and it was only a few seconds later:

"I don't like Chaman Rumba, Your Highness."

"I don't like it when I first saw him."

The torch on the hand of the drill rang softly, and the darkness in the corner of the square shook slightly.

Hearing the name, Taylors subconsciously clenched the sword.

He remembered that six years ago, when he and the little slicker were still in the carriage of Rumba, Chaman and the brazier had a meeting under the car.

Tyres sighed and said with sincerity:

"Good, then we still have something in common."

The brazier nodded very well.

"His Highness, you are six years in the North, I believe more than I know. - The ambition and practical means in the man's eyes are too terrible. If the shadow shield is to survive on its own, it must not Attached to his majesty."

Taylors narrowed his eyes: "So?"

The brazier shrugged: "So we don't have much choice."

Not too many choices...

When Tyres frowned and felt that this sentence seemed to have been heard, the brazier continued to plausibly continue: "In my opinion, Your Highness, you represent the kingdom of stars, is the only one who can turn the tide in the future and fight against the West." The person who is king of the pro."

He looked at Taylors sincerely and his tone was firm.

At that moment, Taylors pouted, his face was very exciting.

The brazed can not seem to see the expression of Tells, shaking his head from the ground: "And the Shadow Shield can not always hide the tail, can not live in the Star Kingdom for decades of overnight hunting."

Thales blinked and shook his head stiffly.

"So, what you mean is that you are here at the Blades Camp. The goal of the so-called 'Capture Prince' is fake. You are purely to come... find a master?"

Thales is authentic, and I don’t even believe in Edda’s words.

But the brazier did not hesitate, but smiled and nodded slightly.

Speaking of this, the solder looks like something unusual and looks around with vigilance.

Tyres was in the heart, for fear that the other party found out something.

Fortunately, Jodel is still silent, without a trace.


Although the mask guard is accustomed to silent guardian, secretly shot, but can let him press for so long...

A glimpse of Tyres: Unless the opponent is really very difficult.

For example... the extent of the comet and the death crow.

The brazier came back.

"It's not safe here, Your Highness, whether it's the sword of disaster or the Northlanders of Russell, they want to be bad for you. Let us go out and find a safe place..."


Thales blinked and wondered when Jodel would start, but he had to continue.

"So you have to say that it is safe to go with you, don't worry at all? Because you came to arrest me, to be my subject? Because you will not deal with me like Heyman Comet 18 years ago? "Tells took a slap in the mouth and spoke openly."

The solder was silent for a while and seemed to be pondering.

"I don't say that I killed your uncle, Your Highness."

This time, the brazier is like an old man who has experienced vicissitudes and looks at the prince solemnly.

"But like I said," the brazier frowned and once again mentioned the strange name with only a single syllable:

"Eight years ago, the blood debts were all in the hands of Teng, which is also the dark history that Shadow Shield is most reluctant to open."

He is determined to look at Tyres:

"I am just acting on the line, I have to do it - you are destined to become a king. There must be a matching chest. Compared to the real behind-the-scenes murderer, there is no need to hate a knife without thought, a sword without self-will. ""

Tyres turned his eyes and did not speak for a few seconds.

The letter he had on his chest seemed to sink a little.

"Being ordered to act, you have to do it?"

"So you don't have to bear the guilt."

Tyles chuckled and shook his head, feeling like:

"You are a soldier who is obeying the country, so you are forced to kill unarmed civilians. You don't have to bear the blame... You are the official representing the ruler, so you have to do it when you carry out the bad politics of one party, and you don't have to bear the It’s a small shackle hired by someone, so it’s a last resort when you’re obeying your actions. You don’t have to bear the blame.”

“It’s like you can always find the top subject, whether it’s a country, a king, an employer or even an institutional tradition. It seems to be able to throw all the blame to it. It’s like a thousand wrong things, just find the source of the beginning, just Can solve everything."

Tyres snorted disdainfully:

"This is one of my most excuses."

The solder is slightly whispered.

"Unfortunately, there has never been a ‘word without thoughts’ in human society. There has never been a ‘word of no Lord’.”

Tyres is cold and cold:

"Whether you perceive it or not, admit it or not, accept it or not, everyone has to pay for what they have done, and there is no way to escape - there is no **** in the world who has been replaced."

The brazier frowned slightly and was slightly puzzled.

But he still let go of doubt and sigh.

"Of course I am guilty and I am not prepared to escape it. On the contrary, I am trying my best to make up for it, whether it is loyalty to you or the fate of the Shadow Shield." His voice became a bit low.

Tyres sneered.

“Compensate? Allegiance? How to do it?”

I saw the brazier bowed with respect:

"Come with me, Your Highness, we can talk a lot about things and share a lot of intelligence."

There was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "Including the secrets of the year, the one who smashed everyone, and smashed the secret of eighteen years, which led to the unfortunate secret of the comet's royal family."

Tyres frowned.

“Similarly, we will show you your value.”

The soldered iron looked up, and the cold face showed a rare iron meaning:

"Since the 18 years ago, the conflict between the royal family and the great aristocrats has intensified. The ruthless and violent means of the Iron Wings have further exacerbated this scene. I believe that the road to crowning you is not a smooth road. Under this. As an heir, you need a sharp blade that is unknown."

"If there is no sword of the Lord in this world, let us become a willing, master sword, and become the knife in the darkness." The brazier slowly puts his hand on the chest, and the words are like burning the infinite flame:

"For your crown, escort."

"The stars of the future will be the King of the High, and Teres I will be down."

He shouted loudly.

Taylors only felt a jump in his eyelids.

After a few seconds, the teenager spit out a sigh of relief, shaking his head like a smile.

"Unbelievable, just six years ago, you just assassinated me under the fortress."

Tyres licked his sword and couldn't help but laugh.

But the brazer shook his head.

"First of all, it was hired by the Grand Duke of Pfeiffer," the brazier was still indifferent, and seemed to be unmoved. He only felt that he raised his right hand: "Secondly, as a king, can you not wear it?"

"We really hate the sea, the opposite is the enemy, Your Highness."

The brazier pointed to himself and gestured to Taylors: "But the supreme ruler not only destroys the enemy, but also turns the enemy into a friend and uses it for his own use."

Taylor looked at him with a sly look.


This guy... is giving him political lessons?

The brazier bent his mouth and revealed a casual but not contemptuous smile: "Not to mention, if there is no thrilling encounter in that assassination, how do we know, what kind of master you are, it is worth getting rid of After the nightmare, with the life of the care, with the sword loyalty?"

The next moment, the solder puts a smile on it and takes it seriously and cautiously.

"The fate of Shadow Shield is in your hands, Your Highness."

"Hold it, to prevent us from becoming a factor of instability again, or let it go, let the assassin organization that has a long history but has been scattered, continue to fall, and it’s all about you."

"Please take out the king's chest, the monarchy, the wise decision, think twice."

Wang... The chest of the king?

Tyres looked at the solder with a stunned look, and his chin fell off.

Fortunately, he did not say the glory of the king.

But Tyres stared at the other person, feeling the impression of him.

"My God, the fast rope should really hire you to pull him a business," Tyres shook his head:

"A person like you, what as an assassin, is too wasteful."

How good is it to go to the president?

The solder is just a humbly smile.

"So, what do you mean? Will you come with us? Regarding your future, we have too many things to report to you about the future of Shadow Shield."

Tyres spit out a sigh of relief and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Good, that, thank you for your kindness, you can go."

The solder is lightly blinking.

Tyres waved his hand: "When I return to Yongxing City, you can send me a message. I am happy to talk to you about the future of Shadow Shield."

The solderer smiled and shook his head.

"Of course we are willing to do this, but unfortunately, I don't think your father will be happy."

Tyres whispered: "I will convince him."

The solder can deny this: "I'm afraid I can't. I'm sure that hatred and anger have blinded the eyes of King Kaiser. After I left, I didn't send a message to the Secret, but every time I fell into the sea."

Tyres slightly frowned.

"So we have to come to you: you can't get close to Exeter. After the stars, it is a dark palace lock. The iron curtain is heavy. Only then will we have the opportunity to meet you without interruption. ”

The brazier is extremely respectful:

"Please rest assured, you will be safe, you will return to the stars, we will be your quietest, most powerful alliance, and will only appear when you need it."

Tyres stared at him for a long time, his fists were suddenly loose.

But the prince smiled in the last second.

"A prince surnamed a comet, with a shadow shield, is a traitor. Are you sure that you are helping me, not trying to marry me, or kidnapping me?" Tyres sneered.

The face of the braze is stiff.

"You know, a long time ago, a **** old demon taught me."

The image of a girl with a tooth leaking in the air is flashing in front of her eyes. Instead, it is an ugly face with a big mouth.

Let Taylors have a cold.

I saw the Prince of Stars look up and happily:

"Betrayal is the true meaning of the alliance."

The black prison was quiet and silent, and there was a fighting sound in the distance. .

I don't know if it is an assassin and a swordsman, or someone else.

The solder is silent.

"If you are worried about this, you don't have to."

The assassin’s leader took a deep breath:

"There are a lot of people in the pub, so I can't say more, but I must know that I followed it for so long, but I also learned some secrets after his mysterious curtain."

Tyres thought about Jodel and watched the other side's actions with vigilance.

But the next sentence of the brazier made him frown.

"His Royal Highness, you are not the only one."

"As far as I know, in the **** year, one of the employers of Shadow Shield..."

I saw the sigh of the sigh, the smile on my face was helpless and pity, the speed of speech was not fast, and the tone was slight:

"...also surnamed comet."

A few seconds later, Tyres’s face slowly changed.


What does he know?

He thought so uncontrollably.

That map?

That armed?

still is……

But the reality does not allow him to think more, only to see the solder gently reach out, looks sincere and pure:

"His Royal Highness, you want to know... who is that?"

Who is that?

At this time, Tyres was moved.

In the next second, I saw a dark figure with a purple mask, as if floating from the water curtain, instantly appeared behind the solder!


Tyres is tight.

He didn't have time to react, and he couldn't react. He saw Yodel, who jumped out of the shadows, and went straight to the goal!

The Supreme Sword is open in the air.

Ruthless and cold-blooded, stabbing the smiley face of the brazier.

The sudden change of the situation happened at this moment.


A loud noise!

The sudden glare and loud noise made Teres, who was in the state of hell, and concentrated on the situation, suffered a lot. He closed his eyes subconsciously and painfully stepped back three steps.嗡嗡 tinnitus.

The sin of the prison river surged, alleviating the embarrassment of Taylors.

Tyres can only feel the ground with the most basic touch. Fortunately, the sin of the prison river gives him a burst of volatility, which makes him perceive the endless killings in the distance.

Hell senses are not omnipotent—this is the greatest lesson that the fearful Thales has received. One must have a weak one, one must have a short one, and the enhanced senses bring him, not just convenience.

The young man did not dare to let go of the sword in his hand. The nerves were tight and ready to fight back, but I didn’t know because the enemy was not paying enough attention to him or to be distracted. Until the eyes of Taylors gradually recovered, he did not suffer. To attack.

But it made him more flustered.


Sure enough, Tyres was recovering his sight and hearing, and watching the situation in the field, suddenly witnessed splitting!

I saw the drill sitting downside, the body was bright red, and the left arm holding a strange awl shivered slightly, breathing again and again.

It looks like awkward.

And he was surrounded by two assassins, all of which were a sword.

But the most important thing is that Jodel, wearing a mask, stood in front of them, and the sword of Supreme was in his hand, but he was unable to move forward.

His limbs were pulled apart and stretched, each wrapped in a strange, barbed metal chain. From the joints to the tendons, the chain stabbed into the flesh and blood, and the mask guards were bound by death.

The other end of the chain is tightly held in the hands of four different shadow assassins. Their eyes are cold and tacit, and the strength is not loose.

Taylor’s heart was cool.

Yodel’s limbs trembled a little, and he struggled to fight against the sword of supremeity, but because of the angle, he could not cause any damage to the chain.


this is……

Tyre’s heart was tight, and the hand holding the hilt was getting stiffer.

"You know... doing our own business is all inexplicably sensitive to the peers - why hide, when to start, who to target, and how to route."

The sound of the solder rang lightly.

I saw the leader of the assassins struggling to get up from the ground and wiped a cold sweat, which seemed to have a lingering fear.

"But I really didn't think about it. One day, I can use these experiences to save my life."

The brazier first looked at Tyres, and looked at Jodel, who couldn’t move. He patted the dust on his body.

He watched the mask guards who were subject to the man, tidy up his expressions, revealing a long-lost, sincere smile:

"We finally waited for you, people are afraid..."

"Mysterious peers."

5.20 is here, but I know that you don't have an aluminum basin friend or a blue basin friend. No one will tell you 520.

But it doesn't matter.

Because no sword is also (cry and run away).

(End of this chapter)

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