Kingdom’s Bloodline

Vol 2 Chapter 429: dusk

Chapter 429 Dusk

The brazier calmed and gasped, and gradually smiled.

"You can bet on a gamble - the famous Sackel, maybe I am just bluffing, maybe this is just a flash or smoke?"

He shook his hand and it made a disturbing snoring.

The penalty knight stared at the sphere, and the blue veins on his hand almost ran out of the skin.

Thales rounded his eyes.

How come...

"I have to say that everything I just impressed me, the penalty knight," said the smirk:

"It seems that your sword is not old."

Sackel snorted disdainfully.

"As for you, Your Highness," the assassin leader turned to Tyres, breathing slightly: "You are also bigger than I expected."

"But it is not a pity to die here with me."

Taylor looked at the solder and clenched his lower lip.

With this one, the situation slipped again in the direction they could not control.

The prince looked at Jodel, but the mask guards just shook his head gently.


"Let him, the brazier," Tyres took a deep breath and dipped his head: "I promised in the name of the comet, you can leave safely."

Sacuel looked at Taylors.

But the brazer shook his head and his smile remained.

"No, Your Highness."

"Do you think that I have come to this place with great pains, just to ‘safely leave’?”

The sneer sneered: "The shadow is not destroyed, because we are not afraid of death."

He gently pulled a bottle out of his arms and, under the watchful eyes of Sacuel, let it roll between the two sides.

"This is the most common drug, Your Highness, I swear, there will be no side effects," the solderer chuckled. "Please let your legendary knight drink it."

He shook his alchemy ball:

"We can be safe and sound."

Staring at the potion in the bottle, Taylor's face cooled down.

"Do you think this is possible?"

Sakuel also snorted.

But the braze just shook his head.

"I know, this may make you a little uncomfortable, but compared to the next one..."

He raised his left hand and smirked and snapped a finger: "They are here, I hate doing it, but..."

The footsteps sounded.

Tyres and Sackel raised their weapons with vigilance.

However, those who walked out of the darkness let the prince of the prince be shocked.

That is three assassins.

They escorted three people with big flowers and tied them slowly to the fire.

"No." Tyres was dull.

Do not.

How could it be them?

Sakuel turned his head and looked at the prince, tearing his lips inexplicably.

The brazier smiled. He took a step back and the alchemical ball on his hand did not let go.

"I have three hostages here, oh, it's four now."

He smugly greeted the newcomers.

Tyres looked at the brazier in anger and looked at the people.

Damn it.

I saw the brazier laughing and taking out the dagger, and came to the first bound hostage, and she couldn’t help but struggle to lift her face.

“First of all, the enemy who once made you suffer.”

The brazier smiled and shook his head.

Under his blade, the sword of the disaster sword, the mercenary of the sword, the girl who had been kissed by him once, Ms. Marina described her as a wolf, and she was exhausted.

She gritted her teeth, first glanced at the horrified Taylor, and then struggled angrily:

"Hey, hey."

After the assassin gave her a look, Maria suddenly softened.

The heart of Tyres slowly cooled down.

The solder came to the next person, and the dagger made a turn in his hand.

"Secondly, the stranger who is alive."

The owner of my pub, Tampa, obediently accepted the assassin's persecution, only to see his face ruined, and sighed with no love:

"Pour the blood mold, I probably forgot to worship the gods today..."

Tyres clenched his fists.

The bracer went to the last person and smiled and pressed the dagger to the neck of the latter.

"Next, it is your loyal subordinate."

I saw a rookie mercenary that had been separated for a while, and the strange red-haired fast rope showed a thick and innocent smile.

He stubbornly and slammed his mouth and raised his eyebrows at Taylors:

"Amount, hey, Your Royal Highness, remember me, I am yours... your one... your Wyah Kasso?"

Your Wyah?

Tyres exhaled painfully, and the long sword slammed into the ground.


Go to your mother's Wyah!

(In Long Yucheng, I was sneezing with a masked dumb big-eyed little prince attendant.)

Why are you so stupid!

Are you still in the hands of the sword of disaster?

Actually caught by them?

The fast rope is still holding a pair of innocent big eyes, faintly showing grievances and embarrassment.

The solder can not be finished yet.

He raised his dagger and pointed to Yodel, who was bound by four people, and sneered out.

"And the last person: follow the prince, the mysterious guards who live and die."

Yodel shook his head again.

Sacuel frowned and looked at Tyres.

The prince knows what he wants to ask, but...

But now this situation...

"After seeing your performance, His Royal Highness, I am more and more confident in your kindness," the smashed the hair with a dagger and scraped the sweat:

"such as……"

He narrowed his eyes and the daggers pointed to the hostages one by one: "Who are you willing to choose to die first?"

"Chouren? Stranger? Is it under? Is it a bodyguard?"

Who will die first?

Tyres squinted and his eyes passed over these people incredulously.

Marina twitched weakly, Tampa sighed and sighed, and the fast rope seemed to have a strong desire to survive, struggling to give Taylors a wink.

The teeth of Tyres are getting tighter and tighter.


how come……

Alchemy ball, plus hostage?


There is also a fast rope.

Even the other two.

Tyres struggled and tried not to look at Saccar's suspicious expression.

The wound on his shoulder was aching.

“This is impossible,” the prince said with difficulty, but found himself unable to do anything:

"Sackel has his own dignity and choice."

"I don't think he will be willing to drink your drug..."

The solder quickly interrupted him.

"Then we will retreat," the assassin leader smiled and said:

"I am a very nice person."

The solder consciously or unconsciously raised the metal ball on the hand:

"His Royal Highness, why don't you come to drink medicine, and then how far can your knight go for your sleep?"

Thales was a glimpse first, and then he was not worried.

Sakuel snorted and his mouth sneered:

"You dare to say."

The brazier politely blinked, and before he was seen, he was forced to be punished by the penalty knight.

Taylor was silent and didn't speak.

He suddenly felt that the torch behind the drill was so glaring.

How to do.

Where is the way out?

"Are you sure?"

Tyres said bitterly: "Now let go, you still have a chance to escape."

The brazer snorted.

"Your decision, Your Highness," he completely ignored the words of Tells, but shrugged himself:

“Or can we order some appetizers first?”

"Let's test it, your heart, what step can you take?"


Tyres frowned, and his heart felt ominous.

I saw the drill holding the dagger and went to the side of Marina. The edge of the blade clung tightly against the blood vessels in her neck, forcing her to look up and lean back.

"An points, ma'am," the solder stood behind Marina, smirking:

"It’s not good to scratch your face."

Marina, who is preparing to struggle, has a white face.

The expression of Tyres is more and more ugly.

Sackel looked at the face of Tells and seemed to understand something, thoughtfully.

"How about starting from the enemy?"

The sneer sneered, staring at Tells: "I will cut her blood vessels, and the right to remind you of the clock to make a decision."

"And then strangers, subordinates, guards?"

Every word of the solder makes Tyres more uncomfortable and more angry.

Calm, Taylors.

clam down!

In his life experience, he can only be seen by his own knife with his neck on his neck.

Being used by someone else’s life...

This is really the first time.

Tyres tightened his lips and ironically mocked himself.

I only feel that my heart is extremely depressed.

"Sackel," he said with difficulty:

"you can……"

But Sakuel seemed to have known what he was going to say, just shook his head.

"The fatal alchemy ball, plus four hostages, they are in different positions, I can't be separated."

The penalty knight shook his head solemnly:

"No one can do it."

Tyres was sinking.

His last hope fell through.

Sakuel looked at the prince and sighed slightly.

"But I can still save you out, child."

The penalty knight took a look at the brazier and whispered: "His words are not credible, and your identity is obviously more important than them."

"This choice is not difficult."

With a tight arm, Taylors only felt that the sword in his hand was extremely heavy.

Is it not difficult to choose?


Tyres swept through each of the hostages one by one: the bad-tempered aristocratic Marina, the treacherous but kind-hearted Tampa boss, the very fast and free-spirited fast-track.

as well as……

The prince struggled to look at the dying mask guard.

Choose to sacrifice them all, then I escape alone?

Or sacrifice some of them "not so important", and then hope that Sakuel's assault will reverse the situation?

Do not.

Do not!

The other party has more than one chip.

And he...

He has nothing to do and he can't do anything.

Tyres only felt heavy shoulders.

"I don't have a whole day, Your Highness," the solderer looked tired of this deadlock, cold channel:

"quick decision."

Very strange, this moment, Taylors suddenly remembered six years ago.

Six years ago in the Yingling Palace, facing five grand princes, he also screamed and was desperate.

At that time, I even wavered and thought about whether or not to accept Eichda’s proposal and use the power of the latter to smash the board.

and many more.

Thinking of this, Tyres shivered slightly.

He clenched his teeth and his right hand on the hilt gradually stiffened.

He is not...

It’s not a no-brainer, isn’t it?

at least.

Tyres looked up hard and looked around at everyone.

He, Tyres Comet.

There is also the final chip.


Thinking of this, Tyres almost crushed the hilt in his hand.

The prince looked straight at Yodel's dark purple mask, and his face was hard to see.

The mask guards the heart.

He suddenly knew what the prince was going to do.

"No," Joel struggled with a trembling, anxiously calling his name:

"Thales! No!"

"Don't take risks! You are more important than all of us!"

Taylor closed his eyes.

Sacuel frowned, and the brazier succumbed to his sight.

I am more important than all of them...

The prince remembered the assassination of the Fuxing Palace a long time ago. At that time, Jodel pushed him away and left three arrows.

He remembered that in Longyan City, other people armed with weapons entered the Yingling Palace and sought opportunities for the prince's unsafe plan.

At that time...

For Yodel, for them...

That is also a good choice.

Is not it.


Because he is not just Taylors.

It is Prince of Teres.

It is the heir to the kingdom.


Is he?

Taylors remembered what Eichda had said to him a long time ago.

[If I came to you when you were still a nephew, would you still react like this? 】

The prince bit his teeth and remembered his own self.

[When you are intoxicated on the prince's title, or struggling in the tragic misery of the prince, when you are going back and forth between the joy and suffering of the two, have you ever thought about what you are? ? 】

[A prince who is honored by blood? A natural and unfortunate nephew? A genius child of early wisdom? A poor man who is struggling and trying to change his destiny? 】

The breath of Taylors began to accelerate again.

[When you are stripped of all the definitions of others, leaving everything that you exist by, what are you left? 】

What am I left?

The next second, Taylors blinked!


At that moment, he felt his voice became firm and heavy.

"The former royal servant's penalty officer, watchman, Mr. Imanu Sakuel, right?"

It is no longer the ugly, frivolous male duck.

But his heart is extremely relaxed and extremely open-minded.

No longer worried, heavy burdens are difficult to unload.

The penalty knight who is observing the enemy is frowning and turning his head: "Well?"

Tyres decisively:

"Please act on the plane and do your best."

Sackel's slight glimpse:

"What machine?"

Tyres did not answer, just a smile.

The fast rope held by him thought that Taylors would finally give up on them. In a hurry, he hurriedly said: "Forehead, Tyres? Listen to me, we can choose a more neutral one..."

But Tyres shook his head.

"Shut up, fast rope," Prince Star sighed:

"By the way, your sales pitch is very bad."

The fast rope is stunned.

Tyres took a deep breath and smiled, looking at the braze calmly and coldly.

"Do you know, the brazier, here, here is the site of the Alchemy Tower."

"They left a lot of things, most of which were inherited by the Star Kingdom."

The face of the bra is cold and the sensation is not good.

Alchemy Tower?

What do you mean?

I saw the prince looking at the dilapidated environment in the dim dungeon and heavily inserted the sword into the ground:

"Mage... When they didn't disappear, there were always a variety of tricks, and the alchemy ball was just the most insignificant part..."

Tyres looked at his hand in a complex style and decorated a valuable sword.

"The Stars of the Stars know some of them, and they have mastered some of them," he said, and then he laughed again, as if he was talking to himself:

"Of course, I am not talking about the sparkling golden blood..."

Saciel narrowed his eyes and looked at Taylors again.

The brazers silently gestured, and the assassins tied the hostages even tighter.

The prince looked up and looked at the assassins in front.

Tyres turned his eyes away, as if he didn't see Yodel's shaking his head.

who am I?

I am Tyles.

From the first day of the world.

To the last day.

He is silent.

No one can change.

No one can deny it.

No one can question.

Because I am, it can only be Tyres.

Not the other.

Tyres’s hands clenched his hilt and felt calm.

"Don't blink," the prince chuckled in the strange eyes of everyone:


"This is perhaps the most interesting, amazing, and magical magic show you've ever seen in your life."

Tyres quietly moved his left hand and gently stroked the sharp silver blade of the sword.

There was a sting in his palm and a warmth.

Once, he did this when he was very excited.

But now, he is so calm.

Will he succeed?

The brazier instinctively felt wrong. He died against Marina's throat and threatened his teeth: "His Royal Highness, I swear, once you play any tricks, I will immediately start..."

But Taylors has already disappeared.

Even Joel and Saciel disappeared beyond his senses.

At that moment, he was already in the infinite light.

It seems to have surpassed the self.



An unknown small fishing village.


In a simple seaside huts, a brown skin, a calm and beautiful woman, is washing the wooden bowl in her hand silently.

She listened to the sound of the waves in her ears, her hands kept moving, her face was calm and her expression was light.

It seems that nothing can interrupt this picture of coziness.

Until the next second.


A wooden bowl fell to the ground and turned around.

The woman did not pick it up.

Instead, she slowly looked up and was full of horror.

Seems to see the most incredible things in the world.

The next moment, the beautiful woman decisively left everything, walked out of the hut and overlooked the sea.

The last sunset stays on the sea, as if the child in the bathtub washes, it will sink, lazy and naughty.

The woman looked at the golden sparkling light on the line of Haitian, but her expression was getting more and more dignified.

In the next second, a dry voice screamed abruptly, like a heavy ink that suddenly broke into the painting!


The dry voice is very fast, and it seems very anxious: "This is - it!"

The woman nodded and her expression was not relaxed.

"I know," the woman named Freyland nodded slowly, her voice calmed, and unknowingly calmed everything around her:

"I feel it, that on the edge of the door."

that guy.

The woman frowned slightly.

The visitors of the void look very rushed, and wait for the other party to finish and rush to interrupt:

"It must be crazy - fast, he, or where is she?"

Fleetland did not answer immediately, she just looked at the sea level.

The next moment, something unusual happened.

Purple light.

Endless purple glow, infiltrated from the depths of Freylan's eyes!

The light spread on the woman's face, like a fork.

As the light illuminates, the woman's facial features are gradually obscured, softness is no longer, and the whole person becomes more and more majestic and terrible.

As if everything in the heavens and the earth has lost its color, from this moment on, only she is alone, shining,

But the woman still looks at the sea level, motionless.

The voice in the void did not speak again, he knew what the other party was doing.

After a few seconds, the purple light trembled.

"Sagar," the woman whispered, asking:

"Where are you?"

The voice in the void echoed again and again, this time with a hint of unpredictable caution.

"Dragon City," the guest said dryly: "I heard that Giza had appeared here, and he had a fight with the sorrowful woman, so I came to find clues. It is very lively now... ”

Fleetland didn't want to listen to what he said, and the purple face shook gently:

"The goal is not in Longyan City, at least not within your hundred miles."

The woman blinked slightly and seemed to be experiencing something: "Well, this time it feels much more than the last time..."

After a moment, she suddenly blinked:

"In the Westland!"

"Great desert!"

She is decisive.

The voice in the void was silent for a while, and when it sounded again, it had already brought a hint of excitement:

“Can you be more precise? Your ability is better than searching for them, as long as we grab it...”

However, in the next moment, Sagar's voice suddenly broke, like a breath of cold breath!

Not only him, the light on Freile's face trembled!

The woman seemed to feel something, she suddenly changed color and looked up at the sky.

Everything is normal in the sky, the clouds are silent, and the sky is silent.

Only a few seagulls, lazily flew over the sea at dusk, and the waves were still in the nest.

But that is not the point.

The purple light in the woman's eyes is more unstable.

The voice in the void suddenly became cautious, with a slight trembling:

"No, no, this is..."

The woman dangled and nodded:


"Bloodthorn and Black Orchid," Fleurland reveals an unprecedented complex look:

"They are slamming."

There is only a silent silence in the void.

The silence lasted for a while.

Until the woman sighs deeply:

"Maybe they are just like us, have prepared countless means, waited for six years, waiting for the newcomer to show flaws, waiting for him or her to slam again."

The dry voice in the void slowly opened, swallowed, with unreasonable doubts, and deep and unwilling:

"So, the new person, the new person... Once he succeeds, he enters the state..."

Freylan sighed and nodded:

"It is self-investment, and it is impossible to escape."

"Become a trophy for the double emperor."

The sea at dusk is quiet and silent, only the waves and the gull are undulating.

The setting sun has sunk by two-thirds, and the golden color of the sea slowly turns to deep red.

The woman stood quietly and her face was sad.

Violet fainted from her face and restored her soft and beautiful face.

Until the voice of Sagar came again:

"No, that is no longer the point."

Freyland looked up indifferently:

"What do you mean?"

The guests in the void were silent for a while before they opened their mouths with deep fears:

"Bloodthorn and Blackberry, they are jealous of each other, and the enemy is like the sea. If you have a chance, you can't wait to tear each other."

"Once they find the new person at the same time, I don't think they will be willing to share..."

And that means...

The dry voice is slowly getting smaller.

Fleetland frowned slightly and shook her head:

"Do not……"

But Sagar is obviously immersed in his own words and continues:

"Six years ago, they suddenly encountered in this state because of the newcomer, rushed to fight - the aftermath of the battle, provoked the tsunami that ended the centuries around the sea, if not the king of the awaken from the prison Come over and control the situation..."

The dry voice is getting weaker.

The woman's brow was deep and her face was dark.

Sagar, who did not see its shape, said secretly: "And for this encounter, they must be prepared."

"Whether for newcomers..."

"Still to each other."

He muttered.

The woman faces the sea, facing the void of nothing, and her face is incredibly sad.

Prepare enough double emperors?

Facing each other as an old enemy?

Her heart suddenly tightened.

"Do not."

The dark-brown woman closed her eyes and sighed:

"They are the best magicians in the world, and they are not desperate to destroy the world with shortsighted eyes?"

This time, the empty voice in the void laughed without emotion, quite a bit unhappy:

"More than 600 years ago, he also said this to us."

The woman clasped her hand with a small arm.


The visitors in the void slowly sighed and uttered a strange phrase:

"Holy day."

Fleetland has a slight glimpse.

Holy day.

How long has it been, no longer heard?

I only hear the mysterious people in the void, low and low:

"In the last battle of the end of the battle, in the triumphant capital of the ultimate empire, he went to the truth brothers who died at the end of the road..."

"Before the final negotiations."

Fleetland did not answer.

With another wave, the sunset in the west is completely out of the sea.

Only for this quiet and comfortable world...

A bleak future.

Wow! So excited, the next chapter can finally write the 陨石遁 plot in a bright and straightforward way?

By the face of evil no sword

(End of this chapter)

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